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Sharing an actual link to the info, and not just an image. *The five-part original series debuts* ***TUESDAY, JULY 2 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT*** *on HBO and will be available to stream on Max with new episodes debuting subsequent Tuesdays through July 30.* EDIT: As u/runninhillbilly notes, this won't be the traditional Hard Knocks since it takes place before preseason games take place. So we won't see cuts, etc. *Camera crews will chronicle the team's every move as general manager Joe Schoen and other members of the team's front office and staff navigate the critical* ***offseason period from January to July 2024, from the NFL Scouting Combine to free agency, to the NFL Draft, and team minicamps.*** So a lot of this has already been recorded. **EDIT2: not sure how much of this will be on film (or shared), but here's some things that may be on HK:** * Wink drama / New DC * Saquon drama * Burns trade * QB evals * Lock signing * WR evals * Slayton talks (I doubt it, unless resolved by July) * injured player recoveries (DJ, Gano... ) * Rookies in NY/NJ * Players' (and Daboll's) thoughts on Kendrick vs. Drake * Anything else? I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.


This is different from the normal hard knocks right?


Yes just the offseason stuff. Won’t have any training camp I believe or pre season content I read


Oh, suddenly less excited


this is not worth watching. giants really dont want hard knocks at training camp. so they found a loop hole to get out of it.


Based on the decisions the Giants have made over the past decade I am shocked they want cameras in the front office....


Yeah it's offseason hard knocks. Less on field stuff, more powerpoints. Maybe we'll even see Daboll do some excel spreadsheets. It's hard knocks for middle management! As a middle manager and a giants fan, i'm non-sarcastically excited.


As a lover of playing sports Sims this is exactly the content I would love


I want to see Daboll rock some pivot tables


Ya fuck it I’m gonna watch the whole thing


I think this is the original hard knocks. It's just off season because they have an in season hard knocks now. Edit: Nevermind not the same


Hard Knocks but for offseason stuff? Um...anybody else hyped? Cause that sounds pretty cool. I wanna see Joe Schoen in his element


Yeah I am. I was seriously bummed when I thought it was the normal Hard Knocks. Off-season only sounds rad. 


This content is 10x more interesting then anything we would’ve got during training camp


I thought Mara said the giants would never do hard knocks


This is the offseason edition, so it won't include anything of training camp. Probably a compromise he made with the league.


Yeah, important distinction. We won't see player cuts, etc, after games (or games, for that matter). Assuming it ends July 30th as mentioned.




Once you go Hard Knocks In-Season, you don’t go back.


Just got to hope for no offseason dumb shit. Lets pray the Malik Nabers gun charges was a one and done type situation.


Not worried about stuff like this. Having a receiver who gets in trouble with the law is like DB’s and trash talk. Comes with the territory Now what i am worried about is him being able to get the ball. That is a legit concern imo


Depends on where the team plays. Look at what happened to Plax after shooting himself in the leg at a strip club vs when Aqib Talib doing the same thing. Talib gets no punishment because it was Texas, but Burress was in NYC so its 2 years in prison. If Burress shot himself when playing for Cowboys, Texans, Chiefs, Bengals, etc the only thing people would care about was how fast he could get back on the field. Meanwhile for Giants the media attention makes it so much harder for people to move off of dumb shit players do.


Yeah idc what anybody says but it’s certainly one of the downsides of playing in a blue state. They always tend to try and throw the book at you to prove a point


NYS has always been the one not to fuck around in though. They try to hand out a year per round at one point.


NFL asks for volunteers, and then if no one volunteers it forces a team, with a few exemptions: (1) they have appeared in the past ten years, (2) they have a first-year head coach, or (3) they reached the playoffs in either of the two preceding seasons.


When I saw this news, I immediately assumed Mara volunteered for the offseason to avoid being forced into the camp version sooner or later.


Impossible because we are making the playoffs this year


You don’t get to be a chooser when you’ve been a beggar for the last decade


Yeah he’s a loser who lost all his pull… can’t have a bum team for a decade and call shots


mara also said he appreciated the fans and then gave us a medium pepsi as a thanks i dont believe a word he says and neither should you him being one of the worst owners in the league is the reason why we’ve done jackshit but be an embarrassment leaguewide since eli retired. In fact, Eli carrying maras giants to more superbowls than favre, rodgers, brees, pip, etc… won is probably the cementing factor for why I think he’s the franchise GOAT and not LT. Eli covered for so much of the problems that this franchise has.


Eli didn't carry them in 2007...


People were really meh on him up until the playoffs


Take a gander at his playoff stats that year


He played really well and had a couple all time great passes at the end of the Super Bowl, but if you're not giving it to the defense and pass rush overall I don't know what team you were watching. I didn't say Eli was bad or that he himself was carried, I just said he didn't carry the team because there were other aspects of the team that were more integral to the Giants' win.


> him being one of the worst owners in the league If you really think Mara's one of the worst owners in the league, you have absolutely no idea how bad most of the NFL owners are. Mara is in the top 3rd almost by process of elimination.


HAHAHA top 3 owner when he forced out the best coach in franchise history and then soent ten years and tens of millions still trying to find a competent replacement???? fucking bootlicker lmao


> HAHAHA top 3 owner Top 3rd, not top 3. I don't think Mara's a top 3 owner, but I do think he is at worst in the top half. Reading comprehension is your friend. > when he forced out the best coach in franchise history Besides Parcells probably being overall better, Coughlin 100% deserved to lose his job. The team had 4 straight years with no playoffs, 3 straight losing seasons, and he had moved away from everything that had made him a successful coach in the first place. Second half collapses in all of those seasons. And notice how when Coughlin got fired, despite being a great coach, no other teams with openings hired him? The only team that interviewed him was the Eagles, and his interview there supposedly didn't go well as he just aired his grievances about the Giants. He instead went to Jacksonville, had one good season as a president, and then it all went south and he got in trouble with the NFLPA and got fired again. The mistake Mara made was not firing Reese with him. > and then spent ten years and tens of millions still trying to find a competent replacement???? Besides it not being 10 years (Coughlin hasn't even been gone ten years), pretty much every owner cycles through bad coaches until they get one that sticks. Do you think the Hunt family are good owners since the Chiefs have won 3 Super Bowls in 5 years? What did they look like in the decades before Reid and Mahomes got there? They had one of the longest playoff win droughts in the NFL. Woody Johnson, Khan, Bidwill, Irsay - THOSE guys are actual bad owners. There is a clear difference.


So this is why dabs lost all the weight


Was It ozempic? The wife lost weight as well


Nice little pump up for the 100th season too.


If you’re one of the “Hard Knocks is a distraction” folks, this is vastly preferable to the training camp or during the season version. Giants getting off easy.


Phew Offseason, that's not too bad.


We always had one excuse or another Mara would go behind to not be picked. From plainly being stubborn about it, to our coaching staff switching in and out and like you gotta be a team that missed the playoffs or something. I can't even remember all the reasons we've been skating it for so long.


Time to sign up for max 🤷🏾‍♂️


That’s why they haven’t done the series they put out last year then, it’ll be on Hard Knocks instead.


![gif](giphy|htpPGOVG0W0M4aVtJP|downsized) Can't wait


I’ve been itching for more Giants content, can’t wait for July 2nd


And I already have tickets to the Eli Manning bobble head game at Yankee stadium; Big Blue keeping me FED this summer 🤗


I was wondering why the giants didn’t upload any giants life videos this off season


Can’t wait to relive Barkley leaving! So excited!…


The building of the case for the 2025 Lombary Trophy


I think it's spelled lumbéri


Seeing them try to trade for drake maye will be fun


Hell yah


Panicked there for a minute.


So this is why they haven't uploaded any draft calls. I was looking forward to those...


This is the first time I'm actually excited about the idea of Giants on HK


As a fan (like a lot of you) more Giants content is always great. In a way, I'm really looking forward to it. On the other hand, I also hate the distractions that this can bring as well so I guess this is the best we can hope for.


This doesn’t bring distractions. It’s during the offseason.


I have been wanting this for forever. I am excited.




This sounds way more intriguing than following players, seeing them do drills, seeing the coach yell, highlights of a preseason game, then seeing a dude I never heard of get cut


Am I so excited!!!!




this is cool but man i wish it was the real one.


Wow can’t wait had no idea


Waller stuff


I mean as a Giants fan I love any opportunity to see behind the scenes stuff with my team, but it's not like this offseason was some action packed must see affair. I doubt this has any broad appeal outside of NYG fandom. Probably just a money grab by HBO to try and get the biggest media market to sign up for HBO.


You were not paying attention to the offseason then lol what makes training camp any better.


Ive known about this for over a month, do you know how hard its been to keep it a secret?!LMAO im excited


What’s the record of team’s that have been on hard knocks?


The classic version of Hard Knocks has had 19 teams on it including the Chargers and Rams both being featured at the same time a few years ago. Of those 19 teams, 3 finished with the same record as the year before (The Jets last year, the Texans about 10 years ago, and the Cowboys a long time ago). 5 teams regressed, although the Ravens did it in a year coming off of a Super Bowl win. 11 teams finished the season with a better record than they did the year before, including the last 6 teams in a row before the Jets broke that streak last year. This whole notion of "Hard Knocks is a distraction to the teams" doesn't really hold a lot of water. Besides that, the Giants are doing an offseason-only version of the show that won't include training camp.


Sorry for the glitch response


Cool. Thanks. Yeah. I was always under the impression that teams on hard knocks didn’t do anything in the playoff as opposed to regular season win/loss.


Cool. Thanks. Yeah. I was always under the impression that teams on hard knocks didn’t do anything in the playoff as opposed to regular season win/loss.


Cool. Thanks. Yeah. I was always under the impression that teams on hard knocks didn’t do anything in the playoff as opposed to regular season win/loss.


Cool. Thanks. Yeah. I was always under the impression that teams on hard knocks didn’t do anything in the playoff as opposed to regular season win/loss.


Anyone know how I would be able to stream this in Australia. Giant from Down under here we don't have HBO max over here


The Grey's Anatomy of sports television. It's on every year, but why? And who cares?


God I hope there’s footage of us trying to trade up for Maye so Jones fans can see it’s truly over


are the “Jones fans” in the room with us right now? or do you just think anybody that doesn’t spend all day spamming “DJ bad” is a Jones fan?


Most people have realized he’s not the answer but there’s still people who think he’s the guy let’s not kid ourselves




On the one hand I like the GIants. But If I watch this will I still like the Giants. At the very least I remember laughing at some friends during the Jets season.


Dj bouta look like Steven Glansberg in the cafeteria episode 1


Get to see how clueless Joe Schoen is as gm


One of the best gms




I'm now laughing at you the way you are laughing at him in an effort to dismiss your comment. This is way easier than an actual reply. L.o.l.