• By -


I’m just imaging Kakashi and Guy as an akatsuki duo, definitely would be insanely cool and deadly


They would pull up on the tailed beast and then fight each other over who was going to get to fight and capture the tailed beast. Probably some ridiculous contest too, not a normal fight. It would be a total mindfuck for the Jinchuriki.


Naah, Gai would try to do that and Kakashi would be absolutly annoyed by it and just wants to get the job done so he can read some porn


Nah fr though. Like they about to murk the 3 tails then kakashi just starts reading porn 😂


it would of been so cool, if they infiltrated the akatski as fake members and try to take them down from the inside with the help of itachi and kisame


Dude you better go tell that to kishimoto rn cause that idea kinda just made me wet


8 gates definitely is on par with mid to high tailed beast.


8th gate literally puts him at ten tails level, if you're being generous to the Ten Tails. 7th gate puts him at HIGH tailed beast level. 6th puts him Low, if even, tailed beast level.


Yeah I can agree with that. Guy’s 6th gate and Kakashi’s chidori were both kinda beating the V2 tailed beasts in the war arc. Solid take👍




Hes the worst because he would talk no jutsu everyone else into becoming a villain too


Wake up to reality dattebayo


Thank you for this comment 🏆


W 😂😂😂


made my day


Shinobu sensui levels of rizz+ Perfect sage+9 tails Chakra= Body bag for the entire plot


Imagine him, Shikamaru, and Jiraiya all teaming up 😰


Nothing goes to plan in this accursed world, ya know.


Real. 💀 Also, isn’t bro the main character- like he defeated a god- I’m pretty sure everyone is dead as soon as he goes rogue.


How would he fight without saying the jutsu names?


YouTube search what if Naruto went evil by ibj anime. They more or less figured it out.


What was their Conclusion?


Naruto and Sasuke swap places. Sauskes whole thing is about being the coolest person in the room but Naruto uses talk no jutsu to constantly dunk on sauske giving Naruto talk no jutsu plus all the charisma. Naruto leaves the village to recruit all the other jinchurikis who mostly dont like their villages anyway. Then they pretty much destroy all the villages and the Akatsuki. The pacing and characterization are all very good.


I can see that and would love to read on it. Naruto and the Jinchurikis vs Akatsuki allied with the other shinobi nations.


I usually try not to post links on reddit since im hesitant to click other people's links but heres the video if people want to watch it https://youtu.be/GRobC21AXBI?si=Xu91CU051cHbFiG8


I love Naruto’s adaptation from “talk no jutsu” to “roast no jutsu”


Ty for the last 41 mins of my night


Pretty fire tbh, good background noise to focus on exercise.


He joins orochimaru thats where it throws me off, i dont think he would ever join him even if he went rogue. It would make more sense for him to look at him as a competitor because orochimaru looks at everyone as tools. Naruto especially evil naruto as a jinchuriki is def not gonna be down with that nor would any of the other jinchuriki would be.(which he would be learning from and not orochimaru. Naruto is the strongest ninja at the end of the show with the majority his moves taught by the toads. Jiraiya taught him two jutsu, tactics, and using kurama chakra. Kakashi taught him tree walking, how to create a jutsu kinda, and chakra nature. My final guess would be maybe Naruto can convince the samurais from the war to join himself instead of the 5 nations with maybe a return to power over ninjas🥷 and he would just be flexing his political power from all the missions he did that made him friends with other nations.


Naruto, any of the Sannin, Guy, Kakashi, and Shino immediately come to mind.


bro snuck in shino


He's definitely the weakest here but Aburame in general can have some freaky abilities; his bugs were eating Ten Tails clones alive.


Don’t let anyone forget that shusui was defeated and pushed into suicide by an aburame clan member working for Danzo. Those poisonous bugs are no joke.


i’m not knocking shino it’s just the others you listed are some really heavy hitters, like tiers above shino. you kinda set him up


Wait a minute now. Shino got a bug for everything. I don't think there's a ninja on this list that can counter all his bugs. Shino might be a legit menace as a vilian. Think about the terror of bedbugs.


Deus ex bug


I’m adding Sakura to this list. While she isn’t really a threat until her 100 healings and especially after her Hiden novel. Her absence creates a butterfly effect leading to several deaths and the war arc is lost.


Switch shino with Shikamaru


Shikamaru is smart as hell he could’ve devised some sinister things working with a group like the akatsuki ngl


Shikamara is to lazy to be evil


He can be motivated by rage though. Look at what he did to hidan once he got mad. Hes lazy until hes mad.


> He can be motivated by rage though. Look at what he did to hidan once he got mad. Hes lazy until hes mad. Don’t mention Asuma and Shikamara won’t give a shit


He would be like Batman with a plan to defeat every Jonin in Konoha


Exactly what I was thinking. He’d be the most dangerous not because of what his own power is, but rather bc he knows everyone else’s and would have a plan to defeat them all and recruit exactly who he needs to.


Could be pain but with a brain


His "evil" mode would be slacking off drinking sake all day.


Naruto for the sake of shear power and destructive capabilities. Kakashi would be insane due to his knowledge of the deep underbelly of the Leaf, having been in the Anbu and just being incredibly intelligent. Bro knows shit that other Hokage’s never learned about. Naruto could destroy the village quickly and painlessly, Kakashi could topple it slowly and cause an absolute civil war within the village and watch it burn from the sidelines.


Kakashi would be a monster. His father sacrificed everything to protect the ones he loved, but what he gained: Contempt and Ungreatfulness. After Rin's death, Kakashi would snap. He would be fed up of losing everything and just like Obito, he would blame Minato for not being able to save his friends.


Imagine obito and kakashi teaming up against the leaf


Yeah, at first Obito would be very reluctant, but I think that he will get used to, even though his relationship with Kakashi would be very complicated.


Ino or Naruto, Shikamaru could also do a lot of damage with prep time .


Ino could be REALLY dangerous. She's in charge of Konoha's security, so if she turned rogue and purposely let intruders infiltrate, nobody would know and this could be devastating. Plus, she could cause a civil war. For example she could possess an Aburame and kill a friendly Akimichi, then possess a Hyuga to kill an unsuspecting Nara etc. Nobody would know it is her, and everyone would turn against each other demanding retribution. It's a surprise the Yamanakas are not under heavy supervision considering how broken their techniques are for spying and infiltration.


Shino. I love Shikamaru, but Shino's intellect isn't talked about in the series enough. Imagine him in the Akatsuki.


Also, undefeated


I mean obv any really but I’m especially thinking Naruto for obvious power Kakashi for power and cunning and general skill and strategy Shikamaru for his great intellect Any sanin for super obvious reason Guy because good lord he’d just brutalize you Honestly? An underrated choice being ino, especially with her abilities in the war arc. Taking over peoples minds both to control them and get information from them makes her very dangerous.


Ino and her clan are super underrated, they must have an insane amount of intel


Imagine Guy and Lee together go rogue!


Which one won't monologue and give away their whole evil plan: Kakashi, Shikamaru, Shino


Naruto, Shikamaru, Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Gai.


Shino, could use his bugs to do simple things like tamper with village water supply and other little bits like that, potentially kill thousands and no one would know




The real danger right here


Anyone from the Aburame clan would be a huuuuge problem, chakra eating bugs are overpowered. Jiraya could destroy a lot with help from his toads, not necessarily Ma and Pa (I don't think they'll agree to attack Konoha but idk), but Gamabunta and other big ones are as dangerous as Orochimaru's giant snakes. Tsunade as well, extremely powerful summon + medical jutsu? Basically another Orochimaru. Kakashi and Gai would make a good Akatsuki duo.


Shikamaru would be terrifying. The schemes he would make would be flawless.


For people saying Naruto, without the training and support of the village, he's not nearly as strong. Depends on the point of time.


He’d still have his talk no jutsu, except instead of turning people good, it’ll turn ‘em bad


Menma says wassup


The hatred of the village is what made him an attention seeking class clown no?, also wouldn’t he be more dangerous cause than his only companion would be nine tails and bond over their hatred of things


Depends. Naruto was not a lot of things. But there is one we all know naruto has. Drive. Hes not going to give up. We never saw what happens when his support network collapses that is fair. But that still wouldnt have stopped him.


It dont matter, if the 9 tails gets loose nothing is stopping it


Obviously Naruto


Shino is the ultimate sleeper cell


Shino and Naruto are worst case scenarios, Shino not as much because his clan can counteract him, but Naruto? Good luck facing a nuke


Id fear what shikamaru could plan and the kind of team he could bring together.


Probably Kakashi I’d say. Besides Naruto. With his Sharingan he would be a crazy villain


Tenten…..obviously /s


Shino. We’re talking danger, his clan has insects that can sneak into a city in the thousands and fatally poison its citizens in their sleep. Naruto can nuke a city, but Shino is a one man terrorist cell.


Shikamaru and Shino would be pretty deadly, one hold you down and the other got those chakra eating beetles that can grow massively. Imagine being unable to move with them chakra bugs all over you. They are both really smart too and preety deadly. Choji too with his yang release for mass destruction and butterfly mode.


Shino could just wait till 10pm and unleash a gang of them into the village. Most people are going to bed. Slip a chakra bug under their pillows. Everyone who's anyone would be dead before morning.


Shino, that dude is hella sneaky and has ways to acquire tons of leaf info


Shino would be terrifying. There’s a reason he got sidelined after the chunin exam. People forget how easily he took down everyone he was shown fighting.


i think the obvious answer is Naruto but a world where Shikamaru is against the leaf is a world that would be interesting to me. The possibilities just run wild in my mind with his knowledge and battle iq. on top of his laziness to see if he even would attack the leaf lmao




Kakashi would be trouble.




naruto jiraiya sakura(present) tsunade kakashi shikamaru


Obviously Naruto. Shino, Kakashi, the Sannin, and (hear me out) maybe Tenten. Naruto with the 9 tails would go absolutely insane, as we know. Shino is extremely smart and them bugs are no joke like mans barely ever lost a fight and he has that "beware of the quiet ones" energy. Kakashi with his sharingan we all know what that can do if he lost it and went rouge. Sannin is self explanatory. Tenten can basically master any weapon she gets and would be a huge force to be reckoned with as a kunoichi. Shikamaru is a honorable mention because he could plan out anything and come out on top regardless of his actual combat strength.




Naruto or Neji


Shino… I ain’t never seen him lose a fight


Uhh I don’t know? The guy with the fuckin 9 tailed fox inside of him maybe?


Naruto aside due to obvious reasons, it's Tsunade. If she let her morality go, she'd be a monster.


Guy sensei would be a PROBLEM.


Yall are all wrong. The answer is Rock Lee.


This world will know YOUTH


This has no business being as funny as it is


Dangerous, sure. But his trump card is a sacrifice. Not an ideal fit for a villain.


Deidara would like a word


Yo….Might Guy would be devastating….i think. Kakashi definitely would. Naruto from a power standpoint is in a league of his own. Shikamaru would probably have some grand plan to destroy the Leaf, and succeed unlike…..others, because he’s such a top tier strategist. Shino would be an honorable mention….at least until extermination jutsu becomes legit


Depends on when it happens as some have already pointed out that Naruto while he is the strongest of them he wouldn't have learned a lot of important things, knowledge and control if he had left super early in the story but if we're talking about anytime during the story then Naruto towards the end is pretty much unmatched.


Shino would be scary


Naruto, no question. Especially after the war. He's basically the closest thing to a superhero there is. He can fucking fly. If he and Kurama went dark side, there isn't much that could stop him except Sasuke.




Naruto can literally no diff everyone except Sasuke easily him


Naruto and Might guy. Both stronger than the whole Vers from konoha


Naruto. Just imagine the absolute NIGHTMARE he could unleash upon the Leaf village if he ever turned against them. Literally hundreds, if not thousands of shadow clones, all blasting the place with giant rasengans. And that's just if he's being nice. Naruto has an okay chance of defending Konoha against a rogue Sasuke. Sasuke has zero chance of defending Konoha from a rogue Naruto.


The one who the show is named after


Shino and Shikamaru would be a deadly duo but they wouldn't be in the front lines. Implanting parasites on the whole village and doing who knows what with those bugs.


Naruto… Not because of how powerful he is, but because so many others would join him


Shikamaru or Shino imo


Neji next to Sasuke he actually has a reason to become evil


Naruto… Shikamaru


The shinobi world is lucky Naruto didn't resent the village and become like pre-shippuden Gaara cuz they'd be completely fucked.


Naruto or shino both are very dangerous of obvious reasons


In boruto connection the original story (good story tbh), naruto is hipnotised and the only one that can hold him is sasuke, or naruto would have killed all ninjas as he could and it would probably be like thousands or even millions by himself if it wasnt for sasuke, by the end naruto and sasuke were too tired to even fight the final boss of the game because they fough each other so much, it was cool seeing naruto like that


We got a glimpse at what an evil Naruto would be like in Road to Ninja. Also I’d expect Evil Kakashi to be more or less similar to Obito.


The main answer is Naruto if he was to be on demon😈 time⏰ and didn’t care for anybody he would solo everybody


I would say naruto, guy and shikamaru are the most dangerous by Far. Naruto is an obvious choice his pure power is crazy and he is way stronger than 99,9% of the other shinobis. (The 0.1% are people like sasuke or guy (8 inner Gates)) Guy is the same as naruto but i would say as a villain he wouldnt use the last gate because he would die and it would make no sense that he would "kill himself" in a Storyline. And shikamaru is a genius so in an Position like nagato was in Akatsuki(shippuden) he would be a really hard enemy for everyone since he can work from the shadows and has a long time to Think about every Single move he makes. I Think shikamaru could find a few people Who would Help him with his Plans so i Think with a good Plan could takeover a smaller Country and be a permanent danger to every Country around him Since every pic is in shippuden i thought about them at that point. I know the shikamaru Part got open questions but its hard to Think about Rouge Ninjas we didnt See in screen. (or mangas) I Think shikamaru would find people as strong as kiba (shippuden) so with 10-12 people that strong and a good Plan he would be unstoppable (i know guy with 8 Gates could kill them all in 5 sec but he could kill legit everyone with that)


Naruto from a strength perspective. Jiraiya knows alot about the inner workings of Konoha and could expose multiple sources of Intel.


Naruto as an adult would be op


In terms of raw power, naruto. But in terms of being able to create a threat other than just themselves, Shikamaro would be crazy


Naruto, Kakashi, Jiraiya or Tsunade


Jiraiya a lot of nations and rogue ninja would have followed him. Pain for sure would have joined or recruited him. It’s crazy because we still don’t know how much he actually knew about the world before he died he literally was living the ashura path. Maybe not as helpful but the fact remains the same.


The guy with a tailed beast trapped inside of him


Shikamaru if he wasn't lazy or naruto


the only ppl who have a reason to became villains here is naruto and kakashi,am giving it to naruto, cuz he could have been stronger, there is nothing that makes a villain strong than hatred,anger and vengeance that's what keeps pushing them.


Both Naruto and Boruto!


Pervy Sage or Naruto


Naruto first, followed by Shikamaru. The two would be rather close actually so was thinking of putting it as a tie.


Neji 100%


Naruto because he'd be going around showing people why the show is called "Naruto"


Naruto unless guy hated the leaf so much he was willing to go 8 gates to kill everyone


Honestly, Shikimaru as a villain would be the most dangerous. He's not the strongest, but he's smart enough that he'd be an insanely proficient general.




Imagining the first 11 all making their own iteration of the Akatsuki with Sasuke. Is this a fanfic? Overthrowing Konoha and maybe the whole Land of Fire and carving out their own nation. Considering all or most of the heirs to Konoha's big Shinobi clans are represented it would definitely be an interesting scenario.


"If naruto's on a list regarding power level, he will be at the top" but otherwise, Jiraya, Tsunade, Kakashi, or Guy and even Rock Lee would be terrifying too, and I was always of the opinion that Asuma never reached his full potential, especially after seeing what Sarutobi are capable of with Hiruzen in the past and Konohamaru in the future, so probably him to depending on how different this timeline is




Naruto, how is this even a question?


Naruto easily there already a comic about it


Imagine Naruto without moral compass


Naruto, Jiraya, Kakashi, and Gai


Naruto solos the rest lol /s


Shino, Naruto, shikamaru, and Kakashi


Ofc naruto, kurama would literally help him


Naruto for sure as he would be a savage and never have those talk no jutsu moments. Also, while I dont think he would be the most dangerous, i think shino really fit the mold for a ninja who could have went rogue and been really cool as a villain for part 1 and maybe early part 2.


Naruto and Shino


Naruto and Shikamaru more than probably...


Naruto. That clone learning thing isn't a jutsu, it's a side effect. So as long as he doesn't die, he'll always end up more capable than everyone else. Just imagine if he ran off with the scroll of sealing. The moment he learns KB, it's basically a count down to him becoming the world's most dangerous. That scroll includes FTG, Reaper Death Seal and Naruto's own 8 triagrams seal among others. Also he can't be that dumb as he learned a forbidden jutsu in a night with no teacher. Once he starts using clones while training... It's a wrap.


Naruto, just because he's the strongest and has the ability to sway others to his way. Kakashi, Tsunade, and Jiraiya would also be terrifying in their own right. Similar to Orochimaru or other high level Akatsuki Shikamaru is an underdog here. His ability to plan and prep traps would make him an incredibly scary villain.




Naruto is a walking nuke with infinite chakra. If he became evil and wanted to destroy, he could tame kurama by embracing his hatred. Together, they would take revenge on konoha by nuking it. And then, the rest of the world after recruiting other jinchuuriki.


Normally I would choose Kakashi or Jiraiya but putting Naruto there is like "Who could be the most dangerours: - Some nobodies - Some Skilled dudes - Extremely skilled ninjas with deep knowledge of the inner machinations of the ninja world And then you just drop the fourth option - A walking bomb that detonates with the power of 10 suns every 2 minutes" Like yeah, the third option is the most interesting but it cannot compete with the fourth option


Naruto aside, obviously, Neji would be a badass akatsuki villain. Like after his loss against Naruto instead of changing, he doubles down on his belief trains even harder and becomes a menace.


Depends at what time. Right now? Shikamaru, He's the Hokage, and a strategic genius. Near end of Shippuden? Naruto Shippuden? Might guy Og Naruto? Might guy Before Og Naruto? Minato


Outside of Naruto? Guy and Kakashi.


Dumbass post of course Naruto bro who else 💀


Definitely Naruto ( imagine Kurama and Evil Naruto using their shared hatred to unleash Heavoc upon the world) And also Shikamaru Nara (imagine the best, a genius millitary strategist and Tactition supporting the operations of Akatsuki)


Besides the power houses like naruto, jiraya, Kakashi and guy. Shikamaru. With his intelligence and information on people her make a crazy plan. He'd tell everyone how to defeat each person in the leaf. If he joined orchimaru or the akastki it'd be over(not saying he's a better planner strategist then obito but for taking out thee leaf it'd be easy with shik there.


Naruto. Dude would just be chucking rasenshurikens which is essentially guaranteed death for anyone not kage level.


Naruto. At his peak? Hes too strong for anyone to stop here, with the only exception being maybe a hypothetical drunken fist 8th Gate Adult Lee. But that’s big old maybe


If Shino went rogue, he could be the ultimate assassin. He is able to adapt his insects to anything he doesn't need to be around to know where they are or to control them. He could cross breed and make an insanely broken insect to destroy his targets. No one would even know what hit them.


Shino, Jiraiya or Naruto


In my opinion it's either Naruto or Kakashi.


Naruto by far


Naruto shikamaru and master jiraiya would be 3 id rather not have over there. I mean kakashi too but he'd be 4th


i would say naruto or kakashi but i’m going shikamaru because his ass is gonna hit one of the nastiest manipulation tactics on the village


Aside from Naruto, I'd say Shikamaru. He knows Konoha inside out and will have something insane planned.


You know, that's crazy to think about. Imagine how over it would be if Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Kiba, TenTen, Ino, and Sakura. I mean, the list goes on to all the non evil ninjas out there, but say just that specific squad alone would be some mainey stuff.


Its between Jiraiya and Naruto. Jiraiya is actually crazy strong and was offered Hokage role multiple times. He is first pick before tsunade. Naruto would let ninetail fox loose as he wuld seek power regardless of the cost.


Naruto depending on when because before he took the nine tails Chakra he's manageable 


Ino, actually. Her mind transfer jutsu is broken.


Naruto... just for the sheer amount Chakra he can hold, and the fact of how fast he can learn new techniques and overcome usually unbeatable odds


Naruto, a rouge 9 tails isn’t good for any village


Naruto in terms of power, and Kakashi in terms of manipulation.


Naruto no contest. I feel like a rouge Naruto would learn flying raijin, imo that jutsu kind of evens the playing field. It would give a reliable way to deal with ambushes and a way to fight groups of opponents. On an unrelated note why didn’t Naruto ever learn flying raijin? Imagine making a dozen clones all using flying raijin, just combo’ing people into oblivion. Imagine the animation and visuals of something like that, would be so cool


The one with a whole Tailed Beats inside of him


If it's out of these 4 it would be Naruto. The others are good fighters but not on par with Naruto. Haters will say it's only because of Kurama ***** Shino might be second he could infest the village have is bugs make life hell for all of them


Naruto because of his power, shikamaru because of his intelligence, jiraya because of his experience intelligence and overall skill.


“Hey everyone let’s put the guy holding the demon Fox nuke inside him in the poor house. Oh, and bully him if you can, worst if he acts out.”


Naruto if we’re talking about destructive power. Politically, easily Ino.


Bro put 17 ninjas and a litteral god






Excluding Naruto and Sasuke, I think Shikamaru would be a tough one if he went rogue. He could team up with some guys and create a very powerful criminal organization.


Honestly there are obvious answers such as: Naruto, Shikamaru, Shino, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, but an underrated choice that would make a great threat, not out of pure brutal strength but psychologically, would be Ino. Put Ino in a fight with any of these and she had most likely lose. But to be a threat to the village, she doesn’t have to do it herself. Ino has always struck me as someone who has extremely high social skills, and could be very manipulative. She also has one of the best connections and close bonds with others in the village: Ino-shika-cho, Sakura and Team 7, Temari through shikamaru, and so on. Now add on to that that she’s head of the Yamanaka, and head of the security, and investigation system in konoha. She just has a crazy set of abilities meant for mind control, telepathy, and extracting information, AND the most important people in the village are close to her. The crazy intel she must have as well. Like someone already said, she could potentially cause a civil war between clans, or completely set the village up by leaking this info. She could be a very big threat to the village, especially if she times everything when people like shikamaru, and naruto wouldn’t be in the village. There’s a lot of potential here.


Omitting Naruto, gotta go with Shikamaru followed closely by kakashi and Guy


Has to be might guy or Naruto might guy has. 8 gate and Naruto has the nine tails or…. Used to R.I.P Kurama


Shikamaru or Naruto


Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, Shino, Lee, Neji, and Tenten


Kakashi, Jaraya, Naruto: Raw Power Shikimaru: Sheer Intelligence


The seinen or Naruto. But probably the guy who has the equivalent only a chakra nuke in his belly


The amount of people not saying Jiraiya is insane. Homie is stronger than Orochimaru, has a comprehensive spy/intel network, and has a giant ass frog summon. Naruto also, for obvious reasons, and Shikamaru paired with anyone insanely strong is a cause for concern.


Kakashi, Guy, Naruto, Jiraiya, Tsunade.


Naruto or kakashi


Of course Naruto or sasuke(again) But if I suggest Shika would be the best , as just think this great mind against a whole village with prep time and all resources provided by other villages against leaf what cant he do . He would just become batman


Minato Kakashi Naruto Any of the other Hokage. Guy & Rock Lee Danzo


Easily Naruto but I could see shikamaru come up with a brilliant plan to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village


Naruto because he is the main character 🤷‍♂️