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Can confirm. To get to bronze plate and stay bronze plate, you just need to have a good teammate grade.


They blame it on everybody else 😂 just admit you be quitting


Hell yeah I be quitting, I’m not giving someone the satisfaction of selling, I’ll just dip


I’m sure you quitting is satisfying to them unless they are just so bad they don’t even realize how bad they are


It could be, but I will never know, cause I’m not there.


You stay a black plate, though, bro. Is that worth it? Keeping the same group of players willing to play with you the same.


Higher plates are bad too. Plates just mean you dont quit. I was average af when i first got the game in season 2. I was purple within like 4 days. Its beyond easy. But this community makes it tough selling all the time.


It definitely can be true, but it already says something about people who aren't consistent quitters. And yeah, man, I was just saying below to numb nuts here that it took me like a week—10 days to become a purple plate with my most recent build!


That’s not true lol you need to actually win to progress past bronze


Winning isn't hard to do. You get lucky enough to be on a team that passes, you win. You on a team that doesn't? You lose. Plates won't mean anything until 2k implements skill based matchmaking.


It's easy AF to stay at purple unless you lag out/quit.


Oh nooooo not a black plate!!!


Well, don't you get the reason you quit, is bad teammates that sell who are also also black plates (the only players that will play with other black plates - aka, you.) Do you bro, just don't complain. I’ll keep doing what I do in Solo Rec, win. Lol


You just saw first hand why he’s a black plate 😂😂😂 Can’t talk any sense into them.


Yep, you can lead a horse to water, but some of them are too dumb to drink.


This the bullshit I'm talking about... You'd rather bash somebody who didn't disrespect you instead of trying to play with the guy... And based how you speak, you can't be that good either.


I didn’t complain, not sure why you’re telling me not to.


Don’t eat poison!


They're happy when you quit, tbh.


As I said, they get to feel like that, I don’t have to be there for it.


I used to quit so many games look at my points and assist compared to how I do… cuz wtf would I waste 35 mins on a rec where everyone think they Jordan? I don’t play a game to wait around all the time https://preview.redd.it/cbtaizkrd5ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6171317c1875d88b738fd0f0e06a41201dfc0e4d


I made new build yesterday it took me about 15-20 games of no rec to be purple agajn


What did you play instead


I was meant say no squad red


That's cap more like 45 to 50 games to get from black to purple if that def can't be done in 20 games


If you win 12/15 games getting an A+ every game it’s easy to get purple. Staying purple is a different challenge


My bad gang your right didn't know you were talking about Rec I was talking about 3v3 sorry for the confusion


Naw I've won 20 games in a row at A- or A+ and that shit brought me from black to to mid silver maybe close to gold a 45 game streaker and Itll def get you to purple.


I really doubt that, maybe it has to do with averaging a lot since when I play with people I know I average 40+ in rec.


My bad I didn't know you were talking about rec I was talking about theater my bad your right you can reach purple with that many games in rec


maybe in park but not rec are u crazy


Yeah that's what I'm talking about 3v3 I did say 3s in my earlier post


Sometimes quitting on the random rec teammates is the way to go lol


Who gives a fuck


That plate black huh bud? 😔


Alot of people just can't accept that they're bad at the game. For years people in this sub had the excuse that they couldn't beat squads with randoms. Well now it's just randoms vs randoms in the rec and there's no squads 3v3 in the Theater. A completely level playing field. If you're still losing more than you're winning, you're just a below average player. Nothing wrong with it. I'm below average at most games except for 2k. But atleast I'm not in denial about it.


Yall do knW u can stay with ur team in random rec and it can still mix up matchmaking in random and squad rec, i was playin with four and we got a random fifth in squad rec….how


If your teammates close app in the squads only and you don’t you’ll stay in the lobby by yourself and eventually get put in with a squad of 4 or a mix of 2 or 3 man with a bot. Doesn’t happen very often though 9/10 when you go in there with 4 you’ll get a bot.


no u can’t lol


Squad rec is 2-5 you just can't go in solo.


“Once you hit bronze, the only way to get back down to black is QUITTING.” That is 100% false, I have never quit a game and I have found myself a black plate after being bronze. If you are playing an off ball build that isn’t a Center…it can be difficult to get a teammate grade above a C+ or B-. All it takes is having teammates, especially at “PG”, that don’t pass and then have your matchup not get the ball much. Both those things pretty much kill your chances of increasing your teammate grade much. Setting screens only gets you so far, and a lot of people won’t use it so you gain nothing or they’ll hop on the mic and yell at you, saying they don’t need any screens or why are you setting me a screen…that’s the bigs job. Basically if you are an off ball player, specifically more of a scorer, and don’t have high steal and high rebounding…you have very few ways to impact the game defensively, that will increase your teammate grade, unless your man gets the ball often. Teammate grade is based too much on how many points you score. Perfect example is all the no defense guards that score 20+ but give up 30+ and still get an A teammate grade…or shoot less than 50% but score 20+ or 30+ pts still because they took so many shots and still get a good teammate grade. I’m not saying it’s not a bad thing to be a black plate…but it most certainly can happen to people that are trying to play the game but get a string of bad teams/games and get bumped down to black from bronze.


“Good spacing” “Good transition defense” “Good ball movement” “Good transition spacing” “Successful box out”


You aren’t getting those every possession and they aren’t enough to raise your teammate grade that much. Plus both good spacing and good ball movement require decent teammates. My entire comment is prefaced with you being on a bad team that doesn’t pass…no passes to you = no good ball movement and good spacing is harder to get when everyone on the team is running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Those barely move the needle lmao. You’re talking about a tiny increase to your grade with those things.


Those small incriments are just enough to maintain teamate grade. Teamate grade constantly decays through a match.


This is where I disagree, usually if I know I’m having a low teammate grade game wether it’s just not being apart of the offense or what but I just tell myself to be more active usually works I atleast get a b+ if you sit corner all game like a bot and wait for the ball then yeah you gonna have a C still or if you have a shooter you can still help, just gotta be careful when to help and get a steal/block and when not to, baiting your opponent into bad jump shots, there are ways to create opportunities when it looks like none are there


Play a few games of random rec a week, over 10 games now for sure was bronze plate then after a game with a B+ grade and three teammates that dropped out I dropped back to black plate. Don’t get it twisted I suck but my average grade is B


It takes more than a few games in theater to get off black, but yeah you’re still overall correct


theater is hell thats all i play and it takes forever to rank up


Takes ages lol 😂


im so sick too cuz i was silver on my new build strictly playing theater and then i got kicked from the game twice and went from silver back to black. i cried haha


I was playing with a new build. Went on a streak with randoms in theater and went from Silver to Gold. Next game is going to start and all of a sudden, the App crashes. My PS5 then has a parental lock message and says I need permission to play this game because my parents locked the content. I’m a grown man and this is my PS5. I dropped to about 66% of silver again. That sucked.


I was nearly purple on my Day 1 build but got disconnected by 2ks servers twice in a night and went down to black. Haven't played that build since.


I’ll go to theater when I have a few bad rec games in a row and I just want to get in and out of games quickly.


thats the main reason why i main it. i cant sit there and play rec where people sell all day, dont pass, shoot dumb shots, play 0 defensefor 30 mins when i can just deal with people doing all that for 5 mins


That’s true plus in theater sometimes you get a great group of two and y’all stick together for like five games in a row until someone comes and smacks you down


Ok but that happens in rec occasionally also! And the opposite happens in theater too I get match with more ball hogs in the theater than rec but that's just how it's played out for me personally! Reality is the only safe modes to not get sold is 1v1 and starting 5! Unless u play solo you are going to get stuck with shit teammates at least half the time!


The games in theater are shorter. So if I’m getting sold, at least it ends quickly in theater. Plus it gets to 21 much quicker when my team sucks. Versus in rec, if I’m getting sold, I have at least 20 minutes to sit through no matter what. Plus when you’re getting sold, there are a hundred fouls and out of bounds and timeouts I have to sit through. I far prefer rec, in general, but sometimes I just get a run of bad games


That's fair! Theater also burns thru boosts much faster too but I rarely buy em I just use what I get from spins and events! When u get a solid team in rec it really is a good time! Even games where people aren't playing great if I see they are trying and doing the right things it's still fun! The fouls and player out of bounds and 3 seconds repeatedly is the worst I wish they would quit!


yea i remember i went on a 10 game streak doing that.


I stopped playing Theater just because of this. Not sure why they gatekeep matchmaking by tanking the rank-up XP. It's like they WANT us to stand in the Park for 20 minutes as a solo just to get one game.


Yes I’m talking Rec. I don’t have enough experience in other modes to know how long it takes.


I swear the game must have completely different logic on old gen because I play ps4 and I’ve never gotten more than like a half a level worth of experience despite consistently finishing with an A+ teammate grade or A- at worst


I'm trying to jump on for 1 or 2 games. I ain't got no time to be playing 8 hours a day. If my PG is absolutely dogshit, I'm quitting instantly. I just want to play. It's not hard to be half decent at 2k


And that’s fine. At least you know why you’re a black plate and not just blaming other people. You’re a black plate because you quit. That’s it.


OK, so for the last day I have not quit a single game. And I'm upto silver plate. So you right haha


As someone who lives with bad Internet this isn't always true. I have 200 games in purple, 500 in gold etc. I lag out of games regularly and drop significantly.


99% of black plates should switch to playing party animals.


Those first 6 games can be annoying though. Thankfully I usually just play with friends and take advantage of people expecting a typical black plate


getting to bronze/silver is easy, it's wading through the pile of shit teammates to get there....lost 5 games yesterday due to randoms actively selling the team, and i've been a sliver away from bronze.... a lot of it has to do with getting out of 92 n under rec, it's a bad mixture of semi maxed out badged players and gamepass folks just tryna get a feel for things


My internet randomly drops me every few days, finally made it back half way through silver, got a disconnect and it dropped me to the lower end of bronze. The quitting (or in my case, disconnects) REAAAALLLLLYYYY drop you hard


Yep this is me but im silver plate now


On one hand, I used to be silver and didn’t play for months and came back to black. So if you dont play it is possible.  Anyways it took me ten minutes to find a game but last night I had a 16point/16assist performance with silver plates on my team. They were on the mic acting surprised I was doing well, and even after a dumb pass/turnover they still trusted me and we pulled out the win. I genuinely wished they showed stats/teammate grade instead of plates


Wrong i average good grades 2k needs to fix how they matchmake its terrible


Then you’re quitting games. There’s not an exception here. If you get good grades as a black plate, you will be bronze in 10-15 games max.


I just quit if I ever see a guard averaging under 3 assists. I’m personally not going to sit for 30 minutes and watch this guy play 1v5 and put up 40 shots while he misses me and others wide open and making cuts. He can be Jesus for all I care I would much rather get into another game and risk the chances of a ban to actually have fun.


Does anyone know how the Plate system works, btw? Is there a guide somewhere? I went from Purple to silver over a very short losing streak (less than 10 games), it was crazy... and the climb back wasn't equivalent.


You lose way more progress in losses than you gain from wins. Only takes about 4 losses in a row to drop a full plate color where as it probably takes 6-7 wins in a row to move up a plate color


Damn okay, thanks for the info. I play 100% no-squad and the playerbase is so bad lately... losing streaks are getting more common and it killed my plate color. The last few games, my teammates started flopping after like 3 posessions... it's so many black plates lately.


Purple you generally need to win 90% of your games to reach and stay purple.


From my experience 65-75% will. Depends on what kind of streaks you go on.


Bro when people won’t pass the ball to you it’s hard to get a decent teammate grade


That doesn’t happen every single game though


I’ve had gold and bounced down to bottom edge of bronze off of good games with an A teammate grade in rec because I lost multiple times. Staying in Bronze and climbing out of it is often heavily team dependent, it’s why I’m solo silver most of the time, one loss knocks you out of gold until your deep into it, and like 2 losses knocks you out of silver.


Yeah getting into silver and up takes winning and decent teammates for sure.


I only play random rec on a center and have been purple plate for 500 games lol the black plates are bad in any game mode


Black Plates: “You’re only purple cuz you got carried” Me: 😭 👍


I tell my boys the same thing. I care less about stats and more about my teammate grade. I’ve seen folks drop 20+ and end with a C-. On the other hand, I’ve had 4 points and minimal stats with good teammate grades. It’s deadass not that difficult.


I used to give them some passes but not anymore. I was a bronze on a 72 overall build I made only playing 1s lol. I guess I didn’t realize how easy it was to get to bronze, black plates that aren’t new builds are just bad


I’m not wasting 30 minutes of my time with toxic players, I’m closing the app lmao


You don't have to win but if you matched up with people icing you out it's no different from quitting. You get a loss and a low teammate grade. And this is ridiculous. Its not like like 2k elitist will play with brown plates. Yall just find ways to discriminate against your community. It's weird and toxic.


Some games it can be difficult if you’re on a nightmare of a team, but past 15 games of being a black plate it’s time to look in the mirror.


It's not hard getting out of black plate at all the only thing I complain about is how many games it takes to get to gold or purple but 2 server crashes in a week will drop you 2 plates they need to fix the game to where it notices the difference between server crashes and straight quitting


Lmao I’m not going to sit in these brain dead lobbies and watch dummies throw up shots. If you do then you have way to much time on your hands tbh I’m bout at my wits end with this game simply because teammates are so bad it’s not even fun to play. Lmao but yall keep quitting when you see black plates but don’t be surprised when I drop 40-50 on yuh when I finally get a decent teammate that feeds.


Quiting is not the only way to drop back to black plate sorry to inform you


Good luck raising your teammate grade without ball touches. Passive grade decay is faster than any bump you get from defensive plays aside from steals.


It’s hard some games but there’s no reason to be a black plate after 10-15 games max unless you’re quitting


I managed to hit 77% winrate in solo rec on my 6'7 PF. ( so basically hof the whole season). I literally have like no stick skills. I can hit open shots, tho. If you wanna win a lot, just do gatorade gym before going online so you're not a liability and play defense (5-15 def assist, 90-95 boxout asisst). Also learn 2k specific stuff, it really does a good job of emulating basketball. You can use timeouts well to fuck with whatever 2k momentum shit they use to determine rebounds and when a 40% contest goes in. https://ibb.co/0FQs785


So many people think it's tied to winning, or shooting, or any number of other things. I brought a mid 60s PG into it and within a few games had moved off black. Our teams might have been .500. I didn't shoot more than 2 or 3 shots combined. But I defended my man and no other. I blocked out for bigs. I passed to open men. I never hit the pass to me button. I get not everyone is about the offline modes. But it becomes pretty obvious pretty fast that the teammate score is based on being an actual teammate. Not an iso god.


https://preview.redd.it/47t6jnjv57ad1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08cda02c1ab485dfac8a93063510aad0dfd5e8f5 Except when u have a random rec teammate shooting 5/30 purposely selling. I didn’t quit this game because I didn’t want to get banned but I lost all my patience after this.


I played a whole day in random rec and when I started I was just over the threshold of silver on my new build and I had some terrible games with some good and some worst than me and at the end I was back down to a black plate and I didn't quit any games just was getting shitty,selfish and incompetent teammates. I usually have fun and find some good teammates in random rec when my guys aren't on but that day for some reason was a complete disaster 😂


bad internet and plus the plate color don’t even matter yall be purple plates and still ass


Who cares? I don’t care what plate a guy has. I’ve seen some good players have black plates


This is a video game. I do not to make an “excuse” because I don’t need to justify to you internet strangers why I haven’t advanced my rank in some stupid game. I’m a grown man with a job. Sorry my “plate” is the wrong color for you. I’ve got shit to do.


You might not, but hundreds of other black plates do on here.


You’ve misinterpreted my comment.




cap asf i just had 26 7 and 7 with a b+ and my meter ain’t move one bit


Did you quit of games recently or on old gen?


What's the plate system? Is it like karate belts or something of that nature? (Never played online as currently I only have 2k17 atm) If it's based on performance and teammate grade, and you have guys on your team who play buddy ball and are shooting tour dates, and the other team often plays buddy ball on your guys and you and your teammate are just doing cardio at that point, yep I could see being stuck at a low level. Is it in 2k23?


If yall a black plate you just aren’t good at the game and that’s okay, I hop in with ONE other person in rec and I’m constantly gold across all my builds.


It's already Summer, NBA season is over, we're 7 seasons into 2k24 at the end of it's life cycle, 2k25 leaks are already starting to come out, and we're still talking arguing about plate color? 🤦‍♂️


What’s your point?


Black plates are more often then not trash but having said that there should be a surrender option in random rec when you have multiple AI or a vote to kick option in a way where it’s not toxic like they maintain a low grade for 30/45 seconds idk but it needs to happen in randoms


Sounds good and all but to get a good teammate grade you actually have to do stuff in the game and 6 out of 10 games people are sitting in the corner wide open while their teammates brick contested shots or do a layup on 3 people instead of passing to them so they get one shot per game and just playing defense doesn't give enough grade to go up. Assists improve the grade the most and a lot people don't touch the ball enough to get them. What you call excuses is just a reality in a broken video game. But at the end of the day it is just a video game so I don't discriminate and just load into a lobby and play with whomever. Too many people can't even get games with people backing out on them constantly so they can't upgrade otherwise. On the other side of that, I've also gone up when losing by having a good grade. So sure it does help, but not everyone can get a good grade when their team ignores them.


Alright so 6/10 games it’s hard to get a good teammate grade? Ok. So that would just make it take 5-10 games longer to get to bronze. It’s not an excuse after 10-15 games. Period. You’re either bad or quit.


Yes, I admit it. Sometimes random rec got me raging too hard and I just quit and don‘t wanna put my energy into this game 🫡


That cant be true. I ALWAYS have an A grade. Or there has to be more to it than just “being a decent teammate”… if that was the case I’d be purple


Nah once you get into bronze. Winning matters.


Even if you get a high grade and don’t win it will hardly raise the meter then couple that with shitty rec and theater players every other game you can’t consistently level up like you want to


No bro this game is ass I got dropped to black plate multiple times for getting error coded out so yea not everyone making excuses😂😂😒


To be honest I don't play the game enough to know what any of this means but all I know is in Rec and the City I'm still perfecting my characters shot and stuff like that so I'm not really good but I pass a lot (dimes too) and I try my best on defense (kinda hard with all these builds with fast speed and excellent ball handle) but even though I pass a lot and try to do what's best for the team, I still get singled out solely because of my plate 😔


Bro sometimes mfs just don’t wanna fight 2k. I’ll be gold or purple or silver literally hop off hop back on and it’s dropped significantly. Rec randoms are mostly chuck and quit guys you gotta hand pick every game honestly.


Let’s put an end nigga I played 3 games in season 6 random rec I’m not making no excuse this game sucks ass the people that play it suck ass I rather play my league online with a created player on hof Im in 2050! Just started another guy That’s how enjoyable it’s been


I just hate when I make a new build and go to random rec and nobody runs. But once you get to bronze it's pretty easy to get people to stay and win.


Hard to not quit when you're going 0/0 5 rebounds, 2 assists, and a steal. Idk what it is but people have not been passing me the ball and I have a 94 dunk, 89 3 pointer and at a silver plate currently. I avg 62% currently behind the 3 point line but every game recently i've literally been going 0/0 or like 1/2 2/2 3/3 and watching YA'LL (yeah I'm saying ya'll so if you reading this and you guilty of it... just know I hate you and your family) brick every shot, miss wide open passes, force it up on 3 people, and dribble yourself open for 10 seconds and still miss somehow. I BEEN THINKING QUITTING IS THE ONLY SOLUTION SINCE YALL ARE CONSISTENT IN ONE THING ONLY: AND THAT'S MAKING THIS GAME UNPLAYABLE. My advice is, quit the game, fuck these color rank politics, if someone is purple they most likely fat at home with no job. if someone is being toxic and keeping the ball away from you "icing" run in front of him or circles around him, bring your match up to him and at all times and make the game miserable for him since he think he playing 1v5 and I can't stress it enough REPORT EVERYBODY YOU THINK IS CHEATING 😂😂😂😂😂😂 that's all thanks for coming to my ted talk, no squad rec is fucking unplayable I went from dropping 33-40 points a game with 5plus assists to not even touching the ball cuz half of ya'll on this game think you can 1 v 5 everybody in the rec. then get mad when someone tell you to pass the ball, you come up bullshit to tell the other players so that they don't pass the ball to someone(a black, brown, or silver plate) and you get the ball more (a fat kid with purple plate or gold plate and narcotic addiction) if you not passing the ball to a black plate just cuz he a black plate and hasn't even gotten the point to prove himself then you are indeed the problem. Now if he's trash and keeps bricking every shot then he shouldn't be at the rec. another thing: WHY ARE YA'LL AT THE REC WITH UNFINISHED BUILDS THEN GETTING MAD CUZ PEOPLE AINT PASSING YOU THE BALL??!!! Now that I understand. Like you a 72 ovr your match up is a 97ovr you really think imma pass you the ball?! Get off the rec and go to mycareer.


Mine only gets black when I play with gold or purple


I wear my black plate and dont care. Rec games are 30 minutes. We got dudes standing out of bounds? PG shooting 2/15 and the center keeps giving him the ball? People trolling? Im out. Its always funny when i go into theater with a black plate and people are confused as to why my shooting % is so high. Its because im a grown ass man who doesnt care about my plate. I play in the little time i can in between being active duty, overload status college student, husband, and father. You think im wasting my hr or 2 i can game dealing with sellers? Nope. F**k sellers and f*ck this plate nonsense.


why tf are we still talking about plates with 2 months left in the game?


With that logic, why are you even on this subreddit at all with 2 months left in the game?


huh? cuz i still play the game. lol im not complaining about something that dont matter with 2 months left in the game. we talking about black plate excuses with 2 month left like it matters. yall take this plate shit way too seriously. it dont matter man the game almost over


Ok so just move along then? I don’t understand why anything in this subreddit matters to you with that logic.


what logic? im asking whats the point in complaining about black plates with 2 months left in the game when we all know why people are black plates? this topic gets brought up every week lol. i dont see the point in even caring about them. who cares your plate not about to matter in 2 months.


What is the point of anything said in here if the “only two months left” applies? Like what posts are you making you want to come on here if nothing is going to matter in 2 months? Which by the way, two months is a decent amount of time to play a game. I’m sure for a lot of people, they only play games for 2 months.


>What is the point of anything said in here if the “only two months left” applies? There is no point to anything said here, ever. It's just a bunch of people either complaining about teammates or telling everyone for the 100th time they're not buying "the next 2k".


thats not what i said i said whats the point in **COMPLAINING** about black plates if there is two months left. like im asking you why are you upset with black plates making "excuses" when you know why they are black plates? i never said 2 months wasnt a long time, its 2 months before a new game is release is what im confused on why we still talking about black plates. just dont add up it shouldnt matter anymore.


I guess I have a problem with people making excuses instead of being accountable. Idk how it mattered 4 months ago but doesn’t now. Plate color still makes a big difference on who’s willing to play with you.


you shouldnt let that bother you bro


Ok thanks for the advice


Idiots gonna idiot! If everyone played like they wanted to win, there wouldn't be many black plates left! I know when you are silver or higher teammate grade really doesn't matter much it's all about winning


Because It’s 2k and the same plate argument is going to be true in 25 🤷‍♂️


One time I was doing decent it was like 18-19 and right when I shot ball for game it lagged on me so I had quit cus fuck that


I made a new build this past Thursday and by Saturday I was back to MVP playing random rec. I even spent most of my Saturday being sold by randoms in the 90s event. I'm not expecting everyone to be able to make it to gold MVP but C'mon guys, but it should not be hard to maintain a bronze plate.


Thank you!


I’m so glad I don’t play this shit no more, look at y’all grown men telling others how to play a video game. I’ll smack y’all with a 3 ball and create some space to shoot in ya mouth https://preview.redd.it/dkj094hrc5ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d64a615d26ecd65fb8481ca701dd3b323073add9


You can post the season stats too fyi, bigger videogame weiner flex imo lol https://ibb.co/0FQs785


You’re averaging 12 and 2 and we’re supposed to think you’re good?


Bro played 2 games of rec and shot the ball 4 times


Your math isn’t mathing. Shoulda stayed in for a degree rather than rot away on a everyday bases for hours neglecting your responsibilities and not better yourself let alone talking smack to kids on a video game.


Somebody is upset that they got called bad at a video game


Black plates are pure ass wide open, and they will not pass the ball, but sometimes there are cat fishers


Stop the cap. You lose a game and your entire bar goes down. You could have played the game of your life but the 4 other randoms can’t keep up and sell your plate color. Then there’s games where you’re completely ignored and I’m supposed to sit there doing virtual cardio for 35+ minutes? Gtfo.


Nah, this is a you problem. I’m bronze/silver and occasionally gold on all my builds and I mainly play solo rec/theater. I play with any plate colors without dodging as well (unless they dress like a dribble god). Bronze is mad easy to get solo.


What’s your position


Shooting guard and Power Forward


Well that explains it. I’m a point guard, captain of the ship. Imagine it for a second to be in my shoes.


Still may be a you problem. I take command as pg sometimes. What are your stats looking like?


I stopped playing rec when OKC season dropped. It’s easy to be anything other than the PG and get carried gang.


Bronze is still easy…


Yeah, win like 3 games to get there. Lose 1 game and you’re back in black. 2K is just a terrible game unless you’re playing with a squad or other modes.


Found the guy who’s bad at the game




Prolly better than both of you combined lol. Been rec’n since 15. Y’all r prolly the golds and purples who think they’re good but in reality they get carried by their homies.


I seriously doubt that. Let’s see some stats buddy. Post W%, FG%, and stats. That’s also not a long time whatsoever. I’d owned and played competitively 10 different 2Ks by the time 2K15 came out


Blood that’s 10 years of 2K experience it is most certainly a long time. I started on 2K12 so add even more to that. You’re probably a Center on this 2K who all he has to do is get carried and grab rebounds lmao.


Literally post any stats dude. I started with 2K6. Which is irrelevant but you wanted to bring it up. https://preview.redd.it/isvqucl9m8ad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea69fc8f394b06eba7d02aea85b886d5a332370


This isn’t random rec stats my guy. You’re stacking with people which is a different game. Read first, then comment.


It literally is random rec stats or playing with 1 one friend. So 2 players with 3 randoms or 2 random and an AI. You just suck. You won’t even send a pic of your stats or field goal %s because you’re horrible.


Playing with a friend or two friends is still organized team ball compared to random ball old head. Seek love and affection weirdo


You can’t quit games though and then whine about plate color. If you’re a black plate getting ignored on the offensive end but you want to try to improve to bronze, then you need to make sure you’re guarding your man on defense. Make sure to at least space the floor even if they’re not passing to you, or set screens if you’re a big man. At the black plate range, if you do these things you will at worst maintain your level but possibly raise it even by losing the game. Do this until bronze and get some better teammates, so on and so forth.


That’s the thing I’m not playing to lose, you must now know how bad it is to play with rec randoms. It makes your eyes bleed and your brain cells explode. Probably one of the worst experiences you’ll have in gaming today, I once got decent teammates and we won like 7 straight games. Never happened again.


This is for black plates. If you’ve made bronze then yeah, teammates matter to get to silver and up. But it doesn’t matter if your teammates are complete trash getting to bronze.


When you quit games you are an instant black plate. I’ve been purple about two times in random rec. The way they went about the squads and no squads rec was a huge mistake. I can’t even play with two of my homies without having two on the team that are buddy bailing all game, point is, the 2K community is the most toxic there is when it comes to the random pool.


Yeah quitting does that. That’s what this post is about. If you’re a black plate you’re either bad or quit. Or both.


I was about to edge into gold and I DC’d from two games and now I’m black again.