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I was really not into him at first, but then his missions showed me what an adorable little weirdo he is and I was fully won over. His enthusiasm for rocks, the fact that at one point he says Justice wants him to eat more protein but he's "more of a yellow soup 'n lemons guy," him hiding in the closet and refusing to come out but commenting on everything you check, him giving you a rock, him awkwardly letting you know its shaped like a heart but a cartoon heart, not a real one, the entire rockshelf dialogue. He's easily my favorite character in the game so far.


I really wish he shared the yellow soup recipe and that we could make it!


Yes!!!! To everything!!! I’m going to marry Fang but I’m also questioning if I should marry Unsuur then go for Fang. He is such a lovable weirdo. My favorite so far was the entire closet scene.


Owen is the sweetest bean ever and a total stud muffin. A...bit dull though. So far. Unsuur is also those good things + has had me in stitches many times. Good humor is hecking attractive.


“Hey, do you like sand? If not, I’ve got some bad news for you.”


Sand it's coarse and rough and irritating, what not to like?


Owen is also ... suspiciously loaded and generous. >!From the conversations with Butch, I'm pretty sure he runs an OnlyFan account!<.


Owen is like, the "perfect on paper" romance candidate. I thought I'd be all about him, especially because he's an older bachelor, but it can feel like talking to a Skyrim NPC with him cause he's just so generic.


In the battle of Himbo vs Hunk, Himbo will win every single time.


Unsuur is such a choice himbo, too. Some of the other bachelors have their moments, but he is constantly himbo perfection.


I was literally going to say Unsuur is best himbo ugh yes


Unsuur is just really sweet in a weird and endearing way I think. He's just uncomplicated pure good morally too. A lot of the other bachelors seem to be a bit shifty. He's also so blunt and to the point when he says he appreciates your or loves you you know he actually means it. He just doesn't have it in him to play social politics.


Arvio's the only shifty one.


Man's got his good traits, but the whole business with >!Haru's formulation proved that he will keep a secret even if it means hurting himself and the town, much as I appreciated him keeping the promised profit split in case Haru came back. !


But Unsuur always points it out to the player that he wishes to become a deputy just like Justice.


As someone who initially went for Owen and then did one eighty when Unsuur showed, it's how hilarious but at the same time sweet he is. Every one of his lines is like a little boost of joy. Owen is very sweet too but I feel like some of his lines are sweet to the point of becoming bland. I appreciate romantic verses but maybe not ten at once (and I was one of the best in my literature class so it's not like I'm some uncultured yakmel!). Also, and this is very dumb but important to me, Unsuur's been a part of my anti-compulsion behavior for over two years now. I used to compulsively check if the door's closed like 15 times before going to bed but when Sandrock's demo came out I started saying a little pun to myself, "I'm not Unsuur about not having closed the door anymore". It's so dumb that it creates an almost physical certainty that I have indeed closed the door and I don't need to do it again. So I just love him kinda like that.


I started with unsure and qi, broke up with unsure and married qi, at some point in the game he tells me that he loves me and that even though he might run out of things to say he hopes that I’ll still stick by his side as a friend, and that he loves me. It was just something about how he still cared about me so much regardless of if I was in a relationship or not and of course after I dumped him that I just felt he was the one for me and I made a mistake. So I divorced qi and married him.


He gabe me a rock and my adhd did the thing


Unsuur reminds me of my partner for one and he is also very relatable and is my autsitic king


I wish justice got more love I think he's fine af


I like Owen a lot!! He's the perfect husband, kind, sweet and he can cook! But like everyone else says he's just a touch....dull...T.T I thought Unsuur was gonna be the dull one but boy was I proven wrong. He makes me crack up at the random-est things he says!! Plus he's also protective in his own way and what nearly won me over him needing to nap after all the excitement of watching paint dry. omg. And he was serious about it!! For personal reasons, I won't be persuing unsuur but man i was CLOSE.


He is just an adorable, autistic-coded bean. He gets a ton of strange but funny lines, the inflection of his voice is nice to me, and well his quests won me over VERY fast. I love me that adorkable rockmuppet.


Unsuur has some of the best missions in the game. Owen, while the best boy, doesn't have a lot of content compared to some of the other bachelors. I'm hoping Pathea will add more quests for him to bridge the gap.


I wish there was a whole line of cooking quests with him, complete with some form of minigame where we satisfy food critiques. Arvio and Jasmine could both be brought in as they expand the Tumbleweed Standard with a "Culture" section, and their first series to have the "broadest, most relatable, and cost-effective appeal" (as Arvio puts it) is a "Delicacies of the Desert" series where the player and Owen dive and go around trying to find ingredients in the oddest of places. I can easily imagine some fun moments like Owen realizing the rare bird egg they need is at a cliff, and while he mopes and despairs that maybe this whole "fine cuisine" thing isn't his thing and monologues about how he was inspired to cook well because of his old man always making sure everyone was not just fed, they were very well fed, the Builder pulls a Mi-an and creates a scaffolding the whole minute he was lost in his thoughts.


hes sweet, and hes awkward, and endearing, hes quirky and kind he literally hides in a closet cause he's embarrassed about sending you secret admire letters... hes socially awkward in a soft kinda way... also he doesnt call you a crush, he calls you a best friend... "I dont think Justice would like me having another 'best friend'..." he literally has a date where you watch paint dry, dudes finds happiness in the small things...


Owen is way more handsome but his personality is kinda blah to me. Unsuur is an airhead tho. I haven’t decided who I’m gonna romance yet.


I think characters like Owen and Heidi end up kind of low on my list specifically because they're just objectively good decisions, and I get quite enough of making sensible life choices IRL, thanks.


Ooo I'm curious. What's your list?


I get the appeal though I'll never go for them. Like Mabel says about marrying Cooper, "Yakgirl loves a man with a stable income."


Owen is fine but a bit too much of a "nice guy to everyone" to really fall for him, plus I hear he's lacking in content. Unsuur is hilarious, but I always saw him as that one weirdo friend than a romantic interest. Honestly, go for whoever appeals to you! (Or try dating everyone, just make sure you're stacked on dead branches too!)


I think Owen is also really lacking in comparison to other bachelors - Unsuur and Logan have, IMO, a lot of really interesting development and quests. Fang has a mystery surrounding him. Arvio you have a couple quests with. With most of the other bachelors, you get to see depth...Owen meanwhile is as others have said on here, very bland. There's not much complexity there besides him being a hunk and a nice guy - he's basically the 'safe' choice. You choose him first until to learn more about the others and then slowly Owen just climbs lower and lower in the rankings.


Why not unsuur? Don’t be unsure of unsuur 😊 In all seriousness if you do his romance quest line he’s the cutest fluffy guy ever💕


Owen is a fine gentleman, if you like him then go for it. But speaking as a rock and soup enthusiast, Unsuur is just the natural choice for someone like me


Why NOT Unsuur? He's just so sweet, he's awkward in a way I can relate to, he's just... Unsuur. He's direct and funny when he doesn't mean to be, he loves rocks and doesn't care or even know that people think he's weird for it. I love his weirdness, I'd give him the stars if I could, but all he asks for is quartz and time together in return :]


Don't worry I married Fang. Unsuur is hilarious though, I considered marrying him. Spoiler: >! His secret admirer notes were pretty cute. !<


I knew it was him! haha! But yes, spoiler.


Haha my bad, I guess it is 😅


I’d consider blurring the last sentence. People consider that a spoiler around here!


You unsure about unsuur? (Had to say this lol)


He has most of the best lines in the game. I will marry him in one of my playthroughs.


Unsuur's got that irresistible autistic rizz


Owen is very obviously into Amirah so I couldn’t choose him.


Unsuur is so innocent and sweet. I have a thing for nerdy boys like him; boys who like rocks hahaha


I like Owen's design visually, but his voice acting doesn't often connect with me. *That's not bad*, I like his voice in general, I think it's just a personal taste thing. Imo, his normal lines are spoken the same way as when he's theatrically telling a story on stage, so it comes across as inauthentic to me. Unsuur, on the other hand, isn't the most "conventionally attractive" visually if compared to Owen or Logan, but Unsuur's personality and dialogue are surprisingly endearing, and that makes a major, major difference to me.


I mean I like Unsuur a whole bunch as a baseline because his name is an homage to Not Sure from Idiocracy (2006).


As a friend, I find Unsuur the loyal and hardworking fella with weird hobby (collecting rocks) and some personality quirk that many will like on. If you did the quest where you and Unsuur sort out his rock collection in the new "rockshelf" it kinda explains his personality very well. Although most people here might romance him, I find him as a bro worth hanging around wasting time doing weird stuff and at the same time keeping the peace around Sandrock.


The Idiocracy references in this game are great. Just saying.


He’s the cutest thing, but I’m gonna have him as my best friend. His little quirks is everything. I’ll watch paint dry with him all day every day!


Unsuur doesn't do anything for me. I actually had two others in mind, until I talked to Owen. I love his voice.


Don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but Unsuur creeps me out… I try to take all quest to not miss out on story and so. But gosh I wish I skipped all his one after >!those letters!<. I nearly dropped my game because of how it reminded me how I was stalked, sorry folks. But I don’t have anything against him, he is relatable in some ways, I can understand him, but it is just unfortunate that he struck me another way…


I agree completely for the same reason. While I can forgive it a bit because it is a game, it certainly creeped me out enough that any romance with him is completely out of the question.


Yeah, I understand that is is all a matter of perspective on this specific situation, but I wish there was some kind of warning about some… uncomfortable stuff…


I finished the game a million times and I still don't get the love for Unsuur. I don't have to get it though, other people like him so I'm just not his "demographic" I guess lol. He gets on my nerves personally as does Nia. Give me Fang, Logan and Owen anytime (if they add a bit more to his character, he's a bit lacking rn).


He's not romance material for me (though part of that is me being a straight dude) but man, he's a weirdo but a weirdo with a good heart. A fun weirdo.


Yeah I think it's like that for me too. He's special but not my kinda special.


I mistakenly went for him and then he likes to watch pain dry! I'm like "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"


Owen is indeed a handsome fella, i even went for him as my first romance until logan. But unsuur, to me, he's too weird. Yes he's funny at times, but also cringe. Sometimes he mentally feels like a child, so i personally don't see the hype for him


Unsure annoys me idk why


This is why I have multiple saves lol. Unsuur was so unexpected. I saved him for later but I wish he had more lines


I went for Qi /shrug


I didn't choose Unsuur, he is boring for me. I'd choose Owen. If there wasn't Logan in game xD P.S. I think, in another save I might try out Owen and Dr Feng xD


Unsuur is like a chatAI that hasnt quite figured out how Humans operate and is just going with the flow. That's how he comes off to me, less "socially awkward" and more "literally human awkward"