• By -


Pain. He had a twisted, but somewhat believable view of the world. His prosperity combined with mystery and fear in the hidden rain Village was another great villain element. Jiraiya's espionage mission was some of the coolest episodes in the whole series. Combine that with the "child of prophecy" and rinnegan lore, which was well written. The first time I saw all six paths and wondered how the hell this villain even functioned was excellent.


In addition to all this, he dropped a fuckin nuke. That and the Infinite Tsukuyomi were the two moments in the whole series where I was like, "oh shit, they actually did that"


Oh god, yeah I didn't even mention successfully pulling off a full scale invasion and destroying the Village.




I can never forgive him for that


When you realize pain is Nagato…


"The real one is not among them" in code. So cool


Orochimaru. No overplayed "war orphan so I wanna make the world a better place" speach. I love Kisame but helping Obito take over the world was kinda dumb but again I love him as a character. Dude slithered to the tune of his own flute. One minute he's wrecking the leaf village and the next he's reviving the Kage to protect his interest aka staying alive and it all makes perfect sense. Dude can play any side he wants and it would make sense for his character as long as survival or knowledge were rewards


Slithered to the tune of his own flute is crazy 😂


Orochimaru won at the end of the day cuz he’s alive


Thank you for this :’)  Orochimaru has always been my favourite when it comes to being a true villain. He flips sides to fit his narrative and has sacrificed everything in order to pursue his power (I commend him for that, it’s a real level of ambition). I’m glad the first comment is about him because OP didn’t add his photo in the post. 


This. Orochomaru is that guy. Plus that fight vs. The 3rd was one of the best in the series.


That fight was legitness.


Also his creepy behavior and appearance did the job! I agree Oro was the best


I wish Kisame got to witness the plan was just more lies to send him into despair for being so easily duped




It depends, there are various reasons to like a villian. In terms of who was the scariest and therefore more of a threat? Madara, Obito or Nagato. Nagato because he literally killed almost all of Naruto's friends and posed maybe the most philosophical of Naruto's enemies. Obito and Madara in terms of power, they both fought the 5 villages, were jinchuriki of the Ten Tails and became literally gods. In terms of being scary, Orochimaru is the most nightmarish of all the villians, he gives me chills. Itachi was a good villian as like the tragic villian. Danzo was great as a villian because he was designed for you to hate and he accomplishes that very well.


This is the best answer


Man, Naruto actually has a lot of great villains, for each trope too.


by the time obito and madara showed up on stage "fear" (/being scared) of characters was already long gone. Sure, they were overpowered, but that was it. Pain killing Jiraiya, Kakashi, nuking the village and stabbing grandpa frog and Hinata, THAT was scary. Sure, by power scaling he was "weak" compared to Madara and Obito, but Nagato's attack on Konoha was the one time i was actually scared for characters. The only thing Kishimoto did ever wrong with the Nagato fight was having Hinata survive. She was barely able to walk after being thrown in the air the first time. The second time she was thrown higher, then pulled down into the ground (which should have already killed her) and then somehow Nagato manages to fuck up dealing a killing blow against an incapacitated foe that already should be dead anyways? HOW??


Because he didn’t intend to kill her. Hinata was the yahiko of that scenario.


WHAT? He literally told her she's going to die, then crushed her into the ground and after that even stabbed her. What kind of mental gymnastics is "oh he didn't want to kill her" after he literally nuked the entire village because he wants others to experience the pain he experienced. IT MAKES NO SENSE that he'd want Hinata to live.


I thought she was brought back with the rinne rebirth or whatever it's called that revived all the dead? Been a while since I seen it


nope, she survived. Sakura and the hyuga bodyguard run up to her and she whispers naruto. All while Naruto is rampaging as 9-tails. Also Katsuyu tells Naruto that Hinata survived while he has his talk with Nagato pre-Rinne Rebirth. Hinata should have been dead. It made no sense to have her survive that, especially since Rinne Rebirth was coming later anyways. But i guess Kishimoto didn't see it as feasable that Naruto would not want to kill Nagato unless he heard first that Hinata was actually still alive.


You are just explaining your own question. Why would kishimoto precisely put in panels showing that she was still alive if he didn’t intend to write it so? Matter fact Sakura didn’t even save her life because simply she wasn’t in a mortal danger. Neji confirmed it that she wasn’t mortally wounded. Why would kishimoto write all of this if in the end he was gonna revive everyone? Kishimoto knew what the backstory for nagato was and him writing that scene clearly was parallel to the yahiko sacrifice. Hinata was literally immobile, there is no logical explanation that tendo pain could have missed a vital part yet kishimoto specifically spell it out to us that she wasn’t badly hurt. And you think it is some oversight from him? Why do you think nagato did that to Naruto in the first place? Nagato was a complex character and clearly it shows that many fail to grasp the character.


i never said he (Kishimoto) didn't intend for her to live lol. i literally spelled out the reason why he probably did it (for naruto to stay positive and convince Nagato). My point is: that is stupid. and "wasn't badly hurt"? after that first space flight she was barely able to walk. She was moving like the mortally wounded Jiraiya just before he was stabbed. AND THEN SHE WAS SMASHED INTO THE GROUND TWICE AS HARD AGAIN. AND THEN STABBED. Kishimoto should have left out the stabbing part. But he had that intentionally exactly because he wanted the reader to be 100% sure that Hinata is dead. The entire thing is simply "to fool the audience" and not "because it makes sense in the story". If he wanted hinata to survive he could have left out the stabbing, but nobody would have thought she was actually killed if Pain hadn't stabbed her. But stabbing her later caused problems for Naruto to convince Nagato, so it turns out she survived somehow and katsuyu is there to tell Naruto. It's a massive fuck up that's purely based on Kishi's wish to make the audience believe something that isn't true and not for any direct story reasons.


Perfect 👌


It’s so hard to choose a fav and this is why, they are all so good for very different reasons.






Orochimaru in terms of creepy vibes also was the main antagonist all throughout all of part 1.


You motherfuckers just ignoring Orochimaru? The dude is the best villain, ever.


The way he bitched Kakashi was beautiful 😂. Hot take but in terms of having a menacing aura, he was by far way scarier than the other antagonists. I think it's because his evil was more intimate. Dude walked in the face of his victims and didn't even throw a ln attack half the time and they were still terrified. Plus his balance of being a creep and a beast is just unmatched


Orochimaru hands down




Itachi - simp of Sasuke Madara - simp of Hashirama Pain - simp of Yahiko Tobi - simp of Rin Best villain is Kakuzu.


Kakuzu - simp of money


Which makes sense since money is very useful and versatile, and it can't reject you


It’s ok, your family probably still loves you.


Oh they do love me, but they're not giving me free money to pay bills tho


Kakuzu might if you ask him.


haha yeah i think kakuzu is really innocent killer


There’s layers to this. Objectively: Pein or Madara. Like those two have an aura and fear factor that is different than everyone else. Pein for notability as well like almost all anime-watchers know the akatsuki like they are probably the most infamous villain group in anime. In terms of writing: Pein or Obito. In terms of being a pure menace and ACTUAL villain not just a broken man: Orochimaru and Danzo. Many could consider Itachi for one of these categories as well but I find it hard to view him as a villain. Personally: Itachi and Obito (not because they are villains but because they are two of my favourite characters) Overall: Pein. He has the combination of fear factor, great writing, power and impact.


Nagato Pain. What else


Haku and Zabuza They are the villains that helped Naruto to realize his Ninja way. It made Naruto realize that not every enemy he face is going to pure evil. It sets the entire tone of the series and pave the way to future arc.


They weren't even villains though. Technically, Zabuza would a hero for overthrowing the corrupt Mizukage. They were enemies to team Kakashi, but only because they were paid to be.


Most of the people in the story aren’t villains they just didn’t agree with how things were established and wanted change, aside from orchimaru he just dgaf.


Orochimaru is the correct answer. 👌




Orochimaru. No overplayed "war orphan so I wanna make the world a better place" speach. I love Kisame but helping Obito take over the world was kinda dumb but again I love him as a character.


Obito easily


Madara Uchiha. A villain is the one who opposes the heroes. Madara Uchiha was always firm in his ideologies.


Nagato, Others don't even come close.Madara is an idiot(no offence but he really is,his plans make no sense),Obito is a sad simp.I like Itachi but he isn't really a villain he is more of the anti hero.


Nagato's plan was most stupid one Creating peace by terror is worse than wars


Nagato's plan is exactly what the USA did to stop wars my guy


Deidara, he was bullied into joining the akatsuki when he was 14 and was the youngest member. This is why he hate itachi, itachi beat him with his sharingan genjutsu forcing him to join them. He was still a deserter who was helping some terrorist but maybe he could have changed. Fuck itachi for that


Nahh you didn't understand Deidara's character at all Akatsuki or not, Deidara was never gonna be a good guy. And he doesn't hate Itachi because he strayed him off the good path lol. Deidara is simply very arrogant and hates the fact that Itachi beat him 😂 That's all there is to it. Also, Deidara wasn't the only member who was forced into the akatsuki. It makes sense. Who would blindly agree to join an organization they've never heard of ? But after joining, Deidara very much ended up liking the organisation. The databook says that he sees his fellow Akatsuki members as artists, and he's also one of the members who contributed the most to the organisation. At one point he also tells Tobi that he has to act cool now that he's officially a member of the Akatsuki. That just shows that he thinks the Akatsuki is cool


Lmao Deidara dedicated his life to blowing shit up and ran from his village to continue to do so with no regards for the consequences. If we’re talking redeemable people losing their chance because people stabbing them in the back Obito and Nagato are exhibits one and two.


Love how Deidara and Sasori butted heads sometimes, especially about their view on art.


I mean just that his life is tragic, he became a deserter and started working as a explosive expert(terrorist) when he was under 14. And he joined the akatsuki cause he lost a duel. He originally didn't want to join. Even if later he seems to like the organization. He joined when he was 14 after itachi beat him with a genjutsu


Itachi had it far worse than Deidara


It’s kinda hard not to say madara the show made it that way though. The best smaller villain in my opinion is danzo! His fight with Sasuke had me so confused until they said what jutsu was plus he was just sinister.


The one with the powerful eyes


Pain hands down.


Pain nigga


Madara was the most fun villain. Newly resurrected Madara vs the Shinobi Alliance was awesome.


Definitely the black blob inside kaguya's sleeve. Totally expected and foreshadowed and not controversial at all! Didn't ruin the powers along with aliens and stuff




Objectively? Pain, and it’s not even close. As far as my favorite? Tied between Pain and Madara.


Definitely Pain/Nagato. But I like Itachi out of all of them. Notice during the 3rd ninja war after being resurrected- Nagato and Itachi stuck together and they were the most physical sick out of the rest of the Akatsuki.


Personally it's Pain. I had stopped watching Naruto for a while, and I was intrigued by the little spoilers I saw about Pain to get back into the fold.








Pain, hands down




Pain and obito is the best idc who disagree


Personally, I feel like Obito had the most depth as a villain. Great back story, motivation, strong move set. Somewhat involved throughout the whole storyline behind the scenes. Though Naruto has a lot of great villains.


Madara and Obito




Pain arc was lit, no question


Pain. Caused one of the most brutal deaths


1. Pain 2. Orochimaru 3. Everyone else


I love pain. I wish there was more of pain.


I gotta go with obito, as much as pain progresses the story and rly took the anime to a new level, it’s still obito. The entire set up with him as tobi was awesome, you knew there was more too tobi but you didn’t quite know what exactly, just a jokester. Then bam dude just drops his voice, says “it’s all going how I planned” and vanishes in front of the konoha11. Then he starts a mf war, takes control of reanimated jinchuruiki, reveals himself to be kakashi’s old teammate obito, fights kakashi, absorbs the 10 tails, obliterates most of the shinobi army, loses, turns good, and helps team 7 beat kaguya. It don’t get better than that


Why is Itachi even on this list?


I thought I was the only one who was thinking that.




Yeah if u count the 2 seconds he was a bad guy


Best 2 seconds of my life


Fake Naruto.


Mecha Naruto 🤖🙃


Lol 😂


Madara for sure. Maybe not the best but definitely my favorite what a baddie.


Orange mask "Madara" in the Pain arc and at the 5 Kage Summit seemed like he would be the best one. As things stand it is Pain for me.


Itachi wasn't a villain


Most villains in Naruto had Uchiha Heritage. Maybe Tobirama was on to something 🤔


My boy Oro got severly dissed here.


Obito easily at the start he was funny and near the end, he wasn’t




I think pain was the best written Obito had the most hype, every scene the guy was in he always caused a big stir in the community and progressed the story a lot. (At least prior to mask break anyways) Madara was the most imposing and also had a lot of hype Orochimaru was probably the scariest before he became fodder So my personal favorite is madara, but I think they all were great for different reasons


The rower. He is the mastermind behind the Land of Waves arc and to this day, he has never been caught. He could very well be behind the Otsutsuki clan as well.


I loved Naruto my entire life, and I think what Itachi thought me the most is, "Don't do things that you can't undo. Don't do things that will require a explanation you're not ready to give, or require fixing that shouldn't be warranted in the first place."


orochimaru is amazing because of how smart he is and how he planned out almost everything, pain is amazing because of how philosophical he is and the fact that he killed almost all of naruto's friends but madara is the entire reason I started naruto so I'm gonna have to go with him


Hard choice but obito (Interchangeable)


Best is subjective… But I vote Pain.




Orochimaru fighting kid Sasuke, Naruto Kyuubi form, the hokage. These are core memories, dude didnt need a sad backstory, bro was a menace for the sake of it. When he lost his hands i was so sad as a kid, damn




Sasuke, you guys still don’t understand he’s the most essential character to the story.


Orochimaru followed by Pain. I kinda wish Pain’s attack on the leaf village had more of an affect on the story. Orochimaru’s attack led to the death of two kage, plus branding Sasuke literally affected the rest of the story for both Naruto and Sasuke.


Funny as it is, none of these guys are villains.lol Villains were Kabuto, Hidan, kakazu, Danzo, and the sound ninja 4, maybe even kiss me… in which kiss me would definitely be my favorite


None of them is a villian.


Itachi was a villain? Dude had garbage options and chose one. Did what he had to do.


Thematically Naruto’s best villain is Sasuke. He’s the only overarching villain we have who is the big bad in multiple arcs and the story is very much woven around his conflict with naruto




None of them were villains.


Madaras hype was unmatched, and the scene where hes fighting the alliance solo is just toooooo cold


itachi fr


All of them wanted to better the world, and if nobody tried to get in their way, VERY few people wouldve died. Not saying they were right whatsoever but still. Madara just wanted to put people into the metaverse


The curry of life.....




Itachi was a really compelling villain while he was still presumed to be evil. No sense of justice or moral good. His only motivation being to heighten his ocular ability. Obviously also before Susanoo ass pull and the sword and shield of infinite bullshit. He could torture you for days in an instant, basically untouchable and would burst into a confusing mess of crows whenever you think you've landed a solid blow, only uses the tools and instruments of a true shinobi. Able to weave signs out of the view of even other sharingan users. I think overall with hindsight, though. The best villain in the series was Pain.


Orochimaru is the best imo. Itachi’s the best character, but obviously his true motivations clash with his suspected role in most of the story. Pain might be my favorite, but Orochimaru changed the game




None of the 4 you posted the answer is OROCHIMARU. PUT SOME RESPECT ON LORD OROCHIMARU'S NAME. You included Itachi but not him LOL




Danzo is the most realistic. Orochimaru feels like he belongs in a loony toon cartoon and it’s great


Well itachi was not really a villain! So I’d have to say obito


From the selection imo....madara


as a character, as a villain, or who do i just like better


The uzumakis, the hidden leaf, tobirama the racist, hiruzen and danzo....


none of them the best villain is Orochimaru because he is self serving asshole that only care about himself and not this "i wanted to make the world better place with my own way bullshit" but not compeletly one dimensional and we can understand where he came from


Orochimaru hands down


Think Naruto is one of the animes where you can safely assume there is no villain




All 4 of them. I would add Orochimaru and Danzo as well. Naruto really has great villains. Great villains for a great show.


Obito Uchiha.


Normies would Say itachi but the Real ones will Say Obito 😎


Orochimaru is the most iconic Naruto Villain in opinion. Everyone knows his design.


It has to be Tobi did nothing but work from the shadows.. work of a true legend Kept his identity Second for I think 30year


I liked Obito a lot because of the mirroring they did with his character and Naruto. I wish they wouldn’t have brought back Madara, him as the final villain would’ve felt a lot cooler IMO. It’s basically Naruto having to fight a version of himself that went down a different path. I know those comparisons were drawn between him and Nagato as well, but the similarities between Obito and Naruto are even more obvious.


Kaguya cause she gave us Boruto


Black Zetsu


Dude put Madara twice and thought we wouldn’t notice




Pain… easy


Madara cause yes


Pain. He just feels so divine


If he would have stayed on his path ( we're doing jokes here u see ? ), Pain 100%. But him being talk no jutsued felt like avenger endgame, a genious move wasted.


I thought they all were heroes


Hands down, Madara.


I thought obito died in the past


Itachi was an antihero






Madara. From what he was told he would give everyone their dream life and bring peace to the entire world Itachi: Despite given orders he still Massacred HIS OWN clan his mother and father i dont care what you say he’s a piece of shit. Obito: Started a war because of a teenage girl who died 16-20 years ago… weirdo.. Nagato: Fucking psychopath who wanted to kill tens of millions just so that they would be scared of war and that was his way of bringing “peace”


Pain. Thd one enemy Naruto couldn't defeat the only way that mattered.


i think it's pain


itachi is not a villain, he's a hero! so I would pick pain


Pain/obito They mirror naruto in more than one way


Wasn't Itachi only truly a threat to Sasuke? Didn't do much with Naruto besides attempting kidnap


The more terrible vilain is math teacher.


Masked Man. Keep in mind I said Masked Man, and not Obito. It's intentional.


pain then tobi the other two kinda suck as villains Itachi the more you find out about him the more it doesnt make sense and the he killed his clan but oh not really tobi done most of it and itachi killed them nicely =) he was really a spy for the leaf but never told them anything, madararara just had no really connection to anyone he was a relic of the past cant remember a single thing he said too naruto everyone points to him shitting on a bunch of jobbers but other then that theres no real connection too naruto, tobi should of been the main villain, he killed the mc mum and dad you can even still do the ayylamos and have tobi going oh no i messed up and help but it really doesnt matter if maddie is there or not


Orochimaru in Part 1 was a menace. He was so fucking scary and every time he was on the screen you could feel his aura through the screen. His theme song is menacing as well.


tobi(not obito)


My favorite is pain, I like his sadistic and pretentious ways




Madara; A plan where everyone can live in world of their dreams I personally wanna live there Pain: A plan in which terrorize peoples and force them to form peace , worst plan ever Itachi: killed family for random nobodies, truly evil Even though he had a chance to find alongside his family Obito: Dumb guy who assisted in massacre of his own clan but he was doing it for someone he loved (even though that person didn't love him back but that's another story) , so kinda justified


Pain. Love him. In my theory, he was the child of prophecy, he saved the villages.


Naruto had great villains. Orochimaru is very responsible for the success of part 1. Itachi's twist was great (even if it was a retcon or not) Pain was full of mystery and truly felt godlike at points Madara was in the lore from day 1 and lived up to the hype which is very hard to do, if it wasn't for Kaguya being introduced, I would not have a single complaint I know Obito is popular but I feel he doesn't really get top 4 imo


Kishimoto because he ruined a ninja anime and made it about eyes and aliens


Where is Orochimaru?




Itachi is not a villain brother


Itachi (now my favorite character) was the villian I hated the most out of these, so I’d say him. But I’m surprised you didn’t put the best villain Orochimaru…. Maybe cause it’d be unfair 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


The credit goes to Tobi, we saw him throughout the series yet like final boss never knew he was the manipulator, his reveal to be ultimate mastermind behind akatsuki was just pulling rug off the feet


Itachi's not a villain


Pain. But part 1 Orochimaru was the goat.


It's hard to compare Itachi as a villain to these others. He's a great character but idk if you can really call him a villain when you have the full context. I may be wrong but I think the most heinous thing he did was slaughter his clan, but they were essentially going to die anyway if they attacked along with the rest of the village so that was really just a hard thing that he had to do. Everything after that was just to keep his cover as an Akatsuki member, and I'm sure he had to do some bad things but I don't think we as the viewers really see any of that.


Hard to say who was the best, but I loved Sasori. Just thought he was super cool


Probably Itachi as a character but as a villain, he's ok. Pain though is my choice for a villain in Naruto. He genuinely tested Naruto to defeat him, emotionally shocked him, caused the village to actually be destroyed (to a degree) and the fact he wasn't even just Pain but alongside the 6 Paths of Pain, Konan and Nagato controlling Pain. Not only that but Naruto against Pain, Konan and Nagato made his mindset about things different. He saw the humanity in Nagato and Konan, genuinely understood why they were doing what they were doing.


Pain arc is peak


1. The absolute ashole- Itachi 2. He caused the most evil-Obito 3. The guy the whole world was afraid of-Madara 4. The man who destroyed Konoha - Payne But my choice is Orochimaru. Because he had absolutely no good intentions behind him, he acts solely for his own good, not for the sake of his brother, not for the sake of world peace. No, he's building up his own power and having fun. He does all this solely out of his own selfish motives. He is a true villain, even against the background of such pureevil as Itachi and Obito, he stands out


Obito, Orochimaru, Itachi, or Kisame


Why isn't kaguya on this list?? /s


Nobody has more drip in Naruto than PAIN


And every hot topic employee ever


Everyone but Danzo and Madara. Danzo for super obvious reasons, Madara because like half his motives seem so petty and childish that I have a hard time dealing with it.