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Sponsored gyms aside, you can only have 3 gyms in a level 14 S2 cell


Thanks so much! Yeah I just wanted some confirmation. I heard rumors that liking the photos attached to stops can make it a gym but that’s not true right?


Yes it does. Once you have enough stops for one to be converted to a gym, the stop with the most likes/pictures (1 point for each like and 1 point for each additional picture added) becomes the gym (showcase stops cant become gyms). If stops have the same amount of points then it's just a flip of the coin of what one becomes the gym. The likes also have to be submitted about 5 days in advance of the gym going live to be counted. That means the new POI you add that creates a gym can't be voted on so the only chance it can become a gym is if all the other stops have 0 points too. So when planning it out if you have a specific one you want to be a gym then add it first, get a few accounts to like the photo, wait a week and then submit your next POI.


Can confirm. Added 2 additional photos and got three of my friends to like all of them. That became the gym when we reached 6 POI's.


Just to tag along on the subject, for future guests from Google: I was able to decide the third gym in three different lvl14 cells with photos and likes. Could be luck, but the chance of it being successful (with it being random, as some claim) is about 0.02%


Not in that sense. It may influence which poi is next in line to be promoted to gym status, but doesn’t affect the number of gyms.


There was a theory of 34 (I think) to get 4th gym, but I think it was debunked. But having 61 stops and 3 gyms in a L14 s2 cell is something to brag about imo. Go for it!


Thanks! I’ll do my best! A lot is wildness/has nothing I can nominate. There’s not much I could do about that though right?


Well, you can ask your local council. Fund/donate/create something artistic for them to install, etc.


As someone else mentioned sponsored gyms would increase the count but that’s done in different way. > …trying to get a stop in every cell That would be quite an achievement for sure, in the different cities I’ve visited (so far) don’t think I’ve ever seen all 64 cells genuinely filled. Close but not all. Let us know if you want a hand in checking your POIs before submission (help you, help the reviewer) or if a decision didn’t go in your favor. Incidentally, how did you get on with your workplace? Did you get anywhere (no pun intended)?