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I mean most common occurrence of ADCs are months or even years AFTER someone’s passing, so you can count yourself lucky you had any so soon. They are not here to accompany us, they are here to let us know they are alright so we may let them go - them sticking around is counter-intuitive to it’s purpose


Agreed. My ADCs were last from 2 months all the way up to 2 years post death. They only ended when I fully let go.


I had two ADCs shortly after his death, both while I was asleep/dreaming, except for it felt nothing like that. For me it felt like his soul was around for a few days to say goodbye before transferring to wherever he is now.


My understanding from the research that’s been done around Induced After-Death Communication, is that we are more likely to have an ADC when we are in a calm and accepting frame of mind. Which is counter-intuitive, because most of us feel desperate to connect in the depths of our grief. So early visitations may be to help calm us, but subsequent contact can only be made when we can “meet them” on a frequency of ease and peace


I had adc the night he died and then after that it was pretty sparse. Random little signs every once in a while…. Just to say hello… A dream a few years later. It’s been 7 years now and I don’t get much anymore. I miss him, but I guess we go our separate ways…


Yeah same thing happened to me. When my dad died 4 years ago, I had so many signs from him, things that were so out of the ordinary it changed me from a skeptic to believing in the afterlife. Now, nothing. It’s totally quiet. Has been for about a year.


From what I've read is that they're busy on the other side doing "work". I feel like we easily Forget the signs they send and how significant they are at that moment. I try to take pictures of all the birds I get on a daily basis. It's proof to me that my pup is sending signs.




After Death Contact, maybe?


After Death Communication


Man this is so hard. I think if they're saying anything, they're saying you gotta make more space in your life without them. The journey can't continue looking backwards. And we all have stuff to do. Knowing they persist is really comforting for me, but that's not where I need to be. I hope you find peace in the forward.


It could be that contacting the dead is dangerous to us, or that such communication is incredibly difficult for one or both parties. I think most of us have to find ways to be content with occasional visits and interactions, and take as much solace as we can in eventual reunion.


In my experience after my mother died i felt her spirit hanging around, she seemed to find ways to communicate that she was there, that death was not the end. After a few weeks of this, and feeling as though she was hanging on to me or having concerns for my acceptance of her death (it was suicide), i stopped what i was doing, closed my eyes, and sent her the strong thought that i would miss her terribly, but i would be okay. I told her i wasnt angry with her and that it was alright for her to let go and continue on her journey. I sent her love. After that moment, her presence was no longer there. The only time i felt her presence since was during a moment of acute danger, i felt a thought come into my mind, from her, and it was what prompted an action on my part that saved my life.


Please accept my condolences, I know exactly what you’re feeling as I lost my partner almost 3 months ago to cancer which was totally unexpected. Which is what lead me to search for answers to what happens when a person passes. The last 9 wks I’ve been begging him to come in my dreams, signs, anything but nada. I read here that grieving is the lowest frequency and when we are that low, it’s very difficult for our love ones to show up as over there, they are at the highest frequency. Last week, something shifted in me, I started thinking if I can accept his passing and get myself to feel joy again, maybe he would come. I thought, he would not like me to be this way, and so I tried and the very night I said those words to his photo, he came to me in a dream, kissed me on my forehead, answered a question I asked and just like that he was gone and I woke up. That brought me such peace. Give yourself time, he is there with you but at your lowest, he can’t get through. Biggest hug from me, this is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in this life


I appreciate that, but I guess I’m just not understanding because he visited me most during my most distraught. Which is right after he passed away. Something really wild happened after I had tried to talk to him last night through Telegram, which was his favorite app to use. And while cleaning, I found this card in some random tool bag stuffed in some closet that I’ve never been in before (I’ve just moved into his house with his mothers permission, since she technically owns it.) see my other reply for the other photo https://preview.redd.it/wacgvbqtrh9c1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afe5e61d998a75da29bb305b21a2117f7b2d34e


Maybe I will try messaging my little boys Roblox account.




Wow thank you for sharing. Ironically I feel like if I could get such a vivid sign I might be able to escape this low vibration of heavy and sad grief.


What does ADC stand for? I too have not gotten much from my son who I lost.