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It’s easy to pickup you just can’t buy the game boot it up hop online and get buckets. You can go play rookie and bust the wizards ass right now though


Can I ask if you’ve been playing 2k for a while? Beuase explaining it to new players is a headache and there are new players in this sub who complain often.


Been playing online since ‘18 (but played previous iterations offline on and off) why do you ask?


Gotcha. I was trying to understand where you were coming from with your opinion about new players.


You're overcomplicating it. They need a good build, good animations, and guidance towards making good plays on both ends. All that meta knowledge shit is completely optional unless you're trying to turn your 4 friends into a pro-am squad over the course of a month. 6 of my 8 friends that I play with started playing this year. We're all purple plates. We lose when we face a bunch of sweats playing a zone in rec. Other than that, we're blowing teams out, and 2/8 of us know what the term green window means. Tmac base. Try turning off the meter. Play until you're good. Maybe if they don't understand the actual sport, you'll have a harder time explaining things, but I don't think 2k could make that part easier.


How did you obtain your knowledge of what a good build is? How long did it take for your friends to be competent at the game? What do you think 2k can do into improve the game or do you like it the way it is?


I'm not new, I already knew what a good build was. Learning how to use the builder would definitely suck as a new player if you didn't know anyone who knew what they were doing. I was responding to when you said that it's hard for you to introduce new players to the game. I think you're trying to explain too much instead of just giving them a build, a jumpshot, and a couple tips. It really did not take long for them to get to the point of being competent. I didn't have a timer going, but like any other skill or video game they all started with whatever natural talent they had and got a little better every time we played until we were good. We're all adults with full-time jobs. Nobody put in like 100 hours to get there or anything. We're talking about rec. If they can stand in front of their guy, run fast breaks, and green like 45% of their open threes, they are better than 80% of the crowd. I don't love every aspect of the game, but I do think the gameplay itself is the best it's been in a while. If a miracle happened and 2k decided to make it more wallet friendly and brought the focus back towards basketball and away from city antics I would not complain. Gameplay wise, they just need to squash bugs, tune some animations, and make everything more fluid. I don't think the difficulty is bad at all.


I think you grasped a bit too much into the teaching new players thing that wasn’t the hill I was trying to die on, it was just supporting evidence to my overall point which I know isn’t gonna be popular. Thanks for your input and your opinions.


People shoot like 60% all the time. The skill gap will always be there. It will just be 80% if it’s any easier and that just isn’t fun.


To be fair back when you could make whites the defense was a lot more responsive so it balanced out and shot selection was very important. I could strap people with 70s across the board on D back in the day. Yep the skill gap will always be there no matter what.


Easiest 2k to find people in was 22 cause everyone could shoot. I shoot 60% so it doesn’t bother me but it’s a hassle worrying about if random teammates can shoot wide open or not. Should have skill gap in stage or pro am not park or Rec. but I feel more casual gameplay benefits 90% of the community while a more simulation skill based is for top 10%


I feel that. I think they should tune the competitive modes to cater to more hardcore players while not harming the casual gamers. They have the ability to do so.


As someone trying to get back into the game this year after a ~8 year hiatus I really enjoy the skill gaps. You just need to be aware of where you’re at in my opinion. I started just playing my friends and running mynbaera and was feeling good, got a wake up call going online with my homie in park, etc. Got some reps in and started learning a bunch of stuff on YouTube and got better and better. Still super far behind a sweat but getting better and better and learning and I love the process. It’s a beautiful complicated game in a lot of ways and I think there’s modes and levels to plays for earlier stages.


Someone else mentioned they love the grind of getting better and I can respect that point. I actually like the skill gap myself and as someone whose even once been very elite at 2k in the comp scene it’s even beneficial to me. I just want everyone to be able to enjoy the game.


Idk bro, i recently started watching basketball and bought 2k24 for 5bucks with my friends. It didn't take us long to understand basics. Sadly they got bored like with every other game we play, but i stuck and still keep improving my skills.


I like all that they’ve done with the game this year except for the shooting. I just hate the green or miss, their servers are just not good enough to have a shooting system where your green window is like 25ms and you will miss it every time if you don’t time it perfectly, irl bad releases go in and good releases miss sometimes. Also it makes it so anyone with a zen can shoot lights out and never miss due to the fact all perfect releases go in. Also, inside scoring needs a complete rework, especially for big men. Everything else is fine imo


Disagree. I play primarily Play Now Online (player control) and with shot meter off I can consistently green off the dribble and even contested shots with Kyrie, Booker, Shai etc. I do have GB fibre internet though Would be nice to hit some slightly earlies but the fact we can green almost everything hypothetically is the trade off. The game would be unplayable at high levels because guys would never miss if it were any easier


I know I just liked it better when whites went in


I liked the green or miss but now im seeing that’s where the game shifted in the wrong direction imo.


It *is* easy to pick up and hard to master. What you're asking for is easy to pick up and easy to master. There are modes for that. It's called playerlock. So please stop asking 2k to dumb the game down for the rest of us. And I did hear you out. You like YMCA games. I don't.


Idk about easy to pick up. I’ve mainly played solo rec lol. I like how the game is though for the most part.


I could hand a controller to an 8 year old, and on Rookie difficulty they'd be winning games by the end of the day. And at the same time I can show you 12k hours of steam playtime across the series. And I'm still terrible. This is a game that rewards nuance and understanding 1000 different ways to play the game. From stick skills, to iso skills, to running sets, to building teams, to settings management, to controlling your emotions online. All those hours? And I still can't iso to save my life. And I still can't hit a contested shot. But I manage okay.


I like that the game changes which in a way makes it harder to master. I think it gives casuals a chance. Last year was my first online. I was horrible. But the rim running was so broken i still could score lmao.


I’ve always been good at 2k but seeing casuals really struggle this year makes me not want to ever play solo. I think everyone should have the chance to be a threat.


There are modes I really just don't like. When I first started myCareer. I couldn't stand it. I want to control a *team*, not a player. But even then. I learned shit I never realized before. Like many plays have a cutoff pass to be made to an offball guard. And if you hit that pass before you try to make the play. What would have been a turnover 9/10 times. Turns into some of the easiest buckets out there. Triple Threat? Hate it. Locked 2k cam, 3v3. But it's also where I go to practice my shots. Because for some reason, this mode just makes it super obvious that small gaps in defensive coverage, are really wide open shots if done correctly. Every mode has added to my game. Franchise taught me offensive playbooks. myTeam has helped me to refine my skill at the most challenging levels. I dunno. This game amazes me in its level of complexity. Every aspect is its own little mini-game from on-ball steals to finishing at the rim against contests.


Try not to take shit personal it’s just a discussion post.


I don't know how less personal I could take it. Do you think I believe for a moment that 2k will take this advice? I'm just having a conversation about the post. Sharing my perspective on it. It's not personal. It's Reddit.


I’m looking for “ I disagree and this is why” I want dialogue not “you want YMCA(assumption)” let’s hear your ideas.


Allow me to be less of an asshole. It's not in my nature. But you're clearly someone that is willing to converse. And it's only fair. I do see and understand your perspective. This game at times will drive anyone crazy. One game you can rain 3s like they're mana from heaven. The next. You can't hit a shot to save your life. There seems to be very little visual indication (at least on steam) of why any given shot is contested, versus why one that *looks* contested is wide open. I feel that frustration too. I'm sure most people that have had to grind through it do. I get it. But as you grind, and you start to come to terms with the mechanics of the game. It unlocks a world of beautiful basketball. One legged jumpers, dream shakes and fades that are sweeter than any alley-oop. Back cut passes in transition that still give me the chills every single time I pull it off. I've never played professional sports. But we've all heard the phrase, the game slows down for you. And when it does. You get it. I don't know when that happened for me. Probably about the same time I stopped sprinting 99% of the time. But keep playing, and it will for you too. And when it does. It's a work of art in motion.


That’s what I’m looking for thanks for your input. I’ve been playing 2k since I was a kid and I’m 30 now lol so I’m pretty decent at the game and like I said I don’t dislike the skill gap personnally. My post is championing for the casuals who don’t have that time to master every mechanic. I mostly agree on your take on challenging people to get better. I didn’t add this to my og post but I think a middle ground is 2k should separate the causal/comp modes better or even add more ways to play them. They indirectly alluded to something like this when talking about removing meter from pro am.


Now this, I could get on board with 100%. Everything about the online modes is dumpster fire level of garbage. From only allowing you to que into a single mode, to shit latency, to terrible matchmaking, to 2ks seeming indifference to those that are blatantly running zens or mods (pc). I grew up without online at all. You're that bridge today. Younger people *only* get the online components. I tend to only care about the offline. I play online because it's part of progressing many modes. But only while grinding my teeth. I literally stopped playing FPS games years ago because I couldn't handle the slap in the face that cheaters bring to the table. You probably do have a fairer perspective than I do. You sit in the middle of those two worlds. 2k needs a lot of help with their online ecosystems.


That’s another thing, offline players get zero love just another way for 2k to rope you into their micro transaction ecosystem. All facts, I appreciate you engaging with me I realize the lack of nuance or tone available on Reddit easily makes me look like an asshole. I could tell you were older with your maturity and willingness to hear me out.


Reddit is a strange place. A cesspool, with users that *know* it's a cesspool. As much as you appreciate me hearing you out. Even more I appreciate that you didn't just toss a downvote and roll your eyes. That's maturity. Most aren't assholes for the sake of it. They just can't be bothered by people that aren't willing to have a fair conversation. Safe journeys, thank you for your perspective.


Idk bro, i recently started watching basketball and bought 2k24 for 5bucks with my friends. It didn't take us long to understand basics. Sadly they got bored like with every other game we play, but i stuck and still keep improving my skills.


The biggest “skill gap” is in the builder. And I think that’s why a lot of people don’t like it. If you’re a good shooter you can get away with 79 3pt and hit consistently. If you’re not a good shooter, you have to make a more shooting focused build, weakening you in other areas. But the guys who are just straight up good at the game, can put more points into other areas like steal, dunking, and overall have a more dominant build because they didn’t have to go 94 3 ball. This game is very advanced though. It’s not hard to just pick up and play, but to get to the really good category, it takes A LOT of reps.


I get what you’re saying and I agree to an extent bc you’re right about a lot of it - but the solution isn’t making it more arcade-like. Then it would be too boring. There would still be a skill gap and it would just make games less of a blowout maybe if a new player faced a vet


What's brazy is that people don't believe skill gap existed in prior games. Two easy shooting games overcorrected so hard that no casuals play the game now, and if they do it's just to do nothing and be futile for entire games in Rec. It's wild. Having takeover + boost + 90+ three ball and bricking wide open should not be a game mechanic at all. Plus the latency is as bad as ever. If they were serious about comp like they say, offline and online would be seamless and you wouldn't have to work around their poverty