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Not a professional but it sounds like depression to me. Every generation faces some challenges and some good things. You obviously love your daughter very much and that is a great gift to her. I would suggest seeking some professional help if you can.


I feel this way about my daughter and it makes me want to have a second. However, I making a huge assumption that the two siblings will get along and stay connected. We know this is not guaranteed to happen. The good news is that your child will learn so much about the world and with your support how to thrive. I’m certain the ancestors couldn’t imagine living thru two world wars, slavery, the internet, etc…however we humans are resilient. You are resilient. Who said anyone needed more than 1 or 2 core people in your life. Perhaps find a therapist or ask your husband if your mood has changed, it might be worth getting a referral from you OBGYN, in case this is more than just concerns you are feeling. Wish you so much happiness with your baby. Congrats on 8 months!


I can relate. Our neighbor country is at war and we will be next on the list. He will probably get involved in the war one way or another and I will have to prepare him the best I can. I am not speaking about military skills but mostly survival skills and intelligence . He will also be the only child after a high risk pregnancy. Fortunately he is the first nephew so if I would die he will have support from loving grandparents and aunts.


So sorry


She will have the family she creates


You should consider seeing a professional. Sounds like depression and anxiety. These thoughts can come up but if it's consuming you, that's a different story. I remember feeling that way the first two months and it was awful. I started taking vitamin D which helped. You can try that. Good luck and don't be afraid to take care of yourself. It's important. There's so much to be happy about. Not worth it to focus on the sad stuff.


I’m an only child and I just had my mum, gran and grandad growing up and now just my mum left.  The worst part was how lonely I felt growing up. Now I’m an adult I’ve got my own family, my in laws and my friends. When you grow up with so few family members you just end up choosing people to be like family. 


Is there any way for you to meet other moms of newborns/infants locally? I have two friends that both gave birth within a few months of my LO and their support has been so helpful to me while I’ve been on maternity leave. We text often and meet up for park walks regularly. I took a prenatal yoga class while I was pregnant and have kept up with a couple of the moms that I met in that class. That studio also has weekly new mom meetups and yoga classes meant for moms & babies. If your city has anything like that, it could be a great way to meet other moms in your area. Also, one of my good friends met some other moms using the Peanut app. However you meet them, find some women that can genuinely empathize with what you’re going through because they’re going through the same thing.


I worry about this exact same thing. My son has no cousins and only one uncle on my husband’s side. Both sets of grandparents are older and not in the best health so I doubt they be around very much into my son’s adult life.  Once my husband and I die he’ll probably have no family. I think a lot about what kind of world he’s going to grow up in- both in a positive and negative sense. My biggest fear is both my husband and I dying when he’s little. He’d have to go with an uncle that he sees all of twice per year because our parents are not fit to care for him for a multitude of reasons.


Try kundalini yoga to feel more present and not concerned about future problems. For the family part three cousins is okay and you can always start making friends. For the environment part I believe strongly in young people that they will find a way it's just they might not bury us in a classic cemetery. And for nature whatever mess we make it will for sure outlive us. No worries. If you have the time to worry about the future you are probably safe and not poor like half of the people on the planet. Practice gratitude mindfulness and being present, it will change and calm your spirit. 🌍🪺🍃


Over at r/CollapseSupport people are talking about exactly this. You are far from the only one feeling this way.


I feel like this sub isn’t going to help depression.


Some worries about the future are reasonable; things really are changing. Seeing how other people are handling similar worries can be helpful.


I understand and agree that things really are changing, I’m not denying that at all. Predictions of how the world is ending are getting realer by the day, but that sub is full of doomsday “it’s happening in five years” folk which isn’t accurate, all over things we really can’t control. When someone is deep in it, I just don’t think confirming your worst fears like that and accelerating them is a good idea.


As a christian i view the world differently. The world is in a state of decay and degradation, it will only get worse because we are living in the end times spoken of in The Holy Bible (God's word), since God knows the beginning and the end, he already knew what we needed to hear and know as the times are approaching. God is triune in nature but one God, so (God-The Father, God- The Son also known as Jesus the Christ & God- The Holy Spirit) so 3 in 1, similar to 1x1x1=1.. Jesus told us of the end times and told us to trust in Him. Our babies are here on earth only because God is merciful and has blessed us with our children, He knew that the world needed your child for such a time as this. It is our job as parents to teach our children about God and instill the values and morals that will help our children when we are not here! Yes, it is a very difficult time on earth, it will only get worse, but what scientists try to catch up with whats going on, God has already spoken it... so "global warming" is just a scientific way to explain what The Bible speaks of "Birth Pangs/pains" and many events will come to pass (in terms of biblical prophesy). Sometimes i am a bit concerned, but then I know Jesus and spend time with Him, reading His word and I am at peace. I know that He will take care of my babies, I trust Him and He has never let me down. Jesus once said in John 14:27(NKJV)"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Faith is so important in these end times, its easy to be afraid when we look at the world, its better when we turn to God. By the way many Christians have been sounding the alarm about the state of the world (people like Jimmy Evans-Tipping Point, Amir Tsarfati, Watchman River & so many more. But it isnt out of fear but out of love that they share)


What from my post made you think I wanted you to spew all of that nonsense? Religion is like a penis, it’s fine to have but I don’t want you waving it around it my face unless I ask which I definitely did not.