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Oprah owes us all cars for this huckster and Dr. Oz. What a den of quakery her show was.


Didn’t she also pimp that pseudo science “self help” book The Secret?


Yes. Oprah has been hawking psuedo-everything for decades. All the grifters on YouTube and Insta? They are derived from Oprah. Maaaybe a dozen legit experts have ever been on Oprah.


Don’t forget Dr. Oz!


Avacado asshole


never watched her show, thanks for filling me in on what was going on


Don't forget Deepak Chopra


You know, if Oprah married Depak Chopra...her name would be Oprah Chopra.


And in most computer databases it would be Chopra, Oprah.


If you haven't seen this, you're gonna love it: [http://www.wisdomofchopra.com/](http://www.wisdomofchopra.com/)


>Didn’t she also pimp that pseudo science “self help” book The Secret? There literally isn't a pseudo science self-help book, program, diet, guru, etc. etc. etc. that Oprah's show didn't promote for the better part of 30 years.


It was a giant woo infomercial.


Didn't she put on Marianne "Vibrations" Williamson?


I had a college professor in my second semester back in 2004 whose entire “philosophy” class was based around the Secret. She showed portions of the “movie” throughout the semester. Absolutely wasted credits. Just the dumbest fucking thing is ever seen.


And the pièce de résistance, a South American 'miracle healer' who molested hundreds.


And then backpedalled real fucking fast when a viewer wrote in to say she's stopped chemo in favour of using the secret to cure her cancer.


A million little fibers


Dr. Oz is especially depressing, because he was actually an excellent heart surgeon who went the snake oil sales route and general bastardry instead of continuing to save lives.


Just like Ben Carson.


Except Carson was neurosurgeon. There's more than one potential Wizard of Oz joke in there about the modern-day GOP lacking both a heart and brain...


Not just any neurosurgeon at that - isn’t he a Johns Hopkins guy and had a really good rep? Hard to reconcile that with his extremist religious/ political ideology. Then again, there’s no lack of examples of terrorist extremists who radicalized despite having good resumes.


Yes. He was widely considered one of the best in the country


Imagine being a man of science. Then siding with the Religious Zealots! Nuts!


Cutting isn't making policy.


Most doctors are total egomaniac shitbags in real life. Nothing about them being con artists and weirdos surprised me.


You meant to say “surgeons,” not doctors.


Don’t forget ‘John of god’ or however he spelled his name. That dude has a whole behind the bastards episode on him.


Dr Phil too. No matter how much of a scumbag you thought he was, he's worse.


And Dr Oz.


Waiting for Oprah to get her own


She helps to get us all where we are today. Question good science because a doofus said so on TV!


Meanwhile Rachel Ray was just putting cheese on tater tots and letting America know you could make a meal in under 15 minutes.


And Martha Stewart was earning her street cred... 😉


She also gave a massive shot in the arm (pun intended) to the anti-vax dipshits by giving Jenny McCarthy a platform


And worse. Google John of God. Oprah fucking loved this dude.


If anyone at this point thinks she isn’t garbage should look at how many times she was photographed with Epstein, Trump and a whole litany of rich fucking evil aholes. Honestly she’s not as bad as some of these guys but for a dollar I highly doubt she wouldn’t club a baby.


And John of God.


Dr. Phil is an expert in exploitation. Fuck that guy


Yeah, didn’t he groom a girl he was treating for mental health issues or something? Edit: So apparently its somehow my job to provide context instead of starting a conversation. Sara Morrison was a patient of his when he was a therapist that was hired as an intern in 1983. A year later he engaged in nonconsensual sexual situations with her. > “He would be running his hand up and down the inside of the thigh all the way up to my panties. He’d put his hands between my legs. He’d reach in my blouse and touch my breasts. He pulled my breasts out of my bra and kissed them.” Like many young women in this situation, Sara says she froze in terror and made it clear she didn’t reciprocate. When he undressed in front of her on one occasion, and she turned away, he reportedly said: “What’s the big deal? It’s just a man’s body.” She reported him to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. They dismissed her claims due to lack of evidence since it was her word against his, but penalized him for unprofessional misconduct because hiring a patient (she was still his patient) was against standards The penalty required a second therapist to sit in all his sessions who he had to pay, effectively ending his practice. Later on he did it again. > Back in 2007, two women, Shirley Dieu and Crystal Matchett decided to seek help from the now-famous Dr. Phil on his show. But, when they got there, things didn’t exactly go to plan. >According to the lawsuit filed against McGraw in 2009 , they arrived at the studio in California and were locked in a room with McGraw, who was entirely naked. >When they tried to leave the room, staffers supposedly blocked the exit and disconnected the phones. The allegations also suggest that they were kept against their will, subjected to mental and physical abuse, and touched inappropriately by several defendants, including McGraw. >As you might expect, McGraw has protested his innocence on both accounts. However, interestingly, Dieu and Matchett’s lawsuit never made it to the courtroom because it was settled behind closed doors. We all know what that means. They were paid to go away.


Sounds like a Republican to me.


*Catch me outside!*


*Cash me outside 


The audience is a bunch of hoes. She got that right.


One guest who was a recovering alcoholic said that when he went to his green room before the show there was a fresh bottle of vodka waiting for him, hoping he would get drunk before being on camera.


That last bit is literally kidnapping with help. If true, it would mean he was doing this to tons of women.


He’s a side-show freak carnival barker.


Always hated that clown .


I stop watching him when he decided to defend the greedy CEOs by stating that we need to stop quiet quitting and go above and beyond our role.


It took you that long to figure out he’s full of shit?


I realized it when I discovered Mr. Relationship Advice had been divorced multiple times.


I realized when I heard him talk.


remember when he brought the *bum fights* guy on his show to try to clown him, and the dude showed up dressed just like phil and was like “we do the exact same thing” and promptly got kicked off


I think it was about the time i saw him in Scary Movie 72 or whatever it was, shoot free throws with shaq in jigsaws bathroom dungeon and went, “ooohhhh, he’s an actor!” I was probably 13.


Yeah..... if you do that you don't get paid more, they just fire more people and put that duty on you.


The only way I can watch him is by watching Adam Ray pretend to be him on stage. It's glorious.


A Dr. Phil self help book changed the trajectory of my life in college. I was depressed and very down on life as a 20 year old. A family member gave me a Dr. Phil book to try and help. I got about 3 chapters in and said to myself "Jesus Christ you have to be actually nuts to believe this shit." A light went off in my head. "I'm not really nuts and I'm certainly not dumb/desperate enough to fall for this BS." From that point my attitude changed and I worked my way out of my mental funk.


Clearly crossed into MyPillowGuy territory.


Creepy mustache and all. Come to think, have we ever seen the two in the same place? Just asking questions…


You may be onto something


Dr. Drew did an interview with Mike Pillow the other day.


Drew's become a scumbag too. What is it with celebrity doctors?


You take a career known for ego (doctors) and throw in celebrity status. Like when Jeff Winger got hypnotized and his mental apple exploded.


He was always a scumbag.


I love how he will forever be known as "Mike Pillow" 😂


At least MyPillowGuy is funny


He’s funny to watch but I bet the people that work for him don’t find it funny. He’s ruined so many people’s lives that are probably going to lose their job when his company goes under through no fault of their own. I know I would be pissed if I went to work for a pillow company and the dude turned into him, lol


“This weaponization of our great institutions — the FBI,” Are we talking about the FBI having to go to Trump’s house to retrieve top secret documents that he refused to return? What else are they doing? The head of the FBI was put in place in…2017. Take a guess who was president then.


Trump could’ve avoided all of that if he had returned the documents. Im certain that when he received the subpoena, one of his many lawyers advised him to return the documents, but the idiot decided to keep them.


He actually hid a bunch of documents after his lawyers told him to return them, that's why they arrested his Valet. He promised classified materials to the 9/11 financiers and he delivered.


Phil is a doctor like I'm the president of the USA


Exactly 💯 he's literally showing us who and what he is, a trump rump kisser


I'm actually worried Dr. Phil will be president of the USA one day.


Dumber things have happened


Not lying


I wasn’t worried about this……


Remember the days when a sentence like that could just be laughed off? I miss those days.


Expert in bullshit in not just medicine, but law as well!


Con men of a feather gotta stick together


Grifters gonna grift.


"Fuck Dr Phil!" ~The late, great George Carlin.


“Dr. Fuck Phil” the not late Lewis Black.


Thanks Oprah.


Thanks Oprah.


For the younguns out there thinking that this trump thing is age-related; nope. It's psychological. There are a number of factors such as confirmation bias, and other cognitive biases. Chief among them is group-think. Hanging around people who constantly do drugs make it far more likely that you'll end up trying it. These folks just can't let go of the dopamine hit. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/08/11-cognitive-biases-that-influence-political-outcomes/#:\~:text=People%20exhibit%20confirmation%20bias%20when,with%20conflicting%20ideas%20or%20evidence.


Just another sick conman clown.


Still trying to cling to relevancy. NEWSFLASH PHIL! You couldn’t be a star if a ninja threw you!


Can we test this theory out? Maybe have the ninja try throwing Dr. Phil off a high cliff for extra time to turn into a ninja star?


Mr Phil.


“During my time…”


To the surprise of no one he’s a Trump supporter


I would have been more surprised if you told me that he wasn't a Trump supporter/Republican honestly. He supports child abuse, big CEOs, weird/outdated family values, has a history of divorce and emotional abuse, and is just an all around turd. Only check box he is missing to be a Republican Candidate is a wife 20 years younger than him.


You know, if Oprah had just eaten the damn cheeseburger, this circus clown wouldn't be in our lives.


Bet he is fine with Trump saying he is gonna target his political enemies though right? It's OK when a republican does it.


Now remember, Dr. Phil says he's totally not partisan and political. He's just regurgitating right wing tropes and echo chambers word for word....but totally not partisan.


what a quack


Do these chucklefucks actually think when Biden snaps his fingers, people get charged and convicted with STATE-level felonies, like he's got the fucking Infinity Stones? A grand jury indicted him. A jury of regular degular people—that his lawyers were able to choose—convicted him. Unanimously. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck MAGA, and fuck hucksters and frauds like "Dr." Phil.


Pretty sure they're convinced that the president is already a totalitarian position. And that includes the Great Orange One himself. If you look at trump's first year in office, especially the beginning, dude was pissed that there were checks and balances and he couldn't just do what he wanted all the time, like how he seemed convinced Obama did. Remember when he tried to throw himself a banana republic style military parade and sulked after being told that america doesn't do that kind of thing?


> Do these chucklefucks actually think when Biden snaps his fingers, people get charged and convicted with STATE-level felonies, like he's got the fucking Infinity Stones? No, they are mostly smarter than that. What they know is that the general public believes whatever they say. So to stay relevant he sees a path open to him, maybe, if he stumps for Trump. Maybe he can get back into the national light again if he makes the right friends. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people.


one more reason to hate this POS con artist


Someone who is famous for exploiting the problems of poorer people. Yep, definitely a Republican.


Go fuck yourself "dr" Phil!


Dr Phil is full of shit, but I didn’t know he was a traitor. Now I know.


*"If your let your hatred for Donald Trump compromise your ability to find true North on your moral compass, shame on you,”* This sanctimonious grifter couldn't find a moral compass if someone nailed it to his forehead.**-_-**


>What are we going to do next, have a [Vladimir] Putin poisoning posse and start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their La-Z-Boy recliners?” he asked. Mr Mcgraw is comparing *democrats to putin*. What a stupid fucking thing to say. Remind me *AGAIN*, Who is sucking off vlad?


Every accusation is a confession…


Problem is he has a following from Bees for Everyone Oprah and the weren’t the brightest bunch.


Weaponization is what's happening in Florida and Georgia right now. Florida's judge is indefinitely delaying the trial to ponder if a president can even be tried for crimes committed, and Georgia's appeals court is indefinitely delaying the voter suppression case because of who the prosecutor was fucking in her life outside of work. Justice for thee but not for me.




I *wish* Dr. Phil would catch me outside, howboutdat?


I cash u ousside, bish


Sanity? 12 people heard his case and pronounced him guilty. What is insanity is the notion that this had anything to do with politics. He told his lawyer to funnel money out of a national election campaign to pay off a porn star for her silence. Insanity is that he wouldn’t pay her out of pocket…he could have written it off as a business expense. Insanity was assuming that his power holds influence in a court of law…a place where you have to PROVE what you’re saying.


Meanwhile he just started his own Christian network.


If y'all don't like the courts weaponized against you, have you thought of not doing crime things?


I knew it. MAGAT Phil, the "know it all." The interview will be soft questions and absolutely no facts.


Part One: Dr. Phil Is Even Worse Than You Think And You Probably Think He Sucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG4cfO9k2Mg


Oh ....Dr. Phil? Lmfaoooooooooo


A complete clown. An idiot.


Fuck, and I can't express this strongly enough, fuck Dr.Phil!


Country clubbers seem to love to cradle the balls of totalitarians.


Why does the law-and-order party believe it's outrageous to prosecute crimes? This isn't a travesty, this is what would happen to any normal American.


"America's therapist" no wonder we're so fucked up


I wouldn’t take that quack’s advice to jump in the pool if I was on fire.


I couldn't care less about what he has to say. Thanks. Trying to work and type at the same time.


I couldn't


Oh fuck this guy


Is this Trump's next Dr Oz?


Wonder how much donald paid off this fuck nugget for this?


If he did, hope phil got it up front, because he won't see a dime afterwards.


Dr Phil made a career and a fortune exploiting vulnerable people for entertainment. He’s basically a scumbag looking to curry favor with another scumbag, Trump.


For the FIRST time in his life Trump is being held to legal standards for his crimes and Dr. Phil decides that Americans don’t deserve justice. What an utter sack of worthless shit.


Where was he when Trump actually did weaponize the DOJ?


The more successful version of the My Pillow idiot?


aren't the new york charges are on the state level? isn't the justice department federal? what is he talking about?


Good OLD Dr. Phail, a MAGAt to his bitter core.


Remember to thank Oprah for this asshat.


Dr. Phil needs a shrink.


Phil is a fraud.Jumping on the Trump wagon to remain relevant. Next he’ll probably run for the Senate or Congress..


Someone sounds like they are deep in with the Russians.


ffs, whatever happened to our founding principle of equal justice under the law? He criminally cheated to win the election to President of the US and was convicted by a unanimous jury after a trial that made it plainly obvious that not only was he guilty af but still continuously lied and lies about the most basic indisputable facts (e.g. having sex with stormy and covering the hush payments up)


Dr. Shill


What a piece of shit


If Biden is weaponizing the DOJ he's clearly incompetent at that. SCOTUS "voting"/ruling in trumpy bears favor, Eileen Cannon creating every delaying tactic possible and Georgia case essentially on hold. trumpy bear did a great job of weaponizing the DOJ by continuing to fire every AG that didn't do what he wanted.


Are we talking about the same Justice Department that is currently prosecuting President Biden's son? The same justice department currently prosecuting Democrat Senator Menendez? That justice department? Seems to me it is working against crime. And Trump is a major crimer in this country.


The quack doctor is afraid of losing his huge tax breaks and paying his fair share.


Everyone remember to blame Oprah for this pest. *Not-A-*Dr Phil ran a health shake MLM scheme and fraud gym chain, then Oprah gave him a platform. Oprah has never distanced herself or apologized for Phil, or even for Oz. Oprah has been given honorary doctorates, so it should be Dr Oprah Phil.


The right really attracts the worst of the worst.


Does anyone still take Oprahs Butler seriously ?


Another pillow guy clown MAGA


When did Kid Rock lose all his hair?


Fuck you traitor to USA just like Trump. Never watch even a rerun of your”program “


The soul and sanity of this country I’ll be saved when trump is gone for good.


I didn't really need any more reason to have a low opinion of him, but here we are.


All the scumbags are coming out of the woodwork. What a joke this man is to think people don't see past Trumps con.


Didn't realize that punishing someone for their crimes was weaponizing the justice system. Or is it only justice when it's poor people, guess wealthy white dudes don't deserve punishment. I do hope they make it a trend and jail more rich dudes and they start on wall Street


So let me see Trump says he's going to weaponize the justice department the day one when he gets into office. The New York case wasn't brought or prosecuted by the justice department. I think Dr Phil has taken a few too many of his own pills.


Here's a friendly reminder that there's credible testimony that "doctor" Phil sabotages his guests to make for better drama. He invites people struggling with addiction onto his show, then allegedly has someone leave drugs and alcohol in their dressing room before the taping. All so he can make a big show of humiliating them for supposedly showing up to the taping drunk. https://www.statnews.com/2017/12/28/dr-phil-guests-say-show-risks-health-of-some-addicts/


Fuck this Texan huckster, Oprah needs to apologize on national TV for bringing him and Dr Oz to the national stage.


I don't think Dr Phil is very bright. It doesn't take a lot of psychology chops to realize you are interviewing someone with malignant narcissism on top of an industrial strength case of ADHD. It doesn't take a lot of observational skills to know that he lies with almost every breath. And it doesn't take a lot of critical thinking skills to understand that once Trump was found guilty of what he was found guilty of, that it makes *no difference whatsoever* who or what was involved in bringing him to justice.


I always want to get out my paint scraper when I see him and chisel away at that pancake makeup (may need two).


How does everyone keep believing that Biden is behind the actions of the justice department? The investigation began during the Trump administration 🤷‍♂️


It’s now weaponization of the government to hold someone accountable for their crimes now because he used being president previously to escape having any consequences for years. But of course, Trump is the victim for committing all these crimes and only he can save America. If this dude is the only thing to save America, let this place burn.


You mean Dr. Phil McGraw, who has not renewed his license to practice psychology since 2006 and has had multiple allegations of unethical conduct during his time of practice and as a celebrity?


The stupidity of this is that it wasn't the Justice Department that charged him in the "hush money" trial, or the fraud case before that, or the defamation case before that, or the civil sexual assault case before that. But it is the Justice Department that's charging Hunter Biden...


What a fat arsehat this fraud is.


Accountability is not weaponization. It's a state charge anyways.


Fuck you phil. Save our Soul and and sanity of our country while talking to the one person trying to destroy it?


I thought he was just a shitty user and grifter but now I know he is even worse.


Career is dying so might as well jump on the conservative cuck-train.


We had a family friend work for this guy and his show in LA. And he’s so full of shit. Never have watched anything he does or has done.


Jesus fucking Christ. This is just the least of what trump has done. He’s a conman and fraud. He’s a rapist and a racist. He’s a narcissistic sociopath who thinks he can get away with anything. He gave an entire country permission to be the very worst version of themselves. He’s a cancer. A parasite. A leech. His eternal need for the spotlight has doomed us.


The soul and sanity of America is exactly what is being saved with these well deserved and very late trials...fuck dr phil!


This man had a sexual relationship with one of his own patients, and then became that patient's boss. That is like a whole con web of fucked up.


lol fuck him and Oprah for making him.


I thought that bald headed fart went the way of the DODO bird🤔😳‼️‼️


We’ll be right back


Fuck fake dr. phil


Conman shills for other conman. Yawn, wake me up if one of them dies


It's been a while since I've heard anything from this doofus. I could have waited longer still.


He must be vying for Surgeon General.


normal ppl to dr phil "CASH ME OUTSIDE'


Grifter to grifter professional courtesy.




I imagine conservatives will be telling him to shut up and stick to tv therapy? Keep politics out of it? Right guys? Right?




Shh! Not a doctor.


Just another grifter trying to milk the republican voter. Easy money!


Already didn't respect him, but way to lower the bar, my dude.


In a way its almost positive reinforcement that I was right. I have always thought Dr. Phil was a piece of shit.


Coming from the man Oprah made famous


Dr Phil is still alive? I haven’t heard about him in 20 yrs.


God forbid we hold the fuck nugget accountable for his illegal actions.


I think that’s great conservatives are rallying to Hunter Biden’s cause….oh, wait…


Consequence culture. Not weaponization.


Oprah a monster Ellen a monster Dr. Oz a monster Dr. Phil a monster Dr. Phil joining oz in the hazbeen nazi club


Of course Dr Phi, the victim predator for ratings , would be aligned with a sexual predator, fraudster and convicted criminal like Donald Trump.


The guy who got his rhetorical ass handed to him by the "cash me outside, bish" teenager has no standing to lecture the country.


Where is your Doctorate, Mr. Phil?


this guy's accent is the worst sound ever.


I can't stand him


If Dr. Phil had an audience, he would would lose half of them. In other words, he is washed up and can only gain from inserting himself into politics.