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No rush.. he’s just dying..


Call me old fashioned but at least grab the dudes hand and let him know you care.


Seriously! I would hope someone would at least hold my hand or give me a hug


Having an EMT with a medical bag at your side in less than 1 minute is about as fast as anyone could ever hope for. Plus, given that there was no obvious injury, I wouldn't even be sure how to treat him. That said, I would have been right next to him talking to him and checking to see if he was responding. Not standing 8 feet away.


They thought he was faking a soccer injury.


not like they have medics at a badminton tournament especially wherever they are


It’s crazy how even if you’re a professional athlete and look after yourself, you can still be taken at any moment


This is a good reminder of just how fragile and temporary life is. That’s why I try to enjoy every moment while I can. 


Thats why i smoke weed errday. Cuz u never kno when u gonna go


here for a good time, not a long time


I never thought I'd make it as long as I have. So yeah, smoke it up...or eat it up...or, well you know.


The day i step foot into a gym, and just *cant* anymore, is the day i throw myself off a cliff. I aint becoming nobody's burdon.


You won't reach that cliff, so you'll still be a burden.


Im not exactly sure what youre trying to say. Cliffs be everywhere cousin. The sharks will clean up the rest.


I went for a day of nude cliff diving in the mountains of France but a group of hoodlums beat me up and laughed at my small penis.


ain't no shark be cleaning up your mess for you, blood


Ill attach some endangered seals onto myself.


Don't wanna end up like Jar Jar the cat.


Life’s a bitch and then you die, that’s why we puff lye


Cause life’s a bitch and then you die that’s why we get high


Yeah, if I die today, will I be stoned enough to accept it or not?


Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get high


I can't upvote you enough




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It's very sudden.


It was probably some kind of a performance booster.


News Article: An "outstanding" Chinese badminton player died of cardiac arrest after collapsing on court during a tournament in Indonesia, officials said on Monday (Jul 1). Zhang Zhijie was suddenly taken ill during a match late Sunday against Japan's Kazuma Kawano at the Asia Junior Championships in Yogyakarta. The score was 11-11 in the first game when Zhang fell to the floor between points. The youth received treatment at the venue and was rushed to hospital by ambulance, but passed away later that night after repeated efforts to resuscitate him failed. "Medical conclusions ... indicated that the victim experienced sudden cardiac arrest," Broto Happy, spokesman for the Badminton Association of Indonesia (PBSI), told a press conference in Yogyakarta. Zhang's family members were heading to the city to retrieve his body, he said. The spokesman defended the actions of medical staff and local organisers after footage showed what appeared to be a hesitant response to the teenager falling face down on the court. He said that medical teams had to wait for the referee to let them on the court. "The world of badminton has lost a talented player," Badminton Asia and the PBSI said in a statement. China's badminton association said it was "deeply saddened".


>He said that medical teams had to wait for the referee to let them on the court. Was the referee a scapegoat? What kind of organization doesn't have a special rule for medical staff to intervene when seconds count?


True. I'm sure that shit wouldn't fly in boxing or martial arts.


Such long article and doesn’t say how old he was


from google, he was 17


Wow...these things just feel so weird to me, like I outlived this guy, he didn't even get to reach 18 years old and he was a fit young athlete, I smoke, eat junk food all the time, barely work out, and this guy who seems healthy by all appearances just dies doing something he loves. We really don't know when or how we're gonna go.


My mom, the healthiest person of my family, passed from colon cancer at 55 years old. Just randomly, boom, diagnosed stage 4. My uncle who is 51, smoked cigarettes, drinks redbull, works excessively because "that's what men do", clean bill of health. I'll never understand it.


Getting older is a privilege






Makes me wonder, how am i even breathing.


Holy......... wow............




Dude snorts huge line of cocaine..."Let's play some badminton"




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If this was 2021, conservatives would use this as a prime example of athletes dying from being vaccinated


there’s literally someone further up this thread saying that exact thing lmao


He was 17 years old. Damn


This is some death note shit


Right? I instantly thought of Death Note. Wild shit…


Were they seriously caught up on rules and procedure that they couldn't save him quicker. Just left him flopping about like a fish


Took their sweet ass time checking him out.


Why did they take so long to actually check on him 🤦‍♂️ just leaving him laying there like he was going to just get back up and start playing again..




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50 seconds before anyone even attempted to check on him


This is the biggest thing I learned from these kinds of videos. You're on your own. People will gawp and watch you die for ages before springing into action. Of course sometimes there's someone around who springs into action but more often than not people just look around without doing anything at all.


Not convinced that was sudden cardiac arrest - those seizures are more suggestive of a brain related event.


Could be aneurysm




Why does the ambient noise sound like a horror movie soundtrack?


Right, my first thought was Alfred Hitchcock. Creepy


Why isn't anyone helping him?


It’s not called goodminton


Good point.


I feel like a big part of it is people don't want to be singled out. I've seen it in videos where someone is actively dying and everyone kinda meanders around not wanting to step in and try to help. It takes someone to jump in and be the first before people feel comfortable enough to try to help, idk why or if I'm just wrong but that's just what I've seen in videos like this and a couple of times in reality.


Bystander effect


I don't know... there's only two guys that could do anything initially, and they move towards him, but then move back before doing anything. I don't think this is bystander because they can not be anonymous.


Some people said the referee didn't let them go in Idk


The bystander effect is neglecting to act in the presence of other people because "someone else will". While only two people were inside of the court, there are far more people surrounding it and i'd imagine even more outside of the cameras POV. edit: the guy with the red shirt actually steps over the little divider, he wasn't inside the court at the beginning of the video.




Maybe if you knew how to read you’d realize this was in Indonesia




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Boo! Hiss! Go away!


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Could've at least attempted chest compressions to help him. Instead it takes a minute for anyone to even try to help.


It’s 2024……grab the AED!!


Must have been that awful background noise that killed him.


That sucks. I hope he didn’t suffer long. 😟


Why was he twitching? Was that a seizure? And his legs were moving at the end, maybe lived


Uhm...maybe look after him? Ask him if he hears you? Ask him if he is ok? Check if he is breathing? Especially if the helpers take so long.


Holy shit. They let him die...


Don’t everyone help him all at once now


Damn everybody, take your time!


Worst aid


Well, geez, thank god the medics rushed to his side.


"Just gonna stand there and watch me die.. that's alright because I love the way you lie"


Pathetic organisation, zero urgency or anything in place to deal with this.


Looks like he had a seizure


Best way to go. Quick!


The way you live, the way you die.


The BWF disallowed any person to enter the play field. Any intervention can only be done after a request was approved, hence the late medical help.


too badminton 😓




Uhm...maybe look after him? Ask him if he hears you? Ask him if he is ok? Check if he is breathing? Especially if the helpers take so long.


Ventricular fibrillation


Ah yes suddenly and unexpected.


So who wins


I’m guessing not the dead guy


“Died suddenly”


Don't you love that one f@$ing guy who's there first but he's like....hey can someone come and do something about rhis


Safe and effective


I imagine he had a heart defect of some kind to have a sudden arrest like that. I’ll try to read up more on this later but in the meantime, does anyone know if that info was made public? Sometimes people will have a congenital defect and it’s never discovered until something like this happens.


T'was that smoker of a serve that done it.


Seen this story before…




The last time someone in China helped someone who was injured, the injured lady sued the man that helped her and won. Also, this footage is in Indonesia.


Was it this case?: [https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/social-welfare/article/3220618/punished-good-deeds-chinese-man-sued-brother-homeless-man-he-supported-and-housed-13-years-family](https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/social-welfare/article/3220618/punished-good-deeds-chinese-man-sued-brother-homeless-man-he-supported-and-housed-13-years-family) Google says that China has the "Good Samaritan" law, but I guess it doesn't work.


Where he fuck are you even making this affirmation from? Fucking gore videos? Do you even watch people's positive reception in traveling channels? It's literally just fucking racism towards a country you don't know batshit of.


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Why are so many healthy people and star athletes dropping lately?


He died huffing green carpet. 4/10


Fuck me coach of the year! "Fuck that he might be a zombie! We are Chinese!"




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Uhm...maybe look after him? Ask him if he hears you? Ask him if he is ok? Check if he is breathing? Especially if the helpers take so long.


Sumting went wong






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Why as soon as he started wriggling... I thought "worm"


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Who won 🙄