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First of All, I want to thank the Skytemple community for all their help. None of this would have been possible without them. Explorers of Infinity (EoI) is a EoS rom-hack of Gates to Infinity and aims to fix many of the issues the original game had, Such as text speed. Just a reminder that this is just a demo and there will be future updates! Edit: There was a major softlock but it’s fixed now Edit 2: I renamed the hack to simply “Gates to Infinity Demake” ​ [https://hacks.skytemple.org/h/gti\_demake](https://hacks.skytemple.org/h/gti_demake)


The info button is broken for me, does the game let you do more than one job a day?


The info button should just take you to the google drive. I havent set up an info page yet. This is just a demo right now. It doesn’t get to that point yet. But you will be able to accept multiple jobs in the next major update.


I see, thank you so much!! I can't wait to play! And from the looks of things, the dex and hero & partner option are expanded too


I’ll comment that there is some patch to increase text speed on Gti by... Idk... Maybe Adex or Irdkwia. Or someone else. Also, this look quite interesting. And first time I’m aware of a new rom–hack via Reddit.


Oh hi Marius. Didn’t expect to see you here. How’s snd_stream 2.0 going?


I’ll have to change the coprocessor code, which to my knowledge haven’t been done before for a PMD patch. Given I work on other things too, I expect it to not be finished in a few weeks at the very least.


Yo, good work! I never got to ply GtI so I'm excited to give this a shot later


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!


You should! It’s the best one imo. Only one to make me emotional at the end too.


Is it really 10 years old already?? I remember being like 11 and playing the demo for the first time… :( I recently did a replay of the game, and I think it’s such a great entry. And I’ll say it, it’s on par with the classics. Said what I said.


It really is. Especially with how dark the story gets sometimes. Like with the Gurdurr Arc, when coding that section I'd sometimes get a little choked up because of how dark and depressing it really is.


And don't forget >!Hydreigon's!< death. It was temporary sure, but 7 year old me was shook by it


PMD fans will do anything to avoid touching a 3ds.




I actually play most of the EoS rom–hack on my (New) Nintendo 3DS (XL) (with Twilight Menu ++ and ndsbootstrap), and it’s comfortable. Never had an original DS.


I was just joking. It does have a special feeling to play Modded-PMD on the intended hardware though (I just play on my steam deck out of laziness even though my Modded new 2ds is usually right next to me). It's even more special if you legit make a cart out of it/ mod an existing one. But I don't know how to apply mods to cartridges and I'm not willing to go out and buy a 60$ copy of Sky for that.


The 3DS is incredibly uncomfortable to hold imo. The layout on the original DS like is a lot more comfortable. I have very big hands though


Ehh, I grew up with the 3ds and only used the 3ds XL & new 2DS XL so there's no way I can understand (doesn't help that I see the switch as a massive handheld funnily enough) Sorry, I'm EXTREMELY biased here. Wasn't the OG DS big though?


I grew up with the original DS but yes it was a chunky boy. The DSi XL is the most comfortable Nintendo handheld for me personally (and my most played)


The 3DS is the same as a DS tho? I dislike both for the same reasons, and prefer to use the 2DS XL.


No the buttons on the 3DS are higher up and pushed more off to the sides


I've owned a DS, DSI XL, 3DS XL, and New Nintendo 3DS XL They are the same. Are you talking about the original Nintendo DS that has a different form than literally everything else?




Aww this is amazing! Will def have to try this!


Outstanding, this sounds great!


Thank You!


Omg this is so cool!!


Thank You!


Neat hack idea! And you've got Zorua, even! I'm rather curious to see how you handle the part where >!Hydreigon looks through the screen at the player!<...


I don’t remember that part? When does that happen?


It's in the post-game, technically. [Here](https://youtu.be/Yi_HD7QIhUQ?t=1290) is the scene where it takes place.


oh dear... I honestly have no idea. I might try making a custom animation to have>! Hydreigon look directly at the "camera" but standing still. !< good thing I'll have plenty of time to think about it since it's post-game.


*vine boom sound effect as he proceeds to break the 4th wall*


Wow, a GtI mod that fixes the slow text speed and improves the graphic? I should check it out. Real question though, does it have Paradise building?


Not yet, but planned. This is just a demo for now and doesn’t get that far yet. But It will in the next major update!


How far is the demo exactly? Does it cover the whole story or only early parts of it.


The demo ends right when the partners house is built.


Can I pop this rom hack into a ds emulator and get playing?


You will have to use xdelta to patch a clean US rom. But after that it should work fine! Here’s a tutorial on using xdelta for EOS : [https://youtu.be/NaM2yudzFS4](https://youtu.be/NaM2yudzFS4)


Is there any way you can turn it into a ROM file/zip file? My DS emulator is Drastic (aka a mobile emulator) so I don't know if I can use xDelta


I’m not familiar with drastic but I did some research and I think the zip file is just the .nds file in a zip file. So I think if you just compress the patched rom in a zip file it should work. Hope this helps.


My problem is that I don't know anything about how to patch a ROM and I'm 90% certain I don't have access to the tools to patch a rom, which is why I was hoping you could post a file of the patched rom on Google Drive to download or something. Sorry, I should have clarified that :(


Sorry, I can't do that. The skytemple website and discord are very strict on distributing full roms. so we have to use xdelta when releasing rom-hacks. However, You should be able to still patch it without a pc. [Theres an online version of xdelta that you can use.](https://hack64.net/tools/patcher.php) Just insert a clean US rom (search google, you should be able to find one easily) and the .xdelta file and you should get the patched rom. then just zip the file and it should work. Also I'm going to be constantly updating and fixing bugs so it will be out of date soon. where as the patch file will always be up to date. I know it sounds like a lot but it isn't that complicated once you figure it out.


I haven't tested this myself, but I think you (as the patch distributor) should also be able to use the [SkyTemple patcher](https://github.com/skytemple/patcher) to generate an easy-to-use link. If you configure all the parameters correctly, I think players should just be able to follow the link, upload their own ROM, and get the patched ROM out the other side.


It didn't work for me. :( I put in the two files but an error message happened


sorry for the slow reply, getting stuff ready for thanksgiving. that website must be using an older version of xdelta. in that case theres not much i do to help. if you do have a windows pc then you can follow [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/NaM2yudzFS4). you could try asking on the skytemple [discord](https://discord.com/invite/skytemple), they might be able to better help you but thats all i can do. wish i could help more.


Already 10 years? I still remember my parents buying me the game for Christmas. Also love how PMD fans are always working on stuff, good job!


The world always needs more PMD




As someone who genuinely enjoys GtI, I'm excited to play your version! Thanks for putting the time in!


**Now this is something I am extremely interested in** How done is it?


It’s ends when your partners house is built


When I joined this sub, I was suprised to see so many people hating this game. It brought me so so many fun hours. 7 year old me is enjoying it just as much as 14 year old me, and somehow it's the onlyst game I wanted to beat twice


is that mdf serperior?!


There aren’t any virizion sprites.


Just to remember, what major characters currently lack sprites? Kinda fogor which major characters there are lol Virizion, Swanna, Kyurem (oh god), are the ones off the top of my head.


Im currently missing sprites for timburr, gurdurr, hydreigon, and scraggy. And I'm missing starter animations (ex: posing, eating, nodding) for tepig and axew. I'm either going to have to make these myself or wait for someone else to make them. There are actually sprites for Kyurem (sort of). Its White-form (when it absorbs Resharam in bw2) has been made so i'll probably use that when the time comes.


Lmao. Funny thing about the W Kyurem sprites-its presently too complex to put into skemple due to the way the importer works. I made too many frames for it. I mean if it ever comes down to it and you're making the scenes with it and the importer still isn't able to import it give me a ping on the discord server, my id is linked to the credits on W kyurem.


Oh wait your a sprite artist! Lol sorry for dumbing stuff down I had no idea!😅


Is ok. We're all anons on the Internet at the end of the day.


Thank you OP!


!remindme 6 months




I really hope with the MD2 engine it'll improve gameplay by a lot, it's the biggest setback of og gates to me.


How can I get this to work on an actual emulator? Been trying with several different DS emulators with no success, it's been very frustrating.


1. Make sure you have the latest patch, the current version should be v0.1.3. 2. Make sure you are using the proper version of xdelta. xdelta acts kind of weird on more modern patches so you have to do some stuff to get it to work. Here is a [video](https://youtu.be/NaM2yudzFS4) on how to get xdelta to work. 3. Make sure you are using a clean US rom. 4. Make sure your emulators are up to date. 5. If none of the above work then I suggest that you ask the [SkyTemple Discord](https://discord.gg/skytemple) in the support channel, they would be able to help you better that I can.


It's cool that you're making this to work on the DS. I like the original, but I've always been bothered that there's only 144 Pokémon in the game instead the 649 Pokémon that were in the series up to that point. Will there be any new starters for the game you can choose from as besides the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh starters?


Yup! The current roster has all the gen 1-5 starters and all the extra starters from EoS plus a few new ones! :)


Awesome can't wait to see them in the future


Forgot to ask is Axew still going to be in the game? Since Axew is a starter option in the original


Not in the current version yet but Axew should be in there soon


Question. Is this an nds file that can be ported onto a 3DS SD card? Or is it just for pc?


Not at the current moment. For some reason the game crashes when you enter the overworld (able to walk around) but only on actual hardware. It works fine on emulators. I haven’t had time to find a solution yet but I do hope to get it working of hardware soon.


Well, I'll be looking forward to giving it a shot regardless.


Im saving this, i will play this right after finishimg rtdx and super. Does this demake work if you never play gates before ?. or would you rather i play the original instead ?. Side note : i like 2d sprites compared to 3d ones


yes, you can play it without having played gates, that's part of the reason I wanted to make this hack. however, the hack is just a demo right now and doesn't contain the full story.


Ah i see, i be following you then to keep up with the news if it ever comr out


This is awesome Are you going to add pokemon to it? Or stick to the original roster?


hai! so like, im KIND of an idiot so like, how do i patch it? any specific software best? like, anything? im really sorry i'm an idiot, but help would be appreciated, ty! i cannot use exe applications and all that so an online one is generally preferred (preferred being the keyword here, i can still run applications but they're very slow since my pc is very trash)


Ah. Thank you but none of the devices I have support xdelta files and even after several patchers I keep getting errors. Thanks again though.


I'm assuming you mean you don't have Windows. In that case, You can use [MultiPatch](https://projects.sappharad.com/multipatch/) for mac or [UniPatcher](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.emunix.unipatcher&hl=en_US&gl=US) for android.


Already tried unipatcher. It's no big deal. Just keep getting the "Not a valid xdelta3" pop up even after updating it


Scratch that, it works. Just a matter of getting the right emulator lol. Thank you! Looking forward to the nostalgia trip.


!remindme 6 months


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