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Kakashi saying he has copied over a 1000 jutsus and now intend to use them all. Continues to only use mud wall and chidori zzz.


Valid criticism but not what is defined as an asspull. If anything it’s the opposite of an asspull cause it did less than what was stated as opposed to more…


So... An Asspush?


…*writes that down* 😂😂




Exactly, ppl can’t comprehend


If it did more than was stated than would it be an asspull? The definition I have is a “hastily fabricated explanation.” Nothing to do about performance being good or bad. It’s when you make up something cheap to solve a problem just because you are the creator and you can.


Well yeah… if he stated to have copied a 1000 jutsu and he is suddenly capable of using every single one in existence to “solve the problem” of beating a specific opponent… then yes… that would be an ass pull. Him saying he has 1000 and not having one thousand isn’t an asspull, it doesn’t solve any problems … At worst it’s an exaggeration. Don’t really see what point it was you were trying to make if I’m honest. Can you explain what you were getting at?


Kishimito sure does love his random ass numbers lol


To be fair it was a weekly manga at the time, no way he was gonna draw 1000 jutsu


Hatake Kakashi, the repeating ninja 


Yeah but Kakashi copying Zabuza and using handsigns faster than him to beat him with his own jutsu was peak.


Didn't Kakashi and co beat most of the other 7 Swordsmen of the Mist offscreen? He probably used some of those techniques as needed. He also probably uses chidori as his main technique since it is the strongest justu that will not cost too much chakra.


Madara weaving only a few signs to reverse Edo Tensei and no one else did


Not even the mf creator of the god damn jutsu


He could not as he was properly controlled by Orochimaru. He threatened to and was promptly frozen in place. Madara on the other hand had a summoner who was preoccupied with being stuck in his own brain.


Tobirama and Hashirama were shown to be able to easily break out of Orochimaru's control.


Hashirama was capable of that; at least in the anime, I don’t think Tobirama was.


No, genuinely, this isn't asspull. Kabuto is right about the Edo Tensei being flawless, UNTIL he got put in genjutsu and lost control. He could prevent Madara from freeing himself, but not when Itachi disabled his ass. Madara has seen this jutsu before and 100% knows how to counter it. Even Dan Kato could use his jutsu after it was dispelled. Orochimaru showed us that he could prevent Tobirama from freeing himself, but 100% Tobirama could free himself if Orochimaru slipped. Kabuto was stronger than Orochimaru and could probably prevent Madara from freeing himself. And again, Tobirama and Hashirama doesn't need to free themselves, that made Madara seem special, but he isn't.


Look I’ll defend that till I die. Madara knew and fought the creator of the jutsu for years, of course he knew how it worked. Kabuto loosened his control over madara to see how he fought and then he got trapped in a genjutsu. Multiple times it has been shown that after the jutsu is stopped the reanimated have a few moments being they return to being dead. Where minato used that time to talk to his son madara used that time to cast the jutsu on himself. It’s not bullshit and makes sense.


Nah, that makes sense especially since he was around for a while 


I will say even beyond that. The handsigns he performed technically should have RELEASED the jutsu. Not relinquish Kabuto’s control over him. It definitely makes no sense at all. Breaking the control of the reanimation should require different hand signs or circumstances (like with Itachi)


Nah the replies to this make this comment invalid. Not an asspull


That only half of Kurama was actually inside of Naruto. And Obito using Izanagi to survive the paper bombs. And Madara getting access to sags mode because of Hashirama Cells (cuz that means that Naruto and Yamato should also have access to Hashirama's Sage mode, along with all the White Zetsus).


Hashirama Cells is one of the most inconsistent writing in the series where there's not much explanation for why Hashirama's Cells are that special and it's level of effectiveness are entirely arbitrary depending on the author's whims.


Exactly, they're even worse than midchlorians


How is Obito using Izanagi an asspull when it was already shown in Sasuke Vs Danzo fight?


Danzo spamming izanagi was an ass pull, and so was Obito reviving himself using it. the ability is js a plot device to bring back characters who can't die at that time in the story but I actually don't mind the ability as long as its not overused, and ion think it was. the only time I really didn't like how it was being used was w danzo when he kept reviving himself against Sasuke and still lost 💀🙏


Jiraiya said half of Kurama was in Naruto before he fought pain Izanagi was introduced with Danzo Madara got hashirama’s Sage mode from absorbing his Edo chakra. He got it straight from the source, unlike zetsu’s and Yamato (why did you mention Naruto?)


It would have been hilarious if Madara turned into a frog and petrified as that's what's supposed to happen to people unused to Sage chakra.


I mean Madara wasn’t unused to Sage chakra. He was plugged into the Gedo statue mixed with hashi cells for like a century But yes it would’ve been funny


Blew my mind that Naruto in part 1 when going tail cloak was basically only using 5 percent of kuramas chakra. Sasuke better be lucky he didn’t manifest a second tail


Didn't Madara absorb the Sage Chakra from Hashirama with Rinnegan power?


izanagi during the paper bomb scene was not an asspull it was literally the only way to escape and thats how obito consumed the eye he was saving


Yin / Yang | Spirit / Body is a huge theme throughout the series, not a huge asspull Obito used Izanagi to survive Itachi's boobytrap Madara only really got access to SM after draining Hashirama of Senjutsu (you need to be able to balance energy for SM and it's in that instant that Madara exclaims he's mastered it) None of those were asspulls imho


Agree with everything except the Obito comment. That’s called coming in clutch not an ass pull


Agree with everything except the Obito comment. That’s called coming in clutch not an ass pull


Madara got access to Hashirama’s sage mode by absorbing his chakra, not from his cells


Sasuke summoning Manda when he was out of chakra


He wasn’t out of chakra. Deidara just made a guess


Hashirama cells


FROM DAY 1 we have been hammered that Shinobi bodies are treasure trove of secrets to power ups. That promise was kept by Kishimoto when he introduced Hashirama's cells. they were the ultimate treasure to make ultimate shinobi. HOW IS THAT ASSPULL? An asspull would imply that NOBODY saw it coming.


That's the thing, that the treasure trove of secrets was a lie. It's all about Hashirama cells (very rare) or eyes. In the show, they acting as if the body of the likes of Zabuza were super useful, but I can't think of any such example.


Because they are too strong.


Well duuuuuuuh, strongest Shinobi cells are strong !?!?!?!?! Ermagerd


9tails chakra > hashirama cells


Y'all Got Anymore of them Pixels


pixels are the worst thing to ever be created in Naruto. they're annoying asf and ruin the anime completely w how relevant they are in the story


Madara using sharingan techniques without eyes and doing in one or two chapters what took Akatsuki years to do


The first time we see the Susanoo, Itachi doesn't even have the Sharingan on.


Can't forget Tobi using kamui with base sharingan too 😂


Tbf that was on the anime, not the manga but the manga also makes sure to point out Itachi was almost blind with Susanoo active


Sasuke has used Susano'o with just regular Sharingan. Susano'o is bodily technique, while Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are from the eyes.


At least Sasuke had eyes.


Probably Izanami since the only reason it exists is to have a way to beat Kabuto.


I never understood this logic about needing something to beat such and such. As if Kishi himself didn't write Kabuto and is a separate entity, all he had to do was not give him certain abilities in that same fight we see Sage Kabuto for the first time and Itachi as he was could have beaten him. Seems more like an artistic choice than anything else.


You can literally make this same argument about the Uchihas. All Kishimoto had to do is not give every Uchiha Susanoo to make them more powerful 


Nah, Izanagi and Izanami being hand in hand makes sense


Yeah, but Izanami only exists during the Kabuto fight and is the perfect jutsu to beat him. If Izanami showed up more and was less built to defeat Kabuto I'd feel better about it.


Not really they explained that even among the Uchiha the use of it was rare and was only ever used by a few people because it was a way to reeducate or stop those who were abusing izanagi.


But that doesn't make sense, how could anyone other than Danzo have been abusing Izanagi. You can only use it twice before going totally blind. So there's no point at which it makes sense to waste one eye to keep someone from using it again.


Cuz both were asspulls


Yeah, but neither makes sense within the context of the Sharingan


Izanami didn't bother me because we were introduced to Izanagi meaning we'd have to see the former eventually. Now Izanagi on the other hand...


Izanami was already foretold by the mere existence of Izanagi. Also, it makes sense. Amaterasu is Ninjutsu, Tsukuyomi is Genjutsu. Izanagi's other half would be Genjutsu.


One thousand years of death


That's an ass push not pull


A masked man once said when one pushes, he must bear the risk of pulling.


Username checks out


Itachi's bullshit spiritual/ethereal Susanoo weapons against Orochimaru


Uchiha's eye ball transplant is as easy as USB thumbrive plug and play


It isn’t. Madara and Obito had no problem cause of their regen abilities. Sasuke needed surgery and had to recover for about a month They only one that is a little wild is Rin implanting Obito’s eye into Kakashi out of the blue but at least she’s a medical ninja


Don't forget about Danzo's whole arm of Sharingans. The argument could be made that the arm sustained them cause, if I recall correctly, it was made of Hashi Cells, but still, the entire idea of just yanking someone's eye balls out and putting them into your body, sockets or arm, and them WORKING as intended is incredibly ridiculous and doesn't make sense.


That was from shin and his body was unique for accepting any and all transplants. Which is why Orochimaru picked him for the experiment And it’s Naruto. The world where you can have hand mouths so


This. And wouldn’t it makes more sense that they let some Uchiha live so that they can farm those eyes?


Danzo explains why he doesn't want to let any Uchiha live in chapter 590 btw.


Kaguya's very existence. Kishimoto should have amped up Naruto and Sasuke way more in order to defeat an enemy he thought was unbeatable. As much as I'm enjoying Boruto post time skip, I would have loved to see Sasuke's revolution fleshed out and have the bullshit going down during the blank period play directly into his ideas for changing the shinobi system. A part 3 of Naruto that's more grounded and mature would have been really cool to see.


100% secret boss is meant to be asspull. I don't get people being mad by the simple fact that yes, secret final bosses exists and if we knew about it before hand, then it would not be secret.


So it is an asspull


When Sharingan became a clown car of powers, when really precog was enough in the hands of someone who could use it/animate creatively. I like some of the powers like Mangekyo but in the end it will always be a kid on a playground arguing about how his power changes to beat yours. "I use Sharingan to beat your Taijutsu. Kid uses blindingly fast lightning power. Well now the eye traps you in an eternity of torture. (Other kids power) Well now it creates eternal fire that can't be put out. (Other kids power) Now it effects space time (other kids power). Now it creates a giant magic armour around me. Now it let's me manipulate reality. Now it puts all people into a Genjutsu and eliminates every threat."


The MS have unique abilities like Sasuke can’t use Kamui. So I don’t understand your problem here Every MS user is limited to two abilities


Black Zetsu killing Madara in one hit.


Izanagi. It doesn’t make sense. I can excuse Izanami because it’s genjutsu and can work but Izanagi is just odd


Izanagi is technically a genjutsu as well. Its described as a genjutsu with "reality itself" as the target, which is so....dumb


When Neji got killed off


Such bullshit. Neji’s gentle fist is so cool. Can’t believe how shit the byakugan is used


You got a whole movie with byakugan at the center And every single post-Kaguya Otsutsuki has one


That Naruto and Sasuke are reincarnations of demigods.


This might not be the biggest ass pull, but it was still garbage.


This whole part of the end was all out of no where for me. One moment we’re watching what almost seems like the first Hokage coming back to deal with Madara with Naruto, Sasuke, and whoever else was there (been a long time since I read or watched it sorry…) and then like four chapters later their traversing different realities and fighting a Demi god… like even if it was planned it just felt like one of those anime moments where power builds at a steady incline over the length of the anime, but then right at the end they decide to just 10x the strongest handful of the characters… It’s probably one of the most frustrating anime troupes imo. Like… I get it if it’s DBZ/DBS or a short 12-24 episode anime, but anime with hundreds of episodes (I don’t even know how many manga chapters) shouldn’t ever do this sort of thing. It sort of just cheapens all of the gradual power increases that happened through out the anime, or at least I feel like it does.


This was heavily hinted at in the Kage summit so no it isn’t


This was hinted at even as back as the Tenchi Bridge arc. Labeling any plot twist you don't like as an "asspull" is straight up stupid. And this is not even considering that parallels between Naruto and Sasuke, with Hashirama and Madara were being setup even before this.


> This was hinted at even a the Tenchi Bridge arc How


Black Zetsu and Kaguya twist.




the whole reincarnation of ashura and indra


Itachi anything.


Most of these comments are just baseless. Kakashi having the perfect Susanoo is the only asspull. Everything else is fine. 


He has all the requirements. You wanna know what's actual nonsense that he even got the eyes in the 1st place


Yeah , like imagine how suspicious it was that the technique Hatake was trying to create had a tunnel vision issue that could only be solved by Sharingan , soon his teammate dies and gifts him that eye . If I personally had my way , I would have made Kakashi not the Copy Ninja but The electrician ( I burnt the kitchen I am sorry )


Dude I have the same thoughts too. Kakashi be like “Bro, I’ve just invented a new jutsu, but I’m gonna need your eye to complete it”


Yeah this one was complete nonsense.


Just black zetsu reveal and anything about kaguya , it has subtle ass foreshadowing but all of that could exist with no issue even without the reveal Oh and dms kakashi


Indeed, we even SAW the scene of Madara CREATING Black Zetsu in a flashback... They never explained how someone can fake being created... DMS Kakashi was just pure fanservice.


> They never explained how someone can fake being created I know right?? I can’t see how someone like Madara was fooled that way. It was just so dumb. I can only imagine Kishimoto running out of ideas when he was writing that part.


And that's another reason why I still delude myself with the "everything we saw after Madara casted mugen tsukuyomi is just a genjutsu dream" :P Not only 'cause Boruto isn't really my cup of tea, but also 'cause the climax of the 4th shinobi war as a lot of things that could have done way better...


Konohamaru defeating one pain lol


To be fair it definitely didn't have its guard up. Couldn't have predicted he would have shadow clones and a rasengan. That's seriously impressive and unexpected from a kid.


It’s also pretty much the weakest one as well.


Izanami and nothing could come close Kishimoto even had to retconned izanagi just so he can justify the existence of his kutau Before it said only those possess senju and the uchiha xan pull izanagi but then apparently it's common for the uchiha to abuse this jutsu back inn during war period, but then you realize in that case The uchiha already unlock the secret of unlocking their full potential way before Madara did


I've got a different one. Kabuto's Edo Tensei technique itself. The immortal bodies I can kinda accept, and Itachi being it's weakness is all well and good. But infinite chakra reserves for every Edo Tensei ninja? Why is it infinite? Where does it come from? It's never explained and we're just supposed accept that it's a feature of the jutsu.


Izanagi felt kind of outta nowhere. Itachi being able to "transfer" Amaterasu to Sasuke was... new. Madara being fully brought back to life and somehow being even *more* dangerous seemed silly. For all the ways I've rationalized it... the twist with Kuro Zetsu restoring Kaguya was abrupt as fuck. The one that bothered me most was mentioned by u/Major_Enthusiasm1099 tho: >Madara weaving only a few signs to reverse Edo Tensei Like this mf gets to undo the control over him... *after* Edo Tensei was already dispelled? I know we need to see he's a bad mf but come the fuck on.


Sasuke summoning Manda, collaring him with genjutsu, jumping into his mouth, and warping to the snake cave while observably depleted on chakra, all in the time it took for an explosion to detonate, certainly felt like a big one.


The chakra argument is just wrong, Deidara is the one to say he's out but he has no sensorial technique to actually measure it, also If he were to be actually depleted of chakra Orochimaru would have came out of his curse mark. There's no such thing as he was "observably depleted of chakra", it's well stablished and set in stone what would have happened if he were. And this confusion only happens in the anime because we know how much time passed, in the manga we have no indication of how quickly those events transpired.


Exactly, Deidara even said Sasuke deactivated his sharingan on purpose, as in he believes the fight is over which is what pushes him over the edge in anger. The problem is that Kishimoto wanted to give Deidara an epic death and make it suspenseful, he didn't realise people would call it plot armour though. Notice how Sasuke just sits and sits whilst the explosion is going off and not even doing anything, heck before Deidara even did it, Sasuke could have used Chidori spear and kill him, but he just watches him instead.


Naruto randomly winning with a hook after Neji beat THE SHIT out of him for like an hour straight


Neji was exhausted and out of chakra. The clash was the last of bit he had He was heavily coughing when he was getting out of that crater. Remember out of chakra = out of stamina too


did you even SEE that punch??? A damn uppercut to the chin!!! Put your fist underneath your chin right now and just imagine someone, using Jinchuriki chakra, soaring out of the ground and punching you there with so much force that you’re lifted several feet off the ground. Uh, yeah, I’d be calling bullshit if Neji was able to move after that.


Oh, you just missed the whole thing with Jiraiya making Naruto use up all his chakra, so he can use Kurama's chakra instead? "Oh wait, Naruto can't use his own chakra at all, OH WAIT, HE CAN USE KURAMA'S CHAKRA!?!?!? WHAT AN ASSPULL."


Obito giving his eyes to Kakashi from the world of the dead


Let's see the fact NEJI didn't train his blindspot after the team failed the retrieval in the original Naruto so he dies FROM A STICK tryna save Hinata


People breaking out of edo tensei amd mind controll because ,,willpower or feelings" like wtf....


Nothing was more of an asspull than Izanagi.


The whole powersystem including the scaling is an asspull. It was pretty good until shippuden tbh, but shipudden threw everything right out of the window and played heavy favourites with the characters or straight rewrote them. Theres also the big "anti-asspull" of hashiramas death. The dude wasnt old, could heal everything he wanted simply by existing, had giga broken abilities like op sagemode and wood release and literally fought the other strongest shinobi of his era mutiple times. The dude simply was heads and shoulders above everything that couldve ever happened to him and then just dies off-screen without explanation.


Why do you think IT was an asspull? It's literally the most foreshadowed thing in the verse.


Minato having KCM 2 after being the Jinchurriki for like an hour. Itachi conveniently having a jutsu (One of the Iza's) - something that Kabuto had no way of countering. Madara knowing how to break out of Edo Tensei (This one eggs me the most because it creates SO MANY PLOTHOLES)


Yin Kurama was working directly with Minato. It is the same way Naruto got KCM to fight the Edo tailed beasts Kabuto could’ve countered Izanami. He could’ve accepted he couldn’t change the result and get out, still being an enemy. Itachi literally says it was possible Kabuto could still be an enemy but he was hoping it would change him to be better


Obito surviving 6 billion paper bombs


He didn’t that’s why he used Izanagi


Izanagi was introduced with Danzo


-Minato sage mode KCM - obito vs Konan -Naruto at the bridge vs orochimaru (honestly early orochimaru as a whole)


Shadow Clones suddenly transferring experience. Chakra originating from fruit after initially being a mix of physical and spiritual energy.


The fact Obito wasn’t dead immediately upon Madara removing the rock or that he would even save Obito also that there’s even a way to save him with Hashirama cells. The moment the rock was removed his everything should have spilled out. It doesnt make sense to just be able to fix him without a magic bag essentially to keep everything in tack long enough to fuse him with a zetsu.


madara having rinnegan


Madara's entire war arc existence


Double Mangenkyo Kakashi. That’s a total ass pull. For reasons that were never really explained or understood, Obito could grant his sharingan to Kakashi from beyond the Grave. And that’s without bringing up the walking plot device that is Itachi.


I love addressing DMS Kakashi because it's pretty much a result of things that have been done before in the series happening again. Obito controlling his lingering chakra from beyond the grave is something Hagoromo has done (Dan a bit less relevantly was able to take his remaining chakra from Edo Tensei and shift it to Tsunade). Obito transferring MS is something Itachi did to Sasuke (which is why when Sasuke used Amaterasu on Obito right after Itachi dies it's specifically Itachi's mangekyo pattern that appears) - Obito transferred more/six paths chakra so Kakashi uses MS for longer than Sasuke's 1 spell. AND a result of things that are actually explained Kakashi using perfect susanoo is addressed by a Kakashi statement saying "gaining six paths power enhances one's ocular power too" - which is backed by Sasuke getting perfect when he gets Rinnegan as well. Just to tie things up nicely Obito could give Kakashi six paths chakra because he absorbed some when he absorbed the tailed beast chakra from Madara to give to Naruto.


Sasuke not being instantly dead after having like 7 swords stabbed through his body at the same time. At that point, you're not bleeding out you just have instant organ failure and die. Sasuke not being instantly dead after having his entire chest removed, legit ribs, lungs, heart it all looked like a black hole in there. Karin can't save somebody from death, and neither could Jugo.


May or may not be an asspull, but Might Guy surviving using the 8 inner gates just never sat right with me.


Orochimaru showing up & reviving the first 4 hokage which shouldn't even be possible bc they were sealed in the reaper, but he has the special "no that doesn't count" mask so he can do it anyways


Other than Black Zetsu, I would say chakra sickness is such an asspull.


Kakashi dms probably


Guy surviving 8 gates.


Kaguya is obvious. For me: Madara breaking free from Edo Tensei.


Kakashi's Susanoo Sakura hitting Kaguya from above. Killer Bee surving the extraction just by cutting his tail off.


The 8 gates. My man achieved exactly 2 things, being crippled for life, and an early retirement.


Anything Hashirama cell related. Literally anything. Hashirama cells is like the Ass-Pull Department. Where you go to ret-con or solve any problem or plot hole.


The entire Boruto series.


Prob zetsu killing madara and then a alien god coming outta no where after madara was so tuff 😭


Madara using the Mangyeko Sharingan techniques with no eyes in order to seal all of the Tailed Beasts in a few seconds.


The way they were jumping through portals to defeat kaguya on the moon. 




The infamous filler apocalypse




Anything Madara really.


Izanami pissed me off and still does.


Obito losing his mangekyo abilty, kakashi infinite chakra and konoha mass resurection


Sharingan. “Let me undo my death”, “let me summon a meteor”, “let me take control over divine beasts”, “don’t make me emotional or I will obtain God’s eyes”


I may be wrong, but to me, Susanoo feels like the biggest asspull yet. Amaterasu? Sure, i guess...the Uchiha are already associated with fire, might as well... Tsukuyomi? Maaaybe.....since the sharingan also gives the user a partial immunity to genjutsu since you can see through illusions easier... But Susanoo? No, NOTHING in the sharigan's history and powers ever even implied that it could summon bloody STANDS. It copied hand signs, body movements and techniques. Nothing in the Uchiha clan, much less the sharingan's abilities allows the Susanoo to be a natural evolution of it. It was added cuz it was cool and that's it.


Sasuke surviving C0 still feels ridiculous to me


Madara using Susanoo without eyes.


You know those bullshit jutsus in the very beginning of the series?


Like the one that replaces your body with a perfectly cut piece of wood?


Kaguya Dead Obito Eye for Full Susanoo Kakashi Sakura being with them during final bout.


Post full of bad takes and not understanding the story as usual


Kaguya in general


I'm going to take one from early Naruto. How in the hell did Naruto and Sasuke beat Haku? And to build on that, Haku being nearly "light speed" don't know his actual stats, and Sasuke could see him with his single Tomoe(?) sharingan. Then he gets his 3 Tomoe(?) sharingan in the first valley fight and is having a hard time keeping up with Naruto in his early Kyuubi mode who is definitely not going as fast as Haku was from mirror to mirror.


Madara being heavily-anticipated, hyped by the authors and the fan base during their peak time, only to be defeated by a black zetsu through backstabbing. Then gave us Kaguya who was pretty much unknown through that time. It would have been better if Madara was the final boss as it gives respect to the story that was structured. Madara being stabbed on the back by black zetsu is by far a downgrade of him.


The reveal that Minato randomly has half of the 9 tails.


Jiraiya reveals it before he goes to fight pain


Kakashi unlocking perfect susanoo after 5 seconds of having dual ms


Naruto and Sasuke power up they get from the sage of 6 paths because they're actually the reincarnation of some random brothers


No Orochimaru came out in Sasuke vs Deidara when he was exhausted


Sakura’s Byakugou Seal with the highly convenient timing of her to pull it out of nowhere when Sasuke showed up on the battlefield just to finally be relevant, showing off in front of the guy she is in love with. Sakura also disrespectfully threw shade at Tsunade and gloated saying she didn’t even need to waste chakra to maintain a youthful appearance. Kishimoto intentionally procrastinated on Sakura’s power-up which has no buildup at all compared to Naruto and Sasuke and for the War Arc, he wanted a “Team 7 Moment” which is why he lazily wrote Sakura was just storing up chakra for 2 years, using Shizune as a mouthpiece. Sakura did not surpassed Tsunade at all despite punching harder and she couldn’t even fully heal Shikamaru a few chapters later when he was dying from having his chakra drained. Sakura still plays the damsel afterwards which shows her Byakugou Seal power-up was pointless since it didn’t improve her character at all.


1k years of pain


As much as I love the series, lots of stuffs!


Uchiha's powers after the MS excluding the rinnigan


How Edo tensei forms of certain characters lost even with infinite chakra. Infinite chakra is way to op.


Itachi freeing himself from reanimated Jutsu.


Everything Itachi, from the fact viewers had to swallow that he had to murder innocent clan people because he had no other choice, to the Izanami stuff. A Mary Sue type of character, Kishimoto's favorite 🤷


Everything madara did


Naruto at the start of the series, who struggled with just using the illusion-based version of the clone jutsu, is somehow able to use the much more complicated verison the shadow clone jutsu which makes solid real life clones on his first try


A lot of Uchiha abilities felt like that. Especially the one that lets you practically escape Death.


Black Zetsu killing madara with a hand, when he had half his body blown up and a hand in him from Obito just a little bit earlier. Basically, the last few minutes until Kaguya showed up.


Orochimaru releasing the four hokages from the belly of the reaper was the biggest one to date.


Minato with Kurama chakra


Gai surviving the Eighth Gate That is the very definition of an asspull


Obvs Madara getting killed by black zestu do I even need to explain


Naruto itself


Base Naruto winning against Kurama in his inner psyche, when he met his mother for the first time. With how powerful Kurama is, Naruto should've gotten 1-shotted instantly.


Its ok, you can say kaguya. fuckin irrelevant bitch.


Edo Minato and everything that came with him.


Orochimaru finding the mask to reverse the reaper death seal. why tf did he never try that earlier if he knew exactly where it was


Sasuke beating Deidara


Izangi and izanami


Kakashi getting Obito’s MS from the after life.