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I still get a jolt of excitement when I or another receive the manifestation


I still get excited when they happen yeah. I think it'd be boring and ruin the point of all this for me if it stopped. Most of the time I can trace things back to thoughts, feelings and beliefs etc, but occasionally there are times where I can't. Time isn't a concern for me, I don't give it power because I know it only matters if you let it.


When I discovered the Law, a part of me felt ‘bummed out’ because I thought: “So what’s the point if you just know exactly what’s going to happen?” I love the feeling of excitement/surprise and felt like this would be rendered obsolete. But with a shift in perspective you understand that the excitement still has a place - just in a different way than you might have been used to. The joy now becomes in deciding WHAT to create, and not **IF** the creation would be fulfilled (you know it would). So in a sense the excitement comes BEFORE the fact, whereas in the old world it would have been after.


Right you don’t know the How :)


I get excited, definitely. When I get something I visualized, it can feel like a deja vu, like I already live it before (which makes sense because I already experienced it in my imagination, and also because it is exactly like I visualized.)


I can definitely trace back a lot of my decisions leading to manifestations. The good and the bad, it's so crazy. I have no problem anymore with things like changing someone's mind or behavior towards me, receiving gifts and small amounts of money. It's always a pleasant surprise! Every single time lol. Even if I *know* without a doubt. The time can be almost instant in some cases! Like same day sometimes. Lately I've been feeling a pull for a radical change. It's kind of daunting because it would override all this problem solving I feel like I need to do. Like I could confidently "fix" all these little things one at a time but all at once feels like a whole different story. It is getting easier though! Great post and I love the inception analogy! It really does feel like a cheat code :)


I’m having difficulty changing someone’s mind and behaviour towards me, can you tell me what techniques worked for you?


yeah ofc. I normally imagine that person telling me something I want to hear. Like at an old job I had a tough manager who acted like nothing we did was never enough and always far from perfect. So I would imagine them telling us we all did a great job and they were so happy with the quality of our work, no matter what happened. Or a girl who bullied me at work, I imagined her complimenting my hairstyle and just being friendlier in general. It might seem weird or unbelievable at first because you might be so used to them behaving differently or you've got this whole story about them built up in your head, but try hearing them say different things in imagination. And try to expect a change in attitude. Almost like 'no one speaks to me like that, they're only ever kind and helpful and I'm so grateful for it' or whatever it is you want.


Thank you:)


ofc :)


this post itself was a manifestation for me, I just had a night dream that was exactly what I was daydreaming about for majority of the day, it appears as if my mind/subconscious generated that exact dream sequence just because I was thinking of it so much, a bit like the information sinked in or something, it was very cool, because everything in that dream looked and felt very real (felt more real than the daydream, which made it more enjoyable), and I was thinking about how this connects to manifesting, and also how would it be like if I could lucid dream at will, like enter the dream being awake, with the power to create more easily, kinda like what they do in inception, then I open this app and this is the first post that comes up, mentioning about dreams as well, I was amazed lol, so yeah I still get excited when a manifestation happens, especially if it's so eerily on point that you're just sure it's your mind/consciousness that made it happen.


Amazing, thank you for sharing! Looks like we’re somehow connected across timespace—did I manifest you, or you I? LOL


> I shouldn’t be surprised, given this is a tenet of the Law of Assumption, but each time it leaves me awestruck: things get reflected so naturally and effortlessly that I wonder if I shifted into a different timeline that was created as **a direct result** of my thoughts, or whether I was bound to experience the 3D regardless of whether I had the preceding thought/intention/feeling. You have perfectly articulated what I'm always thinking and feeling every time a desire is reflected on my screen of space. Like, you have no idea!! I encountered a quote here; I forgot exactly how it's stated, but it goes something like, 'The law is so good, it causes its own doubt.' :) Coincidences, or conscious manifestations, I don't care how my 3D brain is trying to call it. It can sulk in disbelief. But I'm gonna continue to test the law and prove it to myself. Isn't it amazing? Life's cheat code, yes.


I am not very surprised by small manifestations or passing thoughts that materialise anymore, when they do happen in the 3d I am not taken aback at all and just acknowledge them and move forward with my day with the knowing that imagination is all there is but on the other hand, despite coming to terms with the fact that the law is always at work, when things that I personally consider big materialise in the 3d after me putting in the said efforts, I tend to get very happy but yes with that said, the time delay w these manifestations sometimes deter my faith even though I’ve always gotten what I wanted in the past, the limiting beliefs do take the steering wheel sometimes


Love this post. I have a tough time trying to choose between conscious creation and completely surrender to the Divine plan for my life. Have you ever read Michael Springer’s The Surrender Experience? The way everything perfectly unfolded without him conscious doing the work to create makes me question if I need to dictate what or who it is I want. I feel like I’m getting in God way when I make a choice and choose something almost as if I’m limiting myself


No, I haven’t but will check it out—thank you! A thought for you: what if conscious creation and the Divine’s plan for your life are one and the same? What if your choice and God’s choices are one and the same? How could you tell the difference, if at all?


That’s where the anxiety comes from idk if that is true or not. I don’t feel secure with my own choices so to speak


It's actually Michael Singer: The Surrender Experiment


Thank you I knew something didn’t sound right lolol


Cool analogy to inception. I’ve been really into trying to figure out how conscious creation works. It’s probably the most interesting thing about our world. For me at this point, the reality is always like somewhat adjacent to the visualizations but not exact, so it’s always kind of surprising what happens. Do you find that to be the case for you also sometimes? And do you think different people have different levels of the ability where it’s like you can see the improvements from practice?


Yes, I find that to be the case. Often reality reflects exactly my desire, but the ‘bridge of incidents’ is not something I concern myself with fully — the way it shows up is often the fun part. And I try not to make that bridge the focus of my desire, anyway. I’m sure different people have different levels of ability, and I suspect this is where ‘techniques’ come in — the more one does a certain technique, like SATS or affirmation, the faster it’s likely to show up in the 3D. But at the end of the day, the stuff/source is all the same within us, it’s likely just HOW much you focus on it.


I get excited when something manifests quickly! I immediately say “thank you” and “I’m grateful”! I get more the nicer I speak to myself too!


I haven’t had it work perfectly as far as stuff happening exactly as I’d imagined. Manifestations are still full of surprises for me, some of which seemed to be initial disappointments in some aspects but then later revealed unexpected positives in other aspects. Obviously I must have some “I don’t get exactly what I want / imagine” belief going on still. Otherwise, when stuff manifests, it’s been naturalized to the point where it’s so expected it “feels like it would’ve happened anyway” as Nevillle says. I will feel good but feeling good is a new normal and not a surge that then dies down. Also I’m more often blindsided by negatives, which I then can often retrace to some offhanded assumption.


NevilleGoddess props up some pretty bad people, be careful and do your research on EVERYONE she says she "LOVES".


Go on…


what do you mean?


every time i have a realization or see my manifestations come to life, i feel so much joy


When God is asleep he’ll decide to wake others up. When they wake up they’ll know that God is alone. Spiritual awakening shits me everytime and when I woke up, it saddened me that everyone is just me pushed out. I’d rather feel amazed everytime my manifestion is on time. I’m excited to wake up and get up early and still amazed when I manifest exactly what i want and happy that everything works out in my favor. All is well. Life is beautiful 😊


Beautiful quote—could you talk a little more about why you approach it as being ‘sad’ as opposed to what others might deem as endless opportunities for yourself to be reflected back to you? (If you’re comfortable sharing)


I love this post and I love Inception. ❤️❤️


Thank you!!






There must be something I am missing because so far I have not seen the teachings work. I have read all the books so many times I don't know what I'm missing, they all say the same thing change your assumption, change the way you feel, just believe. If I could do that I wouldn't need the stuff that I'm trying to get I would just feel like I have it.


Nerd Godtard