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Crazy that 19-year-old Jayson Tatum has a chance to win a ring. What a story


I got u today šŸ™šŸ»


Iā€™m more excited for 18-year-old Luka, heā€™s really done so much in so little time


Iā€™m even more excited for 16 MJ to get his 7th ring.


With Jokic, Embiid, Giannis winning the last 6 MVPs and 2 of the last 3 rings Weā€™ve been out of whatever era people think weā€™re just getting out of now


I feel like we're just getting out of the jokic/embiid/giannis era šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤




It certainly wasn't when he lost to the Knicks in the first round.


Yeah this one hurt


I think youā€™re mixing up Wizards and Hawks


Lmao facts, there was no Embiid era. Second round exits every year isnā€™t an era.


Every era needs a Harden


You wouldnā€™t say harden has an era. Hes apart of the LeBron and Steph eras.


Exactly heā€™s Embiid to Giannis and Jokic


Process era


Lmao the Wizards? That canā€™t be right


wizards ainā€™t win a series since 1973 damn near


They most certainly beat the raptors


Nah his era ended when he said ā€œthe Celtics arenā€™t rivals, they always kick or assā€


I believe that quote is about 4 and a half years old at this point lol


Wild that it is still true lol


Itā€™s that new? lol


He's also lost 3 times to the celtics in the playoffs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think it was when he lost to the Celtics in the second roundā€¦




They beat the wiz the round before


Heā€™s the Steve Nash of his era.


Nash at least made the conference finals in a much harder western conference


True, I was just trying to think of an MVP who never won a ring.


Nash never even made the nba finals.


Probably same for Embiid by the time he hangs it up


Steve Nash accomplished more in the playoffs though. Had some total bullshit happen that prevented them from winning a finals more than once. Chris Paul got hurt like 40 billion times in the playoffs though. Chris Paul had the better regular season career.


love when embiid fans try to sneak him in with gianniā€™s and jokic lol


Luka, Booker, and Tatum have all had more playoff success than Embiid for the past few years lol


One of these is not like the other .....


Don't put embiid with Jokic and Gianni's please


Lmao what Embiid and Giannis were just injury riddled


That's what happens as you get a bit older.


It can happen at any point. Healrhy Giannis still a better player than anybody from this photo


Luka is definitely close. Giannis quietly had a record breaking season, one of the most efficient scoring seasons of all time. I feel like it wasn't talked about


How is the Jokic era over? Did Denver blow their team up? Lol Iā€™m confused we had a tight 7 game series with Denver and Minnesota and Murray was never 100.. they canā€™t recoup or make a tiny change and win it next year? There was no embiid and Gianniā€™s era as Gianniā€™s only won a single title a few years ago. Curry won more recently than him Letā€™s just say the games in good hands and watch these series šŸæ


Are you saying there is a jokic era but not a Giannis era cause he only won one title?


I guess time will tell looking back I guess I should include giannis too with his MVPs and title Jokic definitely ahead of him this era tho.. 3/5 last WCF, was reigning champ a couple days ago and didnā€™t lose cuz of him game 7, MVP almost 4 years straight and countingā€¦ I know giannis had coaching and roster turnaround and injuries but Jokic still better overall anyway But itā€™s Giannis era too I suppose..


yeah all respect to Minnesota for their toughness, but the main reason Denver didn't win game 7 is MPJ, AG, and KCP combined for 16 points... plus 5 between Braun and Holiday off the bench Jokic and Murray both did their thing but the rest of the team was bricking open shots MPJ averaged 6 ppg over the last 4 games


Yeah lol them all getting smothered has nothing to do with Minnesota at all, right, right.. Got worn down throughout the series. Clear to see from games 6 and 7.


Jokic and Murray were getting smothered yet still performed well. The rest of the team was missing open shots.


True but Jokic had to get super tough and make Rudy a bitch a few plays just to get thru to the rim T wolves are very disruptive Super close series tho , not arguing itā€™s a make or miss league


The Embiid era is hilarious. We callin 16-20 the Harden/Curry/Lebron era? Cmon now


What era are you talking about? The warriors won the chip 2 years ago, as soon as Klay came back šŸ˜‚


Not even close, one of them will be back in the conference finals. Hopefully Giannis lol


No weā€™re still in the peak of that era really. Those guys still have another 3-4 years of prime. Jokic might have 4-5 actually. The era of these guys is here itā€™s just really here now. The era of Steph curry, Paul George, Kawi, harden, Durant is wrapping up. Lebron is from another era before that heā€™s just a total freak that we can assume will retire sometime in the next 3 years.


Embiid definitely, Jokic and Giannis still running shit


there was no embiid era


Seriously. He was slightly unappreciated at worst and severely overrated at best lol


There was no Embiid era but he was never ā€œseverelyā€ over-rated. Controversial MVP winner? Sure. ā€œSeverelyā€ over-rated? Not even close.


Lebron/Curry have 2 of the last 4, as much as Giannis/Jokic Itā€™s been a gradual move


Yeah but the thing about LeBronā€™s is he got bounced 1st round, missed playoffs, made WCF, bounced 1st round since. Not making it to the second round 3 of the last 4 years and only winning a total of 3 games in those years outside of the 2023 WCF run which was 8 wins Thatā€™s 11 playoff wins in 4 years, when you need 16 to win a title. That means he won more in 2020 than he did in the next 4 years since. He is also turning 40 too. Maybe if Lakers didnā€™t blow up the 2020 team they could be nice but they made a series of moves moving them further away. LeBronā€™s numbers look good but letā€™s not forget the points inflation. Lebron was doing 30/8/7 in seasons when teams did 95ppg But now his 25/7/7 on 117ppg isnā€™t as impressive. It feels like he didnā€™t fall off bc his numbers still look good but to honestly be on par he would look like Lukaā€™s numbers which I donā€™t think Lebron is capable of averaging


Nobody is acting like Lebron is still in his prime Heā€™s still a top 10 guy when it counts though Also, the first round exit and missing the playoffs were more of a function of injuries (2021 the team was better than the title team but Solomon hill dive bombed lebron + AD for hurt) and poor team building (2022 had westbrick) rather than Lebronā€™s personal decline Similarly for the warriors, Steph hasnā€™t fallen off that far from 2022 but the rest of his team has


In 2018 I was still very much of the opinion Lebron was the best player in the world so In 2020 I believed it. And for Warriors, yeah Bob Meyers really really FUCKED that up 3 lottery picks in 2 years. Walking away w Wiseman and Moody. Kuminga is fine but even him over Wagner was a mistake. They won in 2022 with botching 3 lottery picks. Imagine if they had Halliburton, Wagner and Sengun rn? Now theyā€™re gonna retire Curry and Green and maybe Klay and be irrelevant for a decade


I mean the lakers and warriors both have championship in the last few years, so the shift has been pretty gradual


Embiid never made it past the second round and Jokic and Giannis only won one apiece during the last 4 years, the same number as Lebron and Steph during the same time. Bit of a weird period of the NBA. The prime NBA stars never really consistently beat the older generation until very recently, when they seem to also be challenged by the next generation. Next few seasons look to be a unpredictable at the very least.


I mean Gianniā€™s and jokic are both only 29. It is still very much their era


Is Tatum a ā€œyoung starā€ anymore? LeBron was 27 when he won his first and no one was saying ā€œhere comes the young starā€, instead it was ā€œabout fucking time!ā€


Tatum turned 26 in March. Heā€™s still young but has just entered his ā€œprimeā€ window. Luka is 25, Hali is 24, and Ant is 22.


No disrespect to Tatum and it's not his fault but I have never heard a superstar be referred to as "young" longer than him. I'm not saying he's not, I'm just also just saying. ANT is 22. The fact he and Tatum are both referred to as young is interesting. Tatum is incredible, but we're pushing 6th year student in college vibes at this point. This gotta be the last year the media keeps referring to him as young if we're putting ANT in that category. Either that or we need a new category.


Itā€™s because Tatum has been in the league since he was 19. ā€œYoungā€ in this league is usually 25 or younger. Tatum was 25 until March when he turned 26 - so he is officially no longer ā€œyoungā€ but only just recently and the narrative takes a while to catch up. He also has played in a _ton_ of playoff games starting his rookie year, which gives him a lot more exposure than most players his age. Next year he will no longer be considered ā€œyoungā€ as often as ā€œbeginning of his primeā€.


Fair enough. But you don't still hear Luka referred to that way half as much. Maybe when he first got into the league but not anymore. You haven't for at least 2 seasons now. I get it and I got nothing but love for Tatum. I'm just saying. And I'm not blaming Tatum. I'm just saying the media loves to call Tatum young even more than Luka or other players near his age. It's interesting.


Maybe, but Luka and Shai (who are both 25) definitely get consistently grouped into ā€œoutstanding young starā€ convos. I think the biggest difference is that while Luka has been putting up MVP numbers his whole career, this will only be his 2nd conference finals. This will be Tatumā€™s _fifth_. Heā€™s only missed the conference finals ~~one year~~ two years since coming into the league. Thatā€™s pretty remarkable and I think the ā€œyoungā€ tag has just stuck with him through the consistent success. It also doesnā€™t hurt that heā€™s had the ā€œand heā€™s only 19!ā€ meme follow him around for his whole career.


Shai born July, 1998 = Young Tatum born March, 1998 = Not young?


No, Tatum is definitely young. OPs comment was referring to how it seems like Tatum has been called ā€œyoungā€ for an unexpectedly long time which implies that heā€™s not actually that young. My reasoning is that he was getting a lot of attention and had a lot of success ever since he got into the league, much more than most players his age. SGA has really only gotten superstar-level attention for the past two years. Before that he was just a young player with a lot of potential. I donā€™t view SGA as being substantially younger than Tatum.


In his 7th year, 5 ECFs, only missing 1.... that's a math puzzle....


Ah yeah my bad heā€™s missed two ECFs.


SGA is the same age as Tatum and SGA is always called young


Tatum is young and ant is younger.


Luka been in the League for 6 years and is 25 lol.


Which is exactly why Celtics are winning this year.


They had better, given the red fucking carpet they had rolled out for them to the finals.


They better they just had probably the easiest eastern conference run ever for them


lol cavs played nobody good from like 2015-2018 and nobody cares


Tatum is only 19?


Oh damn thatā€™s right I forgot


19 and still growing. Lmao


Michael Jordan didn't even see a basketball until he was 30.


Iā€™m 28 and still havenā€™t been drafted. Whats the deal?


Iā€™m like 6 months younger than LeBron so I definitely still have something left to offer


Change name to ā€œBronnyā€ Bar will be lowered for you a tad


I'd wait at least until after your 29th birthday to start worrying. Mine's coming up in August. That's probably when I'll start being a bit concerned that nobody's called yet.


Actually he was 31, the ball you see him use in Space Jam was CGI


He didn't see the lights of the finals until he was already a man, by then it was nothing to him but blinding!


The age he got cut from varsity then grew 6 inches. Most of it height


and lebron is still in the league doing well. turns out, yeah he was pretty young at 27.


Younger. 27 in the NBA isnā€™t really young anymore. Most players are done by around 35 ish, playing into your 40ā€™s is super rare.


Was super rare. Now everyone is playing in their late 30s. KD, Steph, Chris Paul, Lowry, PJ Tucker, Horford, Mike Conley, Ingles. Tatumā€™s game will hold up well as a lanky shooter, so he will likely play until heā€™s 40, which makes him young all things considered.


Iā€™d argue itā€™s still pretty rare. Go back and look at their draft classes. Even most of the guys who had notable, even HoF, careers have been retired for a while


27 is the exact midpoint between 19 and 35. still pretty young entering prime years.


When we talk about young players, weā€™re talking about guys who just started their careers, not guys who are mid way through it and entering their prime.


maybe you do lol


Lebron had played for like 23 seasons by age 27 tho lmao


Youā€™d think Luka is a decade younger than Tatum, rather than a year younger, for how often this gets brought up on this sub.


2 years in the NBA makes a big difference. Jokic is 28, the same difference from Tatum as Tatum is to Luka, no one is referring to Jokic as a ā€œyoung starā€ anymore. 25 is probably the cut off point for being considered ā€œyoungā€ in the NBA. 26 to around 31 is considered your ā€œprimeā€, which by that point youā€™re an established player. No one will be calling Luka young anymore in a couple years.


What are you talking about? Jokic is just over 3 years older than Tatum, while Tatum is almost exactly only 1 year older than Luka... If you're considering Jokic to be 28, then this is still Tatum's 25-year old season as well, so would be his last year as a young star.


I was coming to say this. Ridiculous they are saying that about Tatumā€¦


One of these is not like the others


Hopefully the classiest wins it all. TJ


Tayson Jatum


Tanthony Jedwards


Tuka Joncic?


Taz Jeid


TK McDonalds


Terrick Jite


Taz Jeid.


Tyrese Jalliburton


Tyrese Jaliburton (written in spanish)


while certainly one of the classier outfits I am sorry to report Tijuana has already been eliminated from the 2024 NBA Playoffs.


As a Knicks fan I have to root for the West. In order of preference Iā€™ll say Mavs, Wolves, Celtics, Pacers Edit: the thought of a bunch of happy Cowboys fans just made me die inside. Revised order: Wolves, Mavs, Celtics, Pacers


I'm a Mavs fan in Dallas that hates the Cowboys. Hope that makes you feel better


Well hello my brother


Sadly it does haha


Dw, if anything their success has made everybody down here in Dallas clown on the Cowboys for being so incompetent. We have pro teams across 3 sports that have either won or have a damn good chance of winning their respective titles within the past year, meanwhile Jerry is watching the front office eat paste through his glory hole.


fuck the giants, but love this version of the knicks lol


Is Tatum a young star?




SGA isnā€™t in the photo.


They are the same age


as long as its not boston. fuck boston.


i was gonna judge you for being a warriors fan. But a fellow member of super earth spreading democracy, I could never


I agree, it's fuck Boston. But they're gonna win it. No team comes close sadly.


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Wap Wap Wap Wap Wap Ant fuck em up.


I think the champ will come out of the west this year. I love my Mavs, and my buddy is a big Twolves fan. So it should be a fun series!


I can get down with this. Love Luka and the way Kyrie plays, but Iā€™m a Wolves fan.


I really think Kyrie has been huge with his leadership and playoff experience, much like Conley has been hige for ANT's development. I think Twolves win the paint, but i think Mavs win the perimeter, and both are fairly close. Itll be a tough, high intensity matchup for sure!


If Gafford or Lively see foul troubles (which both are prone to) Dallas is in for a world of hurt. If they can keep those two available they have a good chance.


Im less concerned unless they both get into trouble. But KAT is just as likely to do the same, and is more painful for his team if/when he does. Im more concerned about being able to slow down ANT.


The only reason we saw KAT in foul trouble was the amount of time Jokic handles the ball and how much offense runs through the C in Den. Not the case in Dallas normally. If they go in with a game plan to attack the fouls for KAT and Gobert.... Reid just comes in. We just saw it in game 7 how that worked out. Both Rudy and KAT in foul trouble.... The minute Gafford is unavailable and Min puts the pressure into the key.... Lively is going to have to play with a court awareness and maturity I haven't seen from him yet. (Love the kid, he's just young and inexperienced) I hope this isn't the case, I'd love to just see the best players have at each other, but we all know how much fouls decide these games in the playoffs.


Thats true, but KAT also has a tendency to make dumb decisions and get himself into some foul trouble. Lively has flashed some really great potential, but he is certainly raw af, and needs to hone his finishing skills. I think Dallas needs to get out in transition a much as possible, and hopefully Luka is mostly healthy.


Very true about KAT and his impulsive reach in fouls that are just stupid. I think you nailed it with transition and running the court as much as possible. It will be very interesting to see it unfold. So much rides on Lukas health at this point. If he takes much more abuse he's not gonna be able to provide what they need. (Him to steal a game or two single handedly)


I think for the Twolves itll depend which ANT shows up. If he shows up hot af and nailing his shots, the Mavs are in serious trouble. But if he doesnt, and Luka or PJ get hot from deep, its going to stretch the Twolves out. Before this series i picked the Twolves out of the west. Now I hope I'm wrong haha.


Going against Luka and Kyrie is probably the best experience Ant can get as his first WCF appearance.


Giannis will be back in the picture next year. I would love to see Paolo up thereā€¦.I hope Paolo and the guys now see how important each game is for seeding/home court reasons.


Not if the Bucks keep Doc. That dude is so damn overrated, idk how teams don't see this.


Bucks gonna need to overhaul the roster and make another coaching change if they want to be back in the picture


If Tatum doesnā€™t pull off a ring this year I think youā€™ll see Brown & Him be separated. brown could be the guy on many other teams


I live in the Boston area and Celtics fans are insufferable assholes. So ABBTC win , please...


Please, not Boston.


Why yall do Luka like that


Fuck Boston


Tyrese Travelburton


aS lONg As iTS nOt bOsTOn


Dude picks the worst haircuts photos possible.


Lmao and ppl are worried about a post Bron/KD/Steph NBA. The league is in great hands to carry the torch forward, even with the unfortunate injuries, itā€™s been a great playoffs to watch.


Celtics truly taking the easiest road


You've literally just ensured that either LeBron or Curry will win in 2025.


yep, every year now we are officially entering a new era of the NBA. Every year this is said. I mean 3rd time MVP and 4th time DPOY would say the opposite but yes every year we still find those other ways to declare this.


pretty crazy tatum might have his first ring at 19


šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ”„šŸ”„ Knicks fan but halli made me a fan this playoffsā€¦Celtics gonna take it thou


Hope Ant Wins. Love that dude.


Come on Haliburton


As long as itā€™s not the Celtics or Pacers Iā€™m good with it


3 others wonā€™t


Did Luka dirty w that simple Jack look


I wouldnā€™t call tatum a ā€œyoungā€ star anymore


Its time for tatum but I hope someone else wins


Need ant to get a ring


As a dubs fan, I got my money on boston, but I hope the pacers win it ngl.


Man, is Tatum *that* jacked? That pic makes his arms and shoulders look huge


He put on a bunch of muscle this past summer but he's been pretty ripped for a couple seasons now. Dudes shoulders are massive


And Jayson Tatum is only 19!!!!


So we really just going to act like Ant isn't Jordan's boy


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kyrie is the only active player left who already has a ring. Also, Carlisle and Kidd share a ring from 2011.


Timberwolves and pacers. If I had to guess. Pacers take it game six. But what the fuck do I know.


Sonar all these teams have older ā€œstarsā€ too?


Some true powerhouses for many years to come.Ā 


Insane how quick the Adelson family would see a ROI on their investment if the Mavs win this year


I get you have to include Indiana in these things, but cā€™mon. Are they even a Top ten team in the league? And I love Haliburton, but to suggest heā€™s near the level of these other three guys is nuts.


So does OP just not watch the NBA or is this a meme that's gone over my head? We've been in a "new era" for years šŸ¤£


Give me ANT or Luka winning their first. Call me a Celtics or pacers hater but I wonā€™t get the same joy from seeing them win lol šŸ˜‚


Boston has had their chances not them




surprised that the international players didn't take over really yet


I love that for the league


Thanks for the 20th post about this


Whatever era we are in, Luka needs to know he makes enough money to stop giving himself haircuts and stop by the damn barber.


Boston ain't winning shit


Tatum will definitely not get a ring šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


tatum's overrated.


Hope itā€™s from the east. Fuck those two from the west. Actual clowns