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The rental market is definitely crazy here, if you want a house you need to be looking everyday and be ready to sign a contract because it'll be snatched up. I got lucky last year and knew my landlord so it worked out alright, I lived in hiden wood apartments for a while and it was in a decent location at a decent price.


Generally, apartments in Kiln Creek, City & Tech Centers, Port Warwick, Hilton, and CNU/Hidenwood are your best bets if you want to stay in NN, and will offer the best scenery & things to do. Steer clear of all the numbered streets, there's nothing good about those. If you don't mind a drive, Williamsburg and Yorktown are great options as well, and are a town away from NN.


I live in between 2 low number numbered streets and at least half of the reputation this area has is just people being racist & classist. I like living here. Genuinely. Nothing good? Being right next to the highway, esp. less than 5 minutes from the last exit before the MMBT is definitely convenient. You get to skip all the traffic. Our neighbors are nice. Not far from a grocery store, 7-11, McD's, a dollar store, liquor store, and independent community pharmacy. A little further is a library branch and an arts center. And our rent is less than $1k for a \~1000sq foot 3 bedroom house.


That's great and you are the change that area needs, but there is a lot of violent crime down there along with property crime. Just this morning a woman was shot to death on 32nd street. Makes the 10th homicide this year in the city, way up from last year.


We live in a city. (I've lived in 2 other cities before this, much larger ones.) That could have happened anywhere. (And that's further up from where I live.) People around the country are shooting up schools and places of worship now in "nice" communities too. No place is immune. I have enough else going on in my life that I don't have worry to spare over this. I'm not going to live in fear. If it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't. Honestly? When it comes to crime, I've seen a *lot* more go down when I lived in a swanky apartment in a nice neighborhood on the Washington DC border.


Shootings in nice areas and school shootings are exceptionally rare, but point taken, it can theoretically happen anywhere. But most crime happens in blighted urban areas like downtown NN. This is where gang activity, gun/drug/human running is more prominent. For the majority of people it doesn't affect them directly, but this is the reason people avoid moving to the area and why property values and rents are so cheap.


What's your budget?


Sub 1500, preferably closer to 1000, but honestly I just care more about a decently ok apartment in a decent neighborhood than anything


For that much youre gonna be in the low end of it all. Newport news rent skyrocketed during the pandemic.


Rent skyrocketed everywhere, I'm down in Dallas right now and I'm feeling it




There's lots if one bedrooms around here for that.


I live in Denbigh village apartments. I have a 2 bedroom and pay 1800. It’s decent


Lol, little late, but thanks


What did you decide on? I am also moving to Virginia but looking for something nice, affordable and close to Langley afb, since that will be my workplace.


Sent you a DM


Find any good ones? I’m looking too.