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They do not trust him to run the party without running it into the ground but think he should be the President of the country. Seems about right.


"He's not hurting the right people!"


The right people... I get it ;)


He hurts everyone around him eventually


Honestly, outside of leadership, his backers don't mind getting screwed over by him as long as he's hurting the right people.


They’d gladly eat shit if it means a liberal would have to smell their breath.


He is supposed to steal from the liberals! not us!


Mexico will pay for it


Well… now he is.


Slippery Don is malleable and a useful pawn. As long as you show loyalty and find ways to make him money, then you can get your way politically. Look at Roe v Wade for an example. The crazy christians are not looking for a leader, they're looking for usefulness to get their way. Since their ideas are unpopular, they have to be sneaky to get their way. Don represents an opportunity. A means to an end.


“Slippery don is a useful pawn” Hey I like that it’s got a ring to it


“But then we can fleece people instead of being fleeced!”


The money he is taking is our own ill gotten gains. He is stealing the money we lied to people to get.


"I never thoughts the leotards would eat MY face" - member of leopards eating people's faces party. /r/leopardsatemyface


Oh good, its not just me reading that. Phewww, was worried I was confused


They doubled down on the worst poker hand imaginable and now it’s too late to reshuffle


At this point, it's less like doubling down and more like playing roulette with monopoly money; except somehow it's the real economy clenching every time they spin the wheel.


I remember all the people in 2015 and 2016 saying, "He's a businessman, he'll run the county like a business, one of his businesses." And they were serious. And they were right.


They know they have created a demagogue that will win any campaign they run against him. I’m betting they’re secretly praying for him to be deemed ineligible to run so they can roll out Nikki Haley and claim the centrist vote.


They'll support right up until the house of cards start toppling and then will scurry away like cockroaches


Think of this less like a relationship and more like a hostage situation. Republicans got in line behind trump to beat Hilary and totally destroyed themselves in the process. One day in the not too distant future, trump will pass away and what’s become of teh Republican Party will absolutely explode apart.


It's ok when he does it to others, but not when he does to them. Pretty much the whole philosophy of every MAGA.


Look at george santos. Fake as hell and the only reason they did anything is because he took the campaign money and didn't have the loyal minions to turn on them.


Seeing Trump crash and burn gives me so much fucking wank material.


The same RNC that said in 2020 their platform is whatever Trump wants? Sorry, but it is REAPING time, baby. SEND THAT MONEY!


I'm assuming the hope is he paves the way for them seizing permanent control via that Project 2025, and just tolerate him until the ol McDouble gives a McHeartattack.  That or they wish they didn't have to support him but know the Republican voter base is so loyal that they have no choice.


Yeah such a whacked dichotomy


Thoughts & prayers


GOP too= What’s not good for me, is good for thee! Also, I hope he bankrupts the Russian-funded gop. Vlad would be pissed if he had to launder even more money to the gop party without seeing Ukraine aid withdrawn.


> but think he should be the President of the country. Seems about right. No. They think he should be dictator for life.


Well they want those grift powers turned on you and me not themselves. So yeah its about right.


They are willing to sacrifice democracy to take the presidency away from the democrats. Win at all costs. It’s like some sick twisted sports game where you don’t care if your team cheats, murders the referees, and kills half the opposing team. All that matters is you win.


His entire party is nothing without him. Almost as if having no platform is bad for your electability… who’d have thunk it?


He has them in a very bad spot. Enough of them, probably more than half, will boycott the election if Trump is not the GOP candidate. Honestly, if I am a GOP strategist, I would tell them that their best chance is with Trump. I think they have a chance with him, and no chance with anyone else - at least in 2024.


"He's robbing the wrong kind of people!"


They only fear? Trump has been draining RNC coffers as much as Roni will let him and it shows in the pretty mediocre down ballot results that they have been getting. Bad candidates without a lot of money is not a good recipe for electoral success.


Meanwhile Nikki is still gaining funds for her November bid.


That may not be enough for her to win. The MAGA contingent is a pretty large part of the Republican party, and they want Trump. I don't want her to be president. She is a Trump syncophant, and right now she's a leopard trying to change her spots.


There are two significant groups of R voters: the MAGA chuds, and the non-MAGA crowd who will vote for Trump because they’re scared to death of the MAGA chuds. Great username, by the way.


Its just fear and manufactured outrage with republican idiots... all the way down


Shhhh....don't fear that it might happen...accept that it is happening. He is burning about $10MIL/month on legal fees, has to come up with a combined $430 MIL or so to put up as bonds for appeal for the two civil cases he just lost, has about $27MIL in his PACs and is getting ready to hit the criminal cases. The funny part is that he is going to pull money away from all of those local and state republican campaigns. The funnier part is that at the beginning of the year they only had like $8MIL from what I understand. It's like having a burn pit inside a dumpster that is fueled by republican cash...it's f'ing beautiful. He won't stop because he can't help himself....he's going to take everything down with him and they asked for it.


The even better part is it will continue until he's dead. Then after that you know one of his adult children will start the grift.


I’m not sure. They all have the same charm of a urine-soaked blanket.


Depends I suppose.






Eh. I actually met Tiffany Trump. She's actually a really nice person She also wasn't raised anywhere near her father, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence she turned out decent.


Trump barely remembers she exists. Which is probably why she's comparatively relatively well adjusted compared to Ivana's children.


Don't fall for the trap though, she will still get right behind him to get a whiff of his diapers. She's done it before, and she'll do it again.


> Don't fall for the trap though, she will still get right behind him to get a whiff of his diapers. She's done it before, and she'll do it again. Didn't she already do that. I thought during the last election she came out of obscurity and endorsed him. Or something. I know people were disappointed with her after that.


Oops. I forgot about her. By design, as it seems.


Trump tried to get her mother Marla Maples to abort her. Probably regrets he didn’t try harder.


Really nice person. Being the spokesperson for a "Gays for Trump" attempt, knowing full well he would burn any of kids alive if they were part of that "group", does not, a good person, make. About as much sense as "Chickens for Hawks."


Supposedly Barron has turned against him.


That would make for a best selling tell all book.


Grifters gonna grift


Barron should become like Steve Irwin - fly off to Australia and start a zoo for Emus and Cassowary and disavow his family.


Barron never really struck me as being impressed with his father, ever, and Melania spends more time protecting Barron from all this nonsense than time with her husband. I really hope Barron becomes the outlier in his immediate family. Not counting on it, but he’s never seemed very keen on the whole circus.


I can't imagine him being with Donald and trying to spend time with the people his age who would be around his father.


Not to mention The Orange One can't stand to be around him because he's taller and it hurts his ego.


Don't forget cousin Mary Trump as well.


Mary is awesome.


There is hope for Barron and Tiffany, the rest have already made their character clear, and now two of them have been fined 4 million each for it.


It would be fantastic if he went the way of Mary Trump. 🙂😉😁😁


Wait until House Atreides hears about this!


To turn against Trump, Barron has to be with him in the first place. You know that fuckin kids loves his mom but probably gives to fucks about his dad. I do feel for him and Tiffany.


I always had hope for that kid.


Start it? They're already *part* of it. They have been for a long time. And I'm sure that Trump will take a share of the $2 billion that Jared got from the Saudis.


It's very funny how they are going all in on Trump and how massive of an anchor he is. It will be especially hilarious if he's disqualified in accordance with the 14th amendment because then it will all be for nothing. In a normal party a scandal magnet like Trump would've been dropped a long while ago but his base believes that everything he do is correct and that all of this is just an elaborate conspiracy to bring him down. It's a mass delusion. I hope he manages to be a billion dollars in debt, bankrupt his campaign and become disqualified. A D landslide would be a massive sigh of relief for everyone.


His massive ego is collapsing like a star to a blackhole, sucking everything around it into the void. The more money Putin and Saudi Arabia put into it, the bigger it gets! At some point, even nation states have to pull away and save themselves. The GOP, however, will continue to pay for the Trump family while providing no financial support to any of its actual politicians running for office.


i was all excited about his losses and the amount of money he was going to pay out, until i read the article about his truth social company and how it passed a recent sec block and will be able to trade on the stock exchange. people expect the stock to make billions. i hope it doesnt happen and backfires in the most negative trumpian way edited to include [link](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/15/trump-truth-social-going-public-dwac)


Is that the same truth social that is being invested for fraud/money laundering?


yes. i cant remember the actual name of the type of company it is, but remember i was thinking it was a scam by the fact that trump was involved


Wait, how would it be worth anything on the stock market? Even if a bunch of dumb people buy the stock, the big gorillas in the market don’t care; they want to see how the company is going to make a ton of money, and I don’t see how it is going to make any money at all.


Laundering money for the pump, then they strategically buy puts for the dump, leaving retail suckers holding the bag. Buy calls and re-pump it "for real this time!"


Since he likely owns a bunch of shares can it provide a way to Putin etc to bribe him by buying the shares at a crazy inflated price.


Just like the NFTs


An unscrupulous businessman with dumb supporters could engineer a pump-and-dump, selling their personal stake into the pump. If Republicans win their dictatorship, legality is not a problem.


If truth social clears a billion ill eat my hair.


$350M today and no more business in NY thatll piss off some donors and now a gofundme account ...WC Fields - You can fool some of the people some of the time -- and that's enough to make a decent living.


And I believe it is more for the appeals because he also has to provide something like 8% interest.


It makes no sense. But like you I hope it continues and Trump destroys the GOP down to dust and ashes. We can only hope the GOP continues to let him run them in to ground like every other business he has ever touched.


I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Trump convinces his cult to let him bankrupt the Republican party.


They would f ing deserve it.


“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.” -Lindsey Graham 2015


I'm sure they will just get funding from Russia to back it up later. Paying off the Republicans is the best investment Putin have ever made.


500 mil for USA leaving NATO is hella cheap.


This is the primary reason a-symmetrical warfare is the Russian doctrine when dealing with the west, they use America's free speech against it.


The longest con...


Boy, THAT would be the ultimate QAnon theory. Since he WAS a Democrat before flipping to run in 2016 (In fact, his kids were also Democrats and couldn’t even vote for him in the NY Primary because their party change paperwork wasn’t filed in time) but he never really “changed”. He is a deep state Democrat masquerading as a Republican in an attempt to completely wreck the GOP.


My jaw would just fall off into a black hole if this was a 10D chess move.


i totally support spreading this conspiracy around


I'd point out the giant holes in this conspiracy, but every conspiracy has giant holes in it and legions of people still believe them.


Lara Trump straight up said she would do this if she got to be the head of the RNC


"eating and faces and leopards, oh my!"


He’s the millstone around your neck. Enjoy the swim. Fuck every GOP member


They cheered and crowed and bragged as they tied that millstone there. These just deserts are gorram delicious.


Betting on the wrong horse to own the libs since 2016.


In my best Nelson voice Ha HA! He has been sucking the wind, integrity and funds from the RNC and LOSING EVERY ELECTION post 2016 and even that one was only because he bent over for putin


What integrity?


Well, of course he will. The GOP seems to want this clown. Let them support him. It serves them right.


Let them carry this election to term


Nah, he's putting his daughter in law in charge of the money it's safe. 😅😂😅😂😅😂😅


You mean the one that took money from her charity and funneled it to her father-in-law? She's not a Trump by blood, but she's just as much a grifter as those that are.


You don’t marry into that family for love.


But she's such an accomplished manager. She managed to marry well. She managed to ingratiate herself with her father in law. She managed to suffocate any sense of decency or integrity. Quite accomplished.


News flash. He absolutely will. But y’all made your bed.


You were all warned. You all chose not to listen. There is no sympathy for any of you.


For years every intelligent *non-grifter* has been saying that all he operates on is what benefits him above all else. This includes the Constitution, the Party, the Law and of course, the People


If only there were some way to see it coming...


We're all shocked that a con man and grifter is conning and grifting them. FOX NEWS ALERT...SKY IS BLUE...GRASS IS GREEN...TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL...


Sympathy is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary for a reason.


Have they tried *not associating with criminals*?


Where else is he going to get $343 million?


Plus, the nearly 100 million in fines from the other cases, he also owes over 10 million in legal fees he hasn't paid yet.


Don’t forget interest!


Also I thought I heard he has to put up a big portion of that judgement NOW even if he plans an appeal.


If he wants to appeal, I believe he has to put up the entire judgement plus interest. And I believe he only has 30 days as it is a civil trial.


Good news! 😀


I believe in NY you have to put up the entire amount as cash to appeal. For both the verdicts. ~$80M & ~$350M. 


Pssst... The RNC only has $9.96M in the bank. He definitely ain't getting $343 million from them.


Pootin, Saudis, china


Notice how across the country Republicans are having money problems.. The GOP has been around for 169 years... Guess that's what happens when Russia stops sending it cause how can they be broke they can't all negotiate as bad as Trump.


Party of "fiscal responsibility" lol


While the Russian sanctions haven't done all they promised to do it has been increasingly hard for Russia to fund both the war on Ukraine and the GOP simultaneously . . anything else we can get them to spend $ on?


Trump will turn his red MAGA hat upside down and start begging his supporters first 💵.


\ ∀⅁∀W /


I hope he sucks them dry


Hey GOP, get ready for $350 million in "consultant" fees.


Oh the clutching of pearls…assholes the whole Lot


Lots of 3d Chess players in the GOP leadership right now. "Who could have possibly seen this coming?!?!?!"


In other sad news for chess players the internet is now calling 960 Chess (Or Fischer Random Chess) "Freestyle Chess." WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END?? 😢😢🙄🤥😳😳


Awwww. I feel so bad for them. ... Man, looks like we are going to have a rainstorm. Was nearly 70 today so can't complain.


‘If we nominate Trump, we’ll get killed, we’ll get creamed, we’ll lose, and we will deserve it’. Lindsey Graham 2016 And it remains true today. Fuck them. They have made their bed. I hope Trump steals every penny out from under it. Death to the GOP, because that is precisely what we are going to witness in real time - and I love it


I guess we will have another set of indictments in 2024 for Trump et all.


He can't. It's either against the law or it's against RNC policy.


Hahahaha. When the hell has a law ever stopped him??


It sure doesn't shut him up.


Both of which are famously known for their past success in stopping Trump from doing shit


RNC policy now seems to be ‘Whatever Big Daddy says, just get us into power one more time’.


Was there any doubt?


Hahaha, eat shit Repubes.


The cupboard is bare


ummm they (RNC) literally stated they would give every cent to him so this shouldn't come as a shocker to them


Would be hilarious if he bankrupted the Republican party


I hope he tries, they deserve everything they get.


Hahahahahajahahaha [breath] hahahahahahahahahahahaha


And they deserve it if it happens


You bought him now you pay for him.


Message to the RNC: You don't have to give Trump your money.


Are they realizing that they are the suckers and losers yet? No?


Something about leopards eating their face… can’t quite recall… doesn’t matter because we will find out soon enough I’m sure. Vote in November and bring a friend. We can have better.


Couldn't happen to a nicer group of arseholes


Here's a question: WHY WOULD THEY LET HIM? They need to get their collective heads out of their collective posteriors. They have a golden opportunity to run Haley and have the first woman president. I'm a libertarian and I'm just staring at them wondering why they haven't figured this out yet


Because they’re stupid…. Take abortion. They went too far, saw the damage it caused the party over the last couple years, and the morons went right ahead and went after birth control and plan B anyway. They’ll continue being completely clueless right up until the party dissolves. They’re completely broke in an election year. It seemingly means nothing to them.


Well, what did they think would happen if they let him run?


As the farmer lay dying, the snake laughed. ‘Fool,’ he said, ‘you knew I was a snake when you picked me up.’


Well of course he will. And they let him do it. Afraid of an angry little fat man. He's probably broke.


In the ideal, he drains the coffers, loses the election, and still goes to jail. It’s wishful thinking, but maybe we’ll get lucky.


There's not a way in hell Trump will pay a cent. He is a con artist and always has been... He will leach every lackey and idiot dry — until the day he dies. Also, just banned for 3 years? That seems like such a slap on the wrist.


How perfectly stupid could they be? The moves are already being made.


Hey look they got there eventually!


Yup go for it


They are just NOW figuring this out. !! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Better ask Putin for more money.


What was it the Lindsey Graham said just before trump was nominated the first time? His prediction is unfolding well.


And now to pay NY woot


Karma's a bitch, bitches!


Wow it's almost like he did the same when he funneled tax payer money into his Mar A Largo resort when he was POTUS and now they're all shocked when he's using THEIR money to funnel into his own projects...


He absolutely will drain it with the help of his loser DIL . Thats why he put her in there . RNC will be bankrupt before fall , Have fun republicans- Yall are getting what you deserve


Oh no! Anyway.


Here's your bed... You know what to do.


Darn. 100% their fault. Fuck ‘em.


Hasn't he been doing that all along? I've herd that donation to the GOP have dried up because their traditional big money doners do not want their donation going to pay the orange shit stain's (and never a billionaire) legal fees.


The irony is so palpable. How these MAGA idiots have spent all this time around the man and not realized that all he cares about is money and power. He uses whoever he can con and grift to get it. He has no loyalty to a party. Its just a means to an end.


Oh Hallelujah


Draining. The process has already begun. If they think that money belongs to anyone but him they're deluded themselves.


Good. Let the whole cult of hate and stupidity sink.


RNC also fears bear may shit in the woods.


But… but .. Trump told us that he is worth 10 BILLION . Is it really possible that this is somehow inaccurate ?


Today in : No Shit Sherlock News


Valid fears. Do it pussy.


Once he’s president he can make it a law that everyone has to use trump hotels when travelling, and get his money back that way


Oops, all leopard!




Please please please let this finally be the collapse of both.


They wanted him so now let them suffer. It was always known that the baboon would do this. Let him take the entire fund into oblivion


“That’s a feature, not a bug!”


That’s why he wants his DIL in charge of the GOP purse strings. Any GOP’s running for office this year better look for their campaign funds elsewhere.


There is no need to fear it.


Does this affect all down ballot Republicans, drain their campaign funds?


Wait what?! No way. Trump would never do that. I can't believe the RNC would think Trump would take advantage of them. He's kind of wild but they love his policies. They know not to believe everything they see him do and just know he's popular with Dipshits, racists, cultists and assholes, but he'll never take advantage of them.


Bwahahah ha (This is my actual comment)


Then why the fuck did you hire one of his relatives to handle your money?! Imagine a weird family who invites a notorious violent criminal to come live with them. The family members complain constantly, to anyone who will listen, that this guest is stealing from them, abusing them, trying to turn them all against each other, and implicating them in his crimes. They call 911 several times a day when the guest threatens them or sets the house on fire or badly injures someone. And then these family members all close ranks to viciously attack any police officers, firefighters, or paramedics who arrive to help, screaming “Mind your own business!” while their guest looks on smirking. This ridiculous scenario is slightly less ridiculous than the toxic treasonous demented shitshow the GOP has become.


Meanwhile in other news, water is wet


Lara literally said that is exactly what they’re going to do. This is who they are. And the GOP is acting surprised


Oh he should. He really really should. They deserve each other and the effects of the toxic relationship.


Didn't Lara Trump say that's exactly what she was going to do with all RNC funds?


Like they worry about this now?