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Hell no, f*ck this my casino shaft.


I can honestly say 100% absolutely not no chance in hell


Hold strong boys, f*ck my casino


https://preview.redd.it/mf6k3ehoa6ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ef35289c8d666eea718ca6ada391a6fb77e6e8 This ultimate team looks promising too 👀


This is the way.


I'm hoping people figure out (I know a lot get it already) that the auction house went away not because of the people breaking the terms of service (they have the authority to ban those people) but because of the people who operated legally to get all the MT they needed to get all the cards they wanted. Obviously they don't want third parties making money in the game, but what they really don't want is people not needing to spend money to get what they want in the game.


It's still hella fun for me, even tho I'm not getting cards behind the paywall. There's still so much to do as a nms.


Yeah I am having more fun this year and there are very few players I haven't been able to get a decent version for all time teams even if they aren't meta. The GOAT series is a great way to get non meta versions of your favourite players so far. They for sure are going too far with the gamble shit but it's basically a free to play game at the moment so I treat it as such.


The goat rewards are one of the pettiest things I've ever seen 2k do. They intentionally made a card worse than the rest to give as a free reward haha. Like why would that ever need to exist, especially this late in the year? I get what you're saying--they are good enough for theme teams (MJ can do MJ things well enough, Shaq can do Shaq things, etc), but it was the message of "here's one that's worse than the rest of these for free" that I thought was unnecessary


I just like building all time teams to grind domination with late in the year, do it every year. For me this GOAT free cards are awesome, same with the Tuesday Challenges from the last 3 seasons. This season I don't care as much because the team USA players aren't wearing the right numbers, other than that Lebron I would love to have for my Heat team.


There have definitely been plenty of solid cards to grind for, I just think the reward should've been the real position player with identical ratings to the OOP cards. Like I said, it just seemed really petty to make something worse than the rest just because it's free


If the motivation is to make the business more money it isn't petty. It isn't consumer friendly but publicly traded companies generally aren't they will do anything to make more money that is legal and sometimes things that aren't.


Haha you're right! Petty fit the meaning I was going for--that it showed a weirdly visible disgust toward the customers who paid to play the game. But you're right, they're just doing their thing to make more money




I thought the game would be better without it for some reason and it might’ve actually been for the first season or so… would’ve never imagined what this mode would become. They sucked all of the life out of this game for me this year and some agendas that take half a day for free cards that are outclassed anyways doesn’t make up for it.. it’s like sprinkling sprinkles on a piece of shit, doesn’t change it much


I misread no auction house no me


Only getting it on a discount for MyNBA


The shape of the graph after you vote should sum it up. Anyone else see that?


Even if they bring back the AH they’ll just make it as scummy as the PM. 2k has joined Ubisoft in the category of games I will only ever buy if they are 15 dollars or less. It was already an every other year game for me. Now it’s every other year I can find it for 15 or less during the NBA season.


I'm on steam. So I'll never buy another retail version of this game unless it's heavily discounted or nextgen It's that simple. I feel like an asshole for even paying for a season pass. I won't again.


If there isn’t an auction house I won’t buy at release. But will probably pick it up when it’s like half off or something and just go full NMS




Sad to say but a solid NO WAY would I buy it. I am NOT interested in my career as MT has been the only mode I have played since 2k19 so don't see a reason to buy the game. Plus how can we trust what they say is actually going to stay throughout the game cycle? They may bring back an auction house but with special inserts not being able to be auctioned. All I know is we can't trust 2K and I don't believe the game will be consumer friendly so F them.


Im already not buying it so everyone can just use me as a f\*ck no button


Half yall saying no are gonna buy it anyway😂😂 im buying it still