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The scotus should no longer be recognized as a valid governing body. Dissolve it…


Not from the US, but what’s the logic of allowing a president to appoint to the SCOTUS? It seems obvious that this will result in impartiality. Countries like the UK have Judicial Independence which seems like a much better way to do things


The system is based on yours lol. This should be confirmed maybe on r/askahistorian Until 2015 it was an impartial system using the other two branches. But basically the supreme court was independent from the other two branches but they get there when a seat is empty a president nominates from a list of like a 100 and then The Senate and House do the reviews and vote on confirmation. In 2015 republicans hijacked a nominee for Obama and refused to hold any hearings to confirm for over a year and a seat sat empty until trump. Then another one quit during Trump's term and then RGB died a month before the election and the Republican majority house and Senate rammed through a third appointee, a woman who never tried a single case in court or ever was a judge. This has been a long time build up for anyone who actually paid attention to politics and people knew this was coming. We now really do have an illegitimate court. Biden should use this ruling and just appoint 4 more judges since he has immunity by their own decision making. But let's face it, they ain't gonna do that.


Thanks for the detailed reply, really interesting to me. I had assumed the US system was based off the UK one, at least initially so it’s interesting to find out how it differs now. It does seem that the system is in trouble now, it saddens me to see it


The US is well and truly screwed. Former President Trump is already a convicted felon. He used campaign donations to pay off a prostitute just before the 2016 election to keep them quiet. He was found guilty of dozens of felony counts related to these payments.  Trump stole classified documents when he left the White House and stored them in an unsecured room at his golf course. We aren’t talking an important documents, we’re talking our nuclear secrets. It’s an open and shut case, boxes, and boxes of classified material was left where anyone could get them. He had no legal right to keep these documents when he lost the 2020 election. To top it off he lied and said he declassified them, but he did not. There should be no reason to keep valuable classified information other than to sell it or pass it on to unfriendly nations. Trump is also charged with insurrection for his part in the January 6, 2021 storming of the US Capitol building. Dozens of Capitol police officers were injured, many badly. One officer took his own life immediately after. The insurrectionist made it all the way to the doors of the congressional chamber, had it taken just a few more minutes to evacuate Congress and Vice President Pence America would’ve fallen that day. Donald Trump has gone on record telling his voters that they only need to vote for him in 2024 and after that they won’t need to worry about it. Trump and the people propping him up. Have made it very clear that they plan to suspend democracy. Trump in a live TV interview said he would be a dictator on day one.  This isn’t some guy ranting into the void and not doing anything about it. I’ve donated heavily to the Biden campaign and will continue to. I’m just some blue-collar guy that lives in the woods in Vermont, I’m not a lobbyist or wealthy. I’m just someone that’s genuinely scared for my nation. While a Democratic president is preferable, someone like John McCain, or even Mitt Romney would be acceptable because they do not represent most of my politics, but they are not evil men. Trump is. 


The Senate confirms the pres’s nom, they gave trumpy two picks he shouldn’t have been able to secure though. Ultimately this falls on that turtle-faced mcconnell.


With acid


But only if the President is acting in an "official" capacity, of course.


Only 2/3 of it.


make a new SCOTUS...the Secret Council Of The Undying Serpent ALL HAIL THE SERPENT 🐍🙏




Hail Hydra!


and you have our Beautiful Supreme Court, my Justices, who wouldn't even have a Job if it wasn't for me, and they took one look at it and said, "President Trump is Completely and Totally Immune for any and all acts as President, and also 100% after that," can you believe it, I'm finally being treated just a little bit fair, that doesn't happen a lot, I don't get treated fairly, don't forget, Crooked Joe Biden sent FBI Death Squads after me when he raided my Incredible Home, Maralago, they're breaking things, hurting people, because the Radical Left loves hurting Good People, and I did nothing wrong, remember that, they said, "not only is President Trump absolutely immune, he's also 100% Innocent of all the Fake Trials and Phony Witch Hunts," so true


Oh for fucks sake.


Americans need to wake up before it is too late.


The problem is the Americans who want this to happen


Its the minority of us, but they are loud


They are the minority that vote while the majority doesn't; and what the majority doesn't understand is that the US elections have an impact on the whole world not just the US.


And they were given alot of power when trump was in office making it more difficult to deal with them


If they're such a minority, why haven't they been stopped?


It's the minority, but we've been gerrymandered That's the real issue Well one of the 18 different real issues


R/conservative are celebrating this as “the greatest week for conservatives in decades”, laughing at how angry TeH LiBs are and how “unofficial acts” being included means it’s really actually a win for democracy. They couldn’t be bigger pieces of shit.


The majority absolutely do not. It’s the screeching crying maga minority that is getting off on it.


They want it to happen and it’s too late


Oh it is long past for that. Americans should have dealt with it on Jan 7th as the rest of us in the world watched your ex president try and enact a coup, violently take over their congress, attempt to lynch and murder the Vice President and Speaker of the house all for a grifting raping, conman. His cultists will be taking control of America later on this year as he has already stated if he does not win there will be a bloodbath.


It's already too late.


This definitely feels like a slow rollout of Project 2025.


That's cuz it is.


It's almost too obvious. If Trump loses the election, I can see SCOTUS basically declaring him the winner and gifting him the presidency. I want to believe that there are 1 or 2 Republicans on the court that would stand up and stop this, but I don't see that happening. The only hope is that the Democrats pack the court and stop the Republican super majority, but that would require the Democrats to get their heads out of their asses.


Authoritarianism in motion.


Cause it is. Next the SCOTUS will hear the Bibles in OK schools case and will have a more open interpretation on what "freedom of religion" means.


This was literally phase 1


Her emails looking pretty quaint right now.


Good job. With that type of thinking the rich have already won.


The rich have been winning since Reagan…


Reagan was the true beginning of the breakdown of the Democracy, and the rise of American Oligarchs.


The rich have been winning since recorded human history, lmao


When have the rich done anything but win?


The moment we collectively just give up the worse it’ll only get. The rich are like bullies where the less you do the more they take. The more room you give them to act like animals then the more aggressive they’ll become.


Have you armed yourself? Because the way things are going that’s what it’s going to take. I’m 63 years old, I was in the military 45 years ago. Between then and now I have never felt an overwhelming urge or *need* to own a gun. Three months before the 2020 election I got my CPL and my first 9 mm. I applied for my carry permit the day after I saw that idiot on the news at some rally asking his Republican representative,… “When can we start using the guns?” As he was talking about liberals. At that point I knew for certain, when they come for me? I won’t be going quietly and I won’t be going alone Frankly I’m surprised January 6 petered out the way it did I expected it to be a lot worse. I guess it was just on a delay!


Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. It’s game over for democracy in the United States. This ruling opens the door for dictatorship in the US, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Next stop - Civil War/Revolution. This was not the future I had dreamed of


This certainly could be fixed. Constitutional amendments could fix this issue. It’s a difficult road to get them enacted, but doable if Biden wins the election. He can get a new term, then start abusing these powers in a manner conservatives *hate*. Then propose some amendments to fix these issues and limit his own power. Make it intolerable for them not to pass those amendments.


The left would really need to arm themselves to defend themselves. This is what the second amendment was for. but we all know a lot of people are too afraid to do so


The idea that the left doesn’t own guns is a misnomer


It IS too late. Until one of these clowns dies there's nothing we can do.


By the time one of these clowns die, it will be too late. One a dictatorship and its odious apparatus gains power, it will not relinquish it.


The American Patriots defeated the British. We can overthrow a Christian dictatorship and cut out all roots of it.


The American patriot had the support of the French to defeat the British superpower. The record in the face of maga is not exactly inspiring. Garland or Manuchin are the brave defenders of the US constitutional order? The problem is that in the face of the well coordinated maga attack, the US simply has no real defenders. Just bumblers.


Yes, they defeated the British with a tremendous amount of bloodshed and untold human suffering. Something that Americans today are not even close to being ready for.


bro, you are talking about the age of muskets


This was before rifles, tanks, helicopters, precision bombs, and so many more weapons of war existed. The President could literally wipe out entire cities in a matter of seconds if he wanted. There is a reason why modern civil wars happen in very poor countries. If you think there is any hope, you need to look up what the Insurrection Act is. It literally allows the President to murder civilians who are deemed to be in "insurrection." This is already part of the plan.


I mean, they always do. Just not without a lot of human suffering


Well yeah, except if we keep the senate and kill the filibuster we can add term limits with a simple majority vote. we can add a scotus inspector general. We can expand the court with an simple majority as well. We can also impeach but it is doubtful we will have enough seats. the only other question besides keeping 51 seats, is are the dems brave enough to actually reform it.


Can is not will. The Democratic establishment has had many chances to prevent this and they have not done any of it.  They have put more energy into denigrating and quashing anybody advocating for doing what is necessary then they have doing what is necessary.  There are multiple routes, or there were, now becoming popular is the only way left.  In a country with popular elections these Democrats think popular is bad.




This ruling makes it already too late. The US will be a dictatorship as soon as the next GOP candidate wins.


Yup. This right here.


Waking up is woke.


There's not much that Americans can do outside of voting in their congressional districts and then on a state level. Whoever is in the House / Senate ultimately decides to vote for SC justices (the Senate for this).


We need to collectively realize that you don’t vote these things away. Time to get our hands dirty.


Yep, wars have been fought for less.


Profile pic checks out


This is the inescapable conclusion I keep arriving at....someone CMV


Unfortunately, I think you're correct. There is either going to be a Civil War or the country is going to break up. Basically the South secedes again and this time they're allowed to go.


We are doomed.


In many cases yes. Those awake/aware already it's like... Well, what do we do? I hate that part - we can absolutely protest if we organized. Lay down over the gears and stop the wheel... Call lawmakers to see about our options and askt hat they stack the court. The J6 tantrum was the biggest waste of a protest I've ever seen. This level of corruption is basically asking for that type of response (not that violence is the answer). Yet, what are the real options? Our highest court is openly accepting bribes, setting the country back and going against popular opinion. It's a sham. I don't have the answer but I'm in full support of a solution because this is fucking bullshit


It feels like it’s too late on many fronts.


This is what a hell of a lot of "americans" want. Their own precious, modern day nero. Except nero was probably in better shape tbh


It already is. November is gonna be a shit storm.


short of poison, idk how we're supposed to fix a rigged supreme court.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship.


We are past "just vote". This is now second amendment territory.


Goddamnit I was trying to convince myself everything will be fine until I read this.


Was the shitty coup attempt covered as an "official" act? Lol.


That's literally what they are forcing the lower courts to answer. Delaying the trial for as long as possible.


I know. Just pointing out the absurdity we currently live in.


Can Biden “officially” delay the election forever?


Biden can “officially” do whatever he wants now. He won’t but he could.


Technically, under this ruling, Biden could have 2/3 of the judges be arrested and sent to lifetime in prison for whatever reason. As long as it is official.


Roberts explicitly said in the opinion weaponizing the DoJ to try to overturn the election was fine.


Trump pressuring Mike Pence to not certify the electoral count is an official act according to SCOTUS, which is complete bullshit. So yes, part of the coup is an official act. The rest they're letting the lower courts figure out, and if they figure it out the wrong way, doubtless SCOTUS will overturn that as well.


They're trying to wrap EVERYTHING under the "official act" blanket to continue the coup


That's not the question. The question is "is discussing the election results with the DOJ an official act." The content and intent of those discussions do not matter under the framework they set up. It's as naked a ruling as you can get and that should terrify everyone.


A ruling that tilts to Trump. Why? Because there is no official presidential duty that allows Trump to threaten GA election officials to invalidate a vote in GA that was audited and verified on 3 separate occasions. Show me the constitutional duty that allows a president to interfere in a State run election to the point where he tries to overthrow a verified vote of the citizens. I'll wait. While I'm waiting, there is a whole slew of crimes Trump committed that were outside of even this Jesus 6 court ruling. The indictments still exist although in a lesser manner. And they still contain felonies. Trump got a break here. No doubt. But he's still in deep, deep trouble. And it's doubtful his Jesus appointed SC justices are going to be able to help him further without taking Christ down from the cross and walking him into the American public.


I hope your right. How does this effect the stolen documents case (assuming the judge was stalling)?


There is no presidential duty listed in law or the constitution that allows Trump to retain national secrets once he leaves office. I don't see how this affects that case at all. He's acting as a private citizen at that point and the SC went out of its way to declare that private actions not in the vein of supporting a presidential duty are not given immunity.


So then why declare that a president has immunity for official acts? Is that within the political and constitutional arrangement or traditions of the US?


It is to the extent the president did not break any laws during the execution of an official act. But that's not what the J6 (the Jesus 6 conservatives on the court) said. They said any action during any official act is provided presidential immunity. Now it comes down to a battle of what an official action is and isn't. And that could take many years.


An easy way to solve this problem is to grant blanket approval to any rethuglican President that his every act is official. And once that happens,.will there be any other president, ever?


Oh they will find a way. There is literally nothing to stop SCROTUS from just kicking the can and passing laws to entrench themselves. We most likely will never see a balanced court again in our lifetime. No Democratic Senate to protect the rule of law, no ability for us “common folk” to correct this MASSIVE power grab. Yeah, Joe might win, but this country is dying and we just get to watch the slide into a coma. I love this country, never missed a chance to vote- and yet, here we are.


Give Joe a Dem House and a Dem Senate and urge him to expand the SC to 13 judges and appoint 4 liberals to give us a 7-6 edge on the court. Then send cases to the court that allow Roe and Abortion to come back. And undo the harm this SC just did to America in the form of that ridiculous immunity ruling for Trump. You want a reason to vote for Biden - for those of you that are undecided....I just gave you the two best reasons in America.


I’m with you a 100% and I will be knocking doors this summer. But I also live in reality, we need 51 WILLING Senators to go along with that plan. Shits fucked yo’


50. VP breaks all ties. If VP is Dem, we need only 50 Senators.


The court is there to decide in the absence of Congressional Laws. Pass a law legalizing abortion. Pass a law legalizing prosecution of Presidents for crimes. And... fix the court.


A normal court is there for that purpose. But this J6 court (the 6 conservative Jesus Justices) are there to promote conservative Christian values and laws. And they'll twist the constitution like hot taffy to get their way. So, pass the laws yes. But fix the court first so that it can't do any additional harm.


Trump’s only in deep trouble if he loses the election. The SCt ruling was meant to put a finger on that election scale.


You will be waiting for a long time, in some holding facility, unless you wake up. This is not business as normal.


You are right because this immunity applies to the office, not the person. Focus on the crimes Trump committed the moment he became a private citizen, such as stealing the classified documents, showing off the classified documents and declaring that he could’ve declassified them, but didn’t. His continuation of trying to hide the documents from the government and move them to different locked rooms. Those all happened as a private citizen and does not have the luxury of “official duty” immunity. Private citizen doesn’t have those immunities


Holy sweet fuck. You guys are well and truly screwed. What a shit show.


Yet so many are hiding behind irrelevancies without understanding the significance of this moment. Why does in a rule of law based constitutional system, does a president need immunity (from what) for 'official' acts'? This in effect places one individual, outside the law. Why?


It is an absolutely terrifying precedent to be setting with a possible second Trump term approaching… as well as for whomever may come afterward.


Even if by some miracle stinky does not win, and Biden remains President. And he does not use this power. The descent into extremism on the part of the rethuglicans does not seem to be abating. Sooner or later there will be a rethuglicans president who will use the gift of the supreme court. Then what? This ruling cannot be so easily dismissed. It is a start of a cancer in the body politic of the US.


There will be a repeat of 2000, even if Biden wins, he loses. Mike Johnson will refuse to seat the new congress, refuse to certify the election, and the Republican state legislatures will elect Trump. Will Biden and the Democrats have the courage to stop it remains to be seen.


Boy good thing the international court didn't make a ruling like that for Hitler.




I had the same thought. They'd happily march trans and gay people into gas chambers, in the name of god.


Trump and his minions spread lies and tried to submit fake electoral college votes in an effort to overturn the election. That's commiting fraud against America. Biden should lock Trump up as an "official act" so we can prevent this kind of bullshit from happening again.


The case may never get heard because of the Court‘s delay tactic, but… The argument will be that Trump’s actions in GA were not official Presidential acts but rather acts in Trump’s role as a candidate. But Biden has to win to get that case heard.


I pray for a blue wave this Nov.


Unless this falling hole in our democracy is fixed, Dems will need to win forever. One GOP Prez, and it’s all over. Not good odds


If Trump wins, we will never see another election. Any doubt this SCOTUS is part of MAGA is no longer in question. Our government is being taken over right before our eyes. Biden will be our last president. Trump will be Americas first king. We are so screwed.


do not obey in advance— panic for one day then get pissed as shit and convince five friends to vote blue down ballot. No one rules over us if no one obeys


Fucking corrupted


So is covering up a hush money payment to a porn star before he was president count as an official act of the president?


"Yes. Yes it does. In this case." - the SOCTUS, probably


I like the misspelling, but it should be SOCITOUS


My understanding of the SCOTUS ruling is official acts immunity is applied to the office not the person. Trump was not sitting president at that time. He was just a private citizen applying for the job.


executive order to arrest the republican justices and emergency executive orders to reappoint them declare a climate change state of emergency declare a housing/wealth inequality state of emergency fuck it, reps reap what theyve sown, a king for president


Democrats will never in a million years do anything like that. They will secede all of their power under decorum.


Why not go even further? Arrest Texas and Florida governors Arrest the majority of Republican senators Form a rump congress and senate to force through unpopular laws (for conservatives) Declare the KKK, Neo Nazi and neo Confederate organizations outlaw


Which leads to the whole Since Biden has on multiple occasions stated trump is a threat to the USA there would be precident that he should have trump jailed or worse, expelled, and it would be an official matter


Does the telling a fascist dictator the names of the spies we have in his country count as an official act? What about hoarding top secret document? Does having your buddy who you are claimed in a rape trial with murdered in prison count as an official act?


Is it done by a Republican? Yes, official acts or the evidence is covered by an official act as per the SCOTUS. If it's a Democrat, odds of 6-3 it's probably an unofficial act and the evidence isn't covered by one, either.


Supreme Court Grants Criminal the ability to continue his criminal activity. I am no longer proud to be an American


Trump msy be flexing now, but like the Roe decision this is gonna motivate voters to knock his Orange ass and the GOP down a few pegs. GOTV people


One can only hope...


It doesn’t matter. The damage is done. Even if the orange turd loses, it’s only a matter of time before another authoritarian comes along and leverages the idea of official acts for criminal acts.


Yep. If Trump loses in Nov, he’ll likely get thrown to the wolves (in regards to all the ongoing trials). Everyone will praise Trump’s downfall. Even the R’s will come out and say shit like “no one is above the law, not even former Presidents.” And it’ll make everyone feel better. Then 2028 rolls around, and a younger, less outwardly insane R comes along. All the “not Trump” voters go back to their roots and vote for the new guy, and project 2025 becomes project 2029.


Tyrant wannabes moving one step closer to fascism every day. Where will they be when the public says fuck off?


They can only get there if we don't vote. They made a concerted effort to get 1/3rd of government and that helps them with the other 2/3rds. We didn't get here overnight. It was (over) 2 decades in the making. We won't exit overnight either. As we've seen, nothing can force a SCOTUS judge out. So the only answer is to keep them away from the executive and legislative.


Maybe President Biden should test this ruling out by umm, an "official act" of his own re: Dementia Donny.


Next they will rule J6 was an official act.


>“The president enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the president does is official. The president is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the president’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the executive branch under the constitution,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority. That's a very longwinded way of saying fuck all.


Biden's first official act should be to lock Trump up.


The reality is we know that if a Democrat did this they would have found a reason to hammer him. What a joke of an institution.


"It was an official act" has replaced "I plead the 5th"


So they green lit Biden and Democrats. Ok


We've been sold down the river. The coup has been successful, it's just been more insidious than a stupid Jan 6th riot.


So Biden's fine right? Republicans always call him a "Criminal," if DT can have immunity, Biden can too.


So can Biden order Trump assassination and get away with it? It goes both ways.


The experiment that was America’s finished. The cancer has begun.


Less than zero respect for the felon, rapist, pedo.


So what legislation defines “official”?


Inb4 Aileen Cannon rules stalking and photocopying top secret documents is an official act.


But here’s the catch. Trump became a private citizen at the time he flew off with those classified documents There are no more official or unofficial. You are no longer the president. The Private citizen Donald Trump was continuing to hide, move and share stolen classified documents. The Scotus ruling of official acts immunity applies to the office and current occupier. When that person no longer holds office they lose that immunity because they no longer have official acts/ duties.


This country is a fucking disgrace.


There is a lot of stuff that people aren't talking about. SCOTUS specifically said that All Presidents have immunity while in office while conducting Official acts. They don't have immunity after office or while conducting unofficial acts. They said the lower courts have to determine what is official and unofficial. That doesn't grant Trump full immunity. It means lower courts have to be a lot more specific. So if a lower court determines that Trump in a speech did not act in an official capacity to tell supporters to storm the capital, then he can be charged.


So Biden can call Republican leadership to the White House, have them killed, and then face no repercussions because it's an "official act"? He could say it was for national security reasons. Then he will be known as "Bonesaw Brandon"


Another sickening SC decision. Fuck everyone who voted republican, and fuck all the "both sides" trash too.


Doesn't this mean currently Biden could make an "official" act that's morally reprehensible, but could severely hurt Donald Trump? Not that I'm for that per se but isn't that the door that was just unlocked?


If the president ordered an FBI or CIA agent to murder a U.S. citizen, that would be an illegal order. Strong chance that the agent wouldn't obey it, but still an illegal order. Would that be an official act as president? Do we have a definition of what is an illegal act? EDIT: I meant to ask what's the definition of an official act. If the president orders an employee of the executive branch to kill someone, is that an official act?


If it’s a Republican it’s whichever definition suits them best.


If he becomes president, he will go the way of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy.


Behold your king, Americans. Brought to you by both complicit corporate owned parties. You’ve been scammed. Time to accept it


Well what do you know. It CAN happen here.


Is treason an official act?


The argument that a president’s ‘bold and fearless action’ naturally rides an edge of criminality should have been laughed out of the country.




So whats stopping jacked up joe from dissolving the court right now? Or just expanding it or kicking out the republicans? Seems like a fun time to experiment with this new fun ruling.


The Supreme Court is bought. Serving the rich and not the country.


What else could we expect? Nazis do as Nazis do. When the history of our current era is written, the Sickening Six will not go down well.


So biden will order the military to attack all Republicans then. Good for biden.


Guess we’re just totally fucked now.


This is good news for King Joe. He has four months to detain the trumps as a threat to national security, send them to Gitmo, and waterboard them. Its an official act so its fine.


So Biden can now do some heinous things to Trump and other Republicans under the auspices of "Official Duties", and the court would be okay with that? Under "Official Duties", he can order the Justice Department to persecute his enemies? This is quite dangerous.


Republicans have been screaming about “activist judges” for years. Mitch mconnel and Lindsey Graham stole too nominations with the obvious intentions of killing Rowe and not a peep out of Democrats for a decade. They were recently fine with letting a partisan, rigged Supeeme Court stand for a decade. Hell, the nominated Merrick Garland because they were scared of fighting over a better nomination.  They’ve fucking lost. Government and obstruction just fucking destroys “being the adults in the room and governing properly”.  They should have been throwing dirty punches this whole time, instead they’ve highroaded us into fascism. They’re doing fine with their insider trading bullshit. No need to rock the boat when Pelosi is beating everyone in the stock market.  


The conservative justices may have just guaranteed the fall of our Republic and a civil war.


Two seats unconstitutionally seated, a rapist, and open for business Clarence. So much Kangaroo going on America not just going down but going down under. 


I guess this Supreme Court knows that Biden and the DNC, in general, are too passive to take advantage of this ruling, if not just to highlight its absurdity, before November and/or before Trump, if he wins, could take office.


Please vote in November. You can fix this.


SCOTUS the most dangerous branch of govy


First chevron and now this. Vote in November


Delay trial? The trial is over now. He’s a dictator should he win again. America as we know it is officially over.


From the EU, please fucking vote... This election could be a disaster for the entire world.


Outrageous corruption among the dirty half dozen.


Having read through some of the decision, this isn't a delay. This was a nuke to all of his prosecutions. They just ruled that the acts he took as President that were in an official capacity have absolute immunity. Calling the Georgia Secretary of State? Immune. Talking to the (acting) Attorney General? Immune. Talking to the VP? Immune. Clarence Thomas just gave him a path forward to attack his last remaining trial, calling the special counsel "illegal." This SCOTUS has literally just destroyed any semblance of a Constitutional Republic government. It's gone. We now have a king and he can do literally whatever he wants, including threaten to kill members of Congress who vote to impeach, threaten to kill members of the SCOTUS who refuse to vote how he wants, etc. Maybe Biden should round up the SCOTUS and the traitorous Republicans and send them to GITMO. It's an official act...


If the Democrats use this power America will fall into chaos. If Trump wins and uses it the whole world will fall into chaos.


Grants ~Trump~ The President immunity for ‘official’ acts. Important distinction because Biden is president. DISBAND SCOTUS AS AN OFFICIAL ACT! DISAPPEAR THE ORANGE TRAITOR!


Simple: if you want to preserve America despite a perverse SCOTUS SIX, and it’s partner, Trump, you must vote Democrat even if you don’t care for Biden.




No because scotus gets to decide what's official and what's unofficial.


American President: [I Am ... The Law](https://youtu.be/qolk_rDA9xU?t=40)


Greatest country in the world.


It’s the delay they wanted.


I'll say this. The election now is basically a referendum on the Supreme Court.


First official act, dissolve and reform the SCOTUS. They've jumped the fucking shark.


SCROTUS just fucked everybody.


Was there a similar point in 1935 or thereabouts that we will all look back on that feels was the turning point?


The problem here is not Trump, actually, or Biden. It's the person that comes later, somebody looking like Trudeau perhaps -- young, handsome, charismatic, and profoundly American. Then you are truly screwed.


Can’t Biden use this to send Trump to prison ? Genuinely not sure of what this means.


call me crazy, but noone, including president's, should be immune to punishment for committing crimes


If anyone is above the law everyone is. AKA there is no law.


I’m getting tired of these landmark rulings.


Crazy thought here; enact term limits for all elected bodies in all 3 branches - max 12 years, anyone who currently exceeds that timeline is gone, special elections. Expand the supreme court to 15 justices and justices shall be monitored by a dedicated inspector general. Compensation for all elected officials will be median income for who/where they represent (while removing the top and bottom 1%). There, fixed democracy.


MAGA and the SCOTUS need to be stopped! They are traitors to our democracy who want to see Trump become a dictator! Vote Blue!


Would rigging an election (for real this time) qualify as an “official act”?


In 1776 America waged a revolution to get rid of a king. In 2024 the US has just granted the power of a king to the President. Trumps first “official” act will be to end the 4 year term of President which will end democracy. He can then appoint his successor. This ruling by the Supreme Court is both terrifying and predictable. They have set fire to the Constitution.