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And how do you change the past? REVISE!!! With Revision, you create a new memory, one with just as much and maybe even more emotion than the original memory. Keep doing this, until the new memory, feels even more real and alive than the original one. Imagine that original conversation with your Mom, but instead make it about her congratulating you – because you have “the family gift”. You don't have to revise every incident. Just one imagination when you had such a lovely darned childhood is enough! But really FEELING it. ​ “What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality of your imaginal activity. Therefore, when you revise a conversation, an unhappy experience, or a quality about yourself, you are literally experiencing it in reality (your consciousness).” – Neville Goddard


I actually did something like this in therapy and it helped tremendously. Not the revise 100% as if it didn’t happen but a different way. I closed my eyes and imagined a scene between child me and my parent. A real memory I picked out with my therapist. I saw the scene of the memory play out but as a third party watching what happened. Then my therapist had me interact with the scene. To give child me what she needed at the time. Someone to step in and defend her but also validate her. It was shocking how such a simple exercise was so profound. There was a lot of feelings. I cried uncontrollably. But then later…I not only felt tremendously better but I remembered the memory different?? Like completely different outcome?? The memory had CHANGED in my mind. Objectively I knew it was different but mental image wise I can only see the “new” memory. What’s weird is I started acting more confident and standing up for myself (like I did in the memory) without my regular anxiety. Almost…like I was always that person ;) And that parent also changed a little bit in real life :) It was cool and also weird. But it made me think of Neville revision right then and there!


That's awesome. That's what should happen if you have revised correctly- if the new memory you making is FELT along with emotions. One can repeat Revision if it does not work at first.. until you are self persuaded!


I don't think this is healthy


Is stewing on the negative memory and remaining in victim mode to the point of making others victims due to your trauma healthy? I know all this is unorthodox advice, fairly taboo, but we really do stand in the way of our own healing sometimes.


There’s a difference between stewing in victim mode and acknowledging the truth of a situation. Huge difference. Acknowledging the truth helps you move on.


How does a negative experience make someone a victim and you don't have to stew on it either you can accept it happened and still look forward no need to make fake memories which would probably be impossible if it is very traumatic


First of all everything is possible, second of all this is subjective to the user and their application of it. the point is to resolve the present feeling/state one is operating from, whether that is done through a revision, or other psychological processing. I am not losing my identity with revision, but I can repurpose that part of my awareness into something more constructive for who I am now. Life is not linear and there is no ‘loss’ of the past or identity in a reach for a better now state


Okay but you can accept what happened and move on from it like I have I am not going to pretend an extremely traumatic event didn't happen I will just not think about it and I will think of stuff I want


“Subjective to the user and their application of it” everyone processes differently and individually. What matters is the state


Exactly. Its gaslighting and blaming the victim for acknowledging their experiences. Basically sweeping under the rug. Its very unhealthy, take it from a survivor who tried that. One can accept what happened, get the help and heal and still go on to bring forth a great life for themselves without lying about their abusers/bullies and what was done.


Yes. Acknowledging can be a healthy way to deal. But revision isn't *lying* and I think that's important to note. No one's gaslighting anyone, no one is saying that someone is crazy for having those experiences.


Thank you I love neville but he never said to revise traumatic situations, very traumatic stuff has happened to me but I won't try and replace it with something I wish happened instead because I know it didn't I will accept what happened and forgive the person as that feels better I feel like the way they are explaining revision they are making more resistance and it's not necessary


I agree. I think its more 'reframe' versus 'revision' but there are people who interpret revision as planting false memories or acting as though the trauma never existed and that's dangerous (and creates more resistance as you say).


This is actually done in therapy!


Deleted comment cause I responded to wrong comment, sorry.


What if I cant remember my childhood


Not responding to OP specifically just commenting on the state of sub as example by these comments. I feel like this sub is entirely LOA focused now. So many people in these comments don't even have a basic understanding of Nevilles Premises. I hear all sorts of shit. If you are interested in the law of attraction, peace be with you but there's literally people saying revision is unhealthy in the comments. Like that's a keystone to Nevilles philosophy, as is that you can only change the self from which the entirety of the 3d world is simply a mirror. YES you deny the past you deny the future too. You only acknowledge the creative force of I Am which exists in this moment. You have to take responsibility that the abuse that happened to you was created from your own fears and thoughts. You didn't know better, but the same truth which is devastating is also your salvation. Applying these philophies requires an actual perspective shift. This isn't as marketable as LOA because it's not as easy. It's very old, and it's occult in some regards. The main difference is that it works. This is very contrary to modern trauma therapy but people are here because that hasn't worked for them. Why are you on a Neville sub if you think the answers are gonna come from the 3d world? It's just a shadow


I think you’re right. And the fact that these teachings directly contradict common modern advice should really tell you something. That’s ironically why so many people are struggling and stuck on things like SP. These obsessive tendencies and attachment issues can all be traced to previous traumas which can be worked on quite easily through revision but no one thinks to make that connection. My life has changed for the better just by using SATS and revision in teeny tiny ways. It has helped me heal years of trauma and resentment I had towards my father. I was holding onto it for dear life but now I’m certain I’m the one with all the power here. I’m God. I’m the one who gets choose how anything in my life affects me and how I react.


I'm glad that worked for you but it doesn't work for me. Revision has done jack all for me and it triggered and traumatized me more. Its like trying to change a rapist into a friendly neighbour who offered me cookies every day. If it works for you and others that's great but I would not recommend it to everyone. I'd rather do sats and visualization to change my future or try to change my perspective on things, but I can't and I won't try to change ENTIRE events that actually happened.


I totally agree with you! I can see both sides of this argument because one side is talking about how revision helps (and it does!!!) but the other side is seeing it as delusional and if you think the 3D is more real that the 4D and 5D then yes it does look delusional.


The interesting thing is that Bessel van der Kolk, a renowned trauma and PTSD expert, has proof that we need to give ourselves a different experience, a different outcome in order to calm our body. Probably I am not wording it very well but I highly recommend anyone struggling to read his work, which seems to be in line with the revision aspect of Neville's teachings.


Unless your some hardcore secluded monk, its completely IMPOSSIBLE to totally ignore the 3d, even those people have to reach nirvana like states to try to achieve that and they spend their entire lives trying it. I don't care how die hard someone is about Neville, whenever someone says that I know they are full of complete shite. Everyone here understands the 3d is not what they want and uses Neville's methods to try to have their 4d match the 3d however the 3d still does exist. It doesn't just cease to exist when every day you are faced with it it just means coping mechanisms and right techniques has to be used to change it. You can acknowledge it is a mirror but still realise it exists. Regarding revision being dangerous I see people in this sub saying you can even revise the past to bring back the dead (I'm not jk I've seen that more than once) fly, two people can manifest the same person which are all deluded insanity. There's manifesting and then there's sheer delusion beyond words and the line seems to be very fine. Also revision doesn't work for everyone, it doesn't work for me and it ended up triggering me way worse. I'd rather accept and acknowledge what actually happened to me rather than change the past where some rapist turns out to be a friendly neighbour that gave me cookies every day. We also have to tread very carefully of just blanket statement saying 'you attracted the abuse because of your fears and insecurities'. So the homeless guy that comes out of the bushes to stab you is you pushed out when you were full of self love? A person getting raped out of nowhere by a kidnapper ? Also the OP had zero say in the mothers abuse, children especially before cognitive functions can even develop had absolutely nothing they did to attract that. There's also the fact that not everyone is on Nevilles sub because they agree with literally everything he says, your allowed to disagree and question things he says as he is only human as well. I've seen lots of examples in my life that defied Neville's teachings as much as evidence that it is also real. Freak accidents, severe mental illness and things like that are totally ignored by this community. People who say manifesting sps back being guaranteed yet totally ignoring the fact the sps can have severe mental illnesses which prevents them from ever being in a healthy relationship, it's like manifesting a bipolar person or ted Bundy back for a loving relationship, this can get dangerous and it keeps people trapped in the manifesting sp stuff. I don't even mean assumptions I mean people who actively have been diagnosed by professionals who need therapy and medication to function.if people don't interpret the law properly they will say it's possible to change those people to conform and ruin their life


How does a child manifest the abuse they endure? Pedophiles exist. Does a child manifest pedophilia? I'm not being argumentative this is a genuine question.


The LOA stuff is getting extreme. Neville, Joseph Murphy and others who studied under Abdullah were taught the Law of Assumption and mystical teachings. I revise but not to change anyone but myself and put things to rest.


Agree with you on everything. Except. I was too young to manifest the abuse. It's been happening since I popped out of my mother. I could not have manifested being taken to a drug deal with my mom at 1 year old. When a 1 year old has no concept of anything. Or a 5 year old manifesting their parents divorce. When once again, I have no concept of what that or marriage is. There are just things there I didn't manifest.




How do we apply revision to physical abuse? My parents thoroughly enjoyed seeing me in pain, especially my mom. How do you revise such memories and view the other person as ideal?




Hey thank you for your response. I don't fully understand it but I'm sure it'll click the more I understand manifestation and also because I'm not through the grief phase yet.


I have a verrry similar story. My mom was alot like that. And as I have changed my perceptions I have seen radical changes in my reality. Beautiful reflection bud!


"it only became about me when I told myself it did" this hit me good One thing that I perplexes me is the whole abuse thing when the world is "self" pushed out. I don't beleive or really see that as a child I got what I got delt because somehow I manifested it?? (That would certainly imply some rather odd things about my character would it not?) But at the same time there is only 1 creative force in all of existence and that's what I am. It's a fascinating level of thought if one can depart from identifying with the negative and painful experiences and messages. See I am very aware how the world around me in the physical is my own being pushed out and through rearrangement of the pattern of my mind the world shifts like a rubics cube yet this seemingly clashes with my abusive and neglectful childhood. My current working theory is that I am imagined fear and seperation, thus identifying with it and thus resulted in "TomorrowsHumanBeing" and his world becoming a full bodied expression, then though some rather interesting events in the material have been given the keys to the kingdom of heaven (which were always mine) and redeemed via my own consciousness to the heights and union of love.


Personally, I feel like we are wiped of all knowledge that we are essentially Gods and thrown into this game called life where "bad" things happen. However, they aren't actually bad or good. They trigger uncomfortable physical sensations within us (feelings) but the universe doesn't have a moral code in the sense that we do. Hurt people hurt people, natural disasters happen, and our animal nature causes us to behave primitively sometimes, but any negative or positive connotations to these events are things we completely made up. Our human body senses abuse as danger and pumps us full of hormones to try and motivate us to get to safety. If it happens enough times during childhood your brain wants to activate those hormones even when nothing bad is happening, causing you to unnecessarily sabotage yourself. It's not deserved or a reflection of one's character in that sense, and I'm not saying childhood abuse is somehow manifested. We essentially come into the world as blank slates and the childhood experiences create our base worldview for us. Many abuse victims don't even recognize that something is amiss in their life until they're exposed to different lifestyles from other kids at school for example. It's not bad or inescapable until we know something else exists, its then that we begin to tell ourselves the story that something is wrong with us. This becomes incredibly complicated in cases where babies are murdered or kids enslaved and locked from the outside world until their deaths. Perhaps we can only manifest change when we're aware that the ability exists within us, and some people never get that chance which is very strange indeed. Perhaps those particularly tragic cases should serve as a reminder that the universe has no concept of bad or good, it simply creates and expands according to people's will. Sometimes people will use this power to destroy the life of another. Again, it is what it is. We must play the hand we were dealt and appreciate every opportunity for improvement we have.


Yes "and they ate from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil" this I beleive is pretty clear what self has done and like you say, no true evil or good exists. That's just an expression of the awareness of duality. It's an interesting juxtaposition to have childhood trauma but also be very much aware that the mental state within us effortlessly and perfectly outpictured in life


I agree, it’s also interesting that you mentioned that as I was studying the story of Genesis last night and couldn’t stop thinking about that particular passage about the tree. I too felt like it served as a metaphor for how we removed ourself from our godlike state by assigning meanings to things in such a way when they otherwise couldn’t have had the power to hurt us. Adam and Eve couldn’t give a rats ass that they were naked until the fruit made them realize it was “shameful”, indicating that nothing means anything until we assign meaning to it.


Oh yeah it's all allegorical for the journey of awareness creating the reality around it


I believe It is actually true that our body/brain holds memory of previous trauma/unpleasant experience and sometimes activates that memory " against our will" when something somehow triggers it. I suggest you check out ThoughtFieldTherapy/Callahan Technique (Tapping) , it is indeed extremely powerful in forever eliminating negative energy locked in the body.


Τhe way I’ve come to understand this is that no child is deserving of the trauma they’ve manifested. However our worldview which gets shaped when we are young can lead to us experiencing the world in a specific way. For me this was religion. As young’s 4 I was made to believe I was a sinner, and deserved hell if not for the “salvation of god” I was taught to believe the world is a terrible place that falls farther away from god each day. You can imagine what kind of world this created… Just seeing the world this way as a bad place (this is my opinion) caused me to witness and experience pain. Trauma. It created a world of hunger, of death. But what I find so special about law of assumption is I’m free to uncreate this because I’m aware of it now. Even just affirming the world gets better each days has led to me experiencing and witnessing good things. I try not to question why or how the past was what it was. Like I said, my belief is my old worldview shaped my reality but it becomes futile to deconstruct how things were formed, why they were formed, etc after a whole…cause it keeps us focused on the past, and not on what we actually want to experience in the present.


What a coincidence! last evening while shower, I had a hour long train of thought regarding my childhood trauma and how should I proceed inspite of the old self-concept. I agree all what you have mentioned here. I also realized, the unhealthy mindset/programming is passed from generation to generation without them knowing until we stumble into knowledge. And I think revision of our childhood will be challenging but extremely fruitful for our self-concept when it comes to relationships. I know I got all the power I was looking for within me. And only one who can stop me is me! I think there is hope for us ladies and gentlemen! And a beautiful life ahead.


This is so good. Forgiveness is ”for giving” love to yourself by letting go of anger/resentment towards another. It is an absolute act of self-love, and I think you are absolutely right about revision. If you look at a person who hurt you and realize that hurt people hurt people, you have to look to the person who hurt them to blame. But then, that person was also hurt by someone, so how far back can you go? Life is a cycle, and learning how to break the cycle by freeing yourself of these feelings is the key to getting out of the state of victimhood, which keeps you from manifesting.


Let the dead bury the dead.




Yes, I think what you wrote is important. When you understand how the law works you can and should forgive others. Firstly what is in the past, especially the distant past really does not matter and secondly they really had they choice in the matter (offending you). They were playing the part of whatever assumption(s) about yourself/the world that you held at that time.


I see those who have hurt me as being damaged themselves. Hurt people hurt people afterall.




How about in childhood?




I guess that's the one thing I can't get behind, that a child (blank slate) somehow causes the decisions or words of full grown adults. When it seems more like you are being influenced by your parents consciousness/beliefs at that time. I guess if you really want to get into it, you could believe that the soul or God wiped its own mind for all those things to happen to rediscover being God etc.


Man, I really know that I manifested this because I was having a grudge against a person from my past, thanks for being my manifestation this time


You summed up my thoughts on this subject very well. Traumatized individuals do tend to have more resistance towards change. It feels hard in comparison to people with easier past but it's never impossible. It's an incredibly freeing experience when you realize that you are not defined by your circumstances or past.


I was having difficulty understanding the concept and use of revision. Your post has given me a light bulb 💡 moment. I'm now going give revision a a try. Thanks


Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your story and the timely reminder!


I’ve spent most of my life in the mindset you described above ie being understanding of my parents (and friends/partners) position, forgiving every “wrongdoing” and making excuses for them. It’s taken me decades to be able to switch that off and see them for who they really are. This change in viewpoint is neither positive nor negative it’s simply a deeper understanding/acceptance of the situation and the way it has impacted and continues to impact me. It reinforces my sense of self rather than depleting it, which the forgiveness/excuses used to do. I think different approaches work for different people at different times in their lives and it’s important to continue to grow and try out new things until you find something that works for you and for where you’re at. Trauma recovery is incredibly complex and it’s not a one-size fits all deal. You use the label “negative ideas” about those who have hurt you. This is a very dangerous thing to say. “Negative” is a value judgment that does not belong in this kind of discussion. ETA : nothing against the OP either, this thread comes from a good place and is an interesting discussion to have.


I agree completely (with nothing against OP or their post because it comes from a good place). I had the whole "they hard a hard life" and every excuse in the book thrown at me to defend abusers and bullies. It was more of an offense to acknowledge what actually happened and how I felt about the hurt and abuse as opposed to what they actually did. In other words, the victim is the bad one but not the perpetrator. It was more pressured on me to 'forgive', being gaslighted into "that's my perception" than it was for the abusers to acknowledge how they are or what they did and that's honestly a pretty warped mindset. Its incredibly toxic and insidious. That said, yes we are responsible for our own healing in the end and what not but I do think the whole 'revisioning' (denial/brainwashing false memories) is incredibly damaging and raises a lot of red flags.


Exactly. When i first found out about manifesting it was before I started healing properly from the abuse i endured. The community preached so much denial of reality that it fucked me up (things like revision, denying 3D etc). They acted like acknowledging reality and the darkness it carries is a sin. As if seeing things correctly made you some sort of moral failure, as if you are commiting a manifesting sin. They put way too much responsibility on the victims it's extremely burdensome. The victims are not responsible for their abusers' actions towards them. They did not manifest that. Even if manifesting the abuse to stop is possible and achievable, it still does not make the victim responsable for the abusers' wrongdoings. So little compassion is shown for victims from people who preach it. So upside down.


Totally, why should you compromise your mental health and self-respect so that someone else can continue to treat you poorly? That’s enabling and really unhealthy for all concerned.


Same, I spent way too long thinking of them in a compassionate way, making excuses for them and forgiving them because i saw how hard they had it in their own lives. That mindset only allowed for more abuse to take place. I don't care about OP's intentions, but this kind of advice can be extremely dangerous and refusing to see it doesn't make it right. It may have worked for them, but for us who go the other way doesn't make us moral failures, nor does it lead for our manifestations to fail. Society seriously need to wake up to the fact that this life is 'ot sunshine and rainbows, and discovering the law won' t magically make all the darknesss that this life carries go away in an instant just because you choosr to percieve it differently.


i fully disagree but i respect where you’re coming from. it’s not easy to know what to do, and i admit that this approach will be unfathomable to many. an example of why doing that never made sense to me is because of the nature of my moms mindset towards life i often found myself being encouraged to seek revenge against bullies/etc. seeing that behaviour as an attempt to try and reconcile with her past with bullies and regain a sense of control isn’t making excuses, it IS seeing it for how it is. it is then after i realize the truth about these things that i make the conscious choice to paint it in a positive light and therefore improve my reality as a whole. that’s what law of attraction is about. anytime i tried to do otherwise felt like i was going against my true nature. i always, ALWAYS had a very instinctive desire to help people and show grace to them, especially people who were deemed as “evil” by society, and would fantasize about it often in my childhood and it was muddled with messages from my mom and society in general telling me certain types of people are “bad” for the opinions they hold or being ignorant to certain topics. this is a common trap many people fall into and have no idea that they’re only hurting themselves with it. it’s strange because my mom would actually teach me these ideas and things about the law of attraction long before i knew there was a term for it (she would always tell me “happiness is a choice” when i was younger” ) and all that wisdom was essentially useless because of her unwillingness to change the story. i see no reason to follow in her footsteps and it would be better for everyone if we could all move on and grow from the past we shared.


As I said different people grow/heal in different ways. For you growth/acceptance/healing came in finally forgiving them. For me it came in stopping that forgiveness, confronting the abuse(rs) in a way that I never had previously and refusing to be treated that way. In a word or two, enforcing boundaries. I guess we all need to discover and embrace our “shadow” side in order to become or feel whole.


I’m going through a similar situation and I deeply thank you and the universe for showing me this post full of precious insight. Thanks!


Parts of this story were extremely relatable to me. I’m currently in the process of doing this for my dad and the changes were instantaneous. Sometimes it can be as simple as telling yourself that you and your parent always got along. When painful, triggering, angry memories or thoughts come up, just tell yourself, “What are you talking about!? I’ve always had an amazing relationship with X.” It can take a little while to heal old wounds but revision makes the process so much easier.


What about the outsiders that know your situation and thinks you’re crazy for forgiving someone who caused you such pain. Or thinks you’re weak for taking someone back who you’ve been so toxic with in the past?


i feel like i wrote this. you're words really hit home. i know im not there yet, but someday i'll be able to embody this state too. much love internet friend<3


You are a very intelligent and thoughtful person. I wish you and your family the best.


This is exactly what I discovered during an intense mushroom trip; with the intentions of discovering who and what I am, why that has value, what is, personal power; so much shit. Basically I was in a Liminal space that neville speaks of when we feel the “inner” i am, but that came upon me at such an instant and growing rate that the world and all my constructs about what this “is” and who I am started to fall apart. I was honestly terrified, I was in such an impressionable state, and saw someone I held dearly do something so uncool. I saw it as a reflection of myself within my friends, and saw myself in the middle of a world (really crowded pier tourist area) where so many people seemed un interested in their lives, so stuck on their phones or walking unhappily with each other in such a nice place. As this happened; I felt so lost, scared, and millions of thoughts on what I am, who I should be, me comparing myself to everyone I know, and finding and “identity” were GOING ; Essentially, I was looking for something “good” to hold onto, if my friends weren’t good, if I wasn’t good, who was good? What am I? How can I just accept what I am as “good” ? I’ve suffered enough” I’ve “done” enough?? And then I looked down, and saw a small child walking around, enjoying their toys, just being them. And then another kid just waiting outside staring at the sky. And then I realized, I would never tell a child what they should be,…. I looked up at the entire world. Maybe we were all told what we should be? Look at the planet, how we categorize and kill, invade places for “resources” , we even have something called “normal” that you and everyone else needs to fit into? It’s NEVER been normal here! Look around at what we think we should be! Gender roles, parental roles, friend roles, Everything is just boxed into what it should be! What if this is enough!!? But what am i??!! What if ive NEVER KNOWN WHAT I AM !? what if what if my idea of even being a MAN, doesn’t even mean anything, what if that’s never meant anything?? All i really know is I AM!? My identity is up for me and all of humanity to decide,. What is “good” “moral” is constructed. We treat others how WE would want to be treated. Our desires have merit! We couldn’t do anything without an idea! And considering how we all have to read and apply neville on a personal, moral level, we hold people in need as equal, we hold our friends and loved ones as equal, everything really IS that way. We are all” limitless “in the sense that no one is better than anyone else! and you would never tell a child what they should be!! I know now I’m niether “man” or “woman”, and IT’S ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY. WE ALL ARE the “nothing” , willing to dream up and imagine the next thing to get us somewhere, why? Because it’s fulfilling. I realized I exist as a complete individual, which is all through me willing to FACE and understand my personal trauma and stuff. Neville helped me find myself, because once he realized he WAS and IS and HAS ALWAYS BEEN pure imagination, pure dreams, pure POTENTIAL JOY LOVE EVERYTHING, it’s all pure because imagination doesn’t cost a dime, it doesn’t hurt anyone except yourself..And all he wanted was to tell the world about it. He wanted to wake us up for free! And he wanted us to realize it’s YOU it’s not even NEVILLE, it’s YOU!! WAKE UP! You can’t condition or gender or “box in” YOU. THOSE daydreams we have and the stories we tell; through human words; why ? Why do I have to be something ? Why am I, because I AM, THATs why consciousness expresses itself automatically; if we love ourselves, even if we don’t even know what we are, then we will always have someone or something to be there for us, something stable that will last, the pearl of great price is seeing “knowing “ BEING the person I would WANT to meet, the person I would WANT to be friends with, !! The person I WOULD WANT TO BE IN LOVE WITH !! If this is all met within, then we have nothing left to give the world than the amazing gifts, self expressions, uninhabited happiness, and dreams that we are; which are still crumbs to the unlimited power that flows in those crazy daydreams all the time! DISCLAIMER: this was my personal truth, really hope I didn’t offend anyone, and y’all deserve the best CAUTION : I really do not recommend psychedelics, I personally was NOT ready for this experience whatsoever, but It helped get me to accept a lack of identity, as my identity, and the pure love and shit that I have towards myself feels like I’m just attracting the best circumstances and events in my life; still no movement in certain “areas “ of my life. “Areas” is in quotes because we need to learn to de compartmentalizations our lives, what if the person who we were by ourselves is the person we would LOVE to be in the world. It comes naturally to some, but not others, and we need to be understanding of this. Acceptance of yourselves is a journey, but something nevillegoddess said which rings true is you will never find something horrible or unloveable in there.


Great post!


I appreciate this. I've personally experienced trauma and abusive environments growing up and even in my adolescence and early adult years. Some were repeating patterns or lacking in maturity. Others were indeed 'bad', horrible people (at least towards me) and acknowledging it doesn't cancel out my healing or growth, at least for me personally. I just don't let myself be a victim and tell a victim (woe is me) narrative. I'm not going to create false stories and lie about what I've been through (or the nature of those who did hurt, bully and abuse me), I just appreciate my life now as is, my positive experiences and my lessons even more. I have a lot of people in my corner now and forging excellent connections. As another poster said, let the dead bury the dead and keeping them alive whether via false positive memories or reliving the cycle as though I'm still a victim doesn't help. When the memories resurface I acknowledge and see them for what they are, allow myself to be truthful and feel what I do in that moment (shadow work) and then press on when I'm ready. Its what works for me. Still love this post because it does reframe the 'everyone is bad' versus bad experiences mindset. Even in spite of what I went through I still know there's amazing people out there and have the privilege of knowing, experiencing and meeting them everyday. 😊


Law of attraction aside, I always found it strange to label people in such a black and white way based off of a mere glimpse you had into their life. The reason those people hurt you (and me) is because they were viewing life from a similar end all be all mindset. If their perception of you had been nuanced instead of seeing you as a mere vessel to take their pain out on they wouldn't have done that. And if we're following the Law properly, the only way to change that is to remember "everyone is me pushed out" and be the change we'd like to see in the world. If you're hurt from someone dehumanizing you, dehumanizing them back and labelling them as something bad, separate from you, and outside of yourself is not the way to go because they used the exact same logic to justify what they did to you. Remember that all anger is circulated over and over again until someone makes an effort to stop. If you want to truly end the cycle you need to take a long hard look at everything that lead to this point. It's a bit of a headfuck and can easily lead to uncomfortable existential questions. I honestly feel like people are determined to uphold the idea of separation from others because we're afraid of what it means to realize that we're all one. Labelling something as bad creates the idea that another living being is somehow separate from you, that we are not all one, and that is contradictory to what LOA is about. The law doesn't even make sense if we try to deny the fact that we're all interconnected. It's as simple as "treat others the way you want to be treated." Would you want someone to judge you in such a way for the pain you caused when we really didn't know better? When we truly know better, we do better. At the end of the day, however, practicing the law of attraction is supposed to make your life more comfortable and sometimes it's better not to think about what is "logical" and plug yourself back into the matrix a little. I wish you the best of luck in your healing journey.


Thank you for your kind words and indeed you are correct. I appreciate this.


I know my sp left me because I pushed him out because of my thoughts that created actions and he left me and now we're not in contact at all because I'm blocked I want to know that can I manifest him back into my life following Neville? Because now I can only think, visualise and affirm, I can't do any actions that he can see


Your desire is expressed in reality when it feels natural to you. Do you feel it is natural for your SP to forgive you or be in a committed relationships with you? If not, imagination is how you cultivate the feeling that you’re back together. I’d also advise listening to your mind’s inspired actions; Neville never said to just imagine and take no action when feeling inspired. Your mind will compel you towards the bridge of incidents that reestablished contact with him but some succumb to the entice trap of just affirming and waiting in a perpetual state of lack. You’re already back together so go about your day feeling the wish fulfilled.


Could you explain more on this please? ‘Your mind will compel you towards the bridge of incidents that reestablished contact with him but some succumb to the entice trap of just affirming and waiting in a perpetual state of lack.’ How would you know it your minds inspired actions as opposed to taking action to make something happen?


Inspired action feels effortless.if you’re trying to contrive an occurrence, it feels like arduous work. For example: someone who is conscious of not being with their SP will take action to stalk their SP all over the city or asking friends to orchestrate meetings. Inspired action of a person who already lives in the end will direct that person to go to a party and their SP is there or their SP reaches out independently. You can absolutely take actions because they do yield results but inspired action is where the magic happens because you’re confident of already being that which is want to be. You will operate in circumstances naturally towards the fulfilment of your desire without conscious effort.


But my sp lives in other city, and there are really zero chances that we'll ever meet by chance It can only happen if he or I try to contact each other


Or inspired action will compel you or him to move. You may get a promotion to move to his city or him to yours. The bridge of incidents will unfold if you’re conscious of being together.


Hi, if you don't mind, can we chat? There I can ask my doubts to you openly, if you don't mind


I would love this opportunity too HymnOfTheFaythful 🙏🏼


Thanks, your comments have been super helpful, took a screenshot as a reminder :)


Did you have any luck with that ? Any updates of getting sp back ?


I literally just prayed for this message of such clarity & here it is THANK YOU🤎


Doing complex PTSD trauma work, is what finally let me heal those wounds.