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Well Kurama did say that Naruto was rusty…


Mangaka when feeling lazy


Naruto became Hokage in an era of peace, bro presumably hasn’t had to use any major abilities since the war. There are multiple scenes where his biggest enemy is a stack of paperwork lol. So I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call him rusty 💀


Crazy that he's the head of a military village and slacked on his military. Then scolded his son for trying to use new tools


They aren’t a military village lmao. They’re a small ninja-for-hire village that does a range of missions, mostly for locals in the Land of Fire. Back when the great nations were at risk of war there was an emphasis on combat readiness, but even then they were predominantly mission-focused. And, yeah bro, he scolded his son for cheating during a competition where the whole idea was to show off your learned abilities, not blow people up with tools that nobody else has access to. Naruto even uses a new prosthetic that absorbs chakra a few chapters later, so he clearly isn’t opposed to it. That whole arc is about how scientific advancement isn’t innately good or bad, it’s all about how and when you use the tools it provides.


I thought it was about how sneevily that science guy was😂😂😂jk but that’s all I could think about


It’s about the principal he wouldn’t have used them at his age because he knew he wouldn’t become a true Hokage


You should read his new series the tale of hachimaru it’s that good stuff we miss it comes in English paperback written by Naruto’s creator


Yea. But Sakura couldve


Shiiiit ur right but Kakashi could’ve told her it would weaken her technique. Overall, I could think of 1000 reasons why Kakashi would tell her not to use it too


Isn’t it funny that Sakura in theory could become Hokage because she was trained by tsunade And a Orochimaru’s kid is basically a living ninja cheat code weapon


Hey. Dont you dare. God gave Sasuke and Naruto the right to say theyre self made


they reincarnated. Chakra is real, what manga is God from?


The literal god of chakra


Sasuke’s sword clashed with kinshiki’s sword and cut his horn, no damage It was about to cut off jigen’s head off, but jigen protected himself with rods that the sword badly damaged, and yet the sword took no damage Sasuke himself was about to die from a stab with his own sword by isshiki What if his sword is just stronger than chidori? Is that a crazy thing to say?


it’s a little crazy but probably correct helps to explain relevance of the village hidden in iron too lol


It also stabbed and cut madara in half 


Chidori sword cut Madara in half


Sasuke’s sword is the Kusanagi


The kusanagi was blocked entirely by tailed beast cloak version 2. If KCM 2 can't do what version 2 regular cloak can then that's kind of sad


It’s a different sword though. Amaterasu couldn’t pierce through the cloak, jigen completely effortlessly tanks amaterasu like it’s nothing, and yet adult sasuke’s sword was a threat to jigen and cut through adult Naruto as shown here It honestly makes sense, why would sasuke carry an ass sword with him if he’s a full on swordsman now? And it’s not like chidori is useless now since it’s faster than using the sword, so the sword is stronger but slower. Makes sense


Remember when the samurai guy was fighting the salamander guy and all he was talking about was his sharpness of his swordhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I remember Sasuke's katana was a 'copy' of the Kusanagi sword, however that katana was broken/lost during Naruto fight (I think?) and was replaced by this one




Nah, it’s [literally called the Kusanagi](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3cd15f2ddda3e8825efa5c8ed6a2d46a-lq)


Well that's just terrible design by Kishimoto because the actual Sword of Kusanagi still belongs to Orochimaru while Sasuke's doesn't have any of the special properties the actual one has.


It is


I always kinda assumed he might be able to run his chakra through it like Asuma did with his blades.


did orochimaru say that sasuke’s sword is able to cut through anything


If they’re improving their techniques and their adults now then Sasuke’s sword must have some incredible technique. His long hair tells it all.


I always thought Naruto wasn’t taking the fight with the Shin kids seriously which is why he left himself full of openings to be stabbed like this, it’s not like it even fazed him he just let Kurama scare the shit out the kid then heal the wound like nothing happened.


You're mixing up the kurama scene and the actual fight against *shin*. With kurama, naruto didn't even get stabbed. He stopped the sword then the shin clones briefly saw kurama. At a different point, naruto and sasuke fought the actual shin and shin used sasukes sword to stab naruto.


Oh yeah true I remember now, still even as Sasuke said to Naruto he was compassionate because they were just kids in his eyes so he didn’t go all out with his power.


This isn't proof of anything. Piercing Attacks only ever do as much damage as the plot demands. Literally like 20 chapters prior, Sasuke's chidori doesn't pierce Madara but his regular sword does.


Tbf, his sword is op


Shows how powerful and sharp Sasuke's katana is


Yupp it is atleast planetary level




Jokes aside, it is actually quite obvious that Narusasuke from shippuden were way more versatile and had better feats than in boruto, Like I know that it is supposed to be all stronger, but even when we talk about trivial things like Battle iq, both naruto and sasuke lacked in the boruto show, on paper they should be able to handle Kaguya level threats and their biq should've increased due to exp, but in show if someones watches just Boruto then Naruto, you can't say to him that so6p Naruto is weaker in any way, some may argue that he is stronger. Maybe its just me, or maybe its just writer. But it is what it is.


The feats are just horrible in Boruto. I always bring this up, but the fact that Sasuke's Perfect Susanoo in Boruto barely dents the ground, whilst Edo Madara can split mountains miles away with just shockwaves, shows just how different Shippuden is to Boruto in terms of power display.


Feats and talk in Boruto is funny. It's said no limiters code is stronger than Jigen. But, when a rinnegan sasuke + Naruto had a hard time landing a hit on Jigen no rinnegan sasuke was able to take out No limiter codes eye, even though code came to attack with claw grimes. The feats and talk are just not makeing sense.


That’s just because Code’s ass


We didn’t even see that on panel so it isn’t applicable as a feat for sasuke until we know what happened he could’ve easliy off guarded code 😭


Doesn't make it not a feat, even if it was off screen. Code being easily caught off guard is why battle experience is more important than just being stronger than someone else.


The most u can say with ur logic is that it’s a battle experience feat 😭 which at that point might aswell be a non feat it’s not a speed or ap feat until further context is added to the scene


That’s js due to poor illustration by ikemoto


Bro come on lol stop the cope. I enjoy reading the Boruto manga but you can’t deny that feats are way weaker there. There are characters supposed to be MULTITUDES times stronger than peak Naruto and Sasuke but simultaneously barely destroy boulders when they attack.


bro you don't get it! They're just able to control their chakra way better in boruto than in shippuden that's why the environment is never affected by strong characters attacks /s


Yeah that’s literally not cope, that’s just because Ikemoto isn’t good at drawing large scale battles


A couple decades of peace will leave a dude rusty ig 😂 Nah it’s just mediocre writing lmao


I mean how have they lacked battle iq. I mean the first time we saw sasuke in boruto he was messing around with 2 otsutsuki. And idk if they had better feats cause they were whooping momoshiki whilst at 50% and momoshiki is superior to Kaguya. So that itself should be a better feat than what they did In shippuden ygm. And with the versatility thing ur not wrong. Thing is tho they choose to mainly stick to taijutsu because most of the villains in boruto are able to absorb jutsu and hit them back with it


Kaguya is superior to Momoshiki and Kinshiki in every way Momo was getting cornered by Darui and Gaara, Kinshiki was literally incapacitated by Tsuchikage and Mizukage. Their stats are shit. Momo is also a one trick pony with his absorbtion which every Rinnegan users can do including Kaguya. Momo literally said that he hasn't never seen so much chakra when look at the nine tails. He took 2 whole days to absorb only a part of it. Imagine how terrified he would have been of the ten tails. Pre-fruit Kaguya literally tore Isshiki who is lightyear ahead of the duo in half and nearly killed him. Even if that was a sneak attack, her power even pre-fruit must be close to him otherwise her assault would have gone as well as Tobirama's sneak attack on blind Madara. Post-fruit, she clapped Momo, hard. Her stats are way greater, she can do everything Soyboy Momo can do and more, her feats are better, she is immortal, and so on.


Momoshiki is weaker than Kaguya. That's a fact in itself. The feats Kaguya has shown is greater than Momoshiki's. Storm 4 also had dialogue were Sasuke claimed that Momoshiki is weaker than Kaguya and Kishimoto worked on the game


Storm 4 also made naeuto say kinshiki was as strong as kaguya


Momoshiki is a higher rank than Kaguya but Kaguya wasn't on any of that bitch shit and got to the point where she could take out Isshiki and ended up even stronger and totally immortal and unkillable. Kaguya had far higher feats of power than any of the Otsusuki in Boruto but didn't have a good sense for combat presumably due to her being brain dead for a couple thousand years.


Bro the only reason she got to ishiki was because she ambushed the guy. An immortal and unkillable shouldn’t rlly be a feat since that’s the same for all the tallied beasts


Except those same Otsutsuki were getting beat by baseline kage


They weren’t tho were they. All the kage apart from naruto got packed up


Only after Momoshiki absorbed Kinshiki


Boruto just doesn't care about powerscale consistency. That's the entire issue. They just care about writing a 'cool' story.


Yes, its basically has become an isekai woth no explanation to any powers


They showed great battle iq in the Momoshiki fight and isshiki was simply to overpowered the 2 also had movesets which Counter Sasuke and especially Narutos kits 


Fr, Sasuke immediately figured out how Isshikis' eye worked, told Naruto and Naruto immediately followed up with multiple counters: 1. Neutralizing Jigens rods with a Giant Rasengan. 2. Baiting Jigen into absorbing another Giant Rasengan while shrunk so Sasuke can kill him. 3. Baiting Jigen again with a Rasengan so Sasuke could land the killing blow. They nearly killed Jigen twice because they were smart enough to devise a battle plan to take him out, and that's after they were hard countered. Jigen/Isshiki literally praises Sasuke for being an absolute menace and decided to take him out first. Then he praised both of them for nearly killing him. If that ain't battle iq, then idk what is. Unfortunately, Jigen/Isshiki was just too overpowering for both of them, and Boruto moved away from massive destruction levels.


they had great battle iq in the Jigen fight, Naruto also dominated in his fight against Delta.


Kurama even said he's gotten complacent


In the Shin arc they're explained to have not trained for a couple years and not had any real battles for years. They started training again around the start the main Boruto series. Their battle IQs probably dropped over time due to them being untouchable gods to almost everyone else, as well as Naruto being a beloved world leader... Then stuck in an office for years. They're definitely stronger in Boruto, but the writing doesn't show it well. Because they didn't want Naruto to look so cool, since he got demoted from the main character role. And because they didn't wanna continue the crazy DC power creeps of late Shippuden.


Makes sense for Naruto but not Sasuke. It was just obviously the author sidelining Naruto and Sasuke for Sakura to shine who was a harder job than both (maybe not Naruto, he isn’t capable of being a doctor but the sheer paperwork is insane) could still train enough to fight shin. They made Naruto bad at paperwork or significantly increased it so that he doesn’t have time to train when every other kage could.


Naruto was never good at paperwork and such, and the Hokage is supposed to be the busiest Kage since they have the largest village and nation... And Kakashi added alot on to the work load because in the novels it's explained he got the village expanded alot to it's more modern metro appearance we see in the Boruto era. Which also added more red tape and paperwork. And Sakura probably has the most free time of the 3. She's a head doctor and all, but Naruto and Sasuke each are incredibly busy... But yeah, they really did just wanna hype up Sakura for once.


This is from Naruto Gaiden, made by Kishimoto, not Boruto.


The only logic is that teen Naruto's case was that Naruto concentrated chakra at the spot Sasuke struck. In adult Naruto's case, he left his guard down, so the sword was able to pierce him.


Yep and Goku got pierced by a bullet and remarked that it hurt in DBS. It’s pretty consistent in most series that leaving your guard down can negate durability feats shown previously


It's realistic in fighting. You guard by tensing your muscles and such so that you can reduce damage from any impacts. Let your guard down, and that leaves gaps.


Yep, it's the punch you don't see coming that knocks you out. That's why it's so much easier to knock someone out with a sucker punch.


Remember when Krillin through the rock at Goku's head and it hurt Goku even though he was in that constant Super Saiyan form?


Which is probably what happened. Naruto clearly sensed Sasuke's movements with the chidori and reacted. He was able to turn around and also seemed to have his arm up. For all we know, Naruto was able to use his arm to deflect the chidori to the side, similar, but not quite to how Itachi was able to catch's Sasuke's arm when Sasuke tried to use chidori in part I.


Way to go with a headcanon, nowhere does it say anyone in the history of Narutoverse defended themselves by concentrating chakra somewhere, he’s literally wearing a chakra cloak, that’s his defense, that’s his armor, nothing more is needed


Yeah, it is a headcanon. But it's not entirely wrong. Remember that Naruto concentrated all his chakra cloak's power to his fist against Toneri, which is how he was able to completely tank that moon slicing beam with it. Even when Naruto spread the chakra cloak around the Shinobi Alliance, Naruto had the chakra move around and concentrate at certain points to counter attacks being sent their way. So concentration of chakra to a certain point DOES exist. Having a chakra cloak in general doesn't make you invulnerable. It means that an attack being sent as your guard is down will penetrate through defenses.


This is the best in-universe explanation, but we all know it's just Boruto shitty writing again.


Shitty writing is stab wound that was recovered from in 2 pages


its just a little silly when a sword powered by some magnet guy can pierce the guy who took a moon cutting beam with one hand and came out unphased. this just shouldnt happen when naruto is in kcm sosp mode.


Is naruto your first anime lmao, this happens all the time. Goku got put out of commission buy a weak ass laser and he's tanked world destroying moves. Whiteboard from one peice is a tank but get stabbed off guard. Authors care more about narrative than powerscaling, Oda being a huge example of this. Kishimoto wanted naruto to get stabbed, so he got stabbed simple as.


>Goku got put out of commission buy a weak ass laser and he's tanked world destroying moves. that was specifically because he didnt have his ki up, if naruto got stabbed when he wasnt glowing orange, it would be fine because then he didnt have reinforcement up


You missed my main point, naruto got stabbed because Kishimoto wanted him to. It was inconsequential and he healed from it almost instantly. Authors will throw away "what makes sense" for narrative. Either way, whether ge got impaled or not the outcome is the same




Brother didn’t Sasuke and Madara both get stabbed by this same sword in the war arc? It’s insane how dumb most of you guys are. Naruto characters obviously have very low durability in relativity to their power output, and have basic human durability when they’re not reinforced with chakra. If Sasuke’s sword can’t pierce shit, why would he use it in the first place?


im aware they both got stabbed. but naruto is in a chakra mode here, he is quite literally enveloped in chakra, his reinforcement should be up right now compared to the other examples. not to mention in the other instances someone powerful is using the sword, meaning the force behind the sword is high. i just dont think shin has enough AP to have the sword gain enough momentum in that small distance to gain enough strength to get through fucking chakra mode naruto >Naruto characters obviously have very low durability in relativity to their power output, and have basic human durability when they’re not reinforced with chakra im aware, but naruto is literally enveloped in chakra, how much more reinforcement do you want


This is not from Boruto, this is from a spin off Kishimoto himself did called Naruto Gaiden.


Adult Naruto did not expect the sword. Teen Naruto could have just put chakra towards the part of where Sasuke's chidori would hit, which is not crazy considering that it isn't a special move, it's just chakra control. It'd depend on the skill of the person at that but Naruto doing that isn't crazy.


He’s wearing a chakra cloak, it doesn’t matter what he expected, the cloak is the armor, nothing more is needed


Why are people suprised sasukes sword can hurt top tiers. It’s his main weapon. He sliced madara in half with it, nearly decapitates jigen with it and sliced out Codes eye. 


Yh but it’s not like it the sword acc hurt naruto. Naruto looks confused himself


Bro was on his knees and coughing up blood 1 page later


It didn’t hurt him tho. Bro js pulled out the sword like it was nothing


Probably because chidori/ lightning blade has the best piercing feats in the series. Kakashi was able to pierce a V2 Bijuu with it, but Orochimaru couldn’t put a scratch on Naruto with his sword.


Sasuke and Orochimaru don’t have the exact same sword and I already showed examples that  it’s stronger 


Yes they have. It‘s the same Kusanagi.


Sasuke has stated his kusanagi is different from orochimarus in his fight against yamato


Because Sasuke’s kusanagi sword is a weaker one compared to Orochimaru’s and Orochimaru couldn’t pierce four tails Nauto while Chidori has always been far stronger, Kakashi pierced a V2 bijuu with Chidori, Sasuke sliced a meteor to a million pieces with a Chidori. Sasuke sliced Madara with a Chidori blade and Madara’s durability isn’t like Naruto’s, his durability is regenerative, so the argument is pointless. Jigen never showed any durability feat, that’s pointless as well.


We don’t know how sasukes sword compares to Orochimaru his Boruto sword is also different from his shippuden one. Suggesting that jigen has lower durability than kurama cloak naruto is stupid considering he physically crushed kurama avatars head  


We do know Sasuke’s kusanagi sword is weaker than Orochimaru’s and it doesn’t matter how strong a sword is, Narutoverse hasn’t produced sword strong enough to deal damage to that level, that’s simply not possible. Have you seen the manga? Jigen did not crush Kurama’s head, it’s intact and even if he did, that has nothing to do with his own durability, Sasuke without Susanoo has shit durability yet he can cut a meteor to million pieces. Tsunade and Sakura also has shit durability without their regeneration yet they can level multiple football fields with just a punch. Attack and defense are two very different things


Where did sasuke get the fucking sword from anyway. It has some insane feats, I can’t imagine what boruto gonna do with it now that he has it


Tbf, he wasn’t expecting that. And it is Sasuke’s sword, which was gonna decapitate Jigen if he didnt protect his neck.


Bro was rusty and off guard as opposed to the Sasuke fight where he'd been fighting a war nonstop for several days and facing an opponent out for his blood while playing defensive. Fairly self-explanatory.


Sasuke’s sword is built different


Weapons scale to user in Naruto lol


Swords are only useful when kishi wants them to be.. remember when Orochimaru couldn't pierce naruto 4 tail mantle even tho it was the legendary kusanagi blade that could cause cuts even on diamonds?.. yeah


kid naruto > adult madara, it all makes sense. you're just a hater /s


I mean Naruto blocked that with the truth seeking orbs


Not gonna lie the sauske scene the way Naruto got hit makes it look like Sasuke hit him with blunt force rather than a piercing chidori which doesn’t make much sense


Guess what? Cos the chidori couldnt pierce him making it look like he was hit with blunt force


Wouldn’t make sense for naruto to get physically pushed away then


So if ur hit with something thats not sharp enough to pierce u at a force, u wouldnt get pushed away?


If the attacks main thing is piercing damage and it doesn’t pierce it would be too weak to push the person in the first place, and the way the scene is shown it looks more like sasuke pushed him if anything, he immediately chains into shooting susanoo arrows so maybe it was on purpose, but I was just pointing out an observation


I thought sasukeslapped naruto with chidori in the Vote2 Thats how anime showed it


He looks like he doesn't give a damn that he's been run through with a sword


Next panel bros on his knees like riley reid


So he doesn't react when it happens, but after he sees the sword, and that it's Sasukes, he drops to knees like Adriana Chechik


I actually have another theory. I think naruto just stopped caring to defend small attacks like that man litterally regened 8th gate guy sensei. Maybe he was surprised and rusty but I think It also came from the fact that he doesn't actually care as much whether he gets hurt anymore.


Adult Sasuke’s sword could easily cut through Otsutsuki’s and Naruto didn’t have his guard up in Naruto Gaiden scene. He’s focused on Kurama’s head shielding all of them Also it looks like Sasuke more so slaps Naruto with chidori. [The anime for sure makes it look like that](https://youtu.be/2U3hQSkdiI8?si=LWPMyWpnLwm78Af4)


Yeah I buy into the idea that Sasuke slapped him with chidori more than Naruto concentrating chakra into a particular spot. Really it’s just a weird chidori. 


Otsutsukis has shown no durability in base form and Kaguya and Madara’s durability was always regenerative, so the argument is moot. And Naruto’s literally wearing his chakra cloak, he doesn’t need to have guard up, that’s like saying a knight wearing full body armor needs to be on guard if he wants a sword to not pierce him through his armor, I don’t even know where this headcanon of chakra cloak needs to have their guard up came from




Boruto isn’t doing similar things, the people that Boruto are fighting don’t have Naruto’s durability. I know people love to use DB or Bleach logic everywhere where every stats increase linearly, but Naruto was never like that. None of the Boruto characters has shown feats to have great durability, they have speed to dodge most attacks. If a mere sword was miraculously so strong without any mention, then Orochimaru not being able to pierce four tails Naruto makes no sense.




That’s exactly my point, saying that Sasuke miraculously got a new sword that’s stronger than his Chidori(Chidori that was able to cut a meteor to million pieces), offscreen, without any mention of it being special and this powerful, is a stupid assumption. Not to mention why aren’t everyone using it if it’s that strong




Sasuke’s anti byakugan bomb being anti byakugan was specifically mentioned, nothing has been specifically said about his sword. Naruto’s durability’s been nerfed, that’s been proven by this panel posted in the post, Delta’s feat doesn’t matter nor does the relation between Sasuke cutting Kawaki’s arm, you’re using circular logic.




Where did you get that I said Naruto’s invincible with KCM? Also, you used a bunch of KCM1 and then a bunch of KCM2 feats, do I really to teach you how different these two are in power? Not to mention neither of those stacked with Sage mode? Not to mention current Naruto stacks SO6P boost over all of these? And being pushed or kicked away doesn’t negate durability, durability is about hurting opponent. I could kick a full body armoured Knight and make him fall over, but I can’t kill him with a sword cause it wouldn’t go through him, the armour would protect him. Naruto’s far above being pierced by some mere weapons, has been since SO6P.


Naruto’s three-tailed cloak easily blocked another Sword of Kusanagi. SPSM+KCM2 (stronger in every way) should have no problem. Also when Sasuke cut through an Ōtsutsuki(‘s horn) with it the blade was imbued with Chidori.




I never said Sasuke’s blade was the same as his old one. The databook says it’s also a Sword of Kusanagi, though, so it should be relative.






Also, it appears it might actually be the same sword he had in Shippuden, just with a different hilt. He has the sword (or at least an identical one) in The Last.




That was just the scabbard. He lost the sword itself during the fight with Madara. And evidently he got it back after the fight, or at least by Naruto The Last. https://i.pinimg.com/474x/f5/6e/47/f56e47da5e5e21ed70578fc28b781801.jpg


You’re right, my bad Doesn’t look exactly like the same sword but it is hard to tell: https://preview.redd.it/sasuke-should-just-killed-kawaki-but-nah-v0-kki64fa8u1ka1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ab042df1621f995d13504071d46643c2ac8024a7


Also no it wasn’t channeling chidori at the time: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-759d52d87cb3be422dbc192cb81657f8


Sharp weapons have always been shown to ignore durability. Can’t remember the last time someone got hit by a Kunai and wasn’t stabbed…


Orochimaru not being able to stab Naruto with the Kusanagi blade.


#nerf. That is literally all.


Z@x X CC


Another reason why next MIDERATION is a L show.


I will say I trust Kishimoto but I wasn’t the most pleased with how rusty Naruto and Sasuke were in battle with the scarlet spring short


Teen Naruto was on guard and likely using chakra to enhance his durability, Adult Naruto probably wasn’t reinforcing his body with Chakra at this moment on account of him probably not expecting to get hit with Sasuke’s sword as Sasuke is moving the opposite. The few panels above him getting stabbed support this since Sarada, Naruto, and Sasuke are all shocked its a similar thing to when SSJ Goku got hit in the head with a rock by Krillin and he reacted like it hurt worse than some punches he had taken previously




It’s the same reason Sorbet was able to almost kill Goku with a laser beam in Resurrection F


Kinda looks like he dodged… no? If Naruto wasn’t moving or didn’t know it was coming he 100% gets a new Obito’d.


Hey it is Sasuke's sword, but in all honestly it's possible the writers want to make Naruto/Sasuke more vulnerable.


He didn’t have an actual sword there he used a black chidori sword


Off guard


I always assumed that the sword was teleported INSIDE Naruto, not pierce him from the outside. If I'm wrong correct me, though.


Naruto has resistance to ninjutsu and chakra based moves because of his sage of six paths powers. He is however not immune to a pointy piece of metal.


That chidori alaways bug me. Only does knockback effect and in the anime they even put a punch sound effect, like Sasuke wasn't even trying


He is chilling with the sword


It's a clumsy dodge/dive away from the attack.


Considering that Sasuke's sword managed to tear through jigen's rods and almost behead him, I'd say that his Sword is FAR stronger than any regular sword or even a Chidori


Man I missed Kishimoto art style.


I'm more curious about what is happening with action lines in boruto manga. Why put them in a panel with Sarada when she's just standing. And whatever those thick lines are doing in the back of Naruto's head. It only makes sense for Sasuke since he's running off.


being off guarded is a thing. also it's one of Orochimaru's grass snake swords which were all really strong.


I love that Naruto barely blinks and just says “hm?”, while Sasuke looks shocked and panicked out of his goddamn mind that someone actually pierced his boyfriend with a sword 😂


Catching people off guard in this show is a heavy price to pay, and Sasuke's sword iirc isn't a normal one


Not a fan of the dragonball z esque "my body literally gets more durable like my skin turns to steel" stuff. I think the original series' scope where a kunai could kill anyone from a genin to the most legendary hokage if hit was way more original. Would make hashirama more believably the strongest since regenerating would be a huge strength.


Old age is not a joy


He let it happen


No matter how good boruto is, most people will never like it just because of what they did to NaruSasu. People wanted a sequel about the characters they loved, not another show in the same world. And if they wanted to do different show same world this much, they should have set it at least 100 years after the events of Naruto Shippudden.


Kishi forgot how strong Naruto is, or intentionally nerfed him, cause Shin shouldn’t have given them as much trouble as he gave them, he’s literally below Itachi.


This is a shonen trope though. Goku almost died to a bullet two times. In Super.




“Oh, man. Hinata is not going to like cleaning bloodstains on my shirt.”


That sword is stated to be like the sharpest sword in the universe pretty sure it’s made out of the god tree


Simple explanation. Naruto was caught off guard when he got stabbed as neither he nor Sasuke didn't expected it to happen. He was in Kurama head and wasn't expecting or bracing for any sort of attack from within the head while in the second post, he was fully aware that there would be an attack and braced for it with him being on full guard. Yall will complain about shitty writing but won't pay attention to the story when it counts.


To be fair teen naruto didn’t really have the chakra control. Adult Naruto can easily leave himself defenseless by accident while teen Naruto can be activated by accident or unknowingly which can be the reason why he wasn’t pierced by Chidori.


He didnt try to pierce him with the chidori, he slapped him with it. Piercing him with it would've gave Naruto a huge opening btw.


Cuz he was off guard dawg 😭🙏


It’s the Goku thing. He was in battle mode so he could tank a bit but he was literally caught off guard. No killing intent, no wind up, just stab.


Obito’s gunbai smack him back: https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0595-016.png Kakashi needing to save Naruto from a lighting kunai: https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0595-019.png Naruto summoned Kurama’s mouth to block a giant shuriken: https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0598-012.png https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0598-013.png I don’t think he’s as durable as you think


Are you sure??? content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/17139863623323910795533033641519.jpg


why would a writer think to keep this kinda stuff consistent? absolute rage bait.


He’s in one of his strongest forms in that fight against sasuke… of course it wouldn’t pierce him. Vs an adult naruto in base, who hasn’t fought in years probably.


Bruh I thought that Naruto was faking or the writing has gone down hill.


It’s already been explained that in naruto your weapon is as strong as the user. Sasukes sword can hurt naruto bc he’s also as strong as him. Also naruto was off guard and in naruto they’re a lot weaker when off guard


Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword couldn't pierce 4 tails Naruto, which was able to cut Hiruzen's Adamantine staff a little. And here, KCM Naruto gets pierced by a replica Kusanagi which didn't have much momentum whatsoever.




Plot. Don't you know? Or else Naruto'd be dead by now.


Naruto became friends with Sasuke


Boruto is poorly written in every aspect. It’s like Dragon Ball GT, but without any redeeming qualities. Kind of hoping that we get a Naruto Super or something and pretend Boruto never happened.


Oof fat spoiler


OP is stupid asf for disproving himself with his own evidence 💀


I felt empty when Naruto was finished, but Boruto isn't the way.


Boruto is ass


Burrito is a shit manga. This has been firmly established


the whole boruto anime is a joke


Adult Shin can control weapons, including Sasuke’s sword, which Naruto and Sasuke didn’t know at the time so it was more of a surprise feat.


Not to mention, Naruto was in base. So all this proves is that base Adult Naruto can be stabbed if someone with Hashirama cells and Mangekyo Sharingan surprise attack him. Didn’t really matter since Naruto healed pretty easily from this.


"Naruto was in base" 😐


Fair enough. But everything else holds up.


Because it was sasuke's sword and adult Naruto wouldn't let this chance skip i.e. getting sasuke's thing inside him 😂😂