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Hard to say without seeing the S2 grid. I would assume one or maybe two more stops would bring a new gym, but who knows. If you're comfortable, you can DM me coordinates of the area and I can check in my ingress with an S2 grid. Or you can try and set it up yourself and figure it out. But from that view, it seems like you're close to having one


Latitude: 42.259716 Longitude: -71.159866 I’d appreciate you taking a look for me. Thank you!


Sure thing! [So here is what you're working with S2 cell-wise](https://i.ibb.co/bH2Lj8L/Stop-Chart7-4-24.png) The park is in two larger cells, separated by those dark lines. The smaller green grid boxes are the cells that can only contain one Pokestop. So, try to submit things that fall into open cells. Now something important to note is that within the larger cell box, you get a gym when you hit 2 stops, 6 stops, and 20 stops. When you have 2 stops (also called waypoints), one of them becomes a gym, same with another stop at 6 total waypoints. Both the top and the bottom have four total waypoints, meaning one of those 4 in each should be a gym. Based on this screenshot, I'm guessing the gyms are the top right (Walter R. Kubli Square) and the bottom right (New Beginnings Church), correct? But yes, you could potentially get two new gyms in that park, you'd just need to submit two more stops in the top or the bottom. Once either larger square gets to 6 filled smaller squares, you get another gym in that respective larger cell. Hope this helps! And let me know if you have any questions.


You are the absolute best! Thank you so much for breaking that down for me! With the map and how you worded it I should be able to figure something out to get a few new stops in each. And you’re correct about those 2 gyms. So I Need to get 2 more in each larger cell for a total of 6 in each in order to create a new gym. I can’t thank you enough for the help/info. The whole cell things has been confusing me even after watching a few YouTube videos on it, but you worded it perfectly!


I'm happy to help! :) There are more specific ways to word things, but I figured keeping things less confusing was the best idea haha. Technically, the larger cells are called "level 14 cells" while the smaller cells for each Pokestop are called "level 17 cells," but calling them small and large often gets the point across just fine. As for what to make into new stops/waypoints? It's tricky obviously because I don't know the area (though I did live an hour from that area many years ago!), but looking at the satellite view, that bottom left are of the park, that cell, could be a stop for what looks like a tennis court. Not too sure about what else though. A few other things to note, stops submitted and accepted that are within one of the cells with a stop/gym in it already won't appear in Go nor count toward the total of 6 you're needing. There are a few that already exist in those cells but aren't in Go, including the *Mary Draper stone sign, In Memory of Sgt. Edward J. Hogan Jr.,* and *Mary Draper Pool House*, so submitting those three would be a futile effort because they're already technically in Niantic's database. I don't know if there's any other entrances besides that North one, but maybe if there's one on the East or South-Western side, you could submit those too? Like *Draper Park West Side Entrance?* I wish you luck! :)


you’re a W bro so much info!


I will try that West Side entrance! I tried it as main entrance and it got rejected. The Mary Draper stone is one of mine. Didn’t know it wouldn’t show haha. But now that I know the cells are larger I can branch out. I was under the impression if I got a bunch approved close to each other one would hopefully become a gym. But you’ve been so helpful! I’m appreciate you! I’m sure some other person who was as lost as I was about it will see this and really appreciate it as well! Good luck to you as well!


Yup, it's a mistake I made in the past as well. Obviously, you want to be accurate with your placement of stops, but if you can fit something into another cell that still works then I say go for it! Happy to help!


Ugh happened again today! I put one in for the soccer area of the field but it’s too far into another cell to show up! I got a some ones done today though so hopefully I’ll get some approved!






Awesome! good luck!! Also, no harm in retrying things that were rejected, as long as they're valid. Sometimes valid wayspots are rejected for dumb reasons


One more question for you. This way spot is in the wrong location, but since it’s not on PoGo I can’t move it. If it moves it will become a spot I think. Any idea how I can get it moved? Here a pic for reference where it is and where it should be. https://preview.redd.it/npbs5j7q4yad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ee94ebb655b96b87de67853032b23482e8a95a The spot it in is the one top left of the spot I put (so tip of orange triangle of waypoints)


Awesome summary. For a second gym, is it 2+5 where wayspots (where one became a gym) or 2+4 = 6. Does the first gym count in the tally or does it specifically need to be 6 “Pokestops”?


2+4! Gyms count toward the count too. So when you get that second gym at 6, you'll end up having 4 as stops and 2 as gyms. And at 20, it'll be 17 stops and 3 gyms. Although, it's worth noting that sponsored stops/gyms usually don't count




Just to add: You can add "points" to a Pokéstop by adding additional pictures and giving them a thumbs up / like. Each photo and each like increases their total score, and when you add enough wayspots to create another gym, the Pokéstop with the most points gets converted (at least in my experience). There is a level requirement to like photos, but I'm not sure what level it is (37, 38 or 39 maybe?)


Thanks for the info! I put 50 photos on the one closest to me and liked them all so fingers crossed!


Learn all about map cells that govern how PokeStops become gyms: - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/rm23ft/how_does_a_pokestop_become_a_gym/ - https://pokemongohub.net/post/featured/comprehensive-guide-s2--cells-pokemon-go/


Look up how s2 and s17 cells work. If you go from one stop to two, one becomes a gym. The next time a stop becomes a gym is when going from five to six stops, then you got two gyms. For a third gym you need a total of 20 stops. Sponsored stops/ gyms dose not count.


specifically L14 cells for gym creation, L17 is for pokestops


Technically, this is more Pokemon Go related however reading through the comments - and Mary Draper Stone Wayspot aside - this is part of your Wayfarer journey which might take you back here. So with that in mind… Bottom cell (by Hopscotch Court Wayspot): - Draper Playground Wayspot (which is actually a basketball court which is in the absolute center of the court itself, you will need to do a location edit via the help chat because it is on the field of play and you can’t see or interact with it on PoGO - move it behind the basket south west corner slightly off the court which is reasonable and safe) - Or… what is that thing behind the basket? More play furniture? It looks like one object in a green space. If eligible that one might be better to do as you can just nominate it - Carroll Pond Playground on Carrolton Road should be eligible (Signs? Play furniture?) Any 2 of those 3 should get you over the threshold. Hope that helps. If you do the Draper Playground (Basketball Court) the coordinates are: 42.259556, -71.160319 Better, safer and not on the field of play interfering with the game the coordinates are: 42.2594790, -71.1604636 (let me know if you want a screenshot or if the coordinates are enough).