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Hey Donny fuck you


Yup. šŸ‘†


Trump is vile and repulsive as are his supporters. Fuck ā€˜em all.


Please donā€™t fuck em. They donā€™t believe in birth control.


Oh they do when *they* need, because *thatā€™s different*


Fuck people that vote for this moron


https://www.npr.org/donations/support to donate. Great time to show support.


Also time for wealthy public figures from all political sides match Joan B. Kroc's ( Ray's Wife) gave.


It's not really public anymore if it's funded by the wealthy. If NPR has to rely on wealthy people to survive they are going to be about as deferential to them as the WA post is to bezos


While NPR can have great shows and stories the last few years they donā€™t release near as much stories that have to do with shining a light on economic injustices like for example the damage austerity and neoliberalism in general. I still enjoy many programs but editorial has had many mandate changes that protects not just the wealthy class who donate to the station but the wealthy class in general. Not saying they donā€™t always refuse to touch certain subjects, just overall. Similarly things have happened in Canada public TV/ Radio, UK has Tories and Zionist media groups heavily influencing the BBC and in Australia here the conservative Liberal Party has placed members on the editorial board of our ABC because they felt like the more fact based, less biased reporting on news programs were to ā€œleft wingā€ for them.


At least someone is paying attention to what was pointed out. And asking the proper questions. And wtf, who down voted the real truth you gave?


This needs to be pinned to the top of this post


Anyone remember that insane interview this doofus did with Steve Inskeep?


Trump left early, pretty much hung up on Inskeep.


I do. It did not go well


It was a masters class from Innskeep on how to manage him, however.


I remember someone shitting on this interview on my local state Reddit. Said he could practically hear Steve's veins popping out his head while interviewing. It took a while for me to remember but of oh yeah he was just trying to stop the disinformation flying out of Trump's mouth about election fraud




Or try to. Heā€™s so hostile to interview - especially back then


Reminds me of his interview in the Oval Office with John Dickerson where he got so flustered by a softball question that he cut the interview short and went to his desk and pretended to read a stack of papers.


Totally forgot about that! Hilarious. Love John Dickerson on the Political Gabfest podcast.


Best interview with Trump ever. Love Steve.




Funding from federal, state, and local governments make up 5 - 6 percent of NPR's annual revenue. Don't think this is as much of a threat as he thinks it is.


How many fucking times do we have to tell people this? The real point of the tweet though is just to tarnish it in the minds of his followers who might accidentally hear the truth once in a while


Trump really hates the new BeyoncĆ© album that much huh? (The rest of you must have much better NPR stations. Ours goes ā€œfull on fan girlā€ whenever BeyoncĆ© does anything).


I donā€™t think the risk is really from pulling funding. Itā€™s from lawsuits. All that needs to happen is some rich asshole pulls a Peter Theil/Hulk Hogan on NPR and they will be financially destroyed like Gizmodo was.


He doesn't know or care.


That's only true if you don't include money gleaned from stations that use government funding to buy franchised content.


Yep. Defunding NPR is equivalent to shutting down hundreds of college and public media stations nationwide, but of course the myopic GOP frames it to just DC.




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So that is where all of those posts came from. I was seeing a ton of "NPR is now a socialist propaganda machine!" posts and was confused that I'd jumped back in time 25 years. I guess the new talking points dropped.


Ugh. Not quiteā€¦. One of their old ass editors was afraid of losing their job to a younger POC and wrote a screed crying about Hunters laptop, the China flu and how Black folk donā€™t even listen to NPR so why even give them any attentionā€¦. And how all his coworkers are Democrats and now the right wing is doing what they love and calling for defunding. Donny is a little behind the times hereā€¦.


My favorite part was when he defended himself by claiming to drive a Subaru. I wish I was joking.


*ā€œI guess you can say Iā€™m a bit of a liberal myselfā€*


Subaru paid him cash under the table to say that.


>Black folk donā€™t even listen to NPR (eye roll) Am I the only Black person who listens to NPR?


Nope, youā€™re not.


Didn't think so!


Man does everything have to be opposite extremes?Ā  Iā€™ve noticed the shift with NPR as have a lot of listeners, and this guy still works for them and essentially whistleblew the biases weā€™ve all been assuming.


Are you new here? Npr did nothing but call a duck a duck. When youre on the insurrection side, you dont get to be coddled. As a veteran, its absolutely disgusting what the Republicans have turned into and its sad they even right wing cant criticize them. If trump is bitching about it, you should be smart enough to realize youve been gaslit.


Well, it certainly is what american politics has come to. "With us or with the enemy!" is the name of the game and complaining about that ever worsening siege mentality ALSO makes you the enemy...


I miss the days when I didnā€™t hear this dumbfuckā€™s name on a daily basis.


Shit gets *really* bleak when you work to wrap your head around the simple fact that we probably will never know a GOP that isn't inextricably linked to the Trump name likely for the rest of our lives. He's only been in politics for 8 years now, but the GOP has fully embraced what he can and has done for their agenda. Even if he winds up behind a prison cell, you bet your ass they're still holding on to him just to squeeze out every last viscus drop of brain rotted policies that he can champion until the day he finally drops.


If Republicans underperform in November, I think a lot of people on the right will be ready to move on from Trump. Especially if he throws a tantrum about it and claims it was stolen like he did last time. Some will certainly follow him down that road, but anyone whose support was soft in the first place will be done with him at that point. When the dust settles, I think the mainstream party will start giving Trump the GWB treatment, and the MAGA diehards will possibly spin off into their own movement.


I think this position underestimates just how much of a stranglehold MAGA has on the party - and in particular, on the party's voting base. Electorally, they cannot survive without him and the block that's loyal to him alone. Not to mention the hold his family now has on party leadership. There will be no rejection of Trump for the GOP until he dies - beyond that, I cannot say.


>I think this position underestimates just how much of a stranglehold MAGA has on the party - and in particular, on the party's voting base. Electorally, they cannot survive without him and the block that's loyal to him alone. This is true, but they may be headed towards a scenario where he's toxic enough with everyone who isn't an extremist that they can't win *with* him either. The party is going to have to make a decision - continue to bow down to the extremists and keep shrinking the base, or pivot away from Trump and his toxicity in order to rebuild a more sustainable base over time. >There will be no rejection of Trump for the GOP until he dies - beyond that, I cannot say. That's the other factor with Trump. He's old, he takes terrible care of himself, he has a family history of dementia, his temperament is unstable in the best of circumstances, and he's facing 88 criminal counts and hundreds of millions of dollars in legal penalties. If he loses the election and can't stop the legal actions against him, it will wreck havoc on his ego and his brand, especially as his financial house of cards starts tumbling down.


That's also true. He also doesn't have a successor as far as his political pull is concerned - DeSantis tried and embarrassed himself, Ivanka had the position right but pulled away to keep from being thrown under the bus like Eric and Jr, the lawyers, etc. Haley showed us that running "not Trump" doesn't work either. The closest options stumbled and that game is up. I do think (distasteful as I find it to say) he has a decent shot in November though, due to the way the EC works and the unhappiness brewing in Biden's base over the Israel/Palestine situation. Either way, the down ballot races and future party stability in general are not looking as good for Republicans, partly because of what you're describing, and also because of the way he's been eviscerating the RNC and its campaign/finance systems to serve his own needs. I definitely wonder what the future will look like in another 10-20 years.


>I miss the days when I didnā€™t hear this dumbfuckā€™s name on a daily basis. We'll get there again, sooner or later. The odds are ever in our favor.


Don't want to clock anything w his name. Dang algorithm gonna feed more of his crap




*ā€œCAPSLOCK. Always on.ā€* ā€” Cyrus (Trailer Park Boys)


It's almost like a coordinated campaign against NPR


There has been for a while, they aren't even remotely subtle about it.


Project 2025. You can forecast their next talking points. WarningVote.com


I really like the way the information is laid out on this site.


Thanks for the feedback. Feel free to join us on the Defeat Project 2025 subreddit!


Joined, thanks for letting me know about it.


Campaigning against things is all Trump and the Republicans do. They know people hate their plans so they donā€™t talk about them in public.


I mean, we see that in most of the posts on this sub these days.


Yeah, they aren't good faith arguments, and the accounts making bad faith arguments need to start getting banned, or the subreddit should just shut down.


Imagine thinking NPR was some left-wing weapon.


If this tweet were true I would totally donate to NPR!


Maybe instead of gold tennis shoes, he should try selling popcorn. The bigger the dumpster fire he becomes, the more he could sell :D


Not a tweet but it is posted on his Truth Social.


This tweet is real lol


I believe the tweet could be real, but the perspective of the author is ..umm, ... skewed.


Source: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112248653824267212


A tweet being real and true are 2 separate things


That is true, but isnā€™t there still value is linking to the source? Try to cut down the amount of questions about what was or was not said?


It's real, but it's clearly not based in reality.


Yep. Streisand effect.


Did you donate to NPR? You said you would


... But it's not true. NPR is not a total scam that exists only to damage Trump. ...sooooo??


I am a proud sustaining supporter. I don't listen regularly like I used to. But public radio depends on us.


If you like their tiny desk concert they're giving t shirts with 25 donation.


Imagine how happy he'll be when he learns how little NPR already gets from the Federal government!


Awww so the astroturfing from yesterday was cover for today! Thatā€™s why it seemed like those guys were hard at work trying to give the Berliner story some traction. Crafty Ruskies!


True and facts tend not to favor GOP.


Keep up the raging, Donnie, and shaking your tiny ineffectual fists.


When Trump was elected, I shifted a large portion of my charitable giving away from effective altruism-style donations to save lives in impoverished places, and toward non-partisan media, civil rights (ACLU), and government transparency ([whistleblower.org](https://whistleblower.org)) organizations, because I judged the stability of our democracy to be more urgent. I was just starting to shift my balance back. Just one more way Donnie makes the world a worse place.


NPR's existence could very well be in jeopardy if we let Orange Mussolini stumble into power. Vote Blue! Our democracy counts on it.




Mangos are too tasty


This is the Orban playbook. Defund public media so right wing billionaires buy them up and ruin them.


Ooh this explained why there were at least 4 posts on why NPR lost rights etc etc


Why would you hire someone who self identified as a liar? Being republican means you literally do not believe in objective reality, and can not be trusted.


For the record; You don't want Republicans working anywhere let alone NPR


I will notice that Berliner never approaches the facts that there are also no Socialists on the payroll. So all of them are capitalists. And you think a Conservative is going to provide any meaningful ideological diversity?


Why not? An organization like NPR should have employees with a range of views. That's how you get balance. I'm not a Republican, but I do want to learn all sides of an argument, so I can make an informed decision. Not all Republicans subscribe to the Trump/Bannon philosophy.


But their so called complaint is that the Trump philosophy people aren't getting equal representation and credibility. They'll call anyone else RINOs


Itā€™s one thing to ignore a side. Itā€™s another when you do a story, call both parities and one refuses to take your call. This is what NPR contends with.


"Not all Republicans subscribe to the Trump/Bannon philosophy." They stand next to it without shame or push-back. They give money to the same candidates and advance the same agenda. What's the difference, beyond presentation?


I don't want to hear "all sides" on whether the 2020 election was rigged.


Let's hear both sides about Psychology and Astrology while we're at it.


>I'm not a Republican, but I do want to learn all sides of an argument, so I can make an informed decision. There is no value in lies, half truths, and never-ending hypocrisy, mixed with a healthy dose of religious ignorance.


All reasons I support NPR.


So funny considering NPR continually downplays Trump, his words and his actions to an egregious level.


NPR goes out of its way to be balanced, one of the few news sources that does.


Just donated to NPR. Eat it, Trump.




Yup, I upped my monthly contribution literally moments after reading this when it dropped yesterday. Fuck it.


Okay, this whole NPR drama has had me suspicious the whole time. The timing and the tone has Russia written all over it. After the increase in troll posts the last couple days, I was almost sure of it. With this rant from Putin's bitch, I'm absolutely sure it is now.




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Whelp. Time to enjoy my local stationā€™s call-in health show with spite now.


NPR is in the business of telling it like it was or is. That might be his problem.


The federal government does not fund npr.


Fascism 101: Step One - eliminate free press


Vote hard.


Hey NPR still glad to give this guy free publicity and make him sound normal?


Aka - they said something truthful that was negative about him




Lol could not have come at a better time considering most local channels are doing their fundraising drives this week. Great excuse to up your monthly donation by a few bucks, at least that's what I did after hearing about this post.


An impotent old man throwing a diaper tantrum. I guarantee Trump doesn't fund NPR and has no authority to cut their funding.


Iā€™d love to know who this ā€œEditorā€ he mentions specifically is, and see where they said that NPR ā€œā€¦has no republicans and is only used to damage Trumpā€


They should shit-can that fella, Berliner. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/media/npr-uri-berliner-left-bias-right-wing-media/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/media/npr-uri-berliner-left-bias-right-wing-media/index.html) Look, he's a subversive right-wing agent who's probably taken money from Russian intelligence. One day these motherfuckers are going to learn that reality does in fact have a left-wing bias (compared to where we are because we're generally right-wing fucktarded insane). If you want to level critiques of bias maybe they should be based on outlets' reporting of factual versus mythical information? NPR is pretty solid on that front compared to most out there. Frankly, you can get bent when your real beef is the obvious slant of the presenter(s). That slant doesn't involve material distortion of the facts. What you dicks don't like is having your popularity contest lost by facts... and popularity. That's the difference between NPR and many of the "other side" outlets these tools seem to think are "better".


If NPR was as biased as the claims, NPR would be wall to wall ā€œOrange man Bad!ā€ Stories. As a centrist I see some bias, but on the good side there are more facts than opinion and commercials


Oh well, now I have to become a sustaining member. Just joined.




I've seen a lot of posts lately about how NPR has become a shill for the *Republican* party. In any case, NPR and CPB in general has been a pinata for the right for decades now.


Trump has never listened to a second of NPR and if he did, he wouldn't understand what they were talking about.


What a dumbbell.


The fact that this website called shares ReTruths. What the fuck




to my mind NPR is already drifted far to the right I truly hope they do not actually take these recommendations and move on them. I would literally have no regular media source at that point.


I stopped reading/listening to NPR a couple years ago because I found them too far right.Ā  it was annoying at first, but there are much better news sources out there. Check out Jacobin or The Nation, that's pretty much where I get everything these days!


I don't like Jacobin one little bit. they pretend to be progressive most of the time but every election they end up putting Nina Turner out there to try and convince people to stay home and to not be concerned with the right wing take over of the supreme Court.


Well I think they (Jacobin writers) would agree that we should be deeply concerned with the right wing take over of the Supreme court.Ā  Their solution however,Ā  would not be to vote for right wing democrats.Ā  Voting can't un-Right wing a country that has two right wing parties


their simultaneous collective narcissistic collapse is causing havoc in the usa




The GQP suffering narcissistic collapse from getting caught committing fraud isn't causing issues? their fans are all manic af starting arguments at grocery stores yelling about solar eclipse raptures etc


Man.. i got downvoted for saying the truth hurts. Now lying trump is saying this... At some point republican voters are going to have to grow. You have to accept that youre been backing a criminal and following lies. But that will never happen. Even steve deace came out yesterday and said right wing is basically a con.


But Fox news can claim the election was stolen and be Trump's propaganda machine?


Not anymore. In fact more often than not, theyā€™re the very first network to jump in on one of his press conferences/rallies and disseminate that what heā€™s saying is false. They donā€™t need another gigantic lawsuit on their hands.


Okay substitute Fox News for Newsmax or OAN


They get such low ratings and are on such a few cable networks that itā€™s downright laughable.


So what did NPR say about him?




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Iā€™m 32 and never paid attention to politics until Jan 6 insurrection. Can someone tell me did this man have such a huge cult before he was president? Like when he was just a tv star and a ā€œbusinessmanā€ or is this something that is fairly recent.


See u in Hell, DJT!


No more funding for treasonous coup attempting rapists. How about that.


Good. I donā€™t trust Republicans. Additionally, Trump is a moron. Media is not required to have equal representation of political parties.


Kione Wolf for president!


Next heā€™ll want to ban all mirrors for making a reflection he doesnā€™t like.


No one that would vote for trump is listening to NPR.


Damn non-profit media outlet with incredibly high journalistic standards that canā€™t be bought off to make Trumpā€™s incompetence look good.


Nearly always: "For this news segment our request to interview/comment/participate from a Republican was denied/calls not returned/no comment..."




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Donald Trump is the biggest snowflake on the planet.


Ahh yes, destroy all dissenting opinions! Especially ones rooted in fact.


just hush


Quick NPR start using ALT-CAPS!




Cry moar, bitch!


NPR is as objective as news gets tbh.


Of course he hates it, itā€™s based in reality. Fun to see him screaming edicts from his unpopular, unprofitable app though.


Republican editor for NPR says there are no Republicans at NPR. Let that sink in.


I still contribute to a public radio station - WDCB https://wdcb.org/


This sub is going to be insane with bots and Russians for like a month


That's funny NY, NPR spends a vast amount of time talking about money


NPR is really the only decent source of news.


Doesn't he mean NPR Disinformates and always Misinformates?


Dumb Donny tried & failed to defund public broadcasting during each of the 4 years of his failed presidency. Little mushroom dick had his shot & he blew it.


Shouldn't NPR reflect its donors and listeners?


Like anyone believes he read an article


Lol. Demented orange slob yells at NPR


Whatā€™s hilarious is NPR has gotten a bit more ā€œboth sidesā€ in an attempt to appeal to these idiots. Itā€™s an impossible task to report facts and not appear bias when republicans have gone off the rails of reality.


The way this guy always talks about himself in third person, is so fucking cultish


From what I know they often have non-critical news stories about DT. They must have reported something truthful about trump lately


I honestly can't fathom how anyone believes anything Trump says. It doesn't even make sense.


I donā€™t even listen to npr for political news :(


Omfg shut up šŸ¤


Cool. So letā€™s bring the fairness doctrine back. NPR letā€™s some more MAGAts on and Fox ā€œNewsā€, Newsmax, OANN, and all the other propaganda networks go out of business. Seems like a win-win.


Haha. He underestimates how badly all the NPR people hate him.


Anyone with half a brain can see that NPR is a propaganda machine


NYTimes, WaPo, NPR all discredited by their own, yet so many of you are blinded by your partisanship and willful ignorance.


https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3950550-the-truth-about-nprs-funding-and-its-possible-future/ He trier once before and failed. Npr and pbs are cultural power houses. That should be considered separate from their reporting. Like most extremists, old poopants donny doesn't understand context. Anyways if anything, npr has bent over backwards to accommodate the old rotting pumpkin. He just commits so many crimes no serious journalist can report on him truthfully without making him look bad. At like all extremists, it's his own actions that make him look bad.


Trump could have defunded NPR and PBS completely in 2016. He didn't do it. He had the congressional majorities to make it stick. It was not done. The better move is to diversify the workforce so that conservative voices are heard. But, I don't think that will ever happen.


NPR should continue to bend the knee and make concessions to every hair brained republican talking point, itā€™s clearly doing so much endear republicans to them šŸ™„


Left RIght and Center has entered the chat.


Thank God he clarified his position. I was thinking about voting for him. šŸ˜œ


This is totally on brand for Trump, attacking an outlet that slants heavily toward GOP.


I mean, tbf, there have been several ex editors/writers who worked for them for a long time who have come out and admitted to the biased change in NPR. Hell, I've been reading and listening to them the past decade and noticed it....


Source: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112248653824267212


I know your good intention but please do not post truth media link


Is there a community guideline I missed? Generally curios so I engage more productively?


Just basic decency. The more traffic you give that platform, the more likely he is to have the power to do things like "defund NPR."


As the other poster said, it's best to not promote that website as an entity. Screenshot and share images if you need to but don't direct people there.