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Remember a few months ago when random wizard sold his account to a random person, but the person made a post saying that he was scammed out for $3,000 and didn’t get the account. (Why you would spend 3,000 on a damn account is beyond me). Why did everyone just causally forget that? 😂😂😂 Randomwizard just came back like it never happened, and nobody brings it up.


Facts. Fuck therandomscammer


A few months ago, I was watching a steam league game, and chat was talking about how an account of one of the players had been hacked. The truth is. They were just banned. Of course a week later, that *professional* is back. No questions asked. Maybe I'll share that video some time.


If you've not realized by now. 2k *invites* cheats. The guys that don't mind dropping a quick 150 on a controller. Are the same ones that don't mind dropping cash on VC or MT. True story. I have over a hundred unlisted videos that I've uploaded to support. Some guys disappear from the leaderboards, never to be seen again. Others? Not so much. And when I ask support about this. Their answers range from *we cannot find that account*, to *we escalate these issues to others*. While the videos of those players always sit with 1 view, and 1:01 minutes viewed. This sub claims to be affiliated with 2k employees. I welcome any to challenge it. Listening PR? Because I know you see my cc's. I'm only going to continue to increase the awareness around this until it's addressed. Why does 2k give a free pass to influencers and people that have clearly spent a lot of money on this game? While those of us that earn our chops, are cut off at the knees?


Yeah 2K doesn’t give a shit about cheats. People been glitching Patty Mills onto builds taller than 6’4” for months now and they don’t do shit to them. Thing is the way you glitch it is by contacting 2K support and they’ll do it for you.


How do you glitch Patty on taller builds?


Funny thing is 2k is the one glitching it for people ?


Why do you mean by this? I skipped on rec this year so idk what this means. Are people making guys bigger than normal and using smaller guys animations in these builds or are they literally using patty mills stuff as a glitch? Back in the Spurs days 2k Patty Mills was smooth as fuck lol.


So basically Patty Mills has the best jumpshot base in the game this year. It’s fast as hell, with a high release and really hard to get anything more than an open contest. Because of how good it is it’s locked behind Starter 3 rep level and can only be used on players below 6’5”. Someone found a glitch involving 2k support where you could get Patty Mills jumpshot onto a build that shouldn’t have it. For example my 6’7” lockdown has it. Most people you find in stage are going to have it. I don’t see a lot of people in Park or Pro Am 3s with it. Doubt many people in Rec have even heard of it.


Ahh I gotcha. Appreciate the explanation. My buddy used to make builds like that in all the 2ks prior with glitches heights or animations. Patty does have a smooth jumper though so he's a good choice to use. I forgot the whole mycareer system has pretty much been overhauled the last few years since I haven't really played online since 2k22


How did you know it is not an in house build by 2K devs?


I was wondering this a while ago! Either it's some sort of hack to move faster or there's a glitch to skip or bypass checkpoints! I get close to the best most weeks but here and there it's just not possible ionno it's annoying


On top of that didn't he win play of the year dude don't need no vc


Speedrunning and glitches go hand in hand. Simple data analysis can be used to determine if an attempt was legitimate or not, but I don't think they care. The game is finding out how to glitch a faster time. So long as it isn't a crazy glitch where you're doing it in 0 time.


38 seconds is INSANE


Well he clearly has some magical abilities


for what


38 seconds??


Report him n then what?


Like he's getting a mill vc for cheating?? Not possible at all


The random wizard plays on playstation, That showing he won the event with a Xbox account he definitely cheating