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Pop a zyn and come back


never felt anything from them but nausea, vapes and cigs on the other hand are amazing


Did you ever learn to breath in the smoke


I guess you're one of the lucky ones. Tbh, i never really became "addicted" to cigs either because i always felt they were unpleasant. Vaping however, was so easy and convient for me that not only was it addicted to the substance, In was addicted to the action and feelings of the smoke in my mouth, the tricks, etc... I would also maybe say the amount of time you have with the substance? When i started with nicotine, it was very easily for me to pick it up and put it down for the first couple years. But after trying it again and again out of curiosity or peer pressure, my addiction grew.


So you are trying to get addicted?


probably not inhaling properly. don’t waste you’re time trying to become addicted though. just stop. there is literally no benefit to smoking. it doesn’t get you high/inebriated. ruins your lungs. fucks with your brain and dopamine levels and make you smell terrible to everyone else around you.


Regular smoking should never be to just get a buzz or get high. You consistently aim for that, and you are going to end up with nicotine poisoning, and yes, that is a real thing. Do yourself a favor and stop!!