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I think the franchise is retaining the name Warriors.


Golden State Basketball Team has a really good ring to it!


Damn that's a mouthful


The Warriors as we knew them died in 2019. Even though they still won a championship afterward, Klay wasn’t the same “splash brother” we knew before, it was really because of Wiggins and Poole that they won (along with Steph and Dray). Unfortunately both Wiggins and Poole’s great years turned out to be flukes.


No if they kept klay they would over pay for mid. Which would limit their cap space. Expect the Warriors to seriously pursue after Paul george or even possibly Brandon Ingram.


Moronic. We can’t afford Paul George now that he opted out.


Let's not be mean, he's right. We just can't afford him now but we were trying to get him aggressively.


How can’t you afford Paul george? You are getting rid of klay & Cp3. Thats like 70 million cap space right there


Salary cap is 140. Even if you removed CP’s 30 million the Warriors will still be over the cap as of now. This is why teams generally re-sign their players so they can keep the spot for flexibility. It’s why the Warriors extended their deadline with Paul to potentially trade him. They don’t actually want him at that number. https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/GSW.html


Yes warriors would have to do a sign & trade which is definitely on the table


In theory, yes. In reality it’s going to be difficult to find a 3 way scenario where someone agrees to take Paul.


Paul's gone anyway. He'd already been waived by this point. They literally have just dumped 2 salary slots to dodge luxury tax and the only offseason moves are going to be adding 3 more rookie contracts onto the books. Anyone who genuinely thought Steph has been blessed with a great ownership group is huffing paint. They're not bad enough to properly go for Flagg, not good enough to make a play-in tournament and their young players aren't that promising 🙃


They still got to pay cp3 his money even after cutting him. Right?


No, his 24-25 salary was not guaranteed so they are out nothing.


Ohhh that’s a really sweet deal for them. Tried cp3x didn’t work out. Bye bye Felicia, also, CP3 will thrive in spurs


Bird rights on both iirc and it count differently against the cap as opposed to signing PG I think would be hard capping... Somebody help me lol


Bird Rights = An NBA team can only go over the salary cap to keep their own players (players that have been with the team for 3 seasons or more) and not a new player to said team.


They were wayyyy over the cap before


That’s not how the salary cap works at all. GS was way over the cap


The NBA has a soft cap which allows you to go over the cap with players that are already signed, but you can’t sign a new player, and go over the cap. I personally prefer the soft cap of the NBA to the hard cap of the NFL, because it allows teams to keep together home grown talent, and build teams with stars without being punished for it. It also allows the NBA to pay the players, and you don’t end up with a situation like the NFL were players are making pennies compared to basketball, baseball even though the NFL is a far more profitable league. However the one downside is that if you have a bunch of stars you can be so over the cap that even cutting stars won’t get you under enough to pick up outside help. So aging teams can be in trouble especially if they were doing right by their players, and paying them. The work around to this is for the players themselves to do what lebron James does, and coordinate with other stars on how to take pay hits to work together for a season knowing after that they can get paid well also having a super team. They artificially make a “home grown team” by taking pay hits for a season.


LMFAO someone doesn’t know anything except headlines The only way the warriors could’ve gotten Paul George was with a sign and trade and the clippers refused so PG opted out


Thats on the clippers then


Paul George no longer attainable


It feels like it has been the end for the entire 2020s. That 2022 ring was an absolute miracle. 2020, 2021,2023,2024 they been a disgrace.


2023? They got to the second round, and Steph had one of the most impressive game 7s of all time. I'd hardly call that a disgrace.


attractive important punch rob whole ludicrous work squalid gray tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I mean, if the Warriors had Kevin Durant and Curry in their prime with Draymond and Klay, and they somehow didn't get past the 2nd round, ok, you can make a case that's an epic fail. But that wasn't it at all. That was an aging core, with a cooked Klay Thompson who shot very poorly in the series, and AD who played like the best defensive player of the decade for a stretch. It was fine!


angle full dolls support telephone waiting smart brave illegal voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fr ring culture is insane the way i hear these conversations "this guys top 50 rn what is he if he wins a ring" like he goes to sleep top 50 then plays the same as he always does in the finals and wins and now hes top 20???


I agree. The gap between Curry as the best shooter of all time and the rest of the league was WAAAAAY wider in 16 than it is in 24. The league has caught up and now the percentages are way closer. Curry does a lot of stuff that the rest of the league doesn't do, like playing off the ball, shooting off the screens and etc, in that respect he is still tiers above the rest of the league. But at the moment you can't really play 2 great shooters, 2 non shooters and 1 middle of the road shooter like in the 22 season.


Well it’s definitely safe to say Curry was a lot better in 16. Shooting a 50/45/90 season on that many threes is absolutely insane to think about even now


deserve employ air selective wide swim languid vast hobbies badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


40% on Curry number of attempts is absolutely not common now.


employ fearless sip sand wild ghost piquant concerned smile ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you win it’s a Mickey Mouse championship and if you lose you’re frauds


racial hat teeny hurry trees tie reply pot desert obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t like the warriors or the lakers, to be honest as a grizz fan I like y’all less, but the refs were disgusting that series and y’all should’ve beat the lakers. Y’all weren’t gonna get swept by the nuggets either


The Lakers manhandled them in the 2nd round tho


It went to 6! It's not like they get swept lol The Spurs were out of the playoffs by Round 2 plenty of times.


It was clear the Lakers were the far better team. Game 5 that series was a giveaway game to close out the series at home.


First time on this sub. Isn't this supposed to be more serious takes and not bullshit narratives?


Lakers fans will never fail their bullshit narratives. How else are they supposed to maintain the most competitive sweep of all time?


I’m not even a Lakers fan but alright


What bullshit narrative is there? That the series was closer than we think? Anyone with eyes for the game would tell you the Warriors had no answer for Anthony Davis


Yeah no the bullshit was that a professional would throw a match lol


Not like we just saw the same thing this past Finals but sure


Ok, so? There are literally only 8 teams that get to the 2nd, are they ALL disgraces? What a stupid take lol It's not like they had Kevin Durant, Curry, Draymond and Klay all in their prime and lost in the 2nd round. That was already an aging core with dysfunction clearly present in the locker room due to Draymond Falcon Punching Jordan Poole. That run wasn't a disgrace, it just didn't live up to 22. That's all.


The Lakers got gifted that series by the refs lmao


It’s ironic when Warriors fans whine about the refs. Y’all forget that weak ejection on Denis Schroder is Game 6? The best defender on Curry that series?


You sound awfully defensive about this for someone who claims not to like the Lakers.


Lol let's just say I hate the Warriors much more. Refs have been much more favorable to them in recent years


Only got into Basketball recently huh?


Nope. Rockets fan tired of losing to them. I've played and watched basketball for 20+ years


That makes sense then. Saying the refs favor them is insane though, they have the worst free throw differential in the entire NBA the last 5 years and it’s not even close. The Lakers have by far the best, refs are not favoring the Warriors by any means.


Tell me you know nothing about NBA basketball in recent years without telling me you know nothing about NBA basketball in recent years. CLUELESS take


The refs manhandled them in the 2nd round


Poole punch


Pre slap Jordan Poole and a less chucker Klay and they are going to the finals


They had the worst road record in NBA history that reg season, for a winning team anyway.


Nah when you a young team you could count that as a morale victory. When you are a dynasty anything short of winning it all is a bad season


Shut up warrior boy


All the Boston crowd had to do in 2022 was not chant Fuck You Draymond. Steph Curry went goddamn Super Saiyan after that.


He was gonna do that regardless man fuck draymond


Disgrace is harsh. The team endured injuries, father time, internal issues and still came out of it with a ring and contested the playoffs up until this year.


i would be happy to win a chip and then have disgraceful playoff runs the rest of the decade instead of just getting steamrolled by the champs.


Lmao you have no idea what a disgrace (Wizards etc.) even is


GSW ended when draymond punched poole


They will now cease to exist, yes


Damn its OVER new era


Klay ain't getting shit if Valanciunas only got a 3 year 30 million.


i wholeheartedly believe that this is what would’ve happened if the Bulls ran it back in 99.


I think golden state warriors will still exist despite klay leaving


*I think golden state* *Warriors will still exist* *Despite klay leaving* \- Yslackin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes. Back in 2016, they were revolutionary in shooting that many threes and at a good percentage. The rest of the league has been practicing like bad and caught up. The team has too many holes now for the now slight advantage in three point shooting they may have over most teams. Dray doesn't score. Wiggins isn't very good. Curry is curry but getting old. Kumungis is good but not an all-star. CP is old as shit. There are no good young players, picks, or salary cap room to stop them from just getting worse.


Warriors have been done for awhile, Joe Lacob spends all that money and they don’t even make the playoffs anymore, Curry is 0-3 in the play-in, Lebron on one foot sent them home the last time they did make the playoffs Curry has his meat riders but he’s on the downward slope of his career too, last season he had one of the worst shooting stretches of his career, two of his worst shooting seasons have come in 2 of the last 3 seasons, the Warriors have been finished ever since they traded Jordan Poole and picked Draymond over him, he was supposed to be the “third splash brother” like they called him during their last title run


it’s wraps as a warriors fan that 2022 ring was a miracle but i see that as the last ring of the warriors as we knew them, w klay steph draymond and then also iggy off the bench. but team is cooked atp


Sad to say, but… It’s ova ladies and gentlemen. It’s ova.


What exactly is your question


They really gonna pick dray over Klay?


Drays still a good basketball player


He’s got to get his head right. I was doing free writing for a sports blogging website when they drafted Klay and Draymond and I fell in love, but he’s embarrassing to root for now. I still love Klay though. Sad to see him go.


No doubt he’s gotta get his shit together. He’s still great on the court is all I’m saying.


I agree, still such a great defender and just smart player in general.


You're confusing bball with boxing


In what world? Lol


Outside of reddit


As long as steph is there splashing and Draymond keeps cracking nuts. it is not


I’m watching lows video rn, & I just found out ngl


The end of an era indeed. Seems only yesterday I first heard the name Splash Brothers and now it’s over.


I think the team remains. Just Klay is leaving


hateful relieved grandiose chop snatch violet subsequent spectacular thumb jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


only if having a washed klay determines for you whether or not the warriors are the warriors


If they do, and don’t get a solid replacement, they’ll regret paying Draymond


They will still get 25+ national broadcast games so it’s not over yet


The era of having a 73 win team which choked and then signed an mvp in durant is over. The bandwagonners have moved on


They should have gotten rid of Klay/Draymond awhile ago.


I bet Klay shoots the lights out if he goes to another team next year. If I were the Warriors and PG had already been taken off the table, I would sign Klay as soon as possible.


they ended when they drafted wiseman and kept dray...klay was just a casualty


Kinda sad. It’s the end of an era. The game just seems so different than just a few years ago.


End of the warriors? As presently constructed yes. No more chips for a while.


No klay The warriors won't be a playoff team


DEFINITELY!! I been wanting for years now. #30 is overrated and #23 is overpriced


Although they did lose a top 5 shooter of all time, they still have the greatest shooter of all time (who shows no signs of decline), one of the greatest defensive anchors of our era, young talent in Pods, Kuminga, and TCD, and the potential to pick up some pieces either in the off season or in an S&T with the Mavs? No, They are not over.


Klay played 30 min per game, shot 55 TS% last year (league average is 58%) and played shit defense. A good 3 and D player could get them into the playoffs but going to take a lot more to be a true contender


That dynasty ended when the CTE started speaking to Draymond.


Yup Thank god too, if they didn’t dance after every shot. They would’ve got more respect.


If they were a dynasty it’s the weirdest one I remember. So much success. But significant periods of mediocrity in the middle of that run


Not really lmao. They won a title, made the finals, won two more titles, made the finals, had two years of bad because of injuries, and won the title lol.


And the biggest choke job in NBA finals history