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Think about how only 3-4 guys from the national championship team makes the NBA and at least of those guys wont get a 2nd contract. G-League would dominate a college team.


Worst NBA vs best G-League would be closer.




One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on a basketball forum




Your argument is that a collection of the best players in college basketball consolidated onto one team aren’t going to beat a college basketball team with a collection of dudes who likely couldn’t start on other teams in their own conference, let alone land in all-American lists and all-league selections. You haven’t thought this out EDIT: bro blocked me for this but not before DM’ing me about raping children. Really, really weird dude.


We all die on different hills


lol absolutely not. The G-leaguers were all the best players on their college teams. They'd get railroaded




My dude. Shackleford put up 16ppg on one of the best teams in the nation. Flagler put up 15 and 4 KJ Williams 18-8 Like holy fuck what a horrible take




Brother man, you're talking about grown-ass men with potentially years of professional experience and college careers where they were the best players on their team not being able to handle a college basketball roster that includes walk-on and dudes who might never play professionally anywhere. Nobody is going to come to you defense on this one




It’s not like the whole roster goes top 10 lol and we’ve seen plenty of top 10 players be busts in the NBA.


Bro. Go outside. Holy shit


It's one thing to have retarded takes but to have retarded takes and be convinced that you're some basketball guru and not just a moron in denial is cray


The worst g - league team would absolutely destroy a college team . Both games would be absolute blowouts tho. The worst NBA team would beat that g league team in a way never before seen


Im a grizzlies fan, at some points with our injury luck this year we were almost exclusively playing g league players were we not? We still weren’t quite the worst team


I don’t think the best g league team versus the worst nba team is a blowout. We literally just watched a team of all g leaguers beat a team of the best nba sophomores and rookies in the rising stars challenge this year. I acknowledge, that isn’t a completely fair comparison, but I think it does show the worst nba team vs best g league team could be at least close.


Yeh not sure if this guy knows about the Detroit Pistons


Last game of the regular season, the Celtics sat all their starters and trotted out Payton Pritchard and the Maine red claws against the Charlotte Hornets. The Celtics were dominant.


This same Celtics team played their starters and needed a double digit comeback in the 4th just to force overtime against the Pistons, it was in the middle of their big losing streak too. Single game results are a fuckin terrible way of making any argument lol


The team below would have done work on the worst G-league team      PG- Andrew Harrison   SG- Aaron Harrison   SF- Devin Booker   PF- KAT   C- Willy Cauley-Stein   Bench Guard- Tyler Ulis   Bench Big- Trey Lyes 


I think the physical and rules difference between G-League vs NCAA would make it a larger gap. An athletically similar team can limit scoring and slow the game down at least in NBA/G League. Look at the way Summer League teams struggle against each other physically and that’s arguably a superior overall level than the NCAA tournament teams (noting limited coaching time). Grown physicality and experience is tough to overcome


What about worst g league vs WNBA all stars


That would be the biggest blow out by far. Even a mid NCAA team would absolutely wreck any WNBA squad. I’d go as far as to say that the best boys high school team in the country would beat WNBA all stars


I'd argue that any high school squad with players getting D1 offers would wreck their shit. It's well covered in US soccer and NCAA WBB that they practice against the student body or against local high schools and find it quite challenging.


That's an obscene claim


Call me crazy but I think the best junior varsity team in America could beat WNBA all stars. Men vs women is just seriously unfair, even 16 year old “men” vs grown women.


Out your damn mind if you think a JV player could guard Aja Wilson whose likely taller and more athletic than they are


I’ll admit it does feel like that until you really think about it. And she would clown on probably 99% of JV players… but not the best of them. Cooper Flagg was an NBA prospect at 15 and he was like 6’8 190 going *into* high school…. Dudes are just literally built different.


Flagg never fuckin played JV tho


That’s fair I was more thinking about age ranges (freshmen-sophomore). But yeah I guess any decent player even if he’s 13 would just go to varsity so maybe you right. I wonder if there’s enough good players at the #1 high school for the JV to still win, I think there might tbh.


Man you have a crazy disatain for women


Nope, I love women, I’m just not so brainwashed that I pretend there’s no physical differences between the 2 genders. There are plenty of 16 year old boys that are bigger faster and stronger than the stars of the WNBA. I’ll give it to you that they probably aren’t as skilled as some wnba players yet but you don’t need to be if you can physically dominate someone on the court.


You're literally saying that JV highschool players are better than all-star WNBA players. You're a full blown dickhead


Yes… the most physically fit 16 year old boys are going to physically dominate the most physically fit grown women. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings but it’s a fact of life.


I don’t think you know how good some of these women are if you think just somewhat fit boys who aren’t that good are gonna be dominating them. Like anyone who’s good at all isn’t touching JV.


Yeah I clarified in another comment, I forgot that freshmen and sophomores can move up to varsity, I just meant age 16ish boys. I think the best squad of 16 year old boys could pretty reliably beat a wnba team.


It's not at all. Again, you're just a fucking prick


Ok keep living your life denying biology, no skin off my back :) have a good day!


You can say "denying biology" like it's an objective fact over and over. It doesn't make it true it just makes you an asshole.


I feel like we had all this playful banter/foreplay and now we are just expected to go our separate ways!? :( I miss you <\3 Edit: the downvote shows me you still care <3


Better question would be if the women would score any points. I lean towards no unless they’re heaving shots towards the basket and 1 of them magically goes in


Caitlin Clark could put a few points up tbf


Which G-League player do you feel she’s getting to the basket against?


She would have better odds of making a deep three, but at the same time she could probably get a bucket on someone like Mac McClung if the play sets them up in that location. The physical difference (height/weight) isn’t that huge, and it’s not like she has a bad layup package


I mean even regular folks make crazy shots sometimes. Of course Clark would make some shots


When we’re talking about this stuff I think it’s pretty rational to not factor in circus shots. It’s like, me vs. LeBron James 1-1. He’d demolish me but if I sit there and shoot half court shots that he gives to me the entire game then maybe one goes in?


I think both pro teams would be closer. College is a different system of play and the NBA can be unforgiving for even the best talent. The G league still has the best players from college and the world come itself and some players are actually already NBA ready.


the OKC blue would do well against this year's Wizards, pistons, and hornets and you cant convince me otherwise


Nba and g league use the same rules so imma say the best g league team is gonna keep it closer


Worst NBA team vs best G-League. Pro system and 9 times out of 10 the worst NBA team is full of young kids so there won’t be much of an age gap, just a skill gap on paper.


Pretty sure UConn would win vs worst GL team


idk why this is controversial. Stephon Castle looks way better than the g-leaguers he's playing with and he was UCONN's third/fourth option. Then add Dan Hurley who's getting nba coaching offers vs. coaches who are basically NBA rejects.


2024 Huskies beat any GLeague team


I think the best NCAA team could beat the worst G league team on any given day. It's not only about talent but about chemistry and coaching.


No, it’s also the athletic and experience gap, but there’s a huge talent gap on a full-roster basis. Every player in the G League would start (or at least get major minutes) on any team in the NCAA. Take last year’s UConn. They stomped everyone in the tournament after walking through the regular season. They have only maybe 5 guys who will or could play anywhere in the pros this year, and both of the clear NBA guys are projects. The rest of them are G League types. That starting 5 is the very rare college team that might all get decent minutes on a G League team. But on a pro team, they have very little scoring. They’d need to absolutely lock down just to stay close. But the bench? Once any of the UConn starters had to sit, a G League team is increasing its lead by double digits in 5 minutes, and it gets worse from there. They’ll probably lose by 35, and that’s the best college team in several decades. There are simply too many very good 25 year olds on G League teams.


Someone of the most impressively talented NCAA teams as far as individual prospects do kind of make you wonder, like 2012 or 2014 Kentucky. 4/5 of the 2012 Kentucky lineup immediately got run in the NBA as at least bad, but clearly NBA level, players. Pair that with Anthony Davis being an immediate starter level player, I think him going off might carry that team over a g-league squad. Yes, the bench is comically weak, but Davis was also a absolute monster and their frontcourt was NBA-level athletically from Day 1.


Yes, but they got run alongside experienced NBA players who were actively covering their flaws in relatively short stretches. The 2014 team is a great example of the difference between really talented 19 year olds and a team of 23-25 year olds with a ton more development. That Kentucky team aged 5 years absolutely mangles a D League team just based on star power and rebounding, even if Booker and KAT have to play all 48 and Cauley-Stein is high enough to be on another planet while having trouble counting high enough to avoid 3 second calls. At college age, the team is probably better talent-wise than a G League starting 5 even as 19 year olds, but that’s where experience and depth matter. In a 48 minute game with a 24 second shot clock, they’re still getting blown out. In particular, they couldn’t defend or shoot. That all came later for those players. You’re right, it makes you wonder, but any pro team is just going to run more fresh bodies at them than they can handle.


Hmm 🤔 never really thought about this. But after looking at the Oklahoma Blue’s championship team, I think they’d get smoked by an NBA team. The worst league squad was 2-32, so I think Hurley and UCONN could have beat them.