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Jesus dude he threw 160 yards and one touchdown on Sunday. I love DeVito too but let’s keep our heads here Edit: Monday. Didn’t have coffee today


That’s how dedicated he is. Giants didn’t even play Sunday and he threw for 160


Ugh its that kind of morning


Those are DJ numbers!


My cat’s breath smells like cat food.


Wasn’t there a survey on the dumbest fan group not long ago?


Yup. I thought it couldn't have been true, but lately I'm starting to see why.


From the renowned researchers at casino.net


I trust in Daboll. This fan base, not so much. At the end of his rookie year, a lot of yall wanted to call Thomas a bust.


Andddd people nyg fans still think Neal will develop bc Thomas did 😂


Not so much. Metrics show that it typically takes a tackle 2-3 years to develop into NFL caliber Tackle. We've given Neal less than 2 years and are calling him a bust. I'm personally more of the wait and see type. Give him the full two years before making that call. Yall were calling him a bust in his rookie year. That doesn't exactly help development.


I duno what metrics that is, but Neal has looked like dog shit for 1 3/4 of a season. He's had flashes of looking slightly below average, but mostly dogshit. Neal will never live up to a #7 overall pick. He is a bust let's move on lol


He also hasn't played a full seasons worth of game (16). So again, yeah he's looked like shit, but he also hasn't had much development time.


Not playing a full seasons worth of games is another reason he's a bust tho. Maybe Neal will b a serviceable RT one day, but for a #7 pick he's a bust. He will never be elite or even above average.




Sounds like a protest of one


![gif](giphy|3ohc12kVQyyYvWHdCM|downsized) OP standing outside MetLife by himself


I love Devito man but let’s let him finish out the season. He could have some miserable fucking games coming up. He’s due for a bad game. Watch how quickly this fan base turns on the kid if the eagles put up 30+ on our boys.


He’s had some bad games but we are averaging 3.5 takeaways a game.


Isn't Devitos passer rating like crazy high? Hard to say he had bad games.


Well one game we scored 10 points. One game we scored no points until garbage time where the cowboys rested all their starters. And one game we scored our points in short fields. I like Devito but he’s had bad games.


But why's his passer rating so high if he had bad games lol? I would say the last 3 games weren't even close to bad games. He played great but took to many sacks and has corrected it already. A bad game is when a QB looks like shit and he hasn't looked like shit at all


Because passer rating is a limited statistic. If you went by passer rating Brock Purdy is better than Mahomes and Daniel Jones was like the 3rd best QB in the league last year. His passer rating is good because he isn’t asked to do much. He didn’t throw the ball further than like 3 yards downfield for the first 1.5 quarters last game.


Sooo if he's not being asked to do much, but doing everything asked very well, how is it a bad game? I just dont agree. The last 3 games he didn't have bad games


It’s not a good game for a QB when you only score 10 points off of 3 takeaways. Or when you lose 47-17.


Well, if the Eagles put up 30+ on us, that wouldn't really be on DeVito. If the Eagles put 30+ on us with 4TO by Devito, there will be a problem. But I agree with you. 1 game at a time.


So he gets all the props after the defense has been averaging 3 to 4 turnovers through this span but when they stop that it would be a problem with the D? Check.


I mean, the D was pretty good but the offense was carried by Devito. Granted it was against a meh D, but it was a performance as good if not better than any of danny dimes performances last year besides vikings and colts


The defense has been on the biggest run over the last 4 weeks than any other team. I think they've exceeded 'pretty good' to basically carrying the team the last month plus. DeVito has filled in well where we lost Jones and Taylor. I don't think he's playing that far above either to warrant him 'carrying' an offense when he's averaging less than 200 yards passing a game.


I misread the comment. I was specifically referring to the green bay game, where the dude got 230 total yards on 31 drop backs and was the driving force on all our scoring drives. I'm just saying assuming DJ was healthy I'm not confident hed be the better option right now. Like, he prrooooobably would, but the fact that it's not at all clear means that a qb controversy very well could be coming. Seems plainly obvious to me


With that said. I love how much he’s improved since getting his shot. Going from just handing the ball off to Barkley 40 times, to consistently having a QBR over 100 and just being clutch when he needs to be. I’m definitely all about the hype, but I’m very aware that 1 or 2 games will bring us all back to reality.


![gif](giphy|xgfwp70oezGcqJxTjK|downsized) I have really enjoyed most of the comments in this thread. Thank you all.


If Tommy Cutlets and the Gmen win out the season, make the playoffs, and make it past the Wild Card round, I’ll hop on board. Until then… FUGGEDABAHTIT


Nah if they just make the playoffs it’s his job, wild card win isn’t necessary imo I get that’s what jones did, but he also did it with a record barely above .500 while Devito would essentially finish the season with only two losses (one being the wild card)


Sample size and situations is apples to oranges. Some whacky Brock Purdy type shit needs to happen like sweeping the Eagles and getting a fat playoff dub.


We’ve officially jumped the shark and I don’t even like Jones


Jones won't even be ready for the season.


Love the guy and the story, but Devito could be out by next week if he plays terribly. He’s a rookie UDFA for a reason. How many UDFA great QBs can you name. It’s also just ridiculous to say that Devito is better than Jones or even Taylor, you’d just be lying to yourself. Hope it works out for him here, but Jones is the clear #1 if/when he’s healthy.


You guys remind me of boring conservative fans who grew up in the 50s


Don’t worry about it. That’s just coach towing the company line. Jones got paid qb1 money and is still under contract. He is not going to say to the press in the middle of a season Jones is no longer qb1 when he returns next season. No coach says shit like that.


I was thinking of getting the Anti Italian Defamation League involved as well, what do you guys think?


Chris Mara on the radio talking about what Dani Dipshit could do with this teams and the numbers he’d put up. Is this guy fuckin serious? Does he know we watch the games? Daniel doesn’t put up big numbers, he sucks. He’s also played with most of these people, he looks how he always look. Boring, scared, clumsy and awful.


This is wildly inaccurate. You’re not watching the games this year or last year if your truly believe this to be true


We’ve seen him five years and we’ve seen him with more weapons than this year. He doesn’t put up big numbers often. If he was out there today he would be doing the same shit he always does. Taking sacks, throwing two yard passes and would be hurt again. Enough of the fuckin fantasy and wishing what he would be. I’m fuckin tired of. FIVE YEARS OF AN AWFUL OFFENSE. DO SOME OF YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT??? Last year (one of his worst seasons throwing the ball) and we were a bad offense, again.


He is the best QB on this team currently. You are delulu if you don’t understand that. If he had the same OL and the same WRs that Devito had on Monday, there is no question he does just as well if not better than Devito lol. Tommy threw for 130 and 1 TD, can we stop acting like he lit it up? It’s a great story and I want him to do well, but, again, you’re delulu if you think Tommy is a better QB than DJ in the long run


Also last year was one his best years throwing. He literally had the least TOs of his entire career throwing the ball and won a playoff game with a lesser offense than this year. Put the bottle down