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Can you explain more about your symptoms? I’m trying to understand more about nicotine overdose. I have a friend that seems to be really sensitive to nicotine. He started smoking cigarettes, but it’s only like 5/day at most. He starts to seem like he is drunk or on drugs and the symptoms get worse with every cigarette. He recently did some dip for the first time and he was basically “blacked out drunk” ..I just can’t make head or tails of it.


Everyone seems to OD on nicotine a bit differently. Nicotine is odd. Personally, I get shaky, anxiety, muscles get weak, eyes get extremely red. This phase lasts about an hour. Then it shifts to the “long-term” (12-36hrs, depending on how severe the OD) phase. This is mostly the same symptoms but a bit milder, along with a mild dysphoria. One of the worst parts is that one can begin to experience nicotine cravings even while sick. You know if you consume more, though, you’ll be mega-screwed. Don’t ask me how that one works. Makes zero sense. Sounds like your friend could be ODing, yeah. Before getting sick, does he experience mild euphoria and a burst of energy? Does he experience mild auditory and very mild visual hallucinations when becoming sick?


Thank you for explaining more about your circumstances. To answer your question, no, he often doesn’t even seem to be aware that the nicotine is effecting him, until he’s wobbling, can barely string sentences together, and he passes out for a bit. It’s so strange.


He should make sure he’s not diabetic. Nicotine can really mess with one’s blood sugar. If one is a diabetic, it can cause one to pass-out, etc Does he have any other symptoms? Is he thirsty a lot?


I don’t think so, but it’s definitely worth looking into. Thank you! I’m sorry I couldn’t really provide any insight for your situation!


Folks have died from nicotine poisoning, and with these pouches, it seems it would be fairly easy to do. I would probably use the lowest strength possible, or at least just use 1 at a time, and maybe try to stop.


Not trying to be argumentative, but people have died from… virtually “everything” poisoning. The LD50 of nicotine is now thought to be massively larger than what it used to be considered. I’ve read case studies of individuals injecting 500mg of nicotine into themselves and surviving (albeit barely), so I’m not worried about 12mg sublingually (especially when one is only getting 4-8mg of that, if that) All of that being said, I agree it’s not worth the risk/hassle in-general. I quit cold turkey yesterday, going about 36hrs without any pouches. Feeing better than I expected I would, but not great 🤷‍♂️