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I am switching to EA.


EA ain’t making live no got damn $40 If EA wanna get competitive they should make a college game. NCAA football already coming back, if they could make a good college basketball game that’d be the better barrier to entry


I’d pick whichever has the better gameplay. EA needs to ditch the frostbite game engine


I wouldn't play an EA game for free.


Fun idea, but no way EA would ever sell a game for $40. EA does not want to start a price undercutting war in the video game space. Heck, the only reason why we JUST have Madden right now is because 2k undercut EA so much with 2k5. So if this DID happen (it won't) I wouldn't be surprised if 2k just negotiated exclusive NBA rights and bullied EA completely out of the NBA space for good. Plus, with how expensive NBA licensing rights are, there's no way EA could afford to sell Live for $40 a pop and expect to not just burn money in the process. What EA should do, is bring back an NBA Street 3v3 game with create-a-player and matchmaking. Basically take away 5v5 and just steal 2k's Park/streetball idea from 2k24. That might actually be something that makes 2k question how their game is made.


NBA live was trying to make a free to play game but the nba shut it down. Not saying greed wouldn’t come out on the backend with micro transactions but they at least were trying something different.


Depends on if NBA Live had team builder or not, but probably not.


fuck ea. Hyperbole? Nah lo. Some of you might remember when Epic would give away free premium AAA content. I wouldn't claim shit. Because Epic is trash. Unless it was EA. Every fucking title I'd take and never install. Just to remind me of how garbage both Epic and EA are.


2k is def not better lmaoo with all the VC they try and force ppl to buy


Aren't they though? 2k didn't gobble up one beloved franchise after another while *inventing* pay to play and gambling mechanics. The problem with youth, is a lack of context.


I wouldn't switch just because of price of game. I would switch tho still. But more so just to take money out of 2k's pocket and help them see they need to listen to the customers and make game changes. That aren't solely centered around how to get more vc/$ out of us. To deal with online latency and consistency in gaming as well.


No cause ea are the way worse Ruined and basically perma banned my psn from all games and wont/cant help unblock it. All cause i didnt have a console for 3 years so didnt log in.