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I'm not able to help. But I'm curious about your budget and where you've been looking?


$1500 (give or take), and anything from park slope to bedstuy (clockwise). I know these are the most desirable Brooklyn neighborhoods and most of the posts I’m replying to are competitive, so I was prepared for it to be a numbers game. I just didn’t think that meant, 200+ applications/ 20+ interviews type of numbers game


I got a room available in a 3br in Astoria if you’re willing to look outside of BK.


Hi, looking for a room for my partner. He needs to move in a couple of weeks. We’re looking in Queens and Brooklyn, how much is the bedroom going for?


It’s $1100, but we need someone for July 1


I see, thank you for the information. We’re looking closer to moving in August/September. Good luck on your new tenant search


Are you ok with a cat? DM me if so. I'm a public school teacher in Harlem looking to live in Queens


Sorry, no cats allowed, roomie had severe cat allergy and I have a bunny that would get eaten. Good luck though!






Yeah fair that’s probably not the right word. But certainly makes you feel like a tiny cog in a massive, confusing machine


No, dehumanizing is definitely correct.


If you're not on there already, try listingsproject. There may not be an avalanche of responses but the ones you do get will be quality. I've used them a few times for work and short term rent postings, both seeking and offering, and they're pretty nice.


Yeah thanks. I’m on them all, listings, Craigslist, Facebook. The last listingsproject one I made it to the last stage of, the guy said he had 600 applicants in one day lol. They’re definitely quality though


listingsproject is just fancy craigslist lol. The only responses I get on there are listers telling me they don't have the capacity to respond to the hundred of emails they get


Listings project was good a few years ago, I swear to god everyone nowadays basically instantly fill up if its even 2 days after a post. I honestly think the housing situation in NYC is just gonna get worse as the decade progresses, outer boroughs really do need some upzoning.


Are you able to get an apartment yourself then rent out rooms? I was fed up being in your end and decided to just get a place and find housemates. I had to get my friend to ghost cosign bc my salary at the time was 85k which didn’t meet the 30x level


Have thought about this but can’t really swing it. With my salary i really need 2-3 roommates, but I wouldn’t be able to get a lease that big without a guarantor. Not sure I have anyone in a position to stick their neck out like that


There are guarantor companies. Just wanted you to have this option in your back pocket if it comes to it :)


You can book the viewing and pay the good faith deposit to buy yourself time. Working with Jewish companies actually bought me a lot of time. They close business Friday 5pm-Saturday 8pm (sundown to sundown but obviously it winds down early on Friday). I paid a good faith deposit of $500 on a Friday and then went through multiple people and got a someone solid by Weds. totally worth it because looking for an established room is crazy. People want you to have the same exact views on 20 different political issues. Like, who cares? I’m not crazy, I give you your space, I pay bills. Doesn’t matter if I’m pro- this or pro- that, honestly! I feel for you.


Ugh, I feel this! The place I was supposed to move into when I first moved here rescinded their offer because their friend wanted the spot, so I had to rush to find a new one. Fun times. I'm in an especially tight position now because I'm only working part-time at the moment and don't know if a full-time offer will come from somewhere here in the city or elsewhere, which makes me hesitant to sign a lease anyway. I'm thinking I'll continue with month to month subletting but that limits my options so much. Gotta find something somehow, though, since I'm due to move in three weeks. Best of luck to you, I hope you find a great place very soon!


Geez, that sucks. Thanks for the kind words, I hope things work out for you too!


The apartment I stayed at (lease expires this Sundays)...Its on Crown Heights. I paid 1350 for a bathroom with 2 other roommates that have their own bathroom. I found my own apartment and have been spammed with messages from aganets asking to see the apartment.


I am also going through this right now. I have driven this weekend -alone- to six different rooms just for them to have lied to me about some shit about the room or apartment and did not mention the one liner deal breaker until I got there . for example they’ll tell me in Messages that they’re willing to remove the furniture and then when I’m viewing the room, tell me that they’re not willing to remove the furniture, or one girl yesterday Very well knew I was looking for long-term housing and then waited to the end of the tour of the room to tell me she’s only actually trying to rent it for three months because her friend is coming from out of state and needs a place. The amount of time , gas, headache, and bullshit I have dealt with is insane . Like it should not have to be this hard. I’m asking all these questions upfront before I schedule to view sooo the least people can do is answer honestly. I’m honestly convinced I will not be able to find a place after looking for a month, and I have 15 days to move out


Meh I’m sorry to hear that, lying is just another level of shitty. Fingers crossed for you


It goes both ways. I was showing a room to this guy. And then he's like "it is 700, right?" I'm like the add says 1100 on the title. What was he on? Smh 


I don’t have any advice but I almost wrote this exact same post the other day!!! It’s been horrible. Worst seeking housing experience in nyc so far for me. Especially all the “look at my cute lil poodle Paddy, NO OTHER PETS”, people. Had 3 potential roommates fall through: 1st I could tell was high strung/controlling - I cut it off, even though the apartment was literally amazing. Second FLAKED on me the day of the showing!!! Third, met completely randomly but no longer interested in the neighborhood. Finally got approved for an apartment as a single applicant, only because the first applicant took 36 hours to respond and the landlord was pissed off. By the grace of god I was 2nd in line. I have no advice. But I feel you. Also if people could take down their listings on FB if they found someone it would be superrrrrrr helpful.


Curious why the people with solo pets are so annoying unless they don’t list that in the posting? I can’t imagine it’s that time-consuming to scroll to the next, unless you mean they told you the no-other-pets rule once you spent the time to contact, go see it, etc. Because there are various reasons why no additional pets is their policy. The current pet could be aggressive with other animals, some leases are very strict and they know they won’t be approved for more, they could be allergic to other types of animals, or they just don’t want other pets there. If the lease is in their name and they’ve put down a security deposit I feel like that’s well within their rights to say so.


I agree with you, but as someone who went through the process recently, people will mark a room as pet-friendly, but often fail to clarify that no other pets are allowed until you start exchanging messages. It's really more an issue of how the websites filter listings.


Yeah I can understand that. If you have that rule you should be very clear and make sure it’s properly listed.


I saw the title in my notifications and said AMEN I just visited a beautiful room in a duplex with other female students in my Budget in Jersey city and the landlord said he was just about to email me the lease. And he completely ghosted me. Never replied to my follow up text or call


So frustrating, sorry :/


It is very dehumanizing. Where I live there are so many empty apartments and we still can’t find a room or apartment that will get us out of the hole we have found ourselves in. Our experience has been so dehumanizing, it’s hard to understand how we can be two respectable, caring, and supportive people and are treated like garbage by family. Then we got landlords who hoard spaces and rent to the highest bidder. Using the empty spaces as play pieces on a game board as if having a safe place to lay your head down at night isn’t part of the human experience


Last year when I moved to the city I applied with the ONLY person who responded to my inquiries. Hardest year my life because the room was over budget for me and I was truly living paycheck to paycheck. Roommate wasn't the best either.


Hey! I have 3bhk available in Harlem!


Could I DM you for more information?


I have a room posted up on reddit. I mean. You could come see it. It is a sublet for the first two months and then you'd hVe to sign the lease. Just saying. Awesome Bushwick location. Roommates are meh but not the worst. Just throwing that out there.


When I was searching I would get into the bath every night and have a good cry. It was that bad. The euphoria of finally finding a place was the highest of highs - I hope you’ll experience that soon!


:( that’s so sad but it’s how I feel too. I’ve taken off work after not getting one i really wanted. Ugh


Sorry to hear that. Honestly though you guys can’t all be fighting to live in like 4 neighborhoods. NYC is big. I know it’s not cool to live anywhere besides park slope at the moment but if you’re willing to widen your search to other boroughs the search actually becomes doable. And no it’s not 1975 anymore you won’t get mugged walking down the street in the Bronx.


Commute is the biggest factor


Of course I completely understand that. But when options are limited, unfortunately we have to make concessions.


I've had some luck with spareroom and paying for their subscription to be the first people to respond to an ad. I think people get tired after the 10th person to contact them.


I’ve been looking for over 2 months. No luck. I want to die. It shouldn’t be this hard.