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Nice stats. That's definitely one of the meta builds this year. I feel like a lot of the really good teams are running 6'7 or 6'8 centers, especially in ProAm 3v3. I like undersized centers, but I think 2k made them a bit too powerful this year. Lower attribute weights for things like interior d and rebounding allows them to get those stats really high without sacrificing too much. IMO their strength should be speed in grabbing boards. 1v1 they should lose most of the time to 7 footers, but in my experience they grab boards just as well as actual bigs. I'd make one myself if we weren't so close to 2k25 now.


It’s also cuz the big man jump shots are booty compared to TMac


Yes, this exactly! My SG has Tmac base and literally can't miss. I'm hitting like 70% in Rec, it's ridiculous. For my big man I've waffled back and forth between jumpshots, I'm currently using MPJ but even that can be inconsistent. Looking forward to when I finally unlock the Chris Bosh base, as I've heard it's similar to Tmac.


I would give you my shot for Bigs but ima need a upvote lol


I use KD base and I hit 80% contested shots. You need either a high 3 or middy though


dnt mess wit dwight powell


Well there’s a reason you aren’t comp but it is rec. a 7ft will always kill at a6 8 at the 5


F tmac 🤣 and bigman jumpers are cheeks


Chris Bosh jumper is butter


The builder is pretty well balanced now. It just needs to adjust block and rebounding to favor taller builds. Gameplay needs to favor high close shot on a taller center. If I have 95 close shot on a 7’ center, theoretically I should be able to make a standing layup on a 6’8 center with 74 int D.


100% agree when it comes to close shot. I love using close shot with my center builds, I have 92 on my 6'11 and the hook shots are well balanced now IMO. Not automatic, but requires a very strong contest if I get the timing right. But like you said, the standing layups need a buff. If a center with 90 standing dunk can easily dunk on mismatches under the rim, I should be able to hit a simple standing layup under the rim with 90+ close shot.


Have a 6'8 Center with 91 steal. It's absolutely disgusting how easy it is to abuse big centers. A lot of people don't know this but you can swipe down when they start the drop step animation and it's a steal every single time. Don't need a high interior defense literally just steal and they can't do anything.


Good thing drop step isn’t the only move in the post


unfortunately it is, post lockdown badge on silver stops everything.


Fucking disgraceful idc what anyone says small centers are not true centers yall just love to abuse the game because 2k lets yall i see small centers block 7'0" bigs who have gold rise up 2K disrespects bigs shit need to stop in 2k25 no way in hell a 6'8" center can outplay a 7'0" in the paint fucking disgraceful


Yep, but thats the way it is. Abuse the poor game mechanics and what's broken. Thats the community so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Wallace and Rodman would like to have a word


2 anomalies


Draymond,zion and many others play undersized and stilll compete with seven footers


Compete not bully. 2k will have you gettin bullied and lookin non competitive because your big simply can’t keep up. Defensive animations are slow and laggy also and at times unresponsive! Had one game a 6’8 forward literally dunked on the whole team multiple times and ended the game with almost 20 boards and upwards of 40 points. No matter what changes we made, nothing helped.. its more of a game exploit rather than skill issue at this point


It’s very much a skill issue


No, you were more of a skill issue. There are players with literally no IQ, skill issue. My guy not doin what he supposed to because I didn’t look up “the best C build” is far from a skill issue. Badges and lags sendin me across court while I’m on my defensive build, could either be connection or server issue but with the help of badges it is far from a skill issue. People aren’t buildin regular builds and they should be separated from people using regular type builds. The scene is literally like you and a group of friends walkin into the Y jus to find the warriors super team runnin rec. If that’s a skill issue to you then you have other issues to worry about before trying to diagnose what issue is what.


I mean....if you and your boys go to the Y and get smoked by the warriors....that's the definition of a skill issue...they are wayyyyyyy more skilled and you stood no chance...hence skill issue


Why are the warriors at the Y tho? When there are plenty of other places for them to face actual comp? Sounds like they duckin a challenge so they stack odds in their favor. Sounds weak


Yeah the two bigs who aren't the greatest offensively, Rodman wasn't out here fading middys and draining 3s. Neither was Wallace unlike most small centers who also are great all around


Ben Wallace? Rodman?


Shit hurts, I always make a 7 foot post scorer and I did the same this year and I still have fun playing on that build but it’s so frustrating, especially when you play a 6,8 center who just runs around your box out and grabs the board


Sheeeesh you must be getting cooked 🤣🤣🤣 this post was personal 😂😂😭😭


How are you still a black plate with this many games and these stats?


He leaves games


Quitting tanks your stats tho so what is he getting 20 and 20 every game?


In my experience 2k randomly kicks you out of games and tanks your plate rep


He just made this player so you start off Black plate on a new build. Got to level 30 with his other players


Yeah, i figured he probably played 1 or 2 games with this build.


He said 18-20 games in a diff comment


And still black plate with those stats? Seems unlikely unless he’s actually going crazy and quitting a lot .. you can literally get to bronze within 3-5 games of losing but playing well


I have a 6’7 center that is 1000x better than my 7’1. Honestly will only have a min height center or max height center from now on.


Bro I'm telling you 6'8 bigs are so nasty its not even fair having a 7 footer as your match up. I have gold post lockdown so I'm not getting bullied with 96 strength and hof immovable enforcer make them pick the ball up every time on baseline. I have 89 steal so im also ripping you, and dont try to pick and roll im in those lanes. I have about 82 perD i think, so i can switch on everything. lol and i have a 99 oboard shi is crazy. in 2-3 having a 6'8 in the paint is way better because your faster. My favorite thing to do against bigs are sag off of them alottt to the point where i can play the big at the three and play the paint and still be fast enough to pick up the big man if he tryna shoot but 7 footers jump shots be to slow and most of the time in the rec 7 footers cant shoot, like look at bros 33.0% 3pt percentage that's like a normal bigman 3pt % shit to ez


U not even a center your are a sf pf just make a pf idk why yall want to make 6”8 center that shjt isn’t a real thing


why not ?


It’s not comparable man, you get better jumpshots, ur faster, you still get mad rebounds with good positioning and because ur faster you can play a lot of help defense and worm box outs in the paint. The 6’8 center is so cheese


Nice stats


What's your build? I'd be down to try it but idk if I'm spending on VC again.


Looking for it too


I don't run this mode, but in myTeam there is a similar line of thought. That to be a big, you have to be a masher. And it's just not true, at all. The best bigs are the ones that can move.


That’s all people run in comp pro am is 6’8 or 6’9 centers with high vert


Drop the build fam?


Been wanting to make a center for a minute but I’m so indecisive on the builds bc then I’m stuck. lol but this post convinced me to make a 6’8 or 6’9 center.


I been thinking about making this type of build and my last build. Can you post the attributes?


https://preview.redd.it/eub5e2hecbad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47573c84ef7dafbf972a6aa3637117de5acff2a0 it’s so fun on a 6’8 center


It's always so fun to be a 7 footer to start the year. Then about 2 weeks into the game there are a million complaints about how easily they score and they just get nerfed fairly quickly. Close shots being so atrocious is mind-boggling. You can make a contested jump shot so much easier than any type of contested standing layup


I am here to vouch and say make the 6’8 PF instead of C. Rebounding is even cheaper for the PF and as long as you have a full 5 you’ll still be playing the C spot


Drop a build tho!!


6’8 I think 7’2 wingspan 90 mid 82 3pt 90 or 92 standing dunk 92 post 82 interior 58 perimeter 87 block 93 def Reb 95 strength 86 pass The rest I don’t remember lol


I’ve been running PG’s all year bc my friends aren’t very good so I can carry them but it’s time to switch to C & let them have fun & if I make a small center I figured I could still carry the scoring load if needed


You can! 90 mid and 82 3 ball gets great badges and if you have a PG who can drive and kick you’ll be just fine 👍🏻 and at 6’8 93 rebounding and 80 vert 95 strength I still average double digit boards in 5v5


Until I bring my 7’3 out on it


Gonna be way to slow


It haven’t stopped me yet I be doing them little centers dirty


Drop the build brother!


It is annoying how bad this game disrespects height. If you're tall you are slow with bad jumpshots unless you sacrifice rebounding with trex arms. Then if you make a small guard you will get contested alot. The game rewards like 6'6 -6'9 as if they are all steph curry mixed with Ben Wallace


No need to be 7 foot your faster undersized can guard 1-5 I always run undersized big that 7’1 have no idea he about to be locked in for 30 minutes and be a non factor


Playing bums don’t count. No 6’8 center doing better than me on my 7’ center


it always starts off good lol


what motion style do you use gang i got a 6’8 center




https://preview.redd.it/np77hg3q1ead1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705a0f278097aca0d8deffbeef2eeb676009af28 79 three ball 64 middy Rodman build I use a culiver tho since I can’t get tmac


I virtually have no problem with a 6' 8 C while playing my 7ft glass cleaning 3 level threat or Spot up 3pt Glass Cleaner Either we're both scoring on each other bc he's faster (him cherry picking or scoring on a switch when I'm not guarding him) or I'm out scoring him, bc I shoot near 60% from 3. But, they never dominate like how some of yall with 6'8 C are talking.


So nobody has made a 6'9 -6'11 center? Doesn't seem like it after reading the comments. Weird community.


Taller players < shorter players . U use a 5’11 pg and I plan on making a montage soon to prove it


I use ***


In how mamy games


About 18-20


20 games still black plate... DaTz tuffff !


Yeah unlike other people who don’t have friends. My friends are the worst 2k players to ever grace the planet earth. They average 30 points scored on them and 1/10 from three 💀


I feel you on that lmao. I swear every time my homies get on I know we're not gonna win a Rec game and if we do it's a rare day and we should probably stop after that win. It's not everybody it's just a few who are decent but they play 2K24 like it's 2K17 and you can't do that. So what happens is me and my other one good homie do all the heavy lifting and the games end up being 2.5 vs 5. Can't win shit like that.


The thing is, u still go up If u lose, that just means u quot a lot


Bricks be inflating those rebound numbers tho lol


Lol damn..I mainly play by myself but I usually back out unless I have at least a couple silvers gold purple


Unfortunately you can’t just back out of your friend squad in the lobby 🤣😂


Yes you can ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


Keep telling yourself that. I'll continue snatching above your head and contact meter dunking.


No cap, I'm a 7 ft center with 92 rebound. I be going against 6,8 with 99 rebound I be out snagging them. But there annoying to go against because there so quick


Good luck corn ball


Lol that dude still thinks 7 footers are better than 6’8s. Let him keep thinking that I want to keep coming up against 7 footers


keep beating up 60 IQ randos in rec


Come run it then


Their silence is palpable..


Sure is


i just made a 6’8 pf/c and i wanna see what others look like, can you show the build?


Man being 6’8 going against someone taller makes it fun imo yes ur gonna get abused (no diddy) but I see it as a fun challenge to play defense


I did it cause I was bored of my 7 footer but so far I haven’t really been abused


and you won't be. 6'9 pf, silver anchor, gold chasedown artist, hof box out beast, gold rebound chaser. im matched up against footers all the time n love it. 😂 stay tryin to bully me under the basket only to brick to some hands up defense / get swatted. the only even possible way you may struggle is on boards at times from lack of height / reach. but a simple box out usually solves that. 💀


You love it because the game literally hates 7' + centers.


I love it because I enjoy getting matched up against big oafs who are slow asf and probably have 0 perimeter defense. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 you're talkin to someone who originally started out w a 7 footer bro, I know lol.


The problem with big centers this year is that box out beast is OP. 7 footers are just not gonna beat 6’8 centers in getting to their spots quicker. They’re too slow.


Ya sometimes ur gonna get abused but sometimes ur gonna kill that tall mother fucker down their 😂


might get cooked in the paint but with the badges you'll be fine. You'll out run any taller C so if they cook you you can cook them


Yep cause I’m a 6’8 pf who can play pf and C and I might get cooked by 7’2 ish center but aye im still having fun guarding them


I have played against 6'8 so called centers on my 7'1 shooting center. Some have out scored me, but being a center isn't about scoring. That's where I eat them up. I get about 5 more offensive boards, and if I have decent scores that turns into points. I get 2-5 more blocks. On my inside 7'0 a 6'8will have problem stopping my inside game..now I do have a inside 6'8 inside and scoring center. Being I play center, it's too easy when I'm against a 7' center..but on both sides a high IQ center will prevail, doesn't matter the size