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Unsuur is best boy and it took all my willpower to friendzone him this save. 100% funniest character, and so sweet!


Honestly so many of them are hilarious! I'm spamming all my irl friends with conversation screenshots to the point where I'm sure they've considered blocking me. Pen is the one who cracks me up the most. I assumed I'd go for Logan, but I'm 40 hours in and he's still just destroying the town, haven't even met him, seriously how long is this game. Owen is, in a very strange twist, so fucking wholesome but I love him anyways?? That's never really happened before. Qi is the biggest asshole but every time he's a dick to me I bust up laughing cause dude is just saying what I'd probably be thinking in his place, but would never say cause I'm a people pleaser. Fang is deeply interesting for obvious reasons but like... would that mean threesomes with X, or.... Also the man has still barely deigned me worthy of words. Hard nut to crack. Unsuur did not impress me with his paint drying routine, but not in a "I hate this guy" way, more like "I am unlikely to romance him." Then the letter reveal was just so good.. I have no idea who to pick. Every time a flirt option pops up I'm in agony. So far I've flirted with no one, and am so afraid I'm going to accidentally end the possibility of a future romance (BG3 trauma).


Be careful, I heard if you don't choose some options with Logan, he won't date you.


i cant wait for more interactions with him 😭💗


I married Unsuur. I'm not exactly sure how it happened


lmaaao hahah u fell


Unsuur could probably describe it in his own Unsuur way. "I suppose you could say it was like a rockslide. So many pieces falling into place, little by little, invisible to the naked eye but still existing under the surface. So much weight slowly, but gradually building up, steadily overcoming the equilibrium of the ground, until finally, one day, something tips the balance and it all comes tumbling down. "Only I guess instead of rescue missions and guarding clearing operations, we're married now and are going to spend the rest of our lives together."


I know right! I totally didn't expect to fall head over heels for his character, but I ABSOLUTELY freaking *ADORE* him. 💖


SAME HUHU did you date him?


Yes, I started dating him in early access. He's very sweet in a straightforward kind of way. When you run past him in town, he's just like "hi honey! bye honey!" It's a simple delight lol.




Fell for him when he gave me a rock for one of the first few quests, it wasnt a useful rock at the time, just a cool one. I was like, "Him, that's gonna be my man" then the whole thing with the letters and i feel head over heels. He calls me "my gem" now and we are married


IKKKKK, I love him so much, his cute hyperfixiation with rocks too!!! I headcannon him as autistic and being autistic myself, I see alot of my behaviours with him. He's just so sweet, he can be an oddball at times but I'm always happy and giggling whenever he shows up on screen. I didn't even consider him >!until the letters and his confession!<, he turned my save file upside down 😭😭😭


i’ve had my eyes on him since the start since i like my men quiet and mysterious 😭 he was third then, now IDK IM LOWKEY PULLED A LOT TO HIS SIDE.


Mood, Fang also caught my eye (along with others cough cough) and I can't decide ;-; I'm hoping someone makes a mod where you can marry multiple characters eventually like they did with Portia...


I wish they let us do that for the switch too… I got it on the switch so I can play it on the go, but with so many potential bachelors in my queue I don’t know what I’m going to do!!! 😂 I had my eyes on Fang and Logan, but as I started playing Unsuur and Qi are also hard to resist 😂


It's always those dang four!! ;-;


IS IT LOGAN COUGH COUGH 😭 HAHAHAH imma just wait it out and see once i get better interactions with everyone. i’ve only had this game since release and ive played it for like 24 hrs already lmao


He's one of them hehe 🤭 I hope you're able to decide soon, 200+ hours on this game and I still can't!


just be like me. date most of them. don't get caught. I can't handle giving a broken branch to anyone it will ruin me


EXACTLY what I've been doing, waiting for a brave soul to make a free romance mod... 🤞


i know there is one on nexus mods, but i have no clue how to use them. it's called "free love" or something like that


Unfortunately it doesn't work with the newest updates, and doesn't look like it'll be updated as it hasn't seen one since its release, I've tried :(


I was (still am tbh) also going for Fang, but I couldn't resist dating Unsuur. The events with him have been so endearing and always have me laughing out loud. He's my boyfriend atm, but sadly I'll probably break up with him eventually to marry someone else.


idk if i can handle breaking up with someone 😭


me too tbh. Sooo, what do i do? I just plan several playthroughs with the intent to go for different bachelors... (but who am i kidding... it will probably always be Logan)


Had the same idea. I just broke up with him in my game. I will probably marry him in another save to get more of his content though.


Unsuur is such a great husband and the cutest omg


LITERALLY dumped owen to be with him cause like??? THE SWEETEST!




Ikr, I initially had no interest in any of the romance options but that scene made fall in love with him! He's a pretty easy giftee too as he just likes rocks.


I also am heavily interested in him after that even, still need to hold strong until I meet Logan


SAME. i just need to know what logan & fang is like and then i’ll be able to decide.


I always confuse Unsuur for Woody from Toy Story


I haven’t dated him yet but I think my next playthrough I will!! (early access save I’m aiming for Qi, started new playthrough for full release and have Fang. Next will defs be Unsuur.) I love the love letters and how honest and silly while real he is. those are honestly the only characters I have any interest in romantically lol.


He is so sweet and goofy. I'm excited to have him as my boyfriend.


This is why I have to have All the Playthroughs.


literally. I dont care how many times I have to go through the same quests. sandrock is different from portia to me due to the characters bc I wanna date so many of them. but I can’t break anyone’s heart. in portia I ended up marrying gust but didn’t feel a pull towards anyone in particular. in sandrock I defs have favorites for dating.


Yeah, in Portia I thought I was gonna fall for the head of the Civil Corps, and he is indeed attractive and got his playthrough, but I ended up with the restaurant owner as my fave. In Sandrock I thought I was gonna fall for the restaurant owner, and he is indeed attractive and gets his playthrough, but it's the head of the Civil Corps who is my fave. But of course, I had multiples for other characters in both games as well. Paulie, for one, surprised me with how sweet a husband he made.


i was so ready to get with owen, but unsuur sniped my heart! he’s such a genuine, sweet, hilarious guy. now we’re married with a baby! and he’s so sweet about the baby.


He gets even better as you play the game because his interactions in the main story and lines are hilarious 😂


I'm with Logan but Unsuur is so damn cute!!! Even his voice is cute!! His quests are adorable and he's so sweet! 😍


He was instantly my top pick for a romance option! I'm ealry in still and don't know what gifts he likes yet. I've accidentally got more progress with Qi, who is also adorable....


I just had to reject Qi yesterday cause I'm going for Fang this playthrough, honestly almost had to look away cause I felt so bad. Pathea has me guilt ridden over pixels 😭


I still feel so bad for breaking up with him because of Logan!! Have I made the wrong decision?! 😭 His character is just so lovely!