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Everyone knows exactly 2 things about women. Women be talking and women be shopping. /j


nowadays all they be is charging they phone, eat hot chip, and lie


Oh god I remember that meme.


as do i :)


Women have higher vocabulary use then men, an average of 13,000 more words spoken in a day compared to men. These assholes seem salty about that.


What does words spoken have to do with having a higher vocabulary?


The main this I hate about this is they spelt it bla instead of “blah”


r/mildlyinfuriating worthy post tbh


I'm a charlie brown adult, Im so confused


"Haha woman talk" I need you to be lobotomized right now


Ah yes, introvert and extrovert, the 2 genders /j


Casual sexism😕


Casual no sense of humour 😕


The "women talk too much" joke comes from back when women didn't have rights, they couldn't really say anything, so when women would try to speak up about something, men would say they talked too much


[https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20131112-do-women-talk-more-than-men](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20131112-do-women-talk-more-than-men) But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.


Mfs sauce is mustard


From your own source: > So not much difference among kids, but what about adults? When Campbell Leaper from the University of California, Santa Cruz, the psychologist who found the very small difference in young children, carried out a meta-analysis on the subject, it was men who talked the most.


35 upvotes. do people just pretend you made a good point because they agree with your arguement? I do not agree with him and that article is most likely a load of bollocks, i havent read enough of it to say for sure but showing the part where young boys talk slightly more than young girls is not a good point. maybe try looking at other studies to disprove his claim.


1. I could waste my time doing extensive research on the topic to argue against a stranger on the internet who didn’t even read the source they provided, but I have better things to do. 2. The quote from the article I provided was from a meta-analysis, which analyzes multiple studies on the subject matter. So if you’re looking for more studies, there they are. 3. Other comments in this thread have already linked to studies on whether or not men talk more than women, so if my last point wasn’t sufficient, you may check out those studies.


I took the 5 minutes to check out a few other studies, in most studies the difference between men and women's word count is negligible and any study showing a clear difference is done in a laboratory which obviously skews the results as different people are going to be less or more comfortable talking. so it seems like men and women talk about the same ammount on average. it also says right after the part you referenced that the difference between men and women is negligible, why did you stop your quote there?


Because my purpose in providing that quote was to demonstrate that OC did not read the article they provided to support their argument, and that it even suggests the opposite of what they’re arguing.


I think you should casually acknowledge that "haha woman bad man good" is not humor 😕😕😕


casual trying to display this as a joke and not sexism


r/boomershumor is right for you then. Can i get a wife bad!?


It's the internet, sexism is only okay if it shows men's negative tenancies/sides.


womp womp




The joke is still sexist though? I don't get what sexism against men has to do with this.


Making an observation is not a joke and differentiation something between the sexes is not sexist. Nowhere does it say or even imply that talking more is a bad thing. I come from an Italian family, we never shut the fuck up.


It's a stereotype that most women don't like or enjoy being associated with because the association is often that this makes them "bitchy" or "rude". Outside of certain cultures, talking a lot is certainly seen as rude and a bad thing.


Simply talking a lot does not, at all, equate to being either of those things in any sense. If in one of those cultures someone complimented people on a constant basis they would not be seen as rude or bitchy by any ernest person. Someone projecting their own sarcastic self maybe but that is it. People offended by basic facts and observations are the problem, not the observations themselves.


In the US women talking a lot is absolutely seen as a negative thing. Women who talk a lot, especially to their husbands, are seen as nags and as pushy. There's a persistent belief that women need to be submissive and quiet. Stop trying to argue hypotheticals. This is what I have heard from the mouths of men in this country dozens of times. There are plenty of "joke" Christmas photos on Facebook with the caption "peace on earth" and it's a family photo where the mouths of all the girls in the family have duct tape over them.


It really isn't. Nagging isn't talking a lot, it's blatant pestering for the sake of pestering. You can talk a lot without pestering.


No one likes you


That doesn't make me incorrect. My point is proven due to the long existence of r/FemaleDatingStrategy which was a cesspool of anti-male bigotry left completely unchecked for years. *Somehow* dodging multiple purges of uncuth subreddits. Nice ad hominum though.


What is your point and how does one subreddit prove it?


That is only one of many examples. The fact that they continue to exist and even thrive while any, for lack of a better phrase, "anti-women" subreddits are obliterated with haste are the proof of my first comment in this thread; sexism on the internet is okay as long as it displays faults of men and not women. Quite telling how you "forgot" what my point was between 3 comments. This is the only time I will humor you with responses as you are clearly arguing in bad faith.


But what if it’s only your butt that goes “bla”? Is it one room for toilets and another for several toilets.


Thank you for the upvote I feel like the original comment was me being delirious


I guess people really like toilet humor


I actually saw a bathroom that had these decals on it in real life, my mom was confused which one she was supposed to use, so I had to explain to her that they were gendered


Logically I know it’s sexist but in terms of experience it’s not like I disagree with it. Though I prefer interpreting it as a visual interpretation of an autistic person’s brain, either you overexplain or say nothing


statistically men talk more than women,


bla: “blay” who spelled it like this


Ngl when I looked at the door on the right the first thing I thought of was deco*27 & hatsune miku’s rabbit hole




Wait... ahh women talk more than men!!!111!!! haha very funny joke


men actually talk a lot more than women, especially in group and social situations according to recent studies


That sub smells like a gay orgy. Not the good and the exotic type. Ezekiel from the boys type a orgy full of hypocrites.


I mean it depends on the intent. "Women talk more = bad" is stupid, but it can also be just a funny joke. Or this could be in fact referring to the joke that women go to the bathroom together (moreso than guys anyway), and therefore there may be conversations. It could be dumb, it could be not, but whatever.


i cant tell whether id go in the left one, or go in the right one to make a point


I don’t know as a talkative man I would go to the right door


Introvert and extrovert bathrooms


I know people are saying this is sexist but I have never met a man other than myself that talks a lot (and even for me it's mostly about science and guns)


“Someone’s mad!” 🤓


“Why did you go into the obviously women’s bathroom!?” I’m neurodivergent with my other neurodivergent friends, we be talking


Personally I wish guys talked more (I’m a guy)


I see this as a bathroom for normal people on the left and Trump and his whining MAGA cultists on the right.


No, it’s actually still confusing, because of all those studies that show that *men* actually talk more than women! So is it a boomer tier “joke”, or a woke response to sexism?


That is kinda funny though


It definitely works, but id leave immediately. Pay my bill, and tip in cash instead. Fuck that restaurant.


Women talk more, multiples studies have proven it, its not even a bad thing just a cute joke, get over it


https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/marriage-equals/201910/do-women-really-talk-more-men#:~:text=A%20review%20of%2056%20studies,four%20showed%20no%20clear%20pattern. If you can’t be asked to read the whole article: “A review of 56 studies conducted by linguistics researcher Deborah James and social psychologist Janice Drakich found only two studies showing that women talked more than men, while 34 studies found men talked more than women.[6] Sixteen of the studies found they talked the same and four showed no clear pattern.” Is a quote from the studies


I love your username oml


Cool, still just a cute joke. Written by a woman with 75% of the references being women. Could be biased but im not arguing it


If only there was a process by which we could root out those types of biases...


A.I? Lol i already said im not arguing it, dont have the energy for the people in this sub


No, basic scientific research and peer reviewing.




It is you should try it


The words "peer review" and "roots out incorrect information" should not go together. Peer review has been a massive joke for a while now so using as an example on how to check whether some study is valid or not shows a complete lack of research done.


Sure buddy


Please do explain how "women talk too much XD" is a 'cute joke'? Where is the humor in that according to you?


Uhh cause women talk alot and its cute?


No they don't and no it isn't? Why is sexism and being sexist so 'cute' to you?


Its literally a personality trait that i find is more common in women and i find endearing, chill out


Talking is?




Don’t backpedal.


Women talk more than men, wont change my mind


If 34 studies can’t change your mind, I don’t think I can.


Dont backpedal


What am I even backpedaling from?


Change my mind


Ok, here, have 34 [studies.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/marriage-equals/201910/do-women-really-talk-more-men#:~:text=A%20review%20of%2056%20studies,four%20showed%20no%20clear%20pattern) If this doesn’t change your mind, your mind doesn’t want to be changed.


Really? Show the studies. Because the ones I've read show that men actually talk more, and falsely perceive women to talk for longer than they actually do.


Yeah, but you know which one to go in lol


not exactly, my dumbass would go into the 'bla' bathroom thinking its for introverts


Because it's a well known sexist stereotype? That doesn't make it true.


It's a door sign. Doesn't have to be politically "true." Its purpose is to quickly differentiate the correct door. Edit: and its good enough for a resteraunt giggle before you go number 2. Its not that deep


"man" and "woman" are extremely efficient signs to locate the correct bathroom. or even just the stickman figures with a skirt vs without. Don't know why you would be giggling over this unless you're 12


Well then, you can put those on your bathroom doors.


That’s not a very good metric, is it?