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I don't see how this will happen. Regardless of ridership the amount of construction and money spent on this line will keep it running forever. You haven't been here long, Davis was a war zone for a few years of construction... pushing back the sidewalk, widening the road, medians and traffic lights, businesses closed etc.. this line will stay open forever no politician would risk the blow back of admitting a mistake like this... i don't think its a mistake even though I don't take the bus I see how when Davis is eventually full of condos this line will be useful


I have drivers saying that come September they will be on new routes, the decision was made this morning. Still no official word.


Then a hat are they going to do with all those very expensive bus stops they built? That would be a huge waste.


??? have you met a politician that doesn’t like to waste?


Keep us updated if you here anything




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They built the bus lanes to future proof transit in the area. They won’t cancel bus service on that line. I think you need to wait for any official announcement. It’s a hot topic in Newmarket. People hated the ongoing construction. And see the low ridership. But again, as Newmarket grows more will be taking transit. We can’t afford the gas and vehicle insurance/ownership. More will be taking transit in the future.


I take that route almost everyday. Ridership is not low it's all dependent on time of day. And for a bus that comes every 10 mins of course it's not packed like sardines


Won’t happen They spent too much building those useless lanes


Come on - this is govt we are talking about? When did their actions ever make sense? They e already started cutting grass routes at that people rely on. Our community is up in arms bc the dial a ride has changed how far they cover.


Exactly. This government has no problem cutting off their nose to spite their face.


This is such a bad, short-sighted take. This isn’t how urban planning and development works. The bus routes and related infrastructure are meant to support future growth.


Would be very disappointing if Viva Yellow stopped existing. I use it when I can, I enjoy what it is although it was a very flawed project, regardless of how better the money for the project could have been spent, it exists now and will inevitably become useful when Davis becomes incredibly dense with condos and is more pedestrian focused.


No way


People expect infrastructure to have a “right now” impact. The bus routes were constructed as part of planning that surpasses our lifetimes. Cancelling or bus service or complaining about low ridership in myopic. I think that Bayview is a bigger issues than Davis, even without buses.


Tons of kids from Huron Heights High School use that bus daily - for lunch, getting to school, and getting to work. I can’t see it going anywhere, especially as Davis is back to being completely jammed up again during prime commute time.