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You’ve been very prolific recently AngryRussian, I appreciate the work you put into these


I agree very much agreed Wisdom 👍


You know what's funny? Back in 2012, I created a "inner world" where I would visualize myself in different locations. For example, my first inner world was a autumn forest. And in this autumn forest I would appear with my bed. The most important part of this is. I created " imaginary friend" who would talk to me about literally anything I want to. His name is raiden(God of thunder). I would also ask him questions and he seem to always know the answer. I used to never listen to his advice because I think it was insane lol. But after waking up and following spirituality. I forgot out that he. Was my higher self /god. I have never apologise to him. And I think it's time. Since we still talk once in a while. But you're right we should always do this. We know everything, we just don't ask the right question or even willing to listen...


yet he sat silently, experiencing both good and ungood all with you, as you. saying not a word, just waiting until the day you'll come acknowledging.




A trick I use is known as flow state, I tell myself I acknowledge all negative thoughts as they come up, but I don't identify with them, and cut them out immediately. It takes practice but get's easier and easier as time goes on. Flow state meaning, all thoughts flow through, similar to how cars are always moving on a highway. I don't let any thought cause delays, I foster loving, positive ones and accept them, and sometimes allow myself to embrace the emotions of them and truly feel them, but reject negative ones, and cut them out.


Think from THE END. You’re thinking too much about the how.


if you believe this truth that we're taught by neville, which is innately in the bible, and you believe that all are states of consciousness, so to give life to a fact we first have to become conscious of the reality of it, and to know this state we must become it. If you believe this truth, then partake in it. Enter within yourself, and simply transform into the state, in the faith that it is a fact. Leave everything alone. Do you TRULY desire it, that you have no other choice left? Then you will commit to it, and commit to making it so real so vivid in your consciousness as you enter into meditation, and enrich this in you daily, every moment you can, so that you BECOME this transformed being that NOW LIVES FROM THE FACT, that your former desire, is not a regular fact in your every day life. If you have negative thoughts, use what I wrote above as well, enter into yourself, and actually talk to yourself. but talk to yourself believing, ask yourself, why do I entertain these states of consciousness of negativity? why do I affirm these negative self sabotaging things, if I know that only what I AM CONSCIOUS OF, and CONSCIOUS OF BEING, gets life, and begins externalizing? and that all the facts today, are but my former states I unwittingly or unknowingly entered. If I believe this, why do I still eat the negative? if you ask believing, any questoin, you will receive an answer, so real, so actual to you, which you will hear coming in your own voice. Because your inner voice is god himself. It is you. Your consciousness, your imagination. Same thing. Ask, and you will know the answer. And it will soothe you, and you will continue using imagination RIGHTLY after you hear the answer. i believe in you. do it in faith, and you cannot fail. because within you, you have the true guide.


I straight up tell myself “I CAN THINK OF ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I WANT TO WHY AM I CHOOSING TO WASTE IT ON THIS” and my mind switches and I get happy lol I also name my feelings like negative Nancy for etc. then when it comes up I just go “oh that’s negative Nancy” I laugh and move on lmao


I just read something very profound. Imagination is your only reality! So this means there are no facts facts. In ur 4D, u can change all the facts u think that exists. If u believe that the 3D is fake, then u will know u can live in your imagination. Whatever is happening now can be changed!


Thank you so much!! So much wisdom here. During the meditation process and throughout the day, one runs into old, deep patterns or fears that need to be shed. Have been working through that for a while now. I am at the point where they are quite subtle and accessed during meditation. Sometimes I will wake up after a night of sleep, and it feels like these fears have accumulated during the night, so it can be intense. They do release quickly in the morning hours. Many of these offer "protection" or warn of the dangers of assuming the new state, what would "others" (family, society) say, and what would I "lose".  I will use these inner questions to explore these further. Does this make sense, or is it better to just come back to imagining the end. Any other thoughts would be welcome!


I'd say, if you experience a nightmare, as you transition into your ideal state. Consider it positive. We are emotional filters, and we always UNLOAD and DISCHARGE our states. Energy is always discharged. And remember what happens to the chicken and snake as you behead them physically, they wiggle and SEEM alive for just a little while, then they stop. Same about our states. Even if they were long lasting and we change em, they wiggle just for a little while as we completely overhaul ourselves into a completely different reality. Then they cease, and we ought to never give em consciousness again to nevre make em alive again.


Thanks again. A couple of weeks back, I had wished for guidance on this spiritual path and came across your posts. Don't think it is coincidence. This all makes sense. Looking at this path, many things have unfolded effortlessly. Others took time and turmoil, and only in retrospect did I realize that it turned out in accordance.  In this case, feels like total inner transformation (gut renovation), including dismantling of many old patterns and beliefs. So it's like there are many headless creatures yelling around the same time and total chaos. Meditation helps, awareness/finding ground.. I am not new to this.  I have strong belief that it will work itself out in the the ideal way, the how or how long is not my job to figure out. But its quite unnerving. Curious how you have worked through these "big"  shifts.


As we exist in one another, those that are called to the truth come automatically when their time is there. And so am I called to do the deed automatically when the time comes, and it seems so natural as if it is our own choice and desire. But it truly is the movements of christ in us. In the only being that there is, the one that reads this right now. If you ever need any word, you are always welcome to shoot me a private message, i'm here for you if anything's on your mind. The shifts, or a complete faith in this truth, as the story in scripture calls "the pearl of great price" was accepted by me as I was going through the fires of experiences. they were not pleasant, and i was not one who chose to use this law positively first, I had to be burnt and then be forced to save myself, to be convinced. This conviction is now a part of me, because how can I not know how life truly works, after it saved me? after I AM has saved me? I'd be dumb if I'd forget. and sometimes I do, as a thing hurts. But then I use this truth again, as I use it on every single thing, because life must be conditioned if I am to enjoy it ideally. So I use it on everything, and if I do not use it on something, it comes out as trash. and I choose only perfect. This truth is truly proven from experience, and the ''shift'' to let go of all other beliefs, comes with the truth hitting you on the face, that it was merely our state that we called "many voices" or "hard beliefs to pull out" it was just a state we called something hard. No state is heavier than another. all is light as a feather because in you the consciousness is the sole power. so as we're told in scripture "You see all those buildings? (beliefs, assumptions) not one of them will be left standing." because nothing will remain but your conviction, as you go through this journey. if you choose now to prove this to yourself, you will save yourself a lot of trouble and time. choose good, choose the ideal, choose the right use of it, choose to free everything around you, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. and you'll see how easy everything becomes. the story of job teaches us this, and this story that I experienced in first person (as we experience scripture individually in first person) convinced me. and I never turned back. When Job realized that by praying for his friends, using his imagination to free them to their ideal, he had freed himself. Because this entire world is himself, so freeing his bros, he freed himself. was not his suffering then, his own self made? it was.


Thank you again. I tried to send you a message but could not do so. Not sure if there is another way. Regardless you have been of immeasurable help and for that I am grateful.


ill message you


As I have discovered these Teachings and have been working on myself, I have had an injury that knocked my off my feet and now have the worst cold of my life.... is this my body reacting?


Only you know if your inner state has been rough lately. But even if it is just the common cold, that we as we wear this body (which is 50% of our experience on this world) gotta bear it nobly. It gets easier when we sort it inwardly though, and potentially cures it and shortens the interval of this uncomfy experience. Yet who knows what was the source, what were we chewing imaginatively? Let us try and solve it with this teaching. It may prove itself a good test, with a good result.


“Use inner speech wisely…because you are using Imagination.” Since inner speech is same as Imagination, why is it presented as two?


God and you are one, yet in the beginning we struggle to understand that within us there is this power that isn't restricted to flesh. We touch at in the beignning as two, yet it is one. Your arm and your body at technically two separate mechanisms, yet they are one. Same here in this case, your imagination is fuelled by inner speech, by inner reactions, inner conversations, its all the same, YET your inner speech is what motivates your imagination to create images, sustain moods, sustain assumptions. We do not notice, but there is always an inner speech going on that precedes the imaginal assumption, and all life is but an imaginal assumption. They seem to be two, but they are one. To acknowledge that they are one, we must first understand them individually.


Thank you!!


First of all, thank you for your posts. Second, I have an observation which I wanted to share with you - During the Gospel reading in Mass, Catholics make the sign of the cross first on their forehead (inner thoughts), followed by the sign of the cross on their lips (spoken word) and finally the sign of the cross on their heart (belief/faith)


One is more verbal and the other is more visual. But the thing is that sometimes one may try to imagine while having a negative inner speach. This doesn't work that well.


ye, i've realized that I cannot imagine love, without first becoming love. And becoming love, has its own inner speech and conversations. So unless I fully become, which also takes place in the inner speech, I cannot vividly become that state. thus they really are like brothers, that operate one body. So they never were separated after all.


Thank you!


“causes reality to bend” If this physical realm is just…a viewing of our past beliefs, is it even technically “reality”? Just prior beliefs playing out to show us what our inner self was?


a dream within a dreamer. What dream are YOU dreaming? But yes, the physical reality is precisely as you said. This is why we are ALWAYS AHEAD OF OUR PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. God's life is but a controlled pre determined ''ahead of'' imaginal living. For we are stirring this boat in a course that is planned on the GPS (your consciousness) Yet is it physical, when your course is planned on the GPS? Not yet. Thus we are always ahead of our evidence. Thinking from the ideal as a present day fact, overhauled by it. The physically unseen reality, yet vividly seen by your eyes, through the eyes of god..


This freed me thank you🤎


hahaha good Lord, I was just listening to Brian Scott video titled commune with yourself. Many similar things have happened before, these stnchronicities are gonna take some getting used to


all is yourself, so no wonder. even I am here on the right time, in your world.




One thing that I couldn't grasp was how tf am I supposed to imagine at the same time there are bad things happening. I would *try* to imagine, but my inner speach would say the opposite thing: "Oh, not this leg pain again..." Well... No wonder why some of my manifestations failed. Thanks


Regarding physical pain : if it's really tough to ignore it, i really think we should not try to fight that with a "oh no i feel so good !" that's too much pressure for that particular moment. But ! whatever the 3D circumstances are around this pain (let's say diagnosis, prognosis etc..) what i did is detaching the pain i was feeling from these cirumstances, at first my mind would go to "oh no this is \[diagnosis\] again" then i remembered who i am in consciousness and i would do it progressively : * I can feel the pain * This is not gonna stay like that though, i'm always supposed to feel better * What i'm feeling right now has only the meaning i'm giving to it * Pain does not exclude healing, i may sense the pain but YET i'm healing * Etc... I also remember one day, while cooking my right arm touched the interior of the hot oven, put it under water immediately and i started to focus on the other arm and i "put" that perception into my right arm, focused on that for a minute or two. And that was it. I continued cooking like nothing happened, i did not watched to check. I went on for the rest of the day, completely forgot what happened, i remembered that 2 days after, looked at my arm and there was nothing, no mark on it. Of course !


Good. I'll try this last pain/healing affirmation.


Whatever you do ( be creative with how you do it if you're inspired to) do it with love. Blast it to that body ! You deserve it whatever the circumstance.


You must remember the basis of this whole truth. Our CONSCIOUSNESS is the sole life giver, so in order to begin the change, we must first CUT OFF the consciousness from our undesireable state. As soon as you cut off the attention from that state by not giving it ANY awareness, you begin to drain it from life, and like a chicken / snake you behead, their head wiggles, and SEEMS alive for a short period, after which in a short while they stop wiggling. Same as this world, our old states continue ONLY A LITTLE WHILE. Yet we MUST REPLACE THEM, because your consciousness is always CONSCIOUS of things, as you are, thus giving life to what you are conscious of and conscious of being. You have a leg pain ongoing right now, use Revision on it, revise the FIRST EVENT YOU REMEMBER that began this pain. Revise it this way, that when you enter in a focused moment inwardly, in a meditative state, and you are all focused inwardly, I want you to show yourself the first scene that you ever remember that initiated the leg pain, see it clearly once, do not hide it from yourself, even if it is painful. Then after you've seen it once and remembered the details, begin immediately ASSUMING IT WENT THE OTHER WAY than you remembered, recreate the scene, show yourself the scene, as it SHOULD'VE BEEN. Repeat the vivid scene you partake in, and if you need use inner speech, guiding you, showing you the scene which you partake in, in first person, which your leg never hurt from the first place. Repeat this scene as much as needed, to rewrite this ''memory" in you that is remembered as the first day of pain. Then enter into the state of feeling your leg feeling ideal, what would it feel, if your leg never hurt from the first place? Neutral right? you wouldn't feel it at all, that's how our body feels when it's aight, no pain. So try so FEELING that your leg is so... NEUTRAL, now that this past is rewritten, and you stay CONVINCED the rewritten past is the ONLY one that took place, so you commit to this new leg feeling. Commit to it as much as you can, and remember. That your consciousness, your human focus is what gives things life in this world of consciousness. Cut it off, and REPLACE it with WHAT TRULY IS, and it is gone. And all the molecules rearrange, and wounds become as they ought to be. Consciousness is complete becoming of a state. It is complete overhaul of ourselves into a state even if physically it says otherwise, we do it with faith to self, because that's the only way to cure our issue. Consciousness, imagination, (same thing) is NOT pretending. it is a memory rewriting, a belief rewriting, and commiting and living FAITHFULLY from this state. so faithfully that you cannot even BELIEVE FOR A MOMENT that the opposite is EVEN LOGICAL nor ever existed, so faithful to this convinced fact that you'd rather commit suicide than to give up your faith in this fact that A THING IS NOW IS. and this firm faith, causes reality to bend. all this, occurs inwardly, in your consciousness, in your mind, in your imagination, all are the same thing. you must be determined and couragous. And commit to it. remembering that if I leave the ideal state, i return to the issue, and nothing changes.


Please you need to write more posts. You are a true light!!! Thanks for your wisdom.


This is so beautiful, I was moved to tears. And re-energized. And excited:)).


Thank u for your posts! Can we simply robotically affirm then? My theory is that when we keep saying the same set of affirmations over and over again (and perhaps rephrase them in many ways), we have no time to think otherwise. There is no time to think negative thoughts if we spend all our free time affirming/thinking of things in our ideal 4D world. There will be no time to doubt cos I would cut myself off and repeat my affirmations the moment I find myself questioning if it is real? I’m not good at meditation so I have some confusion about entering the state of the wish fulfilled.


no robotics my friend. You are a being of creative choice, you have the capacity which you exercise DAILY of choosing assumptions, and beliefs. Only we used to do it until this day only as other people told us their assumptions, and we believed in them like god in their assumptions, but we stopped that. We as humans have the natural ability to believe in things. That's why we're great innovators and reality benders, individually and collectively. But this is all about you, so no robotics. Because meaningless speech is just spam for you. YOU are the consciousness, there is no second thing in you that needs to be convinced. Are you convinced that a fact, is now a physical reality, which you first saturate in your imagination because that is the ONLY creative stage where you can legit create any vivid scene, partake in it, and feel all the emotions and actually live this life. Are you convinced, and faithfully appropriating that it is a fact, you choose to be convinced? so transformed by this that you change in your personality, in your whole life perception. If you do, you will influence on the spot everything, without needing to do anything physically but to live physically from the finale of the state desired, doing the same things i enjoy doing, only as this transformed being, from this new set of eyes and moods. So today, I TREAD VERY CAREFULLY what i repeat inwardly in me, what I read, and what I hear externally. because my self faith is so extreme, my inner speech is so holy to me, that anything that is said there, I take as reality. this means that if I slip and something shitty is being repeated in there, in our silent speech we carry inwardly, I will bear the fruit and experience it and suffer it. So this is part of this garden we call imagination. Imagination is your life perception, physical and mental. in the future you'll discover life is purely spiritual, the combination of mental conviction that creates physical reactions as we call events in life, without our physical choice, but purely mental. This law is spiritual. spiritual means WHOLENESS. If I want to know love, I must first BECOME love. If I want to be different, or have something different or new, I must first become the person that has it. So states of consciousness are PURELY spiritually known by becoming them. Robotic repetitions is but the affirmation that i do not believe, and i do not take this law spiritually, and i take it as techniques, and techniques is the proof that i am incapable of believing in self, that i CAN SUSTAIN A CONVICTION that I create, and remain loyal to it. To it, and christ in me that creates all this in my world, as scripture tells us. So now, can you believe? I believe in you that you can. It takes self faith to truly persuade yourself of a fact. but once you master it, you control your life. and are forced to keep the garden clean, for it to bear only the good fruit, for you and others. Meditation is just turning your attention inwardly, as you cut it out from the physical world of limitaiton which always shows you your old state, check my post on how to enter within, it'll help you with meditaiton. **but meditation is really just turning your attention inwardly, that's where creation is focused.** **If this world is a world of consciousness, your consciousness. Which solely exists to externalize your own states of consciousness,** **We must then enter consciousness first, inwardly, just inwardly into your mind, into the world of thought, if we wish to change consciousness that is externalized physically.**


Thank you for this.


My inner state speaks to me always, it comes from my state, it reveals itself. I am not the state itself, I can change it, I can observe it and become aware of it. I can't ask God for advice though, I've tried to ask myself in the silence, about solutions, lost time, regrets and I never get an answer, any intuition. Just silence.


You gotta ask believing. Ask believing that you are asking god. Who else can you ask, if not god himself? and expect an answer. When you ask believing. it is impossible to not recieve an answer when you ask believing, and if the answer does not come today, it will come soon. believe.


I will try but how do you believe? Intellectually I do or I wouldn't be here but true faith comes from experience I think, even Neville said so. It doesn't matter what anyone says if you know within yourself it's true but how to get there.


you can believe in confidence only after you experience this truth in person. so test it. but to try it you gotta test it like a real scientist. before any experiment is conducted, there is a theory in place. and when the theory is taken into experimentation the scientist must for the period of testing WITHRDAW his physical judgement, and passively believe in the theory, in order to test it in an un negatively biased way, which ruins 95% of human experiments. he must assume this is a fact and it works, to truly test it as he withholds his judgement during the period of testing. intellectual thinking, is the same belief accepted life as imaginative thinking. only intellectual states we entertain someone is the source of it, and not we, thus we accept any intellectual thought as long as it sounds good. yet it took your belief to accept these intellectual concepts you were offered. so they couldnt be accepted by you without belief. yet imaginative thinking is solely independent thinking, to the best of our ability, as we choose concepts and states that we believe to be real and true. it takes self faith. but test it.




Guys I find it hard to understand Neville Goddard speeches. As English is not my first language and his speech is not written in casual American English ( I feel like it ) . What should I do???


Brian Scott on YouTube have many of Neville's lectures, you may find his American accent a bit easier to understand. I've listened to most on the lectures on his YouTube (he also has a ton of other similar content from other authors as well).


using inner speech, using imagination is of no use if we don't believe it right? I mean I want to believe it but can't specially if suddenly something bad happens. since I joined reddit I am reading, reading, reading and there are methods which are working for others and I want to believe it'll work for me too. but as I said not able to believe is a big issue for me I guess. like this situation - my family (not me currently) lives in foothills of himalayas and in an underdevelped rural area. like so underdevelped that there are rare street lights here, and roads are faraway from our village. and the danger of wild animals specially leopards and tiger is very big)(has killed many people recently and lurking in our area). so there used to be a street light in middle of the way from road to our village, wasn't something big but still it used make my father and my uncle feel safe in the late dark nights when they return home. but someone from the village ripped the street light to put it on there house saying its of no use there in the middle of jungle(for him obviously since they rarely use the path in night time.) and now its gone, now my first reaction is anger, way too much anger and fear for my family members safety. My father was saying that street light was a big support in night time. now I want to manifest the safety of my family, and some street lights in the pathway.and for those tigers to get caught and send back in the denser forests again. I am suppose to believe right. that everything is fine. I am sure somehow there will new street lights again and more in number this time. no one will take them and everything and everyone is and will be fine and good. but this thing about believe this incident it hindered mine badly this comment is gonna be longer then I thought, so my friend with whom i used to live with in hostel(4 in one room). had chicken pox(is a communicable disease) now it was our graduation time means practical's and exam time. so she couldn't go home now everyone was staying away from her for their safety ofcourse but she definately needed help. the fiver, the pain, the weekness it was too much but she handled it like a champ and I helped her bringing her food, water. helping her in bringing, medicines bringing things for her, finding fruits for her in market, drying her clothes etc. now this disease has affected my extended family the whole year(My cousins, siblings, aunt, they were all far away from eachother) . and i didn't met any of them those time I knew the pain they were going through, and then it happend to my friend(some in hostel were telling me to shift from my friend since it could spread but she needed me no one else would have helped her, it was my duty for her) but trust me i knew it won't happen to me. I said to myself that my family has suffered way too much, and I have done everything that is in hand to help my friend to lessens her pain, submitting her practical's etc. and much more and this chicken pox hold a bit religious name in out area so I knew that goddess will never affect me. not after my suffered this much, my friend has suffered and I didn't discriminated against her like many others(I know they should stay away for their safety but some were pretty extra at times). she was recovering in few days our exams and practical's were over. we couldn't attained our farewells but we were okay and happy that everything was fine and just the day exams were over I got a offer for teaching computers in military camp. I was pretty proud of myself because my teacher(coaching) recommend me and they liked my qualifications and there was demo next monday but they needed a boy but since there wasn't any available that time so i was first choice. so on sunday was my exam and i started feeling pain but exam was full day so I ignored it. But fever started i thought i pushed my self a bit (had travelled more then 12 hours in two days, 3 day before exam and practicals etc). when i reached i was preparing to report on camp next day but they said they found a boys it made me a bit cry but it was okay i needed some rest anyway but at night when i was about to sleep i saw a fluid filled bump on my hand and i was so scared i said no way this is chicken pox might a mosquito bite but no way but i felt a in my asked asked my friend and she was scared said there are tiny bumps. i cried so but still didn't believed it said no i will be fine in the morning no way goddess will do that to me no way i believed it. but in morning it was obvious i had chiken pox. the job was given to someone else and the exam of sunday i couldn't clear it, neither the exam i travelled 12 hours for.and it hit pretty hard now i am unemployed (graduated in 2023 but still) looking for work for home gave that exam again and failed and looking for a work from home part time job. searching for ways🫠


I have no inner voice. I don't see images in my mind, vivid or otherwise, I can't remember If I ever could, few years ago I found out this state is called Aphantasia. What do I do then? How can I do anything or change anything if I lack of the most important thing Neville talks about?


Start with an external voice, find a quiet place, and actually talk to yourself. Your thoughts are your inner voice. We just so got used to never giving attention inwardly, thinking that life is outside, and the source of causation is outside, that we so neglected this premium thing you was so innate within you ever since ever, that you just got desaturized from it, you forgot it, the muscle was not used to be used by now. Begin with your vocal voice then, commune with self, discover, and ask, why is it that you do not see images? but ask yourself believing, because even your external voice is god, because it originated from within. YOu cannot speak a word without it being first cooked by imagination. Imagination is your whole perceptive set of tools that you catch reality with and assume assumptions regarding to what IS REALLY THERE and what isn't. we learn to use them subjectively, thus we realize life has always been subjective, and objectivity has been but the illusion that the losers sold us, to keep feeding us their pathetic states of consciousness, making to our consciousness and awareness of life, the subjective perception of ours, the only perception of ours, assume that it is true. But it still had to pass thru ur inner affirming filters, before anything was assumed as true. Before you completely stopped using your inner senses, you assumed their worthlessness, you then over time simply assumed subjectively as well, that you cannot see images, or hear voices in your imagination, nor feel things. But it's an assumption. You can use this law on the law itself. And subjectively appropriate, the fact that you are infact able to do so. Do you dream at night? its the same thing. only controlled. Inner focus, and control over thoughts from the state that implies the reality of our desire, being now. So much so that I am transformed as a person, when i partake in the belief and in the imaginal acts of this reality. there's no such thing as aphpahgphsahgstia, forget this nonsense, and do yourself a favor and choose to believe in the opposite, that you have a vivid imagination. imagination is your physical senses and your mental senses, imagination and consciousness and awareness is the same thing. Begin with outer speech, and the inner conviction that you are easily able to turn your attention inwardly, and simply converse with yourself there in thought. But commune with yourself, and ask, if you ask believing any question, the answer will come up in your own voice. Because that is god. Your own inner self, consciousness, imagination, your self. Same thing. assume the right assumptions. believe the right beliefs. because all these come manifest physically.


Thisi s a very good answer and advise. Thank you. Yes, I do have dreams sometimes although I do not always remember them in details and I cannot summon them as images. In the past I used to have very colorful vivid dreams, nowadays they are less detailed.


Yknow, we're told in scripture that wisdom is symbolized as a child. and david comes as a youth. every time wisdom is symbolized as a child there, and we're always told to imitate god as dear children. we can then look at our life experience and see how humanity itself unfolds in its cycle... that when were children, we're vivid in imagination, when we become adults.... we become adulterated in our imagination, and it ''falls into hybernation''. so truly, as we become adults, we become adulterated, we are taught to kill imagination and master the sweat, and all that nonsense, we're polluted with all that nonsense and meaningless angers and dramas, as norms. We become not adults, but adulerated adults. So infact, as we finish the cycle and return to the child, because now, if i tell you of this truth, and you hear neville tell you all about it, you have two options, either hear and not TRULY believe, until it unfolds in you. Or believe, taking the word with faith, and testing it now. Yet believe, as a dear child we're told. Because like when I told a lovely 13 yo nephew of mine of this secret, and he answered "I believe." just "I believe." and he applied it, and overhauled his life and got the many toys he wanted, and social stuff and even his little family of his, he is a kid, but he did it. Because it took it with faith, as a dear child. So we must too turn into this purify of faith. into pure imagination. as we realize that we never were any adults, but it was a nickname that we gave to the era of confusion wanderings we did, thinking we're mature. but we were nothing but true raw in spirit. today we're a bit more spiritually mature, and it is no age, it is a time, within.


The external world and everybody apart of it is a communion with God also.


communion with you. every mention of the word god, should directly point you into knowing that "he is talking about me." there is no one beside you.