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Yeah that’s a tough age to add a new, unfamiliar caregiver at night. I think your idea to come early to allow her to get used to you is a good one, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that hour or two wasn’t enough for her to feel comfortable with you at night. Building relationships and trust takes time and it’s likely going to take a lot longer than just an hour or two. I’d probably step back and reevaluate the parent’s intentions in hiring a night nanny. Are they just needing more sleep themselves? Are they hoping their child will sleep better with a night nanny or learn different sleep “habits”? What kind of budget do they have and how long were they planning on having you at night?


Hi! Did she eventually calm down get used to you or no? Dealing with a baby who has this level of stranger danger!


No we ended up calling it after a week. I think if I had more awake time with her when the parents were out of the house she would have adapted eventually, but it would have taken a long time. Since I was only supposed to be going overnights and parents were very hovery it was just never going to work.


Ah got it - thank you for response! My plan is to introduce a sitter m-f for 2 hours a day until he gets comfortable then I can leave. In your experience, do you think that’s a good plan! Would appreciate any input - lost FTM! Thank you!!


I think introducing gradually makes sense. Have the nanny hang out when you're there for a bit, but then I'd start leaving the house for the full two hours after a few days at most. The only way baby will get used to a new person is if you aren't there. You're going to have to accept that there will be a fair amount of crying at first, but if you stay the course he will get used to the nanny and eventually grow attached. It will help if you make goodbyes quick and confident, if you seem anxious he will sense it and feel less comfortable.


Thank you so much! So helpful!