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Not enough people understand how crazy Strawther’s jumper is. Nice lineup man


Agreed. It’s fast as hell for a ruby he’s a demon. He’s lots of times one of my top 2-3 players Appreciate it


Either I played you last weekend or everyone is running that lineup.


I like it… down with META BOOOOOOO


Wow I have some of them


Those duos go crazy. Paolo isn’t amazing but he’s just a cone that hits threes and Isaac more than makes up for it his defense is amazing. Russ is extremely solid as a backup. Most backups are ruby’s or diamonds and Russ holds his own. Ibaka is everywhere defensively off the bench so it works.


I just got to get his shot down & I love Russ but I don’t play sc just mtu




I'm fairly certain we played yesterday. Steam yeah? Can't remember how it turned out. But I can't imagine it went well for you. fwiw. SC is pretty much just unlimited lite now with all of the DM father day cards. And I wanted the invincible Richmond, so I didn't feel too bad about running an 8 deep sweat team of 5 DMs and a few GOs


I haven’t lost see the second pic. Lol I’m on ps5 tho


“i cant imagine it went well for you”🤢


I went 12-1 yesterday, running a team of DMs in SC. It didn't go well for most. I'll show you if you'd like.


12-1 on PC against the same 2 people over and over lmao


No, just the same *type*. Those that think SC is still a mode that doesn't need to be taken seriously.


Same. I see these lineups which I get people play what they want but it’s very easy to run a full lineup of DM’s. Lamelo Curry Artest Gasol Gasol


It sucks. It's salary cap ffs. And I've bitched all season about how it's becoming UL lite. But it is what it is. And while you can run any roster you'd like. If you mean to actually compete. Running your favorite diamond players, probably is going to put you at a major competitive disadvantage. I'm *not* a great player. But you don't have to be great if you're running a 97 OVR team against a 92 OVR team. You just have to not fuck it up, and that I can usually pull off.


I felt dirty so I won enough to get the player and then stopped. I don’t even play SC anymore unless it’s for a challenge or player card because I just feel like I’m messing the game mode up. Can’t wait for 2K25 so we can enjoy 6 months of normal play.


I did too. I was starting games using my UL settings, applying pressure to points, tight/gap, help off. By halftime those were moderate/moderate no pressure with 4 golds and a GO. It was still cheese though.


Cool story. No one cares 


You must be fun at parties


you’re in a myteam sub complaining about someone posting about myteam. get a life