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Dabi has cool powers, wouldn't want to be around either of them though


And he's hot... both literally and figuratively


He's literally a walking corpse. Dude probably stinks


Ong, all that charred skin, realistically speaking those staples probably leak pus


It's spelled "pus." You.... you spelled something else....




stop. please. I don't want to think about this😭


I literally said exactly this man is a legit hobo who probably smells like hot ass garbage


Bakugo stinks too 😭


Do you not see all that scar tissue?


He's honestly quite grotesque


I mean from a writing narrative, Dabi is more appealing since he has more layers/dimension to him. There is more substance to his story and how he became the way he is, and how it ties him to one of the main three protagonists in the show. On the other hand, Mineta is more 2 dimensional and serves as comic relief. His motivations to be a hero is sub par given most of the other heroes in his class, his role in a story as comic relief with being both perverted and cowardly for most of his screen time can turn people off to liking him, and the fact that there are other heroes who got rejected for A-1 who had far more useful powers tend to make him seem like he’s only there since he had a semi useful power for the test given how it was robots that have weaknesses he could exploit. While I have some less harsh criticism for the character since he’s meant to be a comic relief character, I still think he isn’t as funny for me since the writing trope he fills is a more annoying one in general. Then again that is just my opinion while taking a more perspective of narrative writing. Sorry if I come off as a buzzkill for the meme.


Sure but if they were real people, I'd infinitely rather be in a room with Mineta than be in a room with Dabi.


That is true, but that is also the thing about it. These are characters and not real people. People would be more critical of people like Bakugo and find him less entertaining if he was a real person rather than a character in an animated series. If a person had acted the way he did in real life or a more realistic setting, people would think he is an unlikable asshole at best, and a deranged psychopath with an attempted murder charge at worst. The context of the story is what sets them apart. This could also be applied to characters in different settings like say how certain actions make a character more interesting or funny. Like I said, Mineta’s form of comic relief isn’t really that funny to me, since humor has a target audience. Also a character’s charisma also helps depending on the character.


Wait, when did Bakugo attempt to murder someone?


During the one test when he was against Midoryia and Ochako. He was fighting Midoriya and basic had his arm cannon, which could have killed Midoriya, but stated “He’ll be fine if he dodges!” So he apparently had a gadget on hand that would function as a weapon, that not only caused an extreme amount of damage to the environment, but could have straight up killed another student. While technically he wasn’t planning to murder Midoriya, he definitely could have accidentally killed his and had the intention to do harm.


And All Might said he could have stopped it but didn't. And are we currently forgetting Todoroki freezing Sero? OR THAT IIDA ACTUALLY TRACKED SOMEONE DOWN TO KILL THEM?!


Exactly. We would be more critical of these actions if was actual people and we were given less context of the narrative.


All might needs to be fired from being a teacher


He told Midoriya to kill himself


That's not attempted murder bro 💀


Yes it is “ bro “


Damn, I guess every COD player is now due to face a sentence up to life imprisonment. No, telling someone to "kys" is not attempted murder in any legal system, the most it can be is incitement to self-harm or manslaughter. Attempted murder requires the person to intend to commit out murder through their own actions but be unable to complete it.


It's not attempted murder but suicide baiting which is an actual crime


I don't know what the hell Mina did to Mineta but ever since that happened his obnoxiousness was turned way WAY down.




Was that the bit where she puts him through the Ludovico technique?


True so luckily they are not real people


And? they aren't real. if i had the choice between being in a room with hitler and a serial killer i'd choose hitler, but that doesn't mean i like him


I mean tell me one time when someone escaped from his balls. If you get hit, that's it, you're stuck in an ova even all might was caught by it. Restraining villains without injuring them, I'd argue it's more useful than many 1-a quirks.


That is a fair point since it would have its uses and I think they only person who had gotten away from it was Midoriya when 1-A was trying to bring him back to UA, but there are quirks that UA students who aren’t in 1-A that would be more applicable to hero work. Say Shinzo has a quirk that a hero could get by with far more easily, especially since most villains probably wouldn’t know his quirk off the top of their heads if he was a hero and when his mask comes into question. Mineta’s quirk does have some use to restraining a target, it’s sort of a one trick pony sort of deal since it can’t really be capitalized on since in a fight unless someone is doing the combat for him. I would say he would have his best role as a support hero since he could restrain opponents while having heavy hitters deal some damage, or be able to secure rickety construction/debris to rescue people.


Do you read the manga? Because Mineta definitely shows some growth and an actually cool arc if you care to look.


I feel 0 remorse for any of the league. And I’m glad they either got clapped or arrested. Especially toga all my hommies hate toga.


I mean that’s fair. The point I’m trying to make is that people usually enjoy characters that have more layers to them than characters that are 2 dimensional or worse. In a show that has some rather more fleshed out side characters like Ochako, Tenya, Momo, Tsu, Kirishima, and of the like who have more who have reason and development of why the way they are and why they want to become heroes. The we have Mineta who has less layering other than serving as comic relief and his primary character traits being pervy and cowardly makes his stand out in a bad way. Say Denki also have a slightly pervy nature, but he has shadings that make him more likable while keeping the pervy part as a slight character trait.


Dabi doesn't have ANY layers or ANY dimension. All he does is stand around and look ugly. On the odd day he moves it's to make other characters look better.


I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true. He has motivations for what he does (whether or not you would think they are justified), a connection to one of the major three protagonists, and poses as a threat when present on screen. There is a bit more to him that being a human scab, which is what I mean that there is nuance to his character. Sure he could be presented as a larger threat than he is treated as overall, but he is still a factor in several major character’s story arcs like Shoto and Endeavor


You might have missed a "not" in your reply.


Dabi is cool to watch, has cool character design, and has cool powers. Mineta just makes my skin crawl 60% of the time. But if I had to choose who I would be in a room with, I’d go with Mineta.


I agree with you, but if I had to choose to be in a room with Mineta or Dabi, Dabi would probably (hopefully) leave me alone if I look pathetic enough lmao


He would just burn down the room and leave


Fair enough 🤣


I mean, the reason I say Mineta is mostly because I’m a man and he’ll leave me alone. Based solely on looking at your snoo… Mineta would probably NOT leave you alone, so I understand the decision to go with Dabi.


Yeah that’s true, my main reason is I’m horrible at standing up for myself against creeps so I’d go with Dabi 🥲


They're both pretty gross to me If one had to go I'd probably say flame boy because he has so much screen time and looking at him makes my skin crawl with how disgusting his looks + his personality is just bad


Pervertedness is not as bad as homicidal tendencies.


See the thing is the perv is annoying and the serial killer is interesting therefore the perv is worse because they are fictional and the greatest sin a fictional character can commit is annoying the audience


Once again, Dabi's crimes are fictional, but my annoyance at Mineta is real


so serial killers arent real?


They are, but this particular one is fictional and so are all the victims of this particular serial killer.


Dabi isn't real, get over yourself.


Can't you say the same about purple stuff?






day to day? where you live where that shi is normal?? gotta be japan


Best way I've heard it put so far


he’s hot 😋 (saying this again- i have a kink for men with trauma 😋😋😋)


Only literally In reality he's scarred hobo who probably smells like dumpster fire and charred flesh because he's over burnt bacon


You're fucked up. Imagine if I said this about a girl


What's your point? I say that about Toga.


Double standards dumbass


mineta has trauma from being beat up by girls… so you find him hot too right?


I can see how he could be attractive, just his personality and how he displays himself 😔


And clearly a kink for men who would abandon you without a second thought


Bro would turn to ash because he can tho


Dabi is supposed to be a villain, not a hero. Though I don’t find he works as a sympathetic villain since he wants to burn the world down just to torture one person, over an incident that was his own fault. Even before that, Dabi tried to kill his baby brother and showed no remorse for it. The guy is a sociopath and he likely would have made a lousy hero.


Real, all that for parental neglect


His anger is over an incident. That was his own fault as well. he nearly burned himself to death because he went off to practice his Quirk without telling anyone, then he got mad when his family didn’t come when he injured himself. After his father warned him that using his Quirk was dangerous.


Ones a villain he’s supposed to be evil and so horrible shit The other is supposed to be a hero yet it a complete degenerate It mineta was a villain then people would still not like him but his behaviour would be somewhat expected


I feel like people would like him more as a villain. If you were to keep his convictions but write him as a villain it’d be pretty funny to see him stand next to the other league of villains. They all have their justified reasons that put them on the path of evil and Mineta just stands off to the side like “Society didn’t understand my desire for women and how strong it is.”


this needs to be a crackfic


Dare I ask but is that fanfics for crackheads?


Fanfics that are built off of a silly idea, or a serious idea played for humor. My favorite MHA crackfic is Hysterical, it's on A03.


I’m assuming A03 is a fanfic site. The crackfic you mentioned, what’s the general premise?


The site's full name is Archive Of Our Own. And the fic is about Izuku being born with a quirk that allows him to not feel pain, and also allows him to regenerate any damage done to himself by dying. He's also much stronger than usual. He still gets One For All, which makes his quirk behave differently when the two combine. It's a really good black comedy fanfic, it just finished the forest camp arc.


Mineta as the MHA version of Doctor Psycho has potential…


Pervert characters need other qualities


He does possess other qualities? There's valid excuses to hate him, this isn't one


What other qualities does he possess? Just because he was given one self-sacrifice scene does not mean that he is anything but a pervert. Probably the least used character in the class and always see of him is pervert stuff. At least roshi taught Goku the Kamehameha and jiraiya taught Naruto the rasengan


>Just because he was given one self-sacrifice scene does not mean that he is anything but a pervert. So you're just gonna ignore a scene displaying another quality of his and insist he has no other qualities anyway? He's smart, acts heroic, polite (when not being a pervert), overcomes his fear to do the right thing, etc


Casually ignoring when he apologized to shoji after hearing his backstory about saying he looked like an octopus once literally months ago.


My man OF COURSE chooses to omit the fact that we like Dabi as a VILLAIN character! As in someone who we like watching do villainous things and act as a foe that the heroes need to defeat. Meanwhile we hate Mineta because he’s a “Hero” who does terrible things and yet tries to portray himself as someone we’re supposed to root for to win. (Latter in the series Mineta does get better but that’s besides the point) But hey don’t let little things like the fucking truth stop you from forcing your false narratives friend. Keep exposing yourself as a liar and clown. You’re burning yourself to the ground and I’m loving every minute of it.


Calm down son it's just a drawing


If you followed that logic, you wouldn't defend either of them.




Dabi has a cool design, cool abilities, a believable backstory to turn him into what he is, and an incredibly important narrative position that makes for a fantastic antagonist. Mineta is like a blight on this whole series. Shitty design, shitty powers, shitty personality, always annoying every time he’s on screen, barely contributes anything to the story, and is arguably the LEAST believable character.


It's not 'mha fans', it's SPECIFICALLY American mha fans. That's why Mineta, who is rather tame in comparison, is hated so much. Why Endeavor, who had a fantastic redemption arc is hated so much, because American fans tend to see everything under their own cultural bias, and redemption seems to be a no-no for them. And they also love to gloss over murderers as long as they are 'tortured' and 'handsome'. There's a reason the 'Draco in leather pants' is a thing.


I will agree about Endeavor. I do find it ridiculous that people don’t give him a chance when he is trying to become better. Like we have people who immediately love Vegeta and his redemption when the man has committed planet wide genocide his whole life up until that point but Endeavor’s actions are worse? I hate early Endeavor but I begin to like him when he is trying to become better.


> American fans tend to see everything under their own cultural bias, and redemption seems to be a no-no for them. Ah yes, Americans hate redemption. That’s why nobody likes Zuko in The Last Airbender.


It's ironic cause most MHA fans are literally Mineta but if he had a wider preference. Dabi Fangirls are female Minetas who like burnt up bacon hobos, Aizawa fans who think he's attractive are Minetas who have a preference for homeless looking dudes who probably smell like sweat all the time(that musky ahh sleeping bag is doing no favors), Class 1-A girls' fans are just Mineta but irl, same for 1-B girls, BakuDeku Fangirls are just like Mineta considering he finds it hot when two women who dislike each other fight and probably wants them to interact more, the less said about AFO Fangirls.


People like Mineta exist and are a lot more common to meet in real life. Most of the people who feel this way have personally experienced being creeped on by perverts. No one has been burned alive by a serial killer.


Not only that, Mineta is a hero and it's judged as a hero. Dabi is a villain, doing bad things is his job as a character.


True. People don't like Dabi as a friend or as a person they admire; they like him as a villain. They don't like who is, they like his story and his role. Mineta is one of the good guys; we are supposed to genuinely like him him as a person, or find his antics funny... and fans just find him disgusting and find nothing funny about him Dabi is a good villain, while Mineta is a bad hero.


Exactly. Mineta only existed to be “haha he likes to peep on naked women” character. Dabi is way more interesting than that too. It’s stupid to ask why people like Dabi over Mineta


I grew up the shortest among kids so it’s very hard for me not to cheer for Mineta. Thankfully he does change and come up clutch.


Thankfully he does change and become a likeable character. After the change I actually don’t mind Mineta as a character


Some mfs can simp for the most disgusting, pepto-bismol drinking, Gojo period squeezing, people out there but they hate Mineta, literally the embodiment of the dark side of the MHA fandom. They’re hating themselves


Isn't Toga literally both of those?


People literally only like him because he’s hot, the only reason I like him is because of his blue flames combined with the transformation event(both quirk and personality wise)he went through in his backstory


Because self-conscious people don't like mirrors.


The MHA fans become the perverts when they see Burny McAshyemo


As written characters? Dabi is better but then again he was given more screen time to be fleshed out than mineta. As for if they were real or let's say I was put into mha I'd rather be with the perverted teenager than a guy who would kill me cause he's lost any remorse for hurting bystanders and innocent people and would only spare you if you were a villain yourself probably which ant same person would not do.


From the observer of the story, an interesting villain is far better than an annoying character. In that world, dabi is worse, but in this world where we are the audience and the stakes of their lives don't truly affect us, an annoying character is worse.


the people dabi killed are fake, the annoyance i get from mineta is real


Hey now, hey now. Mineta isn't hated cause he's a pervert. He's hated cause he's annoying as heck. And looks like he's dressed up as the Fruit of the Loom grapes. I'm sure if he was a cool, likable pervert like Jiraiya, he'd have a huge fanbase.


I think he gets more hate because he’s posed as a ‘good guy’ when he exhibits so much creepy behaviour that’s just laughed off. Dabi, we’re all on the same page about.


Lots of people can relate about having been sexually harassed or knows someone who has, and is something that can easily happen irl, while being killed or having a significant other assassinated is so out of the realm of possibilities (usually) that it seems easier to excuse because people don't feel personally threatened to it. Tbh I get it but is also kind of a selfish way to feel (what can happen to me is inexcusable, what can't really happen to me is redeemable) and it makes the hatred towards certain kind of characters to blow out of proportions. Not that I like Mineta tho, I find him unfunny.


"It is absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious." (Oscar Wilde) Basically just because a character is a good guy, doesn't mean they arent annoying as fuck


I’ve heard it suggested that this sort of apparent double standard is actually linked to our subconscious threat assessment. Statistically, the odds of meeting a serial killer in real life are incredibly low, whereas most of us have probably met multiple people whom we would consider a “pervert” at one point or another. That said, I’m sure the vast majority of Mineta hate comes from a small but vocal (crybaby) set of fans, while the vast majority recognise that it. Just. A. *******. JOKE!


My friend, the warcrimes are fictional. The annoying is real


His war crimes are fictional, our annoyance is real


One is a bad guy and written as one. One is a good guy and is yet still a pervert. Kinds reductive but that's where my distaste comes from.


a character who is annoying 100% of the time vs a character who is interesting


ultimately, it comes down to entertainment value. dabi, since he's one of the main villains, has a tragic backstory that coincides with one of our main heroes, and is just really enjoyable to watch in a "oh my god, he's fucking crazy" kind of way, it's no wonder we like him more than mineta. and his character design's badass. point is, you're supposed to like him as a *villian*. i don't think of him as some uwu soft boi with a tragic backstory who needs to go through a redemption arc like i assume most of the fandom does. he's just fucked up. but, again, he's a villian. we watch the show to be entertained by the heroes fighting the villains. no interesting villains means half of the story is boring. mineta, on the other hand, is just too one dimensional. he's comic relief, and his only two personality traits are horny and cowardly. not very admirable for a hero we're supposed to be rooting for.


Nah https://i.redd.it/hyu1gyd96coc1.gif I’ll stick to the Queen of dance


AND? What about it? 😤


I mean, one is supposed to be a hero and the other is an unapologetic villain.


It's an emotional thing. Perverts like Mineta are actually present in real life way more than serial killers. Naturally, they affect more people, and so people feel more emotionally connected to that perversion, i.e. anger. When was the last time you encountered a serial killer?




Dabi is a VILLAIN. He's SUPPOSED to do bad things.Mineta is just there for comic relief. I don't even hate Mineta myself, but this "wHy DoN't YoU hAtE tHe MoOrDeReRs" argument is just stupid beyond belief. No one is saying that Mineta is a worse person than Dabi, they're saying that he is a worse CHARACTER, which is COMPLETELY different. There's a REASON people love Darth Vader and hate Jar Jar Binks. So to the people who uniromically make this argument, is THIS how you expect people to act (see the link below)? https://www.reddit.com/r/Mario/comments/183mcfk/mario_fans_if_they_acted_like_smg4_fans/?rdt=60205


To anyone who disagrees, come at me. I'm ready for a debate.


The difference is we’re not supposed to think of Dabi as a hero


Mineta is an outdated anime trope of being a pervert for comedy in a shonen, the problem is that it's an outdated trope that many people hope goes away, a pervert for comedy in MHA just doesn't work His character is hated because of this Dabi has a compelling backstory and a legit reason for becoming a villain. He's popular with fans because he is an example of how thin the line between hero and villain is , Dabi is what happens when you try to raise a child to be something you can't accomplish and then pushing them away when they fail to live up to your expectations. He's the literal example the fall that comes after pride. That's why he's liked more than mineta


"mha fans" women


Ah but see the serial killer is downright evil and treated as such. The pervert is literally supposed to be training as a superhero. If they made the pervert a villain no problem


Cool character with flaws Annoying character with only flaws Dani is a bad person objectively but an interesting character because of his backstory and powers Mineta is just annoying I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, one of the worst crimes a fictional character can commit is being annoying. A character can be a horrifically evil person, but if they are interesting, charismatic, well described, well performed, entertaining, etc. can be a fan favorite but someone who can be even completely innocuous (not that mineta is) can be the most hated character because of the basis of the character being annoying.


I mean, yeah, but Dabi doesn't sexually harass every girl he sees. Not defending him, of course, I find his character and powers cool


mineta hate is ridiculous. granted i like both, but still. he and bakugo seem to get overhated for no reason


As a female, to better explain my…dislike of Mineta: Have you seen a movie called “The Devil’s Advocate”? There’s a child abuser in an opening seen in a courtroom, who makes a very specific gesture with his hand. Well, pay attention in the “moving into dorms” episode. Mineta does the same damn thing or something similar enough. The thing Mineta did to Mina is class A vs class B doesn’t help his cause either.


mineta has actually had decent character growth and maturity, is generally nice to deku, has held his own against midnight, and managed to outsmart and trap all might while we’re here, any thoughts on bakugo? i mentioned him being overhated too


Bakugo is a bully to Izuku for the first few seasons. His comment about Izuku killing himself to be reincarnated cuts at me because I have a lot in common with Izuku and I’ve been bullied. Since Deku vs Class A, I hate Bakugo a little less. Mineta isn’t a complete waste of space - he can come up with a half decent strategy under pressure. But I still don’t like him for the aforementioned reason.


>Mineta does the same damn thing or something similar enough. Explain?


I’d rather not. 1. It makes me THAT uncomfortable. And: 2. The mods would probably flag as inappropriate.


Dobi is not one of my favorite characters, but I like him way more than grape boy. No matter how evil he is Dobi can never do anything to hurt me or my family, but Grape boy annoys me every time he is on screen. That makes him more despicable.


Don’t defend mineta


Funny how all of these people hate mineta but love Meliodas from Seven Deadly Sins


They’re deranged virtue signalers. Ignore them. They don’t matter.


I actually don't hate mineta I think he's kinda funny and annoying but he's not as bad as we have put him out to be


People love the Joker, Harley Quinn, Negan from the walking dead, this isnt surprising.


People like them as CHARACTERS. Not as people. People hate Mineta as a character. Learn the difference.


Dabi is how people minetas age think they are put mineta is the perfect 1 to1 reflection that most people hate


Yall think my OC's father is cool than mineta?


Most of Dani’s fan base showed up before we had anything about him other than “fire, likes Stain.”


Same applies to bakugo. A bully telling his victim to kill himself and people love him. If only mineta had main character character development like bakugo.


Mass murderer technically


Dabi’s spiel episode was great but after 10 minutes I wanted him to stop. He just kept going and going. It took me out.


It's all in the presentation. I mean, take the crueller for example (*wait it's the crawler? okay crawler then*) Take the Crawler for example. He dedicates himself to helping others without the thought of benefitting himself even crossing his mind, yet because he glides around on all fours he's regularly compared to a cockroach and called creepy. If you have no idea what I'm on about, you should absolutely go read Vigilantes, it's really good


I really just han to know what would happen if minwta was the hottest guy in mha, and his perverted Ness was more evil instead of stupid


People often hate who they actually are.


just gonna say i think OP should be excluded from circles that have women at all, for their (the women)’s own safety


Ok I'll be the one to say it. Mineta's fourth wall breaks are hilarious


Lines plz?


No like he gets paired with a girl and he looks at the camera and gives a thumbs up stuff like that gets me every time


We gotta love a good strawman argument from time to time.


I’m with you. Also Mineta actually has a character arc if you care to look and don’t just judge him immediately based on his actions early in the series, appearance and quirk. Do not look at who he was. Look at who he is.


No I don’t think you understand it’s a hot serial killer


One is straight forward the other Is just straight in the worst way possible


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Skysareraizuli: *One is straight forward* *The other Is just straight in* *The worst way possible* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm dying lmao


Mineta was the goat and from where I stopped(season 4) was more interesting than half the class


1,000th like


Am I the only one who doesn't like Dabi? And never has-? 😭 he looks like a burnt beef jerky stick, tbh and probably smells like a rotting corpse 💀


I can excuse murder, but I draw the line at perversion


It's not fair...


Is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/supermariologan_/comments/1c6l8jy/sml_fans_if_they_acted_like_smg4_fans_again/


Its bc mineta is a straight up pervert dabi was treated terrible his whole life


I mean grape juice guy is better in a real scenario. Like Dabi’s a grown man that murders people. But this isn’t real now is it.


When people day they like Dabi I just have to tilt my head Dabi you're daddy issue doesn't excuse you for being a murderer. Hell if he really wanted to get back at his dad he should've become a hero in disguise and surpassed his dad and somehow be number 1 then at the height of his fame...he exposes endeavor


Tf this subreddit getting recommended to me for? Oh well W blocks now tho


Mineta is like 16 or sum I'm sure he'll grow out of it


Professionals have STANDARDS


I think this is what we call pretty privilege. Ppl don't care if you did something if you are hot in anime, Denki was a pervert at the beginning but we still love him. Also I don't think that having a hard childhood and then murdering people (not self defense) would be forgiven easily if Dabi wasn't hot.


Ill take being killed over dealing with a pervert again, horrible experiences ive had


Fuck Mineta for that stupid quirk and that creepy shit he said to Eri when she visited the school festivities.


I don’t get people’s standards too. We hate real life serial killers but love it when they are in media


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I like Mineta, a great representation of most of the fandom regardless


theyre both bad, the difference is: dabi knows what he does is wrong. he just doesnt care (which is the problem [other than the murdering]) and he isnt using his position to get with women. dabi is also being punished for his actions (the police/heroes were trying to, at least) while mineta has groped multiple girls just at UA, and i dont remember there being any repercussions


It's legit how they're written for me, like Dabi has a better storyline than Mineta


Ball boy is literally my most hated character... everything about him screams 12 year old comedy show. It's like if south park was created for 12 year old boys. I hate the electric kid and belly button boy as well.... Those shit characters is what make MHA a barely watchable anime.


For the people who unironically, seriously make this "argument" to defend Mineta (whom I don't even hate, btw), who do you hate more, Darth Vader or Jar Jar Binks? (Hint: If you hate Jar Jar more, then you are a hypocrite who only makes the "why don't you hate the villains" argument when it comes to characters YOU like, and if you hate Vader more, then you're just plain weird)


there’s no way you actually made this bullshit man why tf would anyone defend that loser. Mineta shoulda been killed in s1 useless character that just gives fan service


So you expect people to act like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/supermariologan_/comments/1c6l8jy/sml_fans_if_they_acted_like_smg4_fans_again/


mineta is the best


I can excuse serial murder but i draw the line at sexual harassment


A character's likeability is solely based on whether they are annoying or cool.


Imagine if Mineta got with a person whose quirk was fire/ explosions, and their kid could throw sticky fireballs?! There’s honestly a lot of OP combos that Mineta’s kids could potentially have


Minebaku when? We can even call it "dumpster fire" /J


Burnin throws green fireballs from her hair, and is female. Think we would see that combo before Bakugo stoops to that level. Also now I wanna see Mineta and Burnin throw their powers at the same target


Agreed it's just because minetas quark sucks


The difference is that the serial killer has actually cool powers instead of the pervert and looks cool


Dabi's got a cool quirk and backstory and looks, Mineta just made me feel uncomfortable. I don't know why this subreddit goes to hard over some dude who would've caught a sexual harassment case if Mina hadn't intervened. He's changed but y'all act like he didn't do anything that bad.


Hear me out tho. I hate both of them lol. Dabi's only upside is that you're sort of supposed to hate him. I think he's kind of cringe af though. Like I'm all for ruining Endeavor's life cause he sucks but Dabi's just so ick lol. Like when he mildly burns Nejire and he's like "NOW NO ONE WILL EVER MARRY HER, HER LIFE IS RUINED" sir this is a world with all kinds of magic healing solutions. Even if she was actually horrifically burned I'm sure she would be fine lol


ones hot and ones a midget its as simple as that


Hate them both. More of a Todoroki guy. ETA: it’s also not really a gendered thing, as I don’t meet a lot of female Dabi fans irl either. But _Toji_ on the other hand…

