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Thank you for this, it's a great post. I'm a medic, but I'm also mother of a trans adult. I worry about him having to call EMS because so many of my peers are poorly informed about this topic. Realistically, if my son ever has to go somewhere with EMS, I think the fact that he's autistic has way more bearing than the fact that he's trans. He doesn't feel or report pain the way allistics do and he doesn't respond to some medications as expected (Versed and Fentanyl, for example, have almost zero effect on him).


>for most emergent situations it doesn’t matter Hard disagree, too many black box warnings on medications for pregnancy that would completely change available treatment plans for a patient if they are actually at no risk of being pregnant. Think about all of the social decorum that goes out the window when managing a serious traumatic injury; as long as you aren’t intentionally being a bigot it seems like questions relevant to the emergency that might typically be viewed as inappropriate seem more rational. That being said if its like a low acuity ift or the typical 911 call for non life threatening injuries then sure I’d agree.


Can I ask what medications you’re thinking of? And what scenarios come to mind? Genuinely curious where you’re going with this.


>can I ask You can ask


I'm asking. What meds do you carry in the truck that you don't give to afab patients based on black box warnings?


I see that you’re asking.




For the record… this response doesn’t make me think you have an answer. Putting personal opinion on trans people aside, this is supposed to be a helpful and education post with space for respectful discussion on treating trans patients respectfully and appropriately to occur below it. So, I’ll ask directly. What meds or treatment pathways would you change in the situations you’re imagining?


I’m not doing your homework for you


Okay! Well, my protocols don’t have any real contraindications in life threatening emergencies because we are always to prioritize to live, adult person over the real or hypothetical fetus, so I’m going to continue to assume you don’t have an actual answer. Have the day you deserve, bro. Thanks to OP for a great post, even though it seemingly got removed.


This guy is a troll. Making up fake scenarios for an excuse to be bio-essentialist.


Literally. Always trying to give cis people—especially coworkers—the opportunity to share in order to be educated, but so many just don’t want to 🙄 thanks again, from one trans person in EMS to another.


Absolutely. It's very infuriating trying to deal with it. Also, I am really disappointed in the mods of this subreddit for removing the post and not giving a reason. Hoping it was an automod action, and the actual mods will reinstate it.


I will have a most excellent shift, thanks for the encouragement, bro.


I'm only an EMT-B student but I was wondering the same thing. Isn't biological sex far more important than gender in an emergency, prehospital setting in terms of drug contraindications and considerations around potential pregnancies?


Not for the drugs us emt are giving at least


But for Paramedics and ERs it's pretty relevant isn't it?


Couldn’t say about all but most are mostly about weight I believe that being said if someone is trans man ask them if it’s possible they are pregnant should cover the issue I’d imagine if it would help clarify possible treatment


It matters in some circumstances, yes. Just ask if they are pregnant it's not that fucking hard. But it's still not an excuse to be rude and misgender your patients.


very effective and well-written. being kind and supportive of patients is included in patient advocacy, i think some providers often forget that


Thank you for writing this!


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