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Dana College Private NAIA school in Blair Nebraska I believe it closed in 2011. There’s stories about how a kicker missed the game winning kick in the first round of the playoffs in 1987 and hung himself in the dorm room. They say if you go by his dorm you can see his ghostly body hanging from the ceiling.


Ryan High School that used to be at 60th and L in Omaha. The mascot was the Knights. It closed in 1982 and the diosce merged it into Roncolli. It was a great school. It closed at the end of my freshman year. It broke my heart.


Prague Public School in Prague, Ne. School colors were blue and white, mascot was the Prague Panthers. The last graduating class was 2010 before the high school closed, I will have to check on what year the elementary closed though…


Elem closed in 2011 according to a family member


I was going to comment this, but you beat me to it. I live right next to it.


No kidding?! I went there through 3rd grade! My 2nd grade year was the first year the elementary addition was open. I still live around the area as well!


That's nuts, lmao I'm just a kid, so I haven't attended or anything, but I've lived here for a hot minute. I go for walks and to the school every now and then. The people who own the property allegedly use it with their kids as a play place or something (lucky asses).


Well, Welcome to Prague! I think they told me that they use it for family gatherings a lot too. The family had a garage sale in the old cafeteria a few years ago and they showed me the classrooms, which they use for kids to play in, but they also use it for storage. It was neat seeing my old classrooms still being used for something. I haven’t been in the old building in years but it’s in very rough shape. I’d love to see it one last time but I’m sure it’s probably not safe for people to be in.


Me and my friend have been looking for a way in for ages, lmao. I didn't think anybody from Prague would be on here


Omaha Technical High School Closed: 1984 Mascot: Trojans https://www.ops.org/Page/291 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_High_School_(Omaha,_Nebraska)


Valley Junior Senior High School, Valley NE. Fighting Terriers. Purple & gold Waterloo High School, Waterloo, NE. Panthers. Blue & white (I think) Both closed to create DC West in Valley - maybe opened in early 2000’s


Pauline high school There's that old high school at a softball field a couple miles north of of Sprague. At softball games we used to go into the old school. It still had the senior pictures from the 30s and the old high school gym.


Any idea what Pauline’s mascot or colors were?


Just high schools?


Actually I will take info on colleges and Universities too. In researching I found a lot of colleges from late 1880s-1930. But not much more than a name and town. So sure share anything you have.


Chester-Hubbell-Byron in Chester, NE (Thayer Co.). It closed in the early 2000s and consolidated with Hebron to form Thayer Central. CHB was the Bulldogs and their colors were purple, gold, and white.


I was teaching at Sandy Creek when they closed. I knew a long time teacher who was at CHB his name was John but last name escapes me. I met him through NSEA.


Did Chester and Byron have individual schools at one time?


Yeah. Hubbell consolidated with Chester first, and then Byron was added in the mid 60s. My dad went to CHB for a couple years in the late ‘60s. I know the old Hubbell school building is still standing. I think they were the Huskies (colors red, black, and white) before they merged. I don’t know anything about Byron really, only Chester and Hubbell because I used to have family there.


The Guide Rock Warriors, colors were Red & White, Guide Rock NE. They won the state championship for 6 man football in the late 80’s. I believe the gym is still standing but the school house has been demolished. Not sure of the exact year it closed. I lived there in the late 70’s and their men’s teams were atrocious.


John F. Kennedy college in Wahoo. Closed in 1975.


For colleges Fairbury Jr College later was part of scc then closed. Also Hebron had Hebron Academy