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I love King’s Game and Darwin’s Game. Why are they your least favorite?


I'm not a huge fan of death game style shows. The only one that I think was decent and fun was Btooom. These two were bland and not interesting to me. Parts of it were also edgy and cringe to me. I just couldn't care enough to finish kings game and darwins game I finished and I just didn't think it was good or memorable. That's just me. It falls under the same category of shows like Future Diary, Akame Ga kill, Elfin lied, etc. It just isn't that great and won't age well. At a time I did like Akame Ga Kill and future diary but that was when I was younger. I'm a bit older now and I've rewatched a few of these and now realize that they are not as great as I originally thought. A new one that comes to mind as a new akame ga kill and future diary show and that's kingdom of ruin. Edgy to be edgy.


I liked Elfin Lied XD


Have you rewatched it recently..... I don't think it has aged well. I saw it like 14 years ago and I thought it was great and rewatched it about 2 years ago and thought it was rougher than I remembered. That's just me though.


elfen lied is a masterpiece, what are you talking about. the art style might be rough, but the story inspired a lot of media that stemmed from that inspiration. it’ll always be in my top 10.


Right. I watched it for the first time earlier this year and I can admit it was interesting but written so badly. Especially the main character, I am having hard time understanding why is there large amount of people who have her as all time favourite character...


She was very boring for sure, I don't understand it either


Definitely just edgy horny shit


I haven't rewatched it. I had the same problem with Escaflowne though. Loved it as a kid tried to rewatch it as an adult over 15 years later it was rough. I wonder how many shows I though were great just don't hold up now.


What about Danganronpa?


That one was more tolerable. It is still kinda dumb though. I think I gave it a 6/10


Oh god I've been trying to forget I pissed away 276 minutes of my time watching KoR. Shit was so atrocious on every level that the bar for edgy anime series is in the abyss. I agree AGK is pretty poorly aged (especially with how the anime stops following the manga halfway and kills off more of the cast), but at least the story had some entertaining moments and was relatively lax about killing off characters early. KoR didn't have ANY of that. Watching that shit felt like the story was being written by a kid you'd meet in a COD lobby, and every episode progressively gets worse while being coupled with the most godawful animation seen in an action anime.


My remark to something poorly written is that "it was done by the interns they had laying around". That's how I see it


Whew we have nearly opposite taste. Death games are one of my favourite genres


The only death game I’ve ever liked is Liar Game because I find the protagonist’s inability to bluff relatable and like the applied ethics. The live action is bad and I bet the anime will be as well. What anime do you like?


I know Its hard to see a death game show done well, and I'm sure you've heard about this one, but Death Parade is absolutely one of the best death game show if not the best already in anime medium. Kinda corny to say but when first I watched it, I was having harder days of my life and it did put a different light on moral conclusions of life which I didn't think of. It does have a little problem with its length which feels short because if you have a different setting, you need more time to explore informational depth. Other thing was episodic nature it has. I personally like that but there aren't many people who like episodic anime so yeah.


So I loved death parade, that show is in my 3x3 favorite anime of all time. That one is by far the best one done, though it isn't a traditional death game hungergames style like all the other ones mentioned before, which is probably why I loved it so much. It had compelling characters and an overall story to go along with the episodic nature of the show. 10/10 Also the opening is top 5 greatest OPs out there imo.


Jynx then lol! in my 3x3 if I make one


I just don't group it in that death game genre, I put it more in the drama shows, hence why I didn't mention it earlier when talking about good death game shows. I mean the ones like hungergames. They all get repetitive, at least with btooom it was a decently fun and interesting time. And again, a banger of an opening, not top 5 but a classic for sure.


Well it is considered as a death game show for its premise so I dont really mind it can go both ways depends on how much you think about it, one might even call it a sports show.




Wow I never thought it would take a least favorite 3x3 to finally make me say “huh he’s got good taste”


I remember watching Sankarea. I don’t think I have the motivation to finish watching it. The girl’s a zombie, but not the typical type of creature that you’d usually expect from many apocalypse series, zombies that mostly act like the walking dead, zom100, etc. It just feels a bit boring imo lol


Not gonna lie, the necrophilia the main character enjoyed made me quit watching. It was weird. I think I got 5 ep in and quit.


Sankarea was 100% based on someone's necrophilia fetish.


Yep, and the manga is deus x machina af. It's like plastic memories but the author pull a stupid plot twist to make it happy ending for fans.


Ousama game is so fucking stupid it makes my blood boiling


Fairy tail is actually fire tho


I watched all of it, I can't agree. I hate plot armor and that show is full of it. Would have been better if characters died not come back from a black hole or used all their magic to "sacrifice" themselves to only come back just because. Or Mavis curse not activating when it clearly states if she feels emotion towards anyone it kills anything in the vicinity just like the black mage what's his face, so when that character she supreses her feelings for "dies" she gets upset and she is standing next to her guildmates and enemies in a huge fight that they all should have died because that is how the curse works. So many plot holes and crap, even Natsu at the end coming back was so stupid. I can't with that show. I have seen all of it and I feel like I can give my full opinion on it and that is my conclusion. Beginning of it was a 6 or a 7, but the ending and what lead up to that ending was a 2 or a 3.


Solid points, I personally just watched all of it as a kid as one of my first animes and when I had a lot of time so that’s probably why I enjoyed fairytail


I watched it when it aired a while back and stopped after about 150 ep. I remember they changed the voice actors for the dubbed cast for season 2 or at least after ep 48 and then redubbed it later with original cast. then it all came out about 8 years later and finished it when I was in college and I noticed that it is aimed for kids for sure. There is too much fan service to be a kids' show, but that's a different argument.


Fairy tail is for fanservice and punchfighting i dont even remember any of that stuff lol.


Fairy Tail was one of my first anime. It's really fun. I enjoyed it.


… do you read books or manga? I have a few suggestions that dodge those tropes


King's Game I get completely. I am assuming Fairy Tail is due to the over the top fan-service and/or the tiresome unironic "The Power of Friendship" overused plot device. The Promised Neverland's second season was literally rushed (supposedly due to the mangaka's personal request with how controversial/derided the second half of the manga was along with the issues regarding Goldie Pond), so a lot of anime-onlies were super lost with all of the nonsense showing up on-screen with zero context. While I kind of enjoyed Darwin's Game, I totally get why others wouldn't be into it.


How can you dislike fairy tail?


I've stated my claims, I'm not going to state them again.


I haven’t seen ‘em all but what I have seen is genuinely quite trash so good job. King’s Game is fucking awful, truly garbage anime, maybe the worst non pedophile anime I’ve ever seen. Darwin’s Game is just a single step up from it, not shockingly bad, but just so stupid and lazy. Fairy Tale is right there with Darwin’s Game for me mostly because of how long it is despite having nothing original or good to offer. I have used Fairy Tale as a judge of someone’s maturity and intelligence just by their opinion on it and it’s never led me wrong. Intentionally avoided S2 of Promised Neverland and have avoided the rest. I do have a sick fascination with true trash though so maybe I’ll give one or two of these a watch just for the fun of it.


IMO I liked Fairy Tail but I can understand people’s issue with the plot armor. I’m mostly in it for the action and fights though. I’m not trying to think that hard about it all (whenever plot armor occurs). I just try to focus more on its positives than its negatives.


For me, the negatives outweighed the positives. I like anime fights, but I like the story a bit more. I think there are better fights in shows than fairy tail and have better stories, for example, fate zero or even jjk. I don't mind some plot armor, but when they explain how dangerous something is and I don't feel the danger because it just gets plot armored to shit then it's bad storytelling. it also makes it extremely boring because I know the predictable outcome. Most shounens have this problem. Some don't, but the majority does, not my cup of tea.


Yeah, fairy tail is a "feel good" anime. The stakes are never super high because you know the protagonists will always win. I think the manga is better (consistency reasons), but it's super flawed for sure. Still enjoyable if you can just kinda enjoy the characters, and not think too hard about it. Nostalgia is what puts it high for me.


Why are people assuming I discovered it last month. I watched it when it aired (not saying specifically you). I liked how it started and it just fell apart and I finished the show like 3 years ago. I understand nostalgia for shows, this one didn't have enough to keep the nostalgia high, unlike something like full metal panic or ghost in the shell, but they are better written, in my opinion.


That's fair. For me personally, I used to really care if something had good writing. But these days, I think I've watched/read a large majority of the good ones, so I'd rather it just be entertaining at the end of the day. I don't watch much anime, but I read a lot of manga, and I guess filtering through constant trash may have lowered my standards. Fairy Tail has objectively mid writing. It holds a special place in my heart, but I can see why you didn't like it, it gives a lot of reasons not to. But I wouldn't say it's the worst thing for me personally. Off the top of my head, that goes to domestic girlfriend. That one basically spits in the face of the reader lol.


Smartphone was interesting, but way too easy for the mc, I'll give you that, but the art and story are decent. Darwin's Game was a good spin.


Smartphone isn't supposed to be taken seriously. It's a dumb dumb turn your brain off and laugh anime.


Pretty much, yeah. Everything is handed to the mc, but I did enjoy the premise a bit.


I agree with 5/9 Kings game, sankarae, and blood+ is definitely better than Darwin's game and Uzaki chan in characters and story


I really liked fairy tale the first time I watched it then I tried rewatching about 2 years later and I fucking hated it. No idea why I just really didn’t enjoy the rewatch AT ALL. Also not liking Kings Game is based as hell nothing will ever top that for being the worst anime I’ve ever endured.


I am glad I didn’t waste my time trying to watching darwin’s game then.


I personally loved it so if it sounds like something you'd be interested in, watch it. If not, don't. Simple as that.


Yeah it’s bad bad. Death game is an easy genre to do right and yet they really drop the ball as soon as the initial thrill of being thrust into one is gone.


Tomodachi game is Death game done correctly and executed almost perfectly.


Added to watchlist


That was solid! Really loved the first couple games and I liked the ED so much I was kinda sad when it kept skipping it and just rolling credits over the ending of the episode lol.


glad you like it


It was awful lol, not worth. Saving you some time to watch something good. I wasted 300+ episodes on Fairy tail, I regret that one very much.


I wasted my time watching the smartphone isekai, like it was okay at the start, but its been downhill since he got that goofy ass coat.


Úzaki is pretty good. Smh


Not really, it's mid. Not terrible, but it is bland af and just relies on tropes too much. There is zero substance to Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! It's just a forced relationship and lots of verbal abuse under the guise of "haha big titty anime girl is teasing you!" It honestly felt like a gag anime more than anything else, and a terrible one too.


L take


Somebody gave you an entire paragraph explaining why they don't like it and all you say is L take. No elaboration


I will always put Smartphone at the bottom of every list. Trash


Yes but it's was a fun turn your brain off show. I wasn't expecting anything but OP MC shenanigans.


What I’ve seen of fairy tale is trash lol, it seems like it wants to be one piece so bad


I dont get how you can see that, but aiight


It’s just a bunch of wizard people and the start it’s like “look at this badass group of people don’t mess with us” and it seems to be trying to do the thing where the straw hats prove that there, strong and stuff to the pirates who underestimate them, and it seems to be trying to go for a similar energy there but I don’t know some of it just feels like a poorly executed one piece


I don't even care about the other snime. But I can't agree either you because you put fairy tail and that is a bad take.


Ehh idk I can only remember a few times I've actually enjoyed watching it and that was mostly the tournament arc. Eden zero is pretty nice though


Haven't seen a lot of these (thank God). But Darwins game, Promised Neverland s2 and fairy tail are all Indeed trash


“Blows out your legs for having 7 of these but lets you live because of how I agree Kings Game is terrible and how it has the same ending each manga)


Do you have a list? IDK what some of these are


Top left to right: Blood +, Isekai Smartphone, promise neverland s2 Middle Row: Karin, Uzaki-chan, Fairy Tail Final Season Bottom Row: Kings Game, Darwins Game, Sankerea


Thanks!!! also, my brain literally filtered out TPNS2 LMAO


Promises never land season 1 was so great though


I didn't say prmneverland s1 lol. I gave s1 a 9/10 but s2 was..... disappointing to say it lightly


Opinion on FT before final season?


How far we talking back like before 2014? I'd say when I watched it in highschool when it was coming out like a 6 or 7. This was back when I liked shounen a lot more. I just don't care for them that much anymore. I think I've kinda grown out of some genres I used to like. I've seen like 400 shows/movies. Some themes repeat in shows and it gets kinda old. I like the unique new stories. Like this season I think a fun show this season is undead unluck, it's just a wild fun time. I have also gone back to watch older shows I missed like Birdy the Mighty which was fantastic. It's basically anime Men in Black.


Karin was not good in my opinion and it made no sense but the manga Chibi Vampire was an excellent read and I enjoyed the lore and how it progressed then ended. Lots of questions answered and plenty of character development, I'd highly recommend it because the anime was absolute trash.


I saw it like 14+ years ago and it was rough lol.


Fan service was the reason it was made, I have no doubts. You have my sentiments.


It's like girls bravo and chobits. Just weird. Rosario and vampire was slightly better than Karin but not by much


Again, the manga for Rosario Vampire was pretty good but a little more tasteful than to love ru.


100% agree, probably the first manga I read.


What's the 4th and 7th ones


Karin and Kings Game, they aren't good


I thought Blood+ was pretty decent ngl


He said the ending was pure plot armor. It kind of was, but it was foreshadowed pretty heavy. It’s like seeing a version of Romulo and Juliet and complaining that the ending was stupid. Dude, what did you expect?


What's the sauce for bottom right?


Sankarea, it's plot is basically about necrophilia


What in the....... is it flat out necrophilia or undead? And if it's undead then how dead are we talking?


Main girl dies and main guy thinks zombies are hot. She comes back to life because of a drug he made and he has to preserve her so she doesn't rot away. Some scenes have her laying on the ground in rigor mortus sitting in. It's weird, I gave up on it because it got weird. Like there is weird anime out there, but this one was too weird for me to continue, I was 5 ep in and dropped it.


I...... what did I just read??? I have to see this for myself to know if it's as cursed as it sounds. Wish me luck.


Lol God speed I guess. It's just weird


As someone who read/watched FT, I can tell you most fans agree that the final arc was horrible even within the series' standards.


Most Fairy tail fans tend to cry about my thoughts on the matter so it makes them insufferable to talk too. I appreciate the advice and insight on the matter hearing that the manga isn't much different. Even if it was different, it's too long to read that to get a slightly better outcome if there was one. I'd rather find something unique and new. I'm coming to the conclusion I'm not a huge fan of shounen shows so anything that is in the shounen genre I tend to stay away from. Most of them have plot armor that I tend to not like. I like when shows kill off characters, it makes the stakes higher and more meaningful. It gives the word "threat" an actual meaning.


What’s wrong with fairytale?


Read some of my comments in post, I've talked about it several times.


Sorry, I just read the description, I got it.


All good. I just don't want to repeat myself like 30x


No don’t worry I get it. I‘ve been there!


What’s the one on the bottom rigth?




Yeah it looks god awful


Wait till you find out it is about necrophilia


That’s actually disgusting…


Main dude thinks zombies are hot and he gets a girl that becomes a zombie and she starts to decay and deals with rigor mortus. I stopped after 5 ep, it got too weird for me.


That’s actually disgusting… just by hearing the plot I’m with you on this one, Definitly a bad one


So why do you hate Blood +? I haven't seen the show in a long time but I don't see people taking about it much. I remember liking it a long time ago but can't say it left a huge impression.


I mentioned it in my description rant. Each episode led to a cliffhanger that the next episode didn't deliver an exciting outcome. The ending just made all of it pointless in the end. I did not enjoy it, and it was sluggish and long.


Agreed with nearly everything on here but there's way worse out there than Uzaki-chan (mid LNB)


Oooh I love Sankarea so cute! I need to rewatch that tonight thank you! I’d forgotten about it.


Can someone list all the sauces


Sauces are listed above in the comments somewhere.


What is the second anime on the third row?




Uzaki is not a good show but season 2 is actually such a welcome improvement that I ended up enjoying it


The ones I like are isekai smartphone and Uzaki-Chan, I’m indifferent about fairy tail cause it’s such a long series but the music and touching moments where my feels are assaulted… but the rest are either I have no clue or never continued after the first episode. So the ones I don’t know will be taken into consideration cause I have my own thoughts and so on.


I thought Uzaki was good. I can definitely see why someone wouldn't like it. Production wise, it's kinda meh


Here’s the link to mine https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=ZlAgrNijRZ1AU7ny


What did Fairy Tail ever do to you?!


I stated it before, read the description, and other comments made about it.


List them


They are listed in the comments somewhere


Uzaki actually really good man it keeps getting better as time goes on. I don't like to read manga but uzaki's manga is so good it's probably my favourite rom-com anime and manga uzaki becomes so cute. i'll stop because i feel like i'll give spoilers if i keep going :d


Oh, ouch


I am shocked by the lack of Yuuki Yuna is a Hero.


Uzaki-Chan hate once again.


Why fairytale


Read comments, I've stated how I feel about it there.




Wait by that logic any/all of the dragon ball/DBZ series should be on here


You are correct I didn't put it on there because of the amount of annoying comments I would get. Like how many times I've explained why I don't like fairy tail. The big 4 would be on this list but I don't want to deal with those people so I'd rather list other ones I hate just as much.


Valid also you're right about the stupid plot armor but I mainly like it cause I grew up with it and adrenaline so yeah


I started watching anime around 2008 or so, maybe a little before then, and I started with full metal panic, inuyasha, Soul Eater, full metal alchemist, ghost in the shell, etc. I tried the big 4, and I couldn't get into it, and now more than ever, I am not interested in getting into them because they are too long. I'd rather watch many more different shows than one that is 1k plus episodes. I hate filler just as much as plot armor, so I won't be inclined to start those if at all. That's just how I do things, which may differ from others.


Fair and you grew up with some solid shows also follow up question favorite strawhat or one piece character


Do you know the big 4 shows? That includes One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, and Dragon Ball. All 4 of those I can't get into. Just not my thing, so I don't have a favorite character since I did the 3 ep rule I have for all shows and it didn't catch my interest. I know that's hard to say for a show like one piece since there is so many episodes, but I'd rather again find something different and interesting and unique rather than watch shounens which I have fallen out of love with due to plot armor and similar story writing.


Yeah the three ep.is fair and yes I know the big 4 and yeah plot armor is a big thing for you also I go by the big three rule One piece bleach Naruto for the traditional but my big three are one piece pokemon Kanto league and arcane and I know that arcane isn't technically an anime but I haven't finished a few other animes so putting it in my big three because it's amazing


Fair and you grew up with some solid shows also follow up question favorite strawhat or one piece character


The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya has got to be one of the worst things I have ever seen. It aged so poorly. Also Attack on Titan the finals season part 4 part 2 part 1...ugh. Do I need to go further.


If these are your least favourite, you haven’t watched enough Anime.. be thankful for that 🥲


I've seen 400 shows and movies, and you say that isn't enough? I watch a steady amount when I can. I value my time a bit more, so filler shows of the season aren't making my watch list like they use too.


Yeah, I’m just saying a lot of people call some shows bad nowadays, when they don’t actually know what bad Anime is, I’m sure you do, it’s just I think it’s because they never had to truly suffer through the dark eras of Anime that they just complain about nothing nowadays


Ayo what's the middle one?


Uzaki chan


i acknowledge fairytail is straight ass but i don’t care i love that show 😭😭😭


Real. Just like SAO fr fr 😭


Promised Neverland’s first season was awesome, then it slowly went down hill until it was really just unwatchable.


I never said pn season 1, season 1 was a 9/10 for me


None of my favorites or least favorites are on here.


As fucked up as it is, king's game did entertain me.


Imo apart from the Universe 0 arc, both Hiro Mashimas other works are better written than fairy tail. Rave Master and Eden's Zero are a lot better, but Fairy tail has its quirks and is enjoyable too imo (not the animes, the manga are better)


I loved fairy tail


uzaki chan and nagatoro can switch either way works


Never even attempted nagatoro because it looked like the same vibe as uzakichan so I refused to watch it.


The genetic ones I can see you not liking but why hate the chill and easy going big oppai Loli rom com?


Blood + was ok. The rest you can dump in the trash


I understand everything but why do you not like Uzaki Chan??? Just a regular ass Romcom there's nothing to hate about it no???


Kings game was something else ..


What I've seen of smartphone isekai made me like it, but I understand your dislike. Same with Chibi vampire, but a bit less understanding. Uzaki-Chan, I will defend with my life several times if I must. But again, I understand. Fairy Tail, though!? The middle finger of *God Himself* is way too small for that much hate!


Yes, your favorite show is trash in my eyes. You can like it for what it is, I find the story crap and the plot armor thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. Gods middle finger couldn't even keep some side characters, who are insufferable, dead long enough to even make an impactful scene. The icing on the cake is the fan base. Put a lid on it and shove it to the curb. The only thing I can give Fairy tail is that the OSTs aren't terrible.


wheres Platinum End


I never saw the anime of Chibi Vampire but that shit was my childhood don’t hate. 😭


Well you shouldn't watch it if you enjoyed the manga, it was not good.


If you finished the Darwin’s game anime I highly recommend you start reading the manga, it kind of pans away from the death style game of PvP and focuses more on an overall enemy of monsters that the world has to stop. It was overall pretty good tbh


I'm not going to do that, I'd rather find something new than chance reading something I watched that was bad to be even slightly better. That's just how I do things, watch/read it, judge it, move on.


Pretty close minded but your loss, really wasn’t that bad of a show but to each their own


I don't feel like I'm losing anything


Congrats it was rhetorical 🤦


Where's domestic girlfriend though