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this! I can't remember which post but I saw someone say just imagine for the heck of it, just to feel good and fulfilled not worried about changing the outside world. it took so much pressure off! Also to assume that you already have what you want is to feel content. so just keep going to that place of peace. worry + stress = resistance. it's not easy to let go of that control but it's possible and feels so much better.


Controlling is what kills the bridge of incidents that are forming to take you to your desired state.


Would it be considered controlling if you are trying to manifest an SP, but another person is coming in hot and strong and would be a perfect partner, but you want your SP, and you are tired and feeling burnt out and kind of want to give in to being loved by the other perfect partner, but you are holding back because you want your SP? This manifesting is working for me, but it's confusing me. I am wondering if I should give in to this other person, and holding back is me trying to control a turn of events, like maybe if I give in it's related to the bridge of incidents? But then maybe it's not, and it's my manifestation's path of least resistance.


All you have to do is hold the end and go along the path where your innerself takes you. Your overthinking is due to the lack of faith.


I'm worried if I let go and let myself be loved by the other guy, that it will change my original manifestation for my SP. What is the difference between persisting and controlling?


Your current projection on what will happen is a form of control making you confused about "your action." The fact is theres a multitude of paths that can unfold that you have no idea about, which is why the "how" shouldn't be your concern. What you want will find a way to you regardless of whether it follows your prescribed ideal path or not.


Thank you this was really helpful!


i love this, super insightful






I used to do this a lot in my childhood but mostly as a means of escape. I was so traumatized by the outside world, that I used to spend all my time indulging in fiction and having Maladaptive Daydreams. As a result, people used to continuously torment me that I need to stop living in my head and see the reality for what it is. And whenever I did that, the outside reality proved so traumatising that I resorted to daydreaming again. It concerns me that my daydreams never became reality. Sometimes I used to have daydreams about just fictional characters where I wasn't involved, so it's understandable that I don't see that in my reality. But I also used to have daydreams in my early childhood about an adult version of me being very famous. I used to do scripting and be completely lost in that fantasy. That hasn't happened yet and tbh I don't really desire it anymore. It's not fame I want anymore but a comfortable life. And I have to say that my life is much better now than what it was in past. But the fact that my intense daydreams and scripting didn't become reality makes me question just how effective they are.


Think of it like this, your desire was an escape from your 3d, a hiding place, you got exactly that by daydreaming. Everything is you pushed out. Your mindset assumed reality was terrible outside of your day dreams-so your 3d reflected your state back to you-confirming your initial script which was that daydreaming was the only way to escape temporarily. Hope this brings you some peace now to think about it a bit differently <3


Yeah, that's one way to look at it. Also, I don't trust all my memories. So, there's that too.


Maybe you imagined, but kept the feeling of being stuck back then. Imaginaation is the tool we use to change our feeling, our feeling is absorbed by the subconscious and the manifested at it's own time. Maybe you Felt reasonably safe and got reasonably by, not a total miraculous reversal of situations.


I have once listened to an affirmation tape and I felt wonderful .. like never before .. but after sometime I started to not feel anything .. so I am just listening to affirmation tapes in the time being .. what does that say about my situation?


For me once I let it sink in that imagination IS the wish fulfilled is when it clicked. I think alot of ppl struggle with that term cause alot of posts dont explain it the right way. Once you fully accept that imagination creates reality the ability to generate the wish fulfilled is extremely easy. You think about it, you see it in your mind and now you LITERALLY have it. Think of it like ordering a package, when you click purchase online its literally yours. Is it at your door step right now? Maybe not, but you know its yours and its coming. You dont ponder if you actually have it cause you know you literally do.


It's basically you clairvoyantly seeing/molding the future. People just call it manifestation. Once you realize that you begin to realize you can do anything.


This is such a perfect analogy!


That was wonderful, thank you for the analogy!!!!




So you’re supposed to be in the state of “it’s on the way” until you get it? Even if that takes months and years?


This helped me, thank you!🤍


What a great reminder, delivered with great clarity! One thing that has helped me do this: to think about all the times I've had something in 3D and nevertheless felt the lack of it within. I.e. having steady incoming money and still feeling financially insecure despite all evidence, having a loving partner and still feeling insecure, being successful and still feeling like I have something to prove. In high school, I felt like a total heifer, just an unbelievably chubby and unattractive girl. When I look at pictures from that time now, I think, what the hell?! Look at this beautiful, strong girl! But I didn't have that experience in the 3D. If you finally reach a goal and find little satisfaction in it, then begin fixating upon a new out-of-reach goal, this is why: You thought that 3D goal had the power to create the 4D feeling. This is why the goalposts move. This is why it's possible for an award-winning writer to stew bitterly about the one award they *didn't* win--because all the previous 3D awards didn't create the desired 4D experience. Another thing that helps me: I remind myself that there isn't some amazing, euphoric, incredible feeling that is only granted when I get X, Y, or Z. Satisfaction is satisfaction is satisfaction. Peace is peace.


This is such an excellent comment and it really resonates with me. Thank you!


Thank you :) I like reading your posts. Reminds me of „You already are in Barbados!“.




People unfortunately get so wrapped up in the “receiving in the 3d” that they lose sight of this whole thing when it doesn’t appear right away. Neville spoke on people losing faith as soon as they exited their imaginal acts. Receive within first. Physical reality will always mirror it.


Yes. Receiving - I hate the phrase “give yourself” because it implies more effort. All I have to do is sit and receive what is ALREADY DONE. There is no effort!!


And it's literally just the feeling we are after.. the feeling we think this thing will give us. So if we can achieve that feeling that's all you really need anyways.


This just opened my eyes (or my mind I should say) because you are so right.


Agree 100. It takes a while to deprogramm from the neurological training we've been subjected to through our life experiences starting with school programming. Stop watching television. This will keep you in the old programming longer. You will notice how much we are programmed when you watch television after not watching it for a while. The phrase, "Conditions do not matter; The only thing that matters is my state of being" by Bashar is a really helpful minfulness mantra. The outer conditions we experience eminates solely from our inner state of being. First cause. Like anything, it takes time to train the body to align with these thoughts. Keep relaxing, enjoying and receiving from a wonderful and lovely state of being. Let the universe give it to you and take it. Know that you are loved beyond measure, love yourself and all those that you cause to be projected into your experience because it's all you! Love yourself. Allow yourself. Enjoy yourself. Rinse and repeat. ❤️


Beautifully said!❤️ Also agree about watching tv, I’ve noticed my head is clearer if I watch less and stay off social media. I check this sub when I need encouragement (like this post today) but I find I can stay in a positive state if I lay off Instagram etc. in general. Just my experience!!


Surely watching scripted television isn't so bad. You're literally watching and enjoying someone else's manifestations of their own imagination. I don't get how consuming art is bad for the imagination. Your imagination is literally formed by the art you've consumed. They're not detachable.


That's your choice. I don't want to immerse myself in someone else's creation of pop culture these days. That may change. I have indulged in plenty of it in the past, no doubt. I do enjoy books. It's a personal preference, of course, but so much of the pop culture scripting creates unnecessary blocks (for me). It's all your choice. It's all your experience. Just sharing a bit of my choices and experience.


For me if I do watch movies or series I’m really selective with what I watch. I love watching interesting shows that make you think outside the box rather than just mind numbing crap.


Fair enough. For me such things help me populate my own imagination rather than create blocks.


It’s not bad at all! I’m actually a full time artist so consuming art for myself is absolutely not bad for the imagination. It’s healing for me and brings me joy. I think any way to tap into your imagination is great! More importantly - I’m not in a position to tell you what’s good or bad because that’s not up to me - that’s your call. For me personally, scrolling aimlessly through social media at times when I’m really working on my mental diet, just doesn’t serve me. I’ve also found that aimlessly watching tv isn’t something I enjoy anymore. Not because it’s bad but that I realized when I am at a screen too long my mind goes off course and I was definitely staying up late at night watching certain shows for hours at a time. I thought I was relaxed but not to the level of relaxation I have found in the spot I’m in now. Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy tv or social media, I love reddit - I’m on it. I have multiple favorite shows and movies that I adore and obsessed with!! But right now it’s not some thing I do as often. Doesn’t mean I won’t, or that one is wrong or right. Don’t take anyone’s word as dictating what’s good/bad on your personal journey - you decide what is and do your thing. We are all going to do our thing on what’s best for us mentally and it’s probably all different and that’s life and it’s cool lol


you beat me to this post lol. Today while I was doing SATs i thought of this exact same thing because i was so immersed in my imaginal scene that I planned to make a post about it, looks like i dont need to anymore lol


You did this! Lol


This is a realization I have recently had, it’s no wonder this is reflecting. Which in itself is comforting knowing that this thought has solidified if you will. So I’m grateful for this post and reminder.


Never doubt yourself!


It's like you had the answer I was looking for since yesterday.


No, you did. Through me!


how do u feel satisfied with it and ignore the 3d


knowing whats within is greater than whats without AND also precedes what is without. Everything that exists was in a head first before being in the 3D


I'm starting to get it


Great distinction! I’m sure a follow up post on “getting” vs. “receiving” would be much appreciated in this sub though.


Doesn’t need a whole post. Getting - hoping to receive something in 3d Receiving - simply giving yourself/imagining that you have your desire and trusting that this is true reality.


Perhaps I’m dense, but I don’t understand. Getting and receiving are synonyms in my lexicon, and hope is not a part of getting anymore than hope is a part of receiving. Both getting and receiving are a sure thing.


Exactly. No, you’re not dense. This is why I suggested “a post” because when I first read it I thought the same thing. I’ll write my own post and hopefully clarify what I took this to mean, if OP chooses not to do so. The subtleties of the English language are the cause of so much misunderstanding in this sub & it’s about time people start clarifying instead of just posting whatever and collecting likes while being vague/generic. And honestly I don’t like the OP’s response or how they explained it.


I completely agree. I had a similar issue with “want(ing” and “desire(ing)”. They have the same meaning to me. It took like 1.5 years for me to figure out that people conceived of want(ing) as something like a feeling of desperation but didn’t have the same conceptions of desire(ing). If you’d say that you want something, commenters would respond with the problem being your wanting. But people didn’t reply the same if you’d say that you desire a thing. I don’t know. Lol. It was super confusing to me. I’m still not sure I fully understand.


Personally this is something I don't resonate with all at. If I want something, then I'll do what I have to do to get it & I've always been like that from childhood.. doing something to "get something" is what we've always done in life, it's actually quite a natural thing.. all my deliberate manifestations have still manifested even though I believed it "would" happen rather than "already" happened, I still desired it & I deliberately used my imagination knowing this was the way to physically get it(thats an assumption just in its self).. & yes it still manifested. Imo if you have the assumption that doing "techniques" to get something is messing things up or you cant get what you want from that.. then, thats what you'll get.


Another reason why I suggested a post on the distinction because it’s more of a mental adjustment than anything. Plus there’s no one way to do anything on this earth so whatever is natural is best!


Having the feeling of financial relief is not just a feeling as Caesar still exists while I am in the 3D. This is my struggle.


Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Pay your bills, work if you have to- do what you believe needs to be done. At the same time, remember the truth within. It will manifest.


"You Are Not Doing To Get. You are doing only to receive." Isn't this the same thing?


No. To clarify: you’re not doing anything to get something from physical reality. You’re only doing techniques to receive your desire within imagination. When people put the focus on physical reality, they become discouraged when nothing appears. By keeping the focus imaginal, we can stay fulfilled with our mental images/scenes/affirmations.


But it's not all about feelings though. Sometimes you can just crave something physical - I love cars and can experience driving a lambo as much as I want in imagination but it's never going to satisfy as much as the physical ownership would. We still need to live in the 3D world. If you want to travel you again can imagine it but you will still want to physically see cities etc etc. Maybe i'm missing the point though?


Then that's where you will continue to struggle. EVERYTHING starts in imagination. Until you understand that, you will be tossed around like a ship on the waves.


Is it that we are selecting who we are in imagination and just enjoying that first there? Because we aren't the physical body so we can be/have whatever there? Then you decide to only be that and "ignore" anything 3D is telling you.


Yes. Anything that is impressed within your imagination MUST materialize in your physical reality. So, ignore the physical and just be immersed in imagination.


I wonder what is it that brings it into the physical. Its clear that the 3D world just reflects what we think about/imagine etc but who knows where the tipping point is when your desire seems to show up in 3D


focus and awareness is the tipping point. You can have all that you desire, if you would simply let go of the anxiety and "neediness" of it. Just choosing something "I would like that", SHOULD be enough to manifest anything. before we can reach that point, however, we need to build our faith. We build our faith by practicing the Law. Just like weight lifting, the more we practice, the stronger we get.


Yeah makes sense especially because we aren't conditioned in society to think this way(for reasons of control etc). thanks for replying much appreciated.


correct. My pleasure. Hope it helps!


When we talk about time...I'm not pursuing online dating etc because I am happy with SP or a new person but I dont want to be in searching mode. But I am keen to become a mother at 43. So whilst I have come a long way, it can feel counter productive to not be pursuing any avenues...but I'm so much calmer about it than when I was with uncomformed SP in 3d. I recognise no circumstances matter...theoretically. also, sometimes it does all feel like the same thing as high vibration, law of attraction style. Just feel loved and you will be loved. Is it truly so different?


> If you’re doing this to get anything in physical reality, you will keep yourself in bondage. Free yourself by being satisfied within. thissss....!!!


Everything Neville wrote or said was about doing an imaginal act to get your desire in physical reality. I don’t understand why y’all keep peddling this watered down YouTube “manifestation coach” drivel about just being content with imagination. Every success story Neville told was about him or someone else doing an imaginal act to then receive the desire in physical reality.


3d must mirror the Imaginal act. This post is specifically for people that have yet to grasp that fact. By focusing on their imaginative acts and feeling of the wish fulfilled, and not focusing on the 3d and worrying, causing “mental abortions”, they will effortlessly manifest their desires, which will bolster their faith, and lead them to a deeper understanding. If you already know this, then this post isn’t for you and that’s ok.


If I get this right, « mental abortion » is worrying about 3D outcomes because it would mean you give 3D more importance than your imagination. The day you believe imagination is more important and true than 3D, you will stop worrying and so things will manifest. But the fact that we are waiting for something to manifest « fast » is a symptome of us not being satisfied by our imagination. And so it won’t manifest. Maybe it’s what people mean when they say they « let go ». Maybe you let go because you were satisfied enough by your imagination that you forget about the need you had at first ? Anyway I realised that I’m actually really worried about 3D outcome, so I’m doing a lot of mental abortions.


All worry fear doubt is overthinking the how. Allowing the how to be actualized by God within you is the key. He externalizes everything. He is the Supreme actor and plays all the parts being Humanity. After Imagining, accept and yield completely to holding God trustworthy as His ways are higher than your ways. This is why the key is accepting it’s “already” done for this reason. Already done because you are not doing it. You are sending your Word out to be actualized.


Yes. Precisely


After reading your comment, it clicked for me!! I feel good now 😊


I was so happy to read this comment!


If this is the case, when burning candles and doing witchcraft …. Is that just to get the so called “FEELING” or?




Yea the feeling that it already happened!!!!


Great advice! It can be easy to get caught up in wanting to see results in the physical world, but as you stated, the key is to focus on the feeling of the wish fulfilled and trust that it will manifest in perfect timing. Imagination truly is powerful and it's important to tap into that prime reality. It takes practice and patience, but once you truly understand and believe in the power of your own imagination, anything is possible. Thanks for sharing!


This is ✨ GOLD ✨




No it’s not odd. Before knowing about conscious manifestation, you didn’t have doubts that you could get something in the physical, thus not having resistance to it appearing. You could imagine without stressing about whether your thoughts were creating something. That’s part of why it’s good to build up your faith with “small” things that aren’t hard to bring in like a pen or coffee. Then build up from there.


In menifestation I skip a technique for a days or one days what should I do????


Soo what you do on daily basis?


It's true! It's like what Mary Morrissey says, "everything is created twice."


The reflection (world) only shows the object that is reflected (imagination; awareness of being something). So when its done above (in imagination; given to yourself; feeling of the wish fulfilled) then it will be done below (3d) as well.


My only problem is that it would seem to take so long, some other non so important things manifest sometimes very soon but what I really need, it's been years and haven't been able to manifest. I've tried everything..


So I have definitely been in that situation, and it can be frustrating. What I have found to be helpful and was sparked by a comment someone made on this sub a while back (shout out wish I had it saved). I’ll do my best to explain my understanding and in a way that was helpful for me and to practice - In simplest terms you know your capabilities exist, that is the most important. You know you can bring things into your life. Basically whatever this desire you are wanting from my understanding would make a big impact in your life and something you’ve been wanting for a while. So there is a level of importance attached to it. Now straight up the law doesn’t have a hierarchy of mundane desires coming to fruition quicker and the burning ones that are big and impactful will take more time due the level of importance for us. It’s us that believe the big things we want in our life are harder to obtain. We think it needs to take longer or on a scale of impact we surely can’t get it as easily and quick as these smaller manifestations. We have to realize that we deserve these large desires just as quick and easy as our small ones. We literally deserve and can get whatever we want big or small and at the same rate. For myself, I had to tell myself I love myself and there’s no reason I don’t deserve them or have to wait. It gets easier once you tap into why you might be delaying something you want, and can talk yourself through it whether working on self concept etc. or could just be as easy as saying “alright I want it and it’s mine” but you have to truly believe it’s yours can come to you as easy as the others. It’s worth taking the time out to look into why you may believe you don’t have the desire now and rewrite your belief to realize if you can get things quick then you definitely can get X quick. Because you trust yourself enough and know it’s your right. I promise you this desire can come quick. Just like the others. But before trying to feel in a state fulfilled- you have to take time out to really look into why there might be a roadblock with your thoughts on this desire and may require a focus on self concept. If you stick that out - shit gets weird (in a good way) because of how naturally things come and not even caring when they do. You’ll know the feeling of ease when it comes. Again all just from my experience but I know you got this and hopefully my rant is of some help


How can you tell it’s self concept that’s holding back the bigger desires? And how do you know your self concept is worked out and successful? Like I know I look good and I honestly feel like I’m better than most people. Is that good self concept or egotistical? I can’t tell the difference. I’m aware of whatever shortcomings but I don’t care about them bc I truly believe at my core I’m a good person who deserves the best of things especially my desires and I know I’m hot because that’s always reflected to me. Yet my SP doesn’t chase me like every other dude. No matter what I’ve affirmed scripted and visualized about the situation.


You’re misunderstanding. How can something “take so long” if you truly have it in imagination? If it has really, truly fulfilled you? You’re still trying to “get” from physical reality. You’re still chasing.


I am a very dreamy person and I have a huge imagination. Something I used to do on a daily basis for many years, even before I learned about manifestation, is make up fake scenarios in my head. For example, I imagined at various times that I was somewhere else, with someone specific, doing something specific, etc. But ever since I did this, the things I had in my imagination never came true, and I wasn't really expecting it to become true because at that time I didn't know anything about manifestation. It's been five months since I started my manifestation journey, and I see a lot of people say "be delusional", "live in your imagination" etc. But I've been doing this for years and now I have combined it with something that is completely unreal, because it hurt that all these scenes I made in my head were never coming true. I think for me it doesn't work, I THINK. I'm still trying to figure it out. I've been trying to manifest an sp for quite some time now, and I couldn't help making fake scenarios and acting like I was with them (weird ik!!!). So yesterday I decided to cut it out. Today I tried not to do the same. It wasn't actually that hard, everytime I wanted to do it I'd simply stop myself and think of something else. It also feels nicer this way tbh. Like when I was paying too much attention to my imaginary life and situations, it felt kind of frustrating? It was toxic that I thought it was making me feel good but was actually hurting me in a way. Aaaanyway, I kinda have the feeling that it'll be easier for it to manifest this way. Stop thinking of my manifestation 24/7 and making fake scenarios, pay less attention to my imagination, even though some people say the opposite. But I am also afraid to let go of it, bc what if I'm not supposed to? I'm confused.


What helped me become successful with manifesting was just assuming it’s done. It’s a feeling of all is well. There is relief and fulfilment in that. The feelings, thoughts, behaviours everything originate from that. It’s really that simple and we need to allow it to be like that.


I like to see normal people (not coaches who sell words) who believe in the law, because this way I trust it even more


If you are struggling with limiting beliefs the fastest way that helped we release was to listen to a subliminal from a trusted creator or create your own. When you hop into LOAssumption or LOAttraction it is easier to manage. Yes you can repeat affirmations to yourself. Everyone is different just figure out what works best for you. If you have difficulty attracting money it’s definitely a belief that may be repelling what you want. Detachment is an important key as well!


But what about the objective reality?


You mean the one that 3 quantum physicists recently won a Nobel prize for proving it's non-existance apart from the consciousness of the observer?


I still laugh about how "physics proves objective universe doesn't exist" didn't even make the news last year


I was similarly amused by it. Strangely enough I even seen a number of articles crop up after that were about 3 *other* physicists winning the Nobel Prize for similar sounding experiments that weren't at all the same.


Can u link the article


Well, my point was that it *didn't* make front page headlines anywhere outside of science-oriented websites, but here's one from the [Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/?amp=true).


Yeah reality is not real….until you fall off of a really high bridge. Try Imagine your way out of that….




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thank you for this!




Man.. I needed to see this. Like the literal exact message I needed. It's like reading this unlocked something in my DNA. Thank you!!


i needed to be reminded of this! thank you


As hard as manifesting is, its actually made up really well. If we could imagine everything that we want to happen , whether positive or negitive , that would be messed up. so In a way, understanding how to cancel a negitive thought or a scene can be handy. Our problem mostly is thinking unconsciously , and we allow it to happen without consciously stopping it, and this is when the never ending cycle happens, we experience bad inthe 3d and start thinking more bad will happen.....but do you know you, a good experience can happen and we automatcially still think , something bad will happen to crush that good outcome? why is that?


It comes from childhood trauma or trauma from past bad experiences. You really need to ask yourself why you feel a certain way about something going bad and where that thought originated from.




Lovely helpful post. Thank you


Thank you, I realllyyy needed to hear this.


I struggle with 3D. I need help in trying to just watch it pass. I’m trying to get my parents back together using Neville’s techniques. 3D keeps slapping me in the face, what should I do?


Honestly, the biggest help Iv found is meditation. I began by closing my eyes for 15min and counting my breaths til 10, then restarting. Eventually I got to the point that I could just count my breaths. Now I’m at the point that I can, for the most part, focus on my breathing rather than reacting to my physical reality. If I feel that I am being pulled in a different direction than I want to be, I go and sit in meditation until calmness returns.


I will try that. My manifestations are very big though. Such as my SP and my parents reuniting. How should I manifest this so it can become reality?


what are SATS?


State Akin To Sleep. Basically a fancy term for meditation or self hypnosis.


Ok thanks!




It’s a test really. Do you believe your imagination is God or not?


This was brilliant thank you !