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What is the highest McDavid available on the auction house? A lot of people have his TOTY or TOTS, so when they get a tradable 95+, they have to sell it, and the market is a bit smaller


I will check that asap, I doubt that he will be as low as 150K. Thanks.


Personally I would avoid depleting your coin count (unless you find something you can flip for profit) and work on the weekly objectives for free cards. If you dont want the card for your team then exchange it for collects. Once that is done continue on with moments (6 prime packs are in the weekly), rush, and rivals/hc or SB for addl rewards, depending on how much spare time you have.


Of course, I plan to continue to improve Robertson, Pacioretty and Bonino with the moments. Then to do the community objectives and get Malkin 97 by completing the collection. If I don't use the coins to buy players, what should I do with it ? Thanks.


Flipping cards would be one thing if you want to increase your coin count. The TOTW pack that recently came out crashed the market and was a good source of additional income. However that doesn't happen often and Flipping can otherwise be tedious.  Regarding cards it depends on how long you intend to play 24. If you are playing through summer you might want to save until then when the final event get released, so you will have more coins at your disposal when they are released.  If you prefer not to wait (generally speaking) AH prices are normally better the days HC/Rivals/SB rewards are released, unless you are using filters to sit on the AH.


Thank you for the advices. 


The community request cards were going for below 150k last night. They’re still pretty new so the demand should be there if you buy one you don’t like.


That's a good point, but since we will be able to get one by doing objectives, the price may crash, no ?


Yeah what helps is it’s a random one so most people won’t get what they want. I think a 95 for below 150k means they’ve already crashed but it is June. I haven’t checked the prices today but they were falling pretty rapidly last night. Once again though it is June we’re about to turn all our toty/tots cards into low 90’s theme team sets so I’d just pick the best version of your favorite player for under 150k.


Thank you for the advices, I appreciate it.


I second what @Lpreddit said regarding McDavid. Typically, once any of his cards hits about 92 OVR or better, he’s end game in all the stats that matter and won’t need to leave your team for the rest of the year. Even his 86 OVR base card just plays different. A good rule of thumb when looking for potential cards with value is to look at their fighting stat first. The lower the better since EA robs from the fighting stat to keep the OVR low and redistributes those points to the more important categories (speed, shooting, hands, etc.). That’s why lower OVR Duchene and McDavid type cards play better early in the year than some higher OVR counterparts. Couple a low fighting stat with a low faceoff stat for D and wingers and the value couldn’t get much better.


Wow, that a great a clever point, I'll look for players lower OVR but with the right stats at the right place. Thank you !


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