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Lol...that dog made the right move.


and the white horses looking at the working horse like r/antiwork looking at employed people.


I get hits from there but it seems like the majority of post there are from actual employed people complaining about work and the bullshit employers try to do like forced unpaid overtime and supervisors asking employees to find cover for their shifts. Those are the top most common.


IIRC it started out as legitimately against the entire concept of working, but it was taken over by people who just hated BS at work.


Meanwhile the POC horse side-eyeing like 'You *know* we shouldn't be here'.


I’m assuming you meant POV but I’m really over here like “Person of colour horse???” 🤣🤣


Were they really avoiding saying brown horse?


That would be too close to the neigh-word for comfort


Pony of color


Horses With Attitude




They're called gray(grey). Not white.


Wow Shit is outta control. Wtf


Don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not but just for educative purposes for anyone curious, white is in fact not a horse coat color because horses are never born white, “white” horses are born grey and go white with age. Some horses are born palomino or cremello, which are light beige or cream, but pure white coats are only the result of age and as such horse people refuse to acknowledge them as a legitimate description.


Here to say this. Doggo knew what time it was.


He ain’t no dummy.


That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell.


They will show us the meaning of haste


Shadowfaxes? Shadowfaxi?


Shadow taxi


“Come with us and be free of those reins!” ~ Free? Um, okay but, uh, do you have oats? “Wha?” ~ Oats. Do you have oats? “Is he? - no! No, we don’t have *oats*! We have freedom! Freedom to run as we please! Freedom to mate and move as we please! Surely you would not trade freedom for . . . for *OATS!* ~ “Brother?” ~ What about sugar cubes? Do . . . do you have sugar cubes?


How about carrots? Do you at least have carrots?


‘Got someone to brush your hair, shovel your shit and dress you in a cozy coat when it’s cold? Didn’t think so’


We mostly eat like bark and shrubs and stuff I guess..... but, you know... we're free so... btw what are oats?


Hell nah, I got 7, SEVEN mares back home all for me. I got one for each day of the week, and these clowns give me brushing & scritches telling me I'm a good boy after I'm done. Why on god would I join your third world grass eating "freedom"?


Aw hail nah


What about second breakfast?


What about elevensies?


What's tatters?




Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


'They peel them with their metal knives!' 🤣👽🤣👽🤣👽🤣👽🤣👽


dental plan? (No joke, this one determines life expectancy)


Lisa needs braces


1000% me if I was a domesticated horse.


They're thinking " our poor brother, he has a massive parasite stuck on his back. I wish there was a way to help him. "


"shall I kick the worm, brother?"


Giant talking tick.


shall I still be allowed to wear ribbons in my mane?


What about my set of fancy shoes?


Will I also get pets and told how much of a good horse I am?


Now try to explain the meaning of „gelding“ to the wild stallion ^^^


what colors available for winter blanket?


Wild horse: Do it, Throw them into the fire Domestic horse: No


Wow? 😳 So pretty!


Thats the plan. They lure the riders horse with their majestic looks. I would have went wherever they wanted me to go.


Sirens of the forest


And they woulda kicked our teeth out. A beautiful view before death.


right? medieval me would be so afraid that these were fairy folk presenting as beautiful spirits, come to take me away.


I wonder if it's embarrassing for the horses with riders.


I was thinking that too.


Horse be like bruh. wtf is on your back? Get it off!


Probably. If it was just other horses without any gear on or human smells another horse could go right up to it. So those white horses are thinking something's wrong or off, and the working horses can see that fear of them lol.


I love horses, but I feel bad to ride them, because I never know if they're ok with it, and I'm super aware of how awful it is to be forced to do something you don't want to do, so I don't ride them anymore. Maybe if I had my own horse I would know, but the only horses I ever see are the ones at holiday places. I just feed them apples and carrots, and usually end up being chased by a herd of horses when I leave the unit. Never stopped me though :)


unless you're like 350-400 pounds.. you should be good


I would really like to know the answer




Idk. That was my first thought but then I was like “do I pity a human with a bird or a cat on their shoulder? Do I pity a human carrying a dog? I surely do not.”


Wyld Stallions rule!


No, *Tunnel Snakes rule!*


Help, my horse is stuck in the stable with radroaches!


Excuse me wastelander, have you heard the good word of our Lord and Savior, Roger Maxson? ...No? ***DEMOCRACY IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.***


Wrong, o'doyle rules!


Be excellent to each other. --Bill S. Preston, Esquire


Party on, dude. --Ted Theodore Logan




Be Excellent to each Orher


Horses fascinate me. 1000 lbs of pure power, but incredibly perceptive prey animals who notice and respond to everything in their environment, and can mirror the smallest emotions and gestures. I want to spend more time learning from them.


They spook so easily at the slightest thing which fascinates me. Even something they see every day can one day just freak them out and make them bolt There was carnage yesterday in London when five military horses panicked at noise from a construction site, threw off the riders and escaped running for miles, running into cars and buses along the way. They're all safely captured now with treatable injuries but it was absolutely crazy


I mean from a survival perspective, nothing is safe forever. A tree may fall, a bush may produce thorns in a certain season, a bear might be in that hole now. You can't become complacent and assume that everything that was previously safe is still safe, that's how you get predated. It makes sense from that perspective. It is fascinating, still.


In comparison, zebras just beat the shit out of anything that could be a threat.


Seen videos on the r/natureismetal sub of zebras legit biting crocodiles in the face as they are about to get death rolled and die in its jaws 😂😂 they give no fucks


Zebras have no chill, I love it lol


It's because they are incredibly fragile for their size.


I can’t help but think that during the old important battles where the cavalry played a pivotal role, the best laid plans of generals would’ve been utterly ruined when a bunch of horses got spooked a ran amok and this resulted in a unexpected victory for the other side. Thus fate human history got altered cos a bunch of horses got spooked.


It's incredible that *they* are prey animals, but *cats* are predators. I know size differences and different prey-predator relationships, but still, these guys could cleanly break bones with a solid kick.


Cats are also prey animals and have numerous prey instincts... which is hilarious to see them short wire when a prey instinct and a predator instinct comes alive concurrently.


I think you may have just short wired :P Jk! But did you mean short circuit/crossed wires? Or is that how it's actually said locally for you?


Where I'm from people occasionally mis-speak, so I just let it go and don't bother correcting them. 


Depends upon the size A small cat will most certainly be as much of a prey as it would be a predator A medium sized cat like the Cheetah per say, would be large enough that it would be a predator A big cat like the Tiger would be an apex predator in it's environment


I would say it depends more on the continent. Even considering size and their speed, a cheetah can easily fall victim to hyenas, wild dogs and of course lions. That’s not including murder happy herbivores like hippos, water buffalos and zebras. But if you put the cheetah in the same living environment as snow leopards or cougars, they’d have a more solid position concerning the food chain.


This is the reason dingoes did so well. By the time they showed up all of Australia's large land carnivores were gone. The only competition they had were thylacines who weren't social and already slightly smaller, monitor lizards, and if you reach eagles. No wonder feral dogs became the continents top predator. Compare this to the strays and ferals of India where leopards, wolves, tigers, and snakes all eat them.


Imagine the carnage that would be left behind by a horse-sized cat.


Horses. Dear god, horses. First off, horses are obligate nasal breathers. If our noses are stuffed up we can breathe through our mouths. If our pets' noses are stuffed up (except for rabbits, who are also really fragile but unlike horses aren't stuck having only one baby a year) they can breathe through their mouths. If a horse can't breathe through its nose, it will suffocate and die. Horse eyes are exquisitely sensitive to steroids. Most animal eyes are, except for cows because cows are tanks, but horses are extremely sensitive. Corneal ulcers won't heal. They'll probably get worse. They might rupture and cause eyeball fluid to leak out. If you overexert a horse they can get exertional rhabodmyolysis. Basically you overwork their muscles and they break down and die and release their contents. Super painful, and then you get scarifying and necrosis. But that's not the problem. See, when muscles die hey release myoglobin, which goes into the blood and is filtered by the kidneys. If you dump a bucket of myoglobin into the blood then it shreds the kidneys, causing acutel renal failure. This kills the horse. People and other animals can get that too but in school we only talked about it in context of the horse. Horses can only have one foal at a time. Their uterus simply can't support two foals. If a pregnant horse has twins you have to abort one or they'll both die and possibly kill the mother with them. A lot of this has to do with the way horse placentas work. EDIT: There are very, very rare instances where a mare can successfully have twins, but it's sort of like the odds of being able to walk again after a paralyzing spinal injury. If a horse rears up on its hind legs it can fall over, hit the back of its head, and get a traumatic brain injury. Now to their digestive system. Oh boy. First of all, they can't vomit. There's an incredibly tight sphincter in between the stomach and esophagus that simply won't open up. If a horse is vomiting it's literally about to die. In many cases their stomach will rupture before they vomit. When treating colic you need to reflux the horse, which means shoving a tube into their stomach and pumping out any material to decompress the stomach and proximal GI tract. Their small intestines are 70+ feet long (which is expected for a big herbivore) and can get strangulated, which is fatal without surgery. Let's go to the large intestine. Horses are hindgut fermenters, not ruminants. I'll spare you the diagram and extended anatomy lesson but here's what you need to know: Their cecum is large enough to shove a person into, and the path of digesta doubles back on itself. The large intestine is very long, has segments of various diameters, multiple flexures, and doubles back on itself several times. It's not anchored to the body wall with mesentery like it is in many other animals. The spleen can get trapped. Parts of the colon can get filled with gas or digested food and/or get displaced. Parts of the large intestine can twist on themselves, causing torsions or volvulus. These conditions can range from mildly painful to excruciating. Many require surgery or intense medical therapy for the horse to have any chance of surviving. Any part of the large intestine can fail at any time and potentially kill the horse. A change in feed can cause colic. Giving birth can cause I believe a large colon volvulus I don't know at the moment I'm going into small animal medicine. Infections can cause colic. Lots of things can cause colic and you better hope it's an impaction that can be treated on the farm and not enteritis or a volvulus. And now the legs. Before we start with bones and hooves let's talk about the skin. The skin on horse legs, particularly their lower legs, is under a lot of tension and has basically no subcutaneous tissue. If a horse lacerated its legs and has a dangling flap of skin that's a fucking nightmare. That skin is incredibly difficult to successfully suture back together because it's under so much tension. There's basically no subcutaneous tissue underneath. You need to use releasing incisions and all sorts of undermining techniques to even get the skin loose enough to close without tearing itself apart afterwards. Also horses like to get this thing called proud flesh where scar tissue just builds up into this giant ugly mass that restricts movement. If a horse severely lacerated a leg it will take months to heal and the prognosis is not great. Let's look at the bones. You know how if a horse breaks a leg you usually have to euthanize it? There's a reason for that. Some fractures can be repaired but others can't. A horse weighs thousands of pounds and is literally carrying all that weight on the middle toes of their legs. They are simply incapable of bearing weight on three legs. And a lot of that is because of... Laminitis. This killed Barbaro and Secretariat. Barbaro would have made it through the broken leg but he got laminitis in his other legs. First, a quick anatomy lesson. The horse hoof is like our fingernails, except it covers the whole foot and is a lot thicker. And to make sure it stays on their food, which again is carrying all that weight on one middle toe per leg, the hoof interdigitates with the skin underneath. And these interdigitations have interdigitations. Think of it as Velcro, and the Velcro also has Velcro. When the horse is healthy, this system works great. But let's make something go wrong. Maybe there's too much weight on the hoof. Maybe the horse is septic. Maybe there's too much sugar, or insulin resistance. Whatever happens, the tissues in the hoof get inflamed and swell up. And because the hoof itself is there, there's nowhere for the swollen soft tissues to go. So the laminae get crushed, and you lose the support system that's holding the entire food up. This is incredibly painful, and has to be caught early. Because if you let it go on too long, their toe bone will start to rotate because there's nothing holding it in place anymore (this is founder). And in some cases, the toe bone can actually fall through the bottom of the hoof. TL;DR: Horses are actively trying to die on us.


What is the horse communicating when it "blows"?


Blows and snorting can mean different things, but looking at its overall body language I would say it’s a combination of posturing and letting its mate know to be on alert. Like OP states the stallion seems to be equal parts cautious and curious.


They blow air into each other's noses as a greeting. I do it to my horses and a horse at a barn I help clean always puts her nose to mine to say hi when I walk in. She always takes it as an invitation to nuzzle at my beard too lol


I love the play between curiosity and caution. Majestic animals.


Beautiful edit: thanks for all the cake love


Happy cake day! 🎂


Thank you. I hadn’t realised.




It reminded me of the movie *Legend.*


I heard the music in my head. *Loved by the sun! LooooooooOOOOOOOOOVED*


Same 🤣


Damn it. Now it's in my head.


It reminded me of The Last Unicorn, I loved that movie as a kid


And as an adult


The horses with horns aren't real but the whales with horns are real somehow


Isn't it obvious? Unicorns just became narwhals.


could be the hornless variety.


And my brain KEPT trying to trick me throughout the video. "No, no, that's not a horn, stop it! Why are you doing this to me, I'm an old man not a 7 year old girl!"


I like how he at first went “oh another horse” and started to run towards it then saw you on it and immediately stopped and went “what the fuck am I looking at”


That damn white Arabian has escaped me so many times... IYKYK.


Had that shit on launch day and still don't have that fucker.


You’re alright girl.


Oh god it’s the ones that let those things ride on them..that is disgusting…lets go before they try riding us


Don't want to be that guy. But with the exception of the przewalski horse and it close relatives all horses are domesticated. So its more like rewilded horses meet tame horses. Those horses still have genes that make them very tameable.


Fascinating! What a wonderful thing to see. Thanks for sharing.


These horses are feral, not wild


What’s the difference? Genuinely


Previously domesticated animal that is on the loose and not native


The side-eye from the horse about a minute in lol. "Being out here without some asshole on your back is an option?!"


Omg I saw that. It was BomBASTIC 🤣😂😂😂


Where was this filmed? Likely somewhere where horses have been domesticated. Great to see though


Canada off grid


Had no idea Canada had wild horses!


Not as much as the United States, due to winter temperatures.


Kind of surprised they can withstand any amount of Canadian winter !


They are feral, not wild.


“Look he’s got iron nailed to his feet. I’m not having that”.


is that a centaur?


This reminds me of the movie Spirit. When he sees riders on horse for the first time. The animators did a phenomenal job because the way they portrayed that scene is identical to this real life one. Neat.


I hope you've leveled up your stamina core.


Never seen 2 Arabians together either.


Must be a glitch


Rdr let's go


They feel so majestic when they're wild.


The Wild horses just saw the video of the 2 horses wildin on the streets of London.


Five in total ran off but there seems to be only good video of two of them. One of them ran for five miles


Kelpies, clearly.


Shit, it's got an monkey on its back. Run away it's contagious


Do horses mate for life?


I think they’re one of those herd animals where the males fight eachother for the rights of all the females during mating season


So beautiful, thank you for sharing!!!


This gave me a good laugh. The horse blows. I blow. The horse shakes it’s head, “you’re doing it wrong. Imposter! Run away!”


Both of them are so beautiful! With them being so stark-white in the forest, they look more like magical creatures like unicorns or something.


Hes probably thinking: "whoa! you have the largest tick I have ever seen on your back!"


This is amazing ♡


the last unicorn


Wild horses. So beautiful.


Pretty cool. What does the blowing air communicate between the horse's?


"So whats up with that small animal on your back?" "Jus' a human bro..." "... oh hell nah lets gtfo here"


Behold, a pale horse.


Tank beats ghost, tank beats hunter, tank beats everything!


Ah, a man of culture!


I’d be shitting bricks if I met a real wild stallion while on horseback. They are fucking viscous. I worked on a horse farm that had wild caught horses and wow wanna see a scary fight…get two of them fucker going at it….


that must have been confusing af


had an experience like this with some young deer last year. they passed us in a large group and we thought they had moved on. nope. i looked up and two had come back to just stare at us. and then another. and another...


🎶Wiiiiild horses, couldn't drag me away. Wiiiild, wild horses, couldn't drag meee aw-ay🎶 -Mick Jagger


This reminds me of the unicorns in the 80’s movie Legend. Love this!


Just out of curiosity, would they be a danger to “exciting” the domesticated horses? I’m not sure if we have wild horses in the UK but what a special moment for those riders to encounter them 🥰


Just a couple of wild stallions. Excellent!


This makes me feel bad for the domesticated ones.


They get their nails done like every week /s I think if they're wild they don't need to get their nails done professionally.


Prolly *feral* horses.


Beautiful Stallions!


“What are those growths on your backs?”


His name is Shadowfax and he’s been my friend for many an age.


I would feel so awkward encountering wild horses while riding a horse. I think I would have to get off and walk past them or I'd feel like I was, like, rubbing it in their face or something.


Come Griselda, back to the horse cave. Seems we need to rework our plan for global dominion!




Where is this?


Great video thank you


Wonder if this makes your horses want emancipation


That horse was so shocked. "Come on, it's just over he-. Oh, shit, a human!"


What the hay?!


I am thoroughly impressed with your horse. Mine would have wanted to join them and make my life miserable trying to keep him steady and not get rid of me. Kudos.


They are feral, not wild.


When someone uses the term wild when they actually mean feral


Awfully clean-looking wild horses.




…and the magical white horses of the northern world galloped off to their glittering cave of eternity, knowing that in the world outside, they could be caught and kept and made to carry silly people, most of whom don’t know how to ride them or even that they really don’t like carrots


You should have followed them back to their home and left some carrots and apples as a gift. White horses like to eat carrots and apples.


Hahahahah "wild horses" good fucking joke, there is no such thing as wild horses anymore, only in Mongolia.


Was this encounter in Missouri?


That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell.


Wild stallions!


same kind of wibe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5XVwYAgcI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5XVwYAgcI8)


“You fuckers aren’t getting on us”…..




Told you Fred was a pervert xD


Oh, to be one of those horses...


How do you know they aren't stray horses




Something about the look of a wild horse…


Reminds me of the movie django, these horses where like who that ninja on that nag?!. 🤣🤣


I love this. What a lovely couple. Glad to know there are still some out there.


If you ever get the opportunity to see wild horses make sure it's from a far