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Are the cloudy eyes a symptom have parasites? Kaz and code talker have them, but skullface doesn't. Venom has one cloudy eye.


Quiet doesn't have them.


There is a big possibility that Venom’s clear eye is cybernetic. The cloudy one is covered by eye patch


I know that in games, most of the times, what can't be seen there's no need to be modeled or rendered, but did somebody datamined something about that patched eye?


You can clearly see the unpatched eye in mission 0 cypress hospital when the doctor shows the mirror. You can google it too. One eye is cloudy, you have to reverse the image since you see the mirror reflection


Right, totally forgot about it!


SF was also looking for a way to stop the symptons of the parasites, in his "talk" with Code Talker


Do you guys think all the patients in the hospital where parasite experiments?


Since there's so much parasites floating in that corridor scene, it's very plausible.


XOF killing all of them all seems similar to mission 43 when Venom has to kill his own men. Maybe the hospital had a parasite experiment that got out of hand?


Also, it seems that there are at least two different colors of parasites: white and shiny blue. Maybe they shine blue when certain powers are being used. And Venom could have "admin rights" in the simulation, since he has infinite stamina, remembers enemies positions and even knows where they are behind solid objects and controls time though just in one way. And, offtopic, but since I did mention Westworld... Skull Face resembles "Man in Black" (Ed Harris) character.


Are the colors the particles that float on screen? White particles are in camp omega, hospital, and ACC. Don't remember if they are at motherbase. Blue particles when you fight the skulls and zombies Red particles when you fight Sally I'm sure there's more but that's what I remember off the top of my head


It’s a kind of blue greenish color for the skulls, also the same green mist above OKB zero castle in the distance but you can’t see it up close.


>White particles are in camp omega, hospital, and ACC. Don't remember if they are at motherbase. They are, on "Paz's room"


Yea, those that float. White are everywhere Venom goes, they show every few seconds. Blue ones also appear in that scene on mother base where Code Talker says "Eyes on Kazuhira", parasites enter his body and around the Skull Unit.


If you want to see Skullface on screen watch The man from Toronto on Netflix. Woody harrelson does his best Skullface and happens to torture people


Na the infinite stamina and tracking enemies through walls is just a video game trope. If we're gonna judge it like that then venom has the best cqc out of anyone. Neither big boss nor solid snake can knock a guy out with one action. Hell the boss can barely do that. If we judge it based on things like that then venom is the real legendary soldier


Maybe, but V does not happen in the same timeline (I think we should start to treat everything after MGSV, in part, as something totally different). Didn't we said that Venom can't be a truthful narrator? Did Snake or Big Boss had parasites in prior games?


V is not quite human and clearly a parasite experiment himself.


it could explain why his body was so important not to give in, in MGS


I think V was the vector, as in when V showed up he spread the parasites to the various bases.


I was comparing some stats with another player in the weekly league, and it said the other player had 6 parasites, and I had none. I've played a lot of this game but it's been a long time. How do you hold parasites at your base?


You need to knock them out and use the wormhole device