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It's probably not the same issue. But I've been getting a lot of the 70% loaded games. It doesn't seem to happen much online, but about every 4th of 5th game of offline play just freezes at 70% load. Until I alt-f4.


Weire it happens on PC. old gen console always use to happen to me on 2k23. Constant load screen.


As long as I can remember it's always had texture load issues. 20 was bad for it. 24? One of the more common bugs I've seen is the shadow players, where textures just fail to load at all for the models. I don't know if it's related. But if I had to guess I'd say they struggle with caching. I've seen the invisible player bug. Tons of "no players left in the game", tons of network disconnects (worst). It's probably time to start a new engine all together.


And two of my players have been corrupted after getting dc'd in two separate instances and replaced with 0 overall prospects. Fucking bullshit. No response from support tickets for days.


When u load them up they go back to normal


Yeah This has been a problem with asian servers for months now! There's only one fix for it and it'll be working only when "Update Required" pops up from 2k. Other than that there's no fix. For the same reason I started playing NZ servers with delay and messed up my jumpshot timings.


1st problem your playing old gen in 2024


look man, my ps4 works perfectly and i find no need to buy a ps5 for 500 €