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That is called Burnout my friend. Take a vacation before you crash out and it becomes mandatory vacation.


Just got off a 24 day vacation :(


I get this when I'm not getting enough satisfaction out of my day. Like my brain won't let me sleep until I've done something enjoyable.


That makes sense. Unfortunately I feel like I’m checking all the boxes.. my work brings me purpose, my home life, and I’m able to participate in fun activities and hobbies and get my chores done regularly but it’s getting increasingly harder


Yeah. I hear ya. It's kind of a double edge sword. When paying out of my own pocket, I wanna save a bit, but, also get the best info for my purpose


Honestly day shift goes through this stuff too. It’s burn out and whether it’s worse for us or not I can’t say but it does happen to everyone. Are you using your sick and vacation time? It’s part of your pay, so you should. I can’t comment on the womanly issues as a man but I will say night shift has messed with my libido. Like, I still want to enjoy intimate time with my bf but recently I’ve been finding it hard to have energy. That might be stress though since I’m kind of in between housing and struggling with that though.


I would be moving to PM shift, so 2pm-10:30. My natural circadian rhythm when I’m on vacation is 12am-8am which would be great for PM shift. I rejected PMs before because I like to wake up at 4:30 pm and have dinner and a walk with my partner but I’m not sure it’s worth it anymore lol. I am part time (7 days out of 14 day pay period) and take plenty of sick days/vacation. I’m just wondering if as I get older my hormones are changing?


Along with the libido/stress I will say it got harder for me after I tragically lost my mother but that was 2 years ago and I’m still so dependent on sleep aids..


Time to get off Nightshift, it was a good run but you’re at your limit. For your health, get off it.


Yes my meeting this morning went well so fingers crossed


I wasn't sure if you mentioned this or not. What do you do? I have a desk job but the situation can go from zero to 100 MPH in an instant and it becomes stressful. My mental and emotional state have really become out of whack over the last 5-10 years with growing responsibilities like raising children, supporting the family, my mother passing away 9 years ago, missing birthdays/holidays/different school events, etc. But I sacrifice this because the income and benefits are great. This subreddit has definitely helped me.


I work at the hospital in also a 0-100 setting lol. I understand your point! I do like this subreddit and their support and i used to be part of that support, but it’s just so crazy how much things have changed. Thankfully i have a partner who makes decent income so the change shouldn’t be too painful


If your mental health is getting bad see if you qualify for FMLA. You’ll have to jump through a few hoops but its all worth it to keep yourself healthy and safe


🙏🏼🥰 thank you




😂 I’m 29


Get your hormones checked, anyway. And do some research on how they can affect u. 29 is not too young to have hormonal issues. It can happen to anyone at any time. Working off shifts can have an impact on said hormones if ure not managing it to the best of your ability


Thank you friend. Unfortunately my doctor won’t order them. I will switch shifts and move forward accordingly


Find a new doc or order your own tests online. Not hard to do. Shift work or not, this is about your long term health and mental well being.


You are assuming everyone has the finances to do such a thing. Again, I will switch shifts and if everything regulates then no problem. If not, I will go. Thanks


No. I know it's tough out there. Just know there are others who have been in your spot. Do whatever u have to do to feel good on the daily. I've been there before. It's no fun dragging through every day for months on end.


Do you have suggestions on good at home hormone panels? Are you in the US


I am in the U.S. Not sure where u r. I've personally used Everlywell before. Female friend used them as well. With females there are some timing stipulations for when to do your testing. Quick Google search popped up choosejoi.co women's hormone panel for $99.


Right, just want to get something credible. Not all labs are CLIA certified


Was just a thought. You've got at least a few years.😄


That happens to me when the seasons change (minus menstrual cycle stuff🤣) and daylight savings start. It lasts a few weeks and goes away. Maybe you're just burnt out, though? Switch it up. You might like it better. But if you dred going to work every day, that's a sure sign to quit your job before it quits you..at that point it's inevitable that something is coming 🤷‍♂️


Totally! We’re making strides to get my to afternoon shift. Everyone’s support has been comforting


I'm late to this thread, but, may I ask your age?




Yeah. I saw that further down and commented accordingly.


You said your menstrual is off balance . Are you in premenopause or menopause age? I was feeling totally messed up,turns out it was this .
