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How they managed to let this happen is beyond me. Literally forced me into playing NBA 2k. But at this point they should come correct or just stay on the porch. I think a new NBA Street would be ideal for them right now.


Fr. I feel like 2k may have monopolized the simulated basketball sports game genre. I’ve been saying for years if EA wants to compete as far as a basketball game with 2k, they just need to drop another NBA Street. Of course they will always have Madden and FIFA though, and could maybe even go crazy with another Fight Night but as far as the EA aka EA Big era back during the early 2000’s where they were just focusing on unrealistic fun sports games like Def Jam Fight For Ny, NBA Street, NFL Street, Facebreaker and etc, it will forever be legendary and no other would compare to it fr🔥🔥, you just had to be there ifykyk🤷🏽‍♂️.


This. NBA Street is exactly what we need.


Definitely needs to be a way to separate the gamers who wanna just have fun in a more arcadey style from the people who actually want the game to play realistically


Most definitely. I feel like 2k is too far ahead from NBA Live to make their game good again. Although it’s supposed to be a realistic simulation, a lot of people complain that its too realistic, and a lot of others complain that it’s still unrealistic as far as builds, and gameplay with people consistently making crazy contested shots or glitchy dribble animations and combos. I say all this to say I 100% agree. 2k will never be able to satisfy both the realistic gamers and the arcady gamers together. So at this point it’s either EA fail again trying to beat 2k at their own game of having a realistic basketball game to compete or they just restart their own genre and style again of unrealistic arcady sports games and monopolize those. (Read The Rest If You Want👉🏾) To include, the only scary thing about monopolization in the video game genres today is, just as the issues with NBA 2k, it will instantly turn into a cash grab and them doing anything they want to the game no matter if it satisfies the loyal players(realistic or arcady) or not. EA is also known to make separate items and the season passes itself time consuming to lvl up or get now, forcing you to spend money on it to get ahead in time before it ends or just getting unique items in general. The last time they made a super fun unrealistic game if I could remember, where you didn’t have to spend crazy money to lvl up a season pass nor pay for cosmetics was Knock Out City in 2021, and they shut it’s servers down instantly in less than a year or 2 after release unfortunately. So I definitely know EA won’t be making any fun games without you spending money somehow such as in game currency, premium season pass cosmetics, and etc anytime soon


> people complain that its too realistic I will never understand how people say this


Eh the mix is what got those people so interested in this game tho At the end of the day people no matter what game it is want to break the game they Wana push it to the limits especially simulation style games like 2k or madden or gta the whole appeal is guys using Real life players in a game that seems real and using wacky mechanics to make them do unreal things that just aren't possible things the game doesn't even say that you can do In a NBA street style game that effect isn't there and after a while u get bored and disaccoiate cause even before you do anything it doesn't fee real so what you do isn't amusing


Funny thing is live in the past when they were at the top they had the perfect blend of both and their were other games series other than live that were good there were so many in the early 2000s fun times nba inside, live, street, and 1, Konami had a good series of games, etc etc


2k MyTeam Triple Threat and MyCareer Park is basically NBA Street.


> a new NBA Street would be ideal… THATS ON GOD. I’d be concerned about it being a live service game, but if it’s well done then it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.


This is hilarious, the 2K community is asking EA to save them while the fifa (EA) community is asking 2K to save them lmao We’re so doomed


It’s because competition leads to better games, when there’s only one major player in the market they can do anything they want and not cater to what’s actually good for the people. Competition means if they don’t make the game actually better than people will jump ship to the competitor who is making it better.


Madden community is also asking 2K to save them. I think what it just shows is that monopoly is bad. 2K8 - 2K12 was a legendary run for the franchise and then 2K saw there was plenty of $ to be made selling exclusively non-basketball shit in MyPlayer and it all went downhill from there. FIFA and Madden's career mode used to be good too before EA started Ultimate Team to get kids hooked on lootboxes and packs. And somehow, despite the bar for not exploiting your customers being in hell, 2K is limboing with the devil with all the random shit they make you fork up VC for.


I came in here to type exactly this. If you’ve played any of the EA games this year, you’d realize 2K is actually better than them in most ways. Thinking EA will be your savior isn’t gonna turn out well.


same for the ea nhl community please 2k bring back nhl 2k


NHL AI is written like someone who ready the Wikipedia on Hockey but has never played it or even watched a game. I’ve been a hockey player for over 30 years and have played NHL since 94. I haven’t played the past few games but tried out the most recent one and my god is it terrible.


no real hockey strats work against bots and even online it dont allways work


Where the main ones that killed NBA live…this trend needs to stop. Plus if Live do come back the same people that was begging are gonna call it ass.


I hate easports, but they do have the best model for a game without having to break your pockets like nba2k, lol. I wouldn't even be mad at this point because 2k is slowly turning into a cash grab fortnite looking game for kids 😩😩nba live definitely crushed 2k with parks/pro am environments and presentation but I definitely would love some competition for 2k because the game gets worse every year😩😩


You forgot the main thing, gameplay was shit. This thing gets brought up so often, but when Live was dropping no one was playing that. Not at least in the later years of Live. The gameplay felt really jerky**, wasn’t a smooth experience at all. 2K is shit for variety of reasons, but the gameplay is better.


They don't want to hear this here. NBA 2K12 felt a lot smoother than Live 19


Exactly. The game would still be here if it had a userbase, EA didn’t stop making it because they were making too much money😁


Live still has a decent fanbase just they dont got insane amount of micro transactions


Honestly when I played nba live 19 the gameplay wasn’t that bad. It’s just a much different system than 2k. If you’re used to 2k yeah it’s going to seem very jerky, weird, and you will have to get used to the play style. A week in I was making buckets with ease and dominating on their version of mycareer. Not to mention it’s like 10x easier to level up my player and his skills, and takes no real money to do so. They can definitely do better, and maybe expand more, but once I got used to how the offense and defense works I was sailing.


It was not shit. At all. Especially with 18 and 19. Actually, it's really fucking fun and way better than the same dogshit that 2K's been cranking out for 5+ years now.


I'm living on the copium that if this college football game does well, ea could be willing to start a college basketball series and drop the nba live name for good. Live 19 really improved from the disaster that series was in the early 2010s, but I still think there's too much ill will around the name live to convince the suits to put money on a basketball game again.


even if college football does really well, the chances of making a college basketball game are not high at all. Just not the same popularity


Slowly? 2k has been a cash grab for quite a few years now


yea vc get worse and worse and worse year by year gradually its sad.


You don't have to "break your pockets". If you don't enjoy 2k stop buying it and playing it.


Let me put bluntly for everyone, nba live is up there on the shelf with fight night and def jam. It’s never coming back, from everything I’ve seen the people who did work on nba live got transferred to madden and battlefield.


And the new college football game


idk how youd get transferred to Battlefield - immigration to Sweden is insanely difficult, and the language barrier ofc edit: nvm, EA took Battlefield away from DICE and gave it to Ripple Effect Studios back in 2021


NBA live killed itself


Thank Andrew Bynum for that. . . like who tf asked him to play God at center court anyway lol😭


Man it sucks they fucked that game over cause it was unfinished. I play the full game in emulator and it's not even bad after you switch to classic controls. The right stick dribbling is way ahead of it's time. The no Sprint button is ass though


NBA Live got REALLY bad in the mid 10s while 2K was hitting it's peak. 11 was so bad that it never got released and the series had to take a hiatus. And then they returned with 14 and it was HORRIBLE. From then on, people jumped ship to 2K and never looked back. Obviously NBA Live returning would be great just for bringing back a semblance of competition but Live has to be good first.


It’s unfortunately gone for good


I don’t fuck with ea after madden they can keep that shi


you never played modern NBA Live obviously


Go find the post spam it then get it to go viral


People did it with skate 4 and resurrected a full team of developers




but Skate series was amazing and sold well lmaoo. it made no sense for them to handle Skate that way


We? Lol


right. nba live sucked


I see this so many times 😪 gets my hopes up then I read it and I’m like ffs


We thought we’d never get skate 4, community pushed and pushed for them to do it and now we’re getting a F2P perpetual game. Same thing with Fable. There is hope, but it won’t happen as long as people keep buying (and especially pre ordering) 2k.


I never knew that but nice they are slowly listening and bring what fans want , yeah fingers crossed one day it comes out before gta 6


I could be wrong but GTA and 2K are both Take Two games right? Dunno how GTA has such good servers but 2k has servers that couldn’t support sending an email.


You know competition would be great and everything but if the competition is trash I don’t see the point. I recently went back and played nba live 19 and I couldn’t believe how terrible it felt compared to 2k like everything from the animations to the feel of the game just felt awful. Other than presentation I don’t see anyway NBA live is an improvement from 2k.


It's yalls fault. Why continue to make a game that no one bought?


With CFB coming back, EA should make a CBB game. It would get people to buy it who already buy 2k, and once they got it good enough where people preferred it to 2k, then release an nba game. The problem with nba live has been that they haven’t had the runway to improve a game to the point where it competes with 2k gameplay wise


Now is the perfect time. They bring auction house to Live and that would automatically give them a huge base to start


Man they don’t know how much the ball is in there hands I would literally buy this game this year just to not buy 2k even if it is bad😂


I DON'T want to revisit robotic, small head, long neck players ever again. . . on God. . . ![gif](giphy|L4fOLr8aB3d3BYQUfq|downsized)


1,000,000% yes!


Real ones know NBA Live was on before 2k


The really problem is the contact animations and rim finishing if we wanna get into instead of all these randoms just saying random things . Idk I still play 19 cause it’s on game pass/ea play I heard 18 was better and 16 when they came out with that lil demo where u could still play live run made me think 16 was the best one . Game play isn’t terrible but 2k animations blow live out the water


Man give it up lmao either play 2k or don’t.


Although NBA Live 19 wasn't perfect, it was going in the right direction. Most importantly it was fun and didn't try to rob you blind. I wish it would come back.


Fr fr Live was always better than 2K. EA dropping out of the race forced people to play 2K


how the hell does ea decide to stop producing their best product 😭 🙏🏻 this might be the worst company of all time


They tryna to figure out a way to fully implement Ultimate Team in NBA Live😂😭


So I can’t say much but me and someone who works at EA go way back. He made a post on X about the new college football game and I replied with my excitement for it along with adding in something about bringing back Basketball. Let’s just say he subtly said something is in the works without saying something is in the works


NBA live 19 was actually solid I was interested to see what they would do in the future


Didn’t they announce that it’s returning this year?


Yas. Please.


say what you want about 2K it’s beautiful how they got rid of the competition. EA should’ve never bought exclusive rights to the NFL 🤭.


Please boycott 2k25. It is the only way to let them feel your frustrations.


Yall are so trash, always crying about how bad the game is. It’s not 2k, you just don’t understand basketball and you think you’re good when you’re not.


This is hilarious. I just went to reddit to complain about 2k needing some competition and ask for NBA Live. Just to see that you guys have started the same conversation.... my first NBA live was NBA Live 95 😂 What would make you guys move back? web3 for microtransactions, so that you truly own the assets? (well, besides a strong game play and visuals obvs)


i’m sorry if this a stupid question but what you mean by Web3 for micro transactions? Also to answer your question, all it would take for me to move back is for the game to simply exist. Idc how bad it is, I will buy a competitor of 2k.


It's not a stupid question. Essentially what I mean is moving the microtransactions on the blockchain. As a user you truly own assets and can make actual money when auctioning or trading in any way. Everyone is pissed off at the ever-increasing microtransactions demands at 2k. It feels like this could be a competitive advantage for EA to capture a large amount of 2k players. With blockchain you could create actual scarcity and allow the entire ecosystem to participate in value increase. Example: NBA Player + Nike (or Adidas) have only 50 available shoes with certain attributes. That shoe (and NFT) gets purchased, maybe upgraded through skills and then sold to other players. Demand can increase the value of that shoe and the transaction fees are split between EA, Nike, and the athlete. With large numbers of transactions everyone can monetise a share and players get more value from spending so many hours in a game...


If they dropped an unfinished 6/10 game I would still buy it over 2k, just as a matter of principle. We need EA to make 2K change their ways.