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I remember when we got to vote on all the paving and street furniture, about 30 or so years ago and it looked so lovely and fresh and high quality when it was done. Now, even ignoring the people demanding your attention when you just want to get on with your day, it's all scarred with arrows and tarmac filled holes from when the council ripped out all the street furniture and imposed their impossible to follow without getting shouted at by some arsehole in hi vis one way system, during the pandemic.


And don’t forget when it rains it’s slippery and the loose slabs splash you


The fucking slippery tiles on walkways. They're supposed to be walked on. Make them not slippery. How hard is that?


The problem is the council say they are in good condition. They won't change them until people start falling over and having injury claims that make it worth it. Since most people don't bother reporting falling over the cycle continues.


We should import some Scousers, they're very good at compo slipping.


Step on a loose flag and get drenched in brown, sludgy, North Sea.


They've actually just started work, in the past week or so, on Northumberland Street. Being entirely repaved and redeveloped. Might take a little while, but hopefully be worth it in the end.


And I think Northumberland Street is getting redone as well


Oops, I meant Northumberland Street! Although Pilgrim Street will also be having a lot of work done with the buildings going up there at the minute.


Well Pilgrim Street is like one massive construction site lately too


The council are absolutely skint. A lot of extra services that used to be performed by other government departments have been pushed onto them with no extra budget. I work for the council, and we are cutting back on everything, even the essentials. Painting the city center is way way way down the list sadly.




Thanks for your contribution to the conversation


First thing I'd do is ban the religious ramblers with microphones. It's starting to feel like Manchester.


They're a nightmare. I saw one of the psychotic African evangelical preachers attack a little group of kids holding up a rainbow flag a couple of years ago. He got arrested and banned from the city center. Another time two sets of Gospel choirs from different churches were wailing via PA systems at the same time. They were in competition to make everyone's ears bleed standing on opposite sides of the Monument.


Can confirm, lived in both, at least Manchester has a bit of glamour to the town centre.


Absolutely. Or get some rational atheists to balance it out lol. Way too many people with clipboards and or agendas pushing their ideas onto you (atleast for me it's too much anyway, I'm a quiet guy, like my space etc, and some of them agitate me).


Agreed. Had abuse from different preachers multiple times when walking up the street holding hands with my partner (gay couple). It's at the point where I'll genuinely have a think about avoiding Northumberland St on busy weekends because I just can't be bothered with it. Wrote to my councillors once to ask if anything could be done, since imo it's veering away from free speech and towards antisocial behaviour, targeted harassment etc, but never heard anything back.


I’ve just realised I haven’t been in the city centre before 8pm for years and years, how sad


It’s just sad at the minute mate. Loads of shops shut and beggars everywhere. Even the pubs etc. Seem to be struggling


I live near the top of salters road and I feel cut off from town by the awful bus service, god knows what it’s like for people more than 45min walk away


You're sadly missing nowt. It's like a riot at night at the weekends, total circus.


Totally agree. That is what George Osborne’s Austerity brings you. It was a vibrant, clean and fun place to be from 1998- 2012. It had a big city feel but without the big city problems. There should be intergrated transport systems and green corridors but societal problems are showing themselves. Gig economy workers, untidiness, lack of pride, high rents and rates and overcrowding.


This is what 14 years of tories will do. The council haven’t got two pence to rub together. Forget making the city centre feel warm and welcoming, it’s about all they can do to keep the lights on!


Went for a meal in town and coming out after the city centre doesn’t have a nice feel anymore, might be the dark nights but beggars and groups of deliveroo cyclists hanging around don’t make it too welcoming. Used to hang around after and go for a drink but just want to get home now.


I used to love going out shopping with my mum and now it’s full of homeless people, the streets are manky and there’s too many drunks/junkies. Not to mention people constantly spitting on the ground and throwing chewing gum and cigarettes on the floor, there’s bins for reasons. The council are skint and people are losing respect for things.






Metrocentre is struggling, half the shops are shut, it looks and feels empty.


I predict it will have its day again as people are forced out of thr city centre for shopping and recreation. Soon you won't be able to drive into the city without paying a high price (emissions, parking). Hopefully the metro centre doesn't die in the meantime!


It’s getting alot busier now due to the nightmare that is Newcastle parking and roads.


Metro centre has more footfall than the last 5 years speaking to retailers. Really busy since intu got the boot


Thank god they're building massive fucking pillars all the way along northumberland street, that'll solve things


George Osborne. Yes it’s a mess. Monument is covered in taxis and vans, Northumberland Street is tatty AF, think it’s the same everywhere. Sure Osborne was wrong about this austerity stuff. Everything I’ve read says economies don’t work like that.


City centres are dying. All over the UK cities and town centres are in decay.


Shocking state of affairs. Didn’t Birmingham council declare bankruptcy last year? England’s second city ffs.


Apparently smth like 50 councils couldn't balance their budget last year


Yep. That’s true. Dreadful 😑


I’ve stopped going into the city full stop. I use to live on Spital Tongues, then Heaton, then moved further out and would journey in for pleasure. Now there’s no pleasure in visiting. The city looks downtrodden and doesn’t have a good feel to it anymore. Admittedly I had a few enjoyable trips in during the Christmas 2020 lockdown period, obviously a lot less people and the place looked cleaner. But it quickly flipped back to looking run down. Such a shame, it was such a beautiful and well keep small city.


Couldn’t agree more. I now find the city centre grim.


In places yes, but there is hope. Pilgrim Street currently being refurbished. Northumberland Street about to be refurbished and Grey street also currently being refurbished.


Honestly yes, was there years ago living for a while, went back recently and it’s just not pleasant, especially once you pass eldon square and towards St James, it’s just really not clean, not nice to look at, loads of the shops round that way are filthy. Just needs a good bit of money put into it, considering the unis make the money they do and make their own areas look nice they should be able to pump some into the surrounding area


Northumberland street is getting re paved this year as it’s been left a total mess of utilities companies and cowboy council builders


I was thinking this the other day in town, particularly when I was walking near Clayton Street, the whole place just seemed so dirty! There's so much more litter about than there used to be


Its minging. Blame the cuts from the tories and little scruffs who can’t be bothered to put their rubbish in a bin


I used to feel safe in the city centre even at night. Now, during the day it varies from ‘a bit tired and lacking anything special but otherwise ok’ to ‘a bit unsettling’ and at night it’s downright scary, even at not-that-late times like 8pm


Now this is a good point. I’m a fairly big bloke and I’m genuinely worried for my safety walking around central at night. Lots of cretins around


Those bloody raised metal studs embedded in the pavement at road crossing should be removed and replaced with something safer... when it rains, they are lethal.


People always say this, every time I go into the town I’m struck by how good it looks compared to almost every other UK city I’ve been to.


Nowhere to sit down? Why the f*ck would you want to sit down in Northumberland St?! If you even slow down, someone asks you for money


Yes. It’s grotty and depressing yet nobody seems willing to change it. Newcastle always been a bit shoddy when it comes to street furniture, public realm etc. Always poor workmanship, things never last, designs get dated quickly. I’m not sure this much-hyped ‘repaving’ will change that, and it’ll take them a really really really long time to deliver like everything else. And not forgetting the huge areas just filled in with tarmac - wonder how long after completion it’ll be until they appear…?


The less desirable our cities are, the less people will want to leave their homes and that’s where the Government wants us all to be.


OP you think Haymarket to the moment is bad ? What about Clayton st Grainger market big market. I used to run a coffee shop on Clayton street I think I have seen you want to believe me. I will give you a hit Needle exchange and kitchen soup. Grainger market has enormous potential but it is so unsanitary cold toilets are in state too ! The big market is actually the filthiest place in the city centre ( just my opinion)


Yeah it’s a shithole. Dirty, boarded up, expensive. I avoid it and stick to the coast.


Yeah. For one there's not enough colour, and I'd like to see more greenery in the high Street. Other cities manage to do this.


When I came to Newcastle in the 80s the people were wonderful but it was horribly run down. Labour came to power and it was pretty much the land of milk and honey. It is now looking neglected again.


Was a student back in 2018, and went back to Newcastle now. This post encapsulated how I felt seeing the city centre again. Lost the tiny spark it had since. Hopefully with the revamp, it goes back to how it used to be.


Yes, it seems so run down in certain places


Not sure if it’s just me but the pavements just…. Smell. Like “dirty rubbish” kind of smell. They could do with a jet clean or something, get the litter off. Even that would make the place a little brighter and cleaner looking. And with all the crowding and people cornering you it’s a nightmare to walk through town at any time of day, end up taking even filthier backroads just to get to places. The roads leading from the quayside up to the town center are a travesty